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Tracking ID

Healthcare Workers Self-Reporting Method

Healthcare Worker`s Compliance with Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia (VAP) Prevention Guidelines

Instructions for filling the biographical questions:

 Questions 1 – 10 are biographical questions.

 Please select the appropriate choice for multiple choice items and fill out
in the space for questions without choices.

1. Age............years
2. Gender:
□ Male
□ Female
3. Religion:
□ Muslim
□ None muslim
4. Education:
□ 3-years diploma/general nursing
□ Bachelor degree
□ Master degree of nursing
5. Years of experience in ICU:………………….

6. Length of patient Hospital Stay :…………..days

7. Number of bed in your ICU:…………………………………

8. Your Position:
□ Staff nurse
□ Doctor H/O
□ Resident/ PGR
9. In your hospital, you received education and training on ventilator
□ Yes
□ No

Tracking ID
10. In your hospital, you received education and training on Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Prevention:
□ Yes
□ No

Tracking ID


Instructions for filling the Practice questions:

 Items 1– 17 are about the personal nursing practice that you perform
to decrease the risk of VAP for your patients
 Please select one choice for each statement.

Guidelines Never Sometimes Always

1. Hand -washing before any approach to a patient.
2. Use of protective gloves at every approach to a patient.
3. Hand -washing after any approach to a patient.
4. Use of closed-circuit suction systems.
5. Change the closed-circuit suction systems for every
new patient (or when clinically indicated).
6. Use sterile gloves when open suction is necessary.
7. Provide regular oral care at least once per shift.
8. Use chlorhexidine solution for oral care.
9. Use the heat and moisture exchanger humidifiers.
10. Change the heat and moisture exchanger humidifiers
weekly or when clinically indicated.
11. Change ventilator circuit only when visibly soiled or
12. Check the endotracheal tube cuff pressure at least once
per shift and maintain it at 20-30 cmH2O.
13. Suction the subglottic secretions through an extra
lumen in the endotracheal tubes when patients likely
require > 48 or 72 hours of intubation.
14. Provide scheduled and regular respiratory
15. Interrupt sedation daily and assess readiness to
extubate by daily spontaneous breathing trials.
16. Maintain the patient on semiflower position.
17. Use of kinetic beds (special automatic beds that allow
for frequent changing position).

Tracking ID


Instructions for filling the Barriers questions:

 Items 1 – 15 are about barriers to apply appropriate guidelines to decrease

the risk of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP).
 Please select one choice for each statement.

Neither agree
Items Disagree Agree
nor disagree
1. There is staff shortage in my unit

2. In my hospital, there is no educational

courses on ventilator associated pneumonia
3. In my hospital, there is no written protocol
on ventilator associated pneumonia
4. In my hospital, there is no enough resources
and supplies e.g sterile gloves, closed system
suction, kinetic beds, …..etc
5. There was no proper education my university
study about ventilator associated pneumonia
6. The current practices in my unit to decrease
ventilator associated pneumonia are not
based on research evidences
7. Applying research based guidelines may
induce unpredictable adverse effect on the
8. Forgetfulness to perform some evidence
based procedure may increase the risk of
9. Cost control policies in my hospital negatively
affect patient’s quality of care

Tracking ID

Neither agree
Items Disagree Agree
nor disagree

10. I don’t find enough time to perform some

procedures in the right way to decrease VAP
11. I think some research findings related to VAP
management are inconsistent with my
previous education and training
12. I don’t have enough skills to perform some
13. Patients are don’t cooperate when I perform
some procedures to decrease VAP

14. Some procedures related to VAP

management are out of my job description
15. There is no available professional models in
my unit to guide me for appropriate VAP

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