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Struggling with your thesis on research papers about obesity and fast food?

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challenges that come with such a complex and sensitive topic. Writing a thesis requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and the ability to present cohesive arguments backed by reliable evidence.

The task becomes even more daunting when tackling subjects like obesity and fast food, which
involve multifaceted societal, cultural, and health-related issues. From gathering relevant data to
synthesizing information from various sources, the process demands time, effort, and expertise.

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Economic approaches, especially taxes, have effectively raised the prices of tobacco products, in turn
lowering their consumption. In the UK alone, McDonald's operates a staggering 900 restaurants.
This is because these foods contain high calories, fats, salt, cholesterol, and sugar. Everyone knows
that fast food isn't good for the human body, but what makes it so bad. Because the conclusions
from this study are based on statistical associations, we are confident that any sources of bias that
may be present will not result in a change in these findings. Closer is a journalist that is renown for
his investigative journalism, all of his investigative pieces are deeply Informative and marvelously
readTABLE. Unfortunetly, this knowledge of a problem has not had a positive impact on dietary.
The key is to translate the hype to real solutions like physical education in schools and parents-the
most important role models, according to substantiated research-reclaiming responsibility. ”If a food
has a right to exist, a market has the right to advertise it. It is because of this that this in depth
analysis was done to find out if there is any relationship between fast foods and obesity. If you're
anything like me, you probably enjoy the convenience of fast food. A recent study (Wiecha et al.,
2006) of over 500 school-aged children supports this hypothesis. This is because trans fats that
consist in fast food such as nuggets will reduce the level of omega-3 fatty acids in the body. The
National Dietary Guidelines are developed by the United States Department of. Junk food should not
be banned because schools are quitting the healthy lunch program, vending machines losing money,
and free choice for students. Whether prepared quickly or slowly, food should be nutritionally
balanced to cater to bodily needs for proper growth.The food industry worldwide has now.
Marketers are struggling against a crackdown on food advertising amid growing concern over obesity
throughout the world. Even with failures in the filing and the progress of fast food litigation cases,
the concern of the public on the issue of fast food chains contributing to obesity has been raised
among consumers (Munger, p. 394). Fast food chains have responded accordingly for fear of these
lawsuits. Photo source: Statista While these statistics may not be surprising to those who are familiar
with American television advertisements and modern social media ads (YouTube, Hulu, etc.), it
doesn't undermine the fact that fast food is a concerning part of many American's daily lives. C.
Chronically ill population versus healthy population. In the America the death rate from these
diseases is higher than anywhere else in the world and 63% of the entire American population are
overweight. As a direct response to government calls for food marketers to promote a more active
lifestyle, McDonald’s U. K. launched an ad campaign aimed at kids featuring Ronald McDonald and
animated fruit and vegetable characters called Yums. In the course of its study, it established that
individuals living near restaurants were not more likely to be obese, as compared to those living
further away. The goal of Sheng Siong is to provide communities in. Governments, healthcare
professionals, and individuals must work together to address this global health crisis. The World
Health Organization has warned of an escalating global epidemic of overweight and obesity. Despite
the popularity of this view, it has been difficult to empirically establish a causal link between fast
food and obesity. Obese individuals who eat at fast food restaurants often end up eating more in
their own homes. The average size order of French fries has nearly tripled worlswide. Therefore, it
will cause the result not fully accurate. Is fast food franchise to be blamed for individuals becoming
overweight or is it just laziness.
But he added, “I hope food companies won’t be bullied into doing things that play to the
politicians,” nothing there are other contributing factors for obesity, such as low income. By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. She has worked in bariatrics for the past 12 years
and enjoys helping people get to a healthy weight so they can improve their health, feel better about
themselves and become more active. Every meal of everyday should not be a McDonald’s burger,
fries, and drink super sized. In terms of academics, students who consume fast food have been
shown to have lower grades and are more likely to be absent from school. Discussion In an article by
Swaine, the author cited a study by academics from the University of California and Northwestern
University which set forth that the link between the consumption of restaurant foods and obesity is
minimal. Which keeps people trapped in a vicious cycle of eating based on a spike in blood sugar-.
McDonald’s French operation raised the ire of the parent company when it ran a print ad in a
women’s magazine quoting a nutritionist’s suggestion that kids shouldn’t eat at the restaurant more
than once a week. Despite that, there is reason to believe that people who eat at fast food restaurants
often have specific eating tendencies that lead them to obesity. According to a study I read, it was
noted, “In our study, ninety percent of students were having fast food in their diet, but only 22.45%
and 9.52% were found to be pre obese and obese respectively. Educational interventions in schools
have the potential to improve nutrition and increase physical activity. This is a typical reason why
most American citizens, especially young people are overweight and almost obese. So they through a
carrot out to the extremely obese television veiwer, promising. Besides causing obesity, unhealthy
lifestyles can also lead to a slew of health problems. The CDC lists the following facts about adult
obesity: From 1999 through 2018, U.S. obesity prevalence increased over 10% to 42.4%. The
prevalence of severe obesity also increased during this time, from 4.7% to 9.2%. From 1975 to 2016,
the prevalence of overweight or obese children increased from 4% to 18% globally. Nowadays, it
seems that less and less time per week is being allocated to p.e lessons which is leaving some
children unfit. Fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, were being blamed and sued by parents
for the epidemic of obesity. Children are a frequent target for fast-food advertising, and the
television is one of the most used marketing channels. It is tempting to also go for the most
unhealthiest choices as well. For instance, a footballer who called Sonny Bill Williams BMI was
consider as overweight as his BMI was 29 (Edens, 2017). Everyone knows that fast food isn't good
for the human body, but what makes it so bad. Getting smokers to quit is clearly a top public health
priority. To conclude, we mustn't eat too much fast food, eat it in right time and the right places. This
is the world we live in today and this is the way most people think ninety percent of the time.
Considering all these factors, we must contemplate whether the accessibility and popularity of fast
food truly serve the best interests of our country. Fast food’s effect on childhood obesity Many fast
food restaurants target children and adolescents. A recent randomized trial (McManus et al., 2001)
found that a balanced, moderate-fat diet that allows a variety of foods to be eaten may be easier to
adhere to over the long run, and thus more effective for weight management, than a more restrictive,
low-fat diet. Photo source: NFPT While some changes are being made, like McDonald's hiring
Oprah's trainer and Wendy's allowing kids to substitute milk for soda and fruit for fries, there is still
the fact that fast food's convenience and simplicity is affecting how many children and adults care
for their daily diets. Moreover, in diagram I, the least favourite fast food among the students who
age 15 to 25 was fried chicken. There are various causes for this condition, including family history,
lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, environment, medicines, smoking, age, pregnancy, and lack of sleep,
among others (NHLDC). Watching television and playing on the computer are prevalent leisure-time
People who had higher fast-food-intake levels at the start of the study weighed an average of about
13 pounds more than people who had the lowest fast-food-intake levels. The key is to translate the
hype to real solutions like physical education in schools and parents-the most important role models,
according to substantiated research-reclaiming responsibility. ”If a food has a right to exist, a market
has the right to advertise it. For example, a person will order a double bacon cheese burger with a
large milkshake from McDonald’s and two apple pies on the side. Oftentimes, obesity is the result of
poor eating and exercise habits. In the U.S., less than 1 in 10 adults and children eat the
recommended amount of daily vegetables. In 2017, over 4 million people died as a result of being
overweight or obese. With these detailed lessons, they will learn the purpose of using quotations and
the proper. It is increasingly common for people to have desk jobs that require minimal physical
activity. A quantitative approach was followed, using a self-report questionnaire. However, the
authors find that only current fast food locations matter. Instead, select lean cuts of meats such as
turkey or chicken breast, lean ham and have them grilled or roasted such as lean roast beef. When
people are tired travelling home from work, they drive past several McDonald’s restaurants and buy
something, meaning they will not need to take time to cook something at home. There is nothing
wrong with eating at fast food restaurants, but you really need to think about what you are eating.
You get a complete meal without having to step out of your car. The first section was about basic
demographic such as age, gender, weight, height and the second section focused on student’s fast
food consumption pattern, frequency of consumption on fast food, reason on why students choose to
eat fast food and how often do students exercise in a week. Moreover, jurors may give different
reactions to the evidence and proof presented in the courts and the more outrageous proofs presented
are often not given much credit by these jurors. However, there is not enough evidence to say that
consumption on fast food will bring effect to student’s BMI. Are we to blame the restaurants, or the
individuals who buy the unhealthy food. Parents make the claim that fast food is the reason their
children are overweight, but is fast food really the reason for the increase in the quantity of obese
children. On a daily basis, 1 in 4 Americans enter fast food restaurants. Directions to these sites are
not visable via national media outlets and therefore cannot. Students do not like the healthy meals
given to them during school so they resort to packed lunches or just going hungry. Many fast food
options are high in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, which can lead to weight gain and other
health issues when consumed regularly. A state-of-the-art diabetes prevention trial (Diabetes
Prevention Program Research Group, 2002) shows that combination lifestyle therapy is highly
effective in weight management and prevention of type 2 diabetes. They may be assigned easier
duties while they recover or sent back to their home country before returning to work in the US. Fast
food has become an every meal and everyday fixation for many families, but fast food should only
be a treat. Additionally, future research should also expand the number of participants so that the
result will not occur skewness in the graph. We never see my mom and can never find any food in the
house, but somehow she finds the time and money to feed her family. S lawsuits and legislators who
blame them for inducing childhood obesity, they’re being attacked on another front-Europe-which is
threatening, among other things, to ban advertising icons such Tony the Tiger and Ronald
McDonald. ”I would like to see the industry not advertising directly to children,” said one European
health commissioner. “If this does’nt produce satisfactory results, we will proceed to legislation. It
shall also discuss: when is obesity an individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place
blame. They accused the corporation of consumer fraud, deceptive advertising, and for not posting
the nutritional content of their foods.
Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. McDonalds’ are slowly
bringing in new healthy techniques to keep customers buying their meals and to carry on being one
of the most popular fast food restaurants in the world. The net result of these public policies was to
increase the share of trips made by bicycle and decrease the share made by automobile in cities in
western Germany. Secondary analysis from a multicentre, multicountry cross-sectional study
(International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC) Phase Three). Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Most of the obese people apart from
overeating are found of eating fast foods as their daily meals. This necessitates a scientific appraisal
of the factors leading to fast food consumption and its associated Body Mass Index (BMI) status
amongst adolescents. Considering the significant number of obese Americans and the various fast
food chains stores who are earning major profits from their supersized meals, the “tobacco lawsuits”
are an enticing prospect for lawyers wanting to cash in on these potential lawsuits (Murphy). Vending
machines are put in schools so kids can have their snacks and schools can use the snack money for
other useful school activities. Another strategy they have is the coupons, such as buy one chicken
sandwich, get one free or buy one large fry and the bacon cheese burger is free. You get a complete
meal without having to step out of your car. Additionally, obesity can also lead to psychological and
emotional issues, as well as reduced quality of life. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. As we know that both analytical exposition and
hortatory exposition are classified as argumentative essay. Thirdly, all the data were collected
through online which cause some of the students might provide dishonest or false answers. That
would probably decrease the obesity rate a little. However, many teachers fear that they won’t be
able to teach specific skills and. Moreover, the costs for these foods are also low, making the
customer feel like he is getting more than his money’s worth in his purchase. International Journal of
Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8(1). It's a scenario they need to repeat several times on
the first day, a day when they move. The first is preferable, because it is much easier to do.
Individuals were randomized to either a moderate-fat, Mediterranean-style diet or a low-fat diet.
Results: 14% and 24% of adolescents consumed fast foods once a day and three to four times a
week respectively. They brought their cultures along with their own cuisines which resulted in the
creation of. The same report urges policy makers to work with urban planners to promote the
feasibility and safety of walking and bicycling in communities. Another reason for the rising levels of
obesity is the fact that school meals were extremely unhealthy, offering daily meals of burger and
chips causing children to become bigger and bigger. BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered
overweight.”2. This bundle includes stations that focus on common grammatical problems: pronoun
errors. People are encouraged to choose nutrient-dense foods that have a high vitamin and mineral
content relative to their number of calories. Physical activity is associated with modest weight loss.
Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. Are the fast food
restaurants to blame or are the rising levels of obesity down to us. To be considered overweight, you
must have a body mass index (BMI) over 25. In order to get a perfect result, researchers should use
survey paper and distribute to participants rather than using online survey form. Trans-fats are also
less likely to go rancid, and thus have a longer shelf-life. Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock
Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. Additionally, future research should also expand the
number of participants so that the result will not occur skewness in the graph. For example, at
McDonalds, they have a kids menu that involves toys as the incentive so parents will buy it for their
children. This investigation will focus on assessing the diffusion of weight change and healthy. It can
be difficult to motivate these individuals to change deeply entrenched diet and physical activity
habits. The problem is that fast food restaurants are very addictive. French fries.” This quote from
Ms. Linhardt is good evidence that parents do not choose the healthier choices fast food offer for
their children. A study has shown that in the year of 2017 in Malaysia, people who eat fast food 1 to
3 times per week is 36.79% and people who eat fast food 1 to 3 times per week is 38.95%. From this
statistic, we can know that the level of consumption on fast food is increasing. Weintraub believes
that the number one reason for the increase in the obesity flare-up is parents. Secondary analysis from
a multicentre, multicountry cross-sectional study (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in
Children (ISAAC) Phase Three). To answer the first research question which is “Does consumption
on fast food will affect student’s BMI”, the researcher found that there is a strong positive linear
relationship between consumption on fast food and student’s BMI. Seminario biologia molecular-
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. It is first necessary to have a knowledge base, which includes
not only scientific knowledge about the issue at hand but also how the science can be translated into
public health practice. The design has the potential to elaborate on the cause of failures inherent in
the establishment and possess the capacity to make recommendations on combating the challenges.
McDonald’s Response For the last few years, McDonald’s has reacted to the obesity issues in several
ways in the U. K. and other countries Concerned about consumer reaction to the film Super Size
Me, McDonald’s Corp. roke a U. K campaign called “Changes” with poster ads that omit the Golden
Arches for the first time, replacing them with a question mark in the same typeface and the tagline”
McDonald’s. Despite the new campaign, research showed the chain hadn’t received the hoped for
awareness for some of the newer items on its menu, including the all white-meat Chicken Selects
and the fruit bags. Sheng Siong has a current chain of 33 supermarkets, in Singapore. The FDA has
since issued a ban for the use of transfats in fast foods and many fast food chains have started
preparing their food choices trans fats free (Rositano, p. 2). The issue however still remains on
whether or not these improved food choices would assist in resolving the issue of obesity in the
general population. Debating can be difficult for students, but this resource will teach your students
how to debate like pros. At this point I would like to redirect you to Figure 2, look a it; try to grasp
all of the. Health-care providers, schools, workplaces, government policy makers, communities, and
the media all play an important role in this process. It therefore argued that placing a tax on high-
calorie food is not an effective way of reducing obesity. According the U. S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 64. 5 percent of Americans tip the scales as overweight
or obese, the highest percentages of fat people of any countries are catching up. Examples of junk
food include burger, pizza, hot dog, tacos, fries, biscuits, cookies, and soft drinks. Not only does
Chipotle offer a variety of tacos and burritos, but the company also makes efforts to use only organic
and local indredients with meats from naturally raised animals.

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