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1,What is blockchain

Blockchain is a decentralized database technology that stores data in blocks that are linked
together in a chain. The data is chronological and cannot be deleted or modified without consensus
from the network. This means that blockchain technology can be used to create an unalterable
ledger for tracking transac�ons such as orders, payments, and accounts.

2, What is AR,VR and MR

Augmented reality (AR): a view of the real world—physical world—with an overlay of digital
elements. Mixed Reality (MR): a view of the real world—physical world—with an overlay of digital
elements where physical and digital elements can interact. Virtual reality (VR): a fully-immersive
digital environment.

3,Differen�ate TensorFlow and R language

1, TensorFlow: Primarily a library for numerical computa�on and building machine learning models

R language: A general-purpose programming language for sta�s�cal compu�ng and data analysis.

2, TensorFlow: Powerful for complex computa�ons, scalable to leverage GPUs and TPUs for faster

R language: Great for data explora�on, visualiza�on, sta�s�cal analysis, vast collec�on of
packages for various data science tasks

3, TensorFlow: Steeper learning curve, requires understanding of data flow graphs and machine
learning concepts.

R language: Generally considered easier to learn, especially for those familiar with sta�s�cs.

4,Digital Twin:

A digital twin is a virtual representa�on of an object or system designed to reflect a physical object
accurately. It spans the object's lifecycle, is updated from real-�me data and uses simula�on,
machine learning and reasoning to help make decisions.

5, define edge compu�ng and IOT

Edge compu�ng is an emerging compu�ng paradigm which refers to a range of networks and
devices at or near the user. Edge is about processing data closer to where it's being generated,
enabling processing at greater speeds and volumes, leading to greater ac�on-led results in real �me.

IoT stands for Internet of Things, which is a network of physical devices that can
communicate with each other and with the cloud, and that can collect and transmit data. These
devices are embedded with sensors, so�ware, and other technologies, and can connect to other
devices and systems over the internet.
6, mul�ple regression and ANOVA test:

Mul�ple regression is a sta�s�cal technique that analyses the rela�onship between a single
dependent variable and mul�ple independent variables.

ANOVA, which stands for Analysis of Variance, is a sta�s�cal technique that compares the
means of more than two groups. It's a powerful tool for researching mul�ple groups or categories.

8, CRM importance in business analy�cs

• Improved Customer Segmenta�on

• Compe��ve Advantage
• Predic�ve Modelling
• Overall Business Op�miza�on

9, Compare Business analy�cs and business intelligence

• BI: Primarily focused on historical and present data. BI tools provide easy-to-understand
reports and dashboards that help users track performance metrics, iden�fy trends, and gain
insights into current business ac�vi�es.

• BA: Leverages historical data but extends further to predict future trends and answer
"what-if" scenarios. BA uses more advanced analy�cal techniques to uncover deeper
insights and support strategic decision making.

Business intelligence (BI) and business analy�cs (BA) are two sides of the same coin, both
crucial for data-driven decision making in organiza�ons. However, they have some key

• BI: Answering ques�ons like "What are our top-selling products?" or "What's our current
customer acquisi�on cost?" BI helps with day-to-day opera�ons and monitoring

• BA: Focuses on ques�ons like "What will be the impact of a new marke�ng campaign?" or
"How can we improve customer reten�on?" BA helps with strategic planning and future-
oriented decision making.

• BI: O�en uses data visualiza�on tools to present informa�on in clear dashboards and

• BA: Employs a wider range of techniques like sta�s�cal modeling, data mining, and machine
learning to extract knowledge from data and make predic�ons.

• BI: Generally targeted towards a wider audience within a business, including managers,
execu�ves, and anyone who needs to understand key business metrics.

• BA: O�en involves data analysts and data scien�sts with strong sta�s�cal and modeling skills
to perform in-depth analysis.

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