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Is technology leading
to greater income inequality?
Sorgt der technologische Fortschritt für mehr Ungleichheit? Ja, denn Tech-Unternehmer brauchen
heute kaum noch Angestellte, sagen die einen. Nein, denn neue Technologien schaffen neue Jobs,
sagen die anderen.


YES “Technology is replacing jobs
across all industries” NO “We’ve moved from working
on technology to making it
work for us”
Technology has made the pie bigger, but pie Technology can be inclusive and help- adjust to sth.
the biggest piece is going to a smaller , Kuchen, Torte ful to all. We just need to adjust to the , sich an etw. anpassen

group of people. Some tech CEOs are at the expense of sb. changes it brings about. Before alarm bring sth. about
earning hundreds of millions of dollars. , auf Kosten von jmdm. clocks existed, someone would tap on , etw. herbeiführen,
mit sich bringen
If you pay someone that much, it comes what’s more people’s windows to wake them. That job
, des Weiteren tap , klopfen
at the expense of other employees. It’s not became obsolete, but it doesn’t mean the
just abstract money. replicate sth. window tapper didn’t have other options. obsolete [(QbsEli:t]
, etw. reproduzieren , veraltet, überholt
What’s more, technology is replacing Technology has evolved a lot in recent
jobs across all industries. Ten years ago, I X-ray [(eks reI] years, and we’ve moved from working on evolve , sich entwickeln
, Röntgenbild
would have said that service-based indus- technology to making it work for us. Then, AI (artificial intelligence)
recurrently , KI (künstliche Intelli-
tries were most at risk of being automat- you’ve got quantum computers and gen- genz)
, immer wieder
ed. Now, technology can replicate more erative AI, the development of which will
self-fulfilling eventually
complex skills — in the medical field, for , selbsterfüllend
create jobs because it’ll require scientists [I(ventSuEli]
example, computer vision uses an algo- and academics. Later on, there’ll probably , schließlich, letztendlich
suck sth. away
rithm to diagnose cancer cells by looking , etw. verschlingen, be more programming languages, which become mainstream
at X-rays. That could mean we won’t need aufzehren will initially be used by engineers, but , hier: Standard werden

many radiologists in the future. savvy [(sÄvi] (ifml.) eventually, they’ll become mainstream rural [(rUErEl]
Once software code has been written, , versiert, kompetent and will benefit everyone. , ländlich

it automatically does what it’s supposed monetize sth. In the future, more advanced telecom- copywriting
, aus etw. Kapital schlagen , Erstellen von Werbe-
to do, repeatedly. So, we’ve moved away munications, like 5G and 6G, which are in
from the traditional model of recurrently the inevitable development, will bring new technology
, das Unvermeidliche embrace sth.
supplying inputs to create outputs. Com- and the internet to more countries. This , etw. annehmen
puterization of business processes means pursue sth. [pE(sju:] will increase access to higher education
, etw. verfolgen pace
that you don’t need as many people as and better health care. , Tempo, Geschwindigkeit
ultimately [(VltImEtli]
you would have needed in the past to cre- Bringing 6G to every country will cre- emergence
, letztendlich
ate wealth. You just need a small group of ate jobs, too. And this won’t just benefit , Entstehung
PhD (Doctor of
people that can write the code and update Philosophy) , Dr. phil. people with high-income jobs and a high deputy head
it periodically. level of education. The internet will ena- , stellvertretende(r)
CFA (chartered financial Leiter(in)
A lot of people are turning to tech analyst) ble rural tea farmers in the Global South
because they see it as a quick and easy , etwa: zertifizierte(r) to join the global marketplace and in-
way to make money. It’s becoming a crease their income. Now, individual busi-
self-fulfilling cycle, where tech is suck- ness owners can use generative AI to do
ing away resources and investment from their marketing and copywriting — tasks
other areas. Even those who aren’t “tech- that they had to delegate in the past.
nologically savvy” are looking for ways to We need to embrace trends and take
monetize online platforms — just look at advantage of them because technology
influencers. develops at its own pace. We’re seeing the
Instead of trying to prevent the inevita- emergence of fintech start-ups that help
ble, we have to educate people about how to finance and support small businesses.
Fotos: charles taylor/; Privat; Carito Photography/Privat

technology is reshaping wealth creation There are also more and more online ed-
and work, so people can make informed ucation programmes, which will provide
choices about the professional path they people with better opportunities. Careers
want to pursue. Ultimately, some career will change as technology develops — we
choices may not exist in the future. just need to be open to changing.

PhD, CFA, finance professor, CRISTIANO BELLUCCI, Mehr zu diesem Thema
Widener University, Deputy head of product hier kostenlos anhören!
Pennsylvania, USA management, Fujitsu, Munich,
( Germany
tundeodusami) ( audio-gratis/02

TRENDS 2/2024 Business Spotlight 17

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