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Name : ______________________________

Grade : ______________________________


A. For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the most appropriate

1. The size, shape and colour of an object are its ....

A. big
B. properties
C. name
D. different
2. The ball and disc are ... objects
A. triangular
B. rectangular
C. circular
D. square
3. an object with many colours are called ....
A. red object
B. blue object
C. purple object
D. colourful object
4. We can measure the mass of objects using ....
A. balance
B. ruler
C. meters
D. kilogram
5. The amount of substances in an object is called ....
A. length
B. mass
C. measure
D. properties
6. mass of an object is measured in ....
A. meter (m) and centimeter (cm)
B. liter (l) and milliliter (ml)
C. gram (g) and kilogram (kg)
D. decimeter (dm) and kilometer (km)
7. There is a ... of object around us.
A. variety
B. kind
C. type
D. name
8. What happen to some materials when pressed?
A. Will change in color
B. Will change it's size
C. Will become liquid
D. Will become gas
9. The action changing the material is...

A. Cutting
B. Squashing
C. Stretching
D. Bending
10. The action changing the material is...

A. Twisting
B. Squashing
C. Stretching
D. Bending
11. The action changing the material is...

A. Twisting
B. Squashing
C. Stretching
D. Bending
12. Derailed trains are caused by ..
A. Metal becomes LONGER, due to changing length of metal railways track because of
heating caused by HOT air
B. Metal becomes SHORTER , due to changing length of metal railways track because of
heating caused by HOT air
C. Metal becomes LONGER, due to changing length of metal railways track because of
heating caused by COLD air
D. Metal becomes SHORTER, due to changing length of metal railways track because of
heating caused by COLD air
13. Making gaps between ceramic bricks for tiles is useful to prevent ...
A. derailed trains
B. people from tripping down if the ceramic bricks are heated and pushed out
C. people from walking too fast
D. people from eating too much ice cream
14. When a material changes physically but it can returns to its original form, its called ....
A. permanent change
B. physical change
C. temporary change
D. chemical change
15. When a material changes it shape or size and cannot returns to its original form, its called ....
A. Temporary change
B. permanent change
C. chemical change
D. physical change
16. When we bending a wooden ice cream stick, it will be an example of ... changes.
A. temporary
B. useful
C. chemical
D. permanent
17. When we twisting a metal paper clip, it will be an example of ... changes.
A. temporary
B. useful
C. chemical
D. permanent
18. When you use a force and make something move, you are causing this:
A. Motion
B. Speed
C. Move
D. Force
19. A push or a pull:
A. Force
B. Speed
C. Distance
D. Time
20. A force that is caused by two surfaces rubbing together:
A. Friction
B. Force
C. Push
D. Pull
21. What pulls a ball back to earth?
A. Gas
B. Gravity
C. Friction
D. Molecules
22. What is a force that works AGAINST MOTION?
A. Force
B. Motion
C. Gravity
D. Friction
23. A _____ moves an object closer to you.
A. push
B. pull
C. friction
D. cat
24. How are a push and a pull alike?
A. You can hear them both.
B. They are both names of cats.
C. You can do them both at the same time.
D. They are both forces.
25. What force moves an object away from you?
A. pull
B. push
C. gravity
D. Jedi force
26. Another way that force can cause the change in an object's motion is to...
A. change its color.
B. change its pitch.
C. change its direction.
D. change its spots.
27. Is gravity a push or a pull?
A. push
B. pull
C. neither
D. both
28. The object that contains chemicals react to produce electricity, called...
A. nuclear
B. cables
C. batteries
D. electrical
29. Electricity can come from batteries or an...
A. electric power station
B. handphone
C. airplane
D. laptop
30. A power station uses natural fuels to drive generators to produce ...
A. heat
B. light
C. battery
D. electricity
31. From the power station, electricity travels through ... and into our homes.
A. cables
B. batteries
C. boiler
D. turbine
32. We must ... electricity by switching off electrical equipment when they are not in use.
A. overload
B. grab
C. convert
D. conserve
33. One of simple action to conserve electricity that we can do is ...
A. turn all the lights on
B. open the refrigerator's door every time we want
C. keep the AC on when there is nobody in the room
D. switch off all electrical equipment that are not in use
34. Electricity can harm us if we are not careful when using it. It means that we must use
electricity ...
A. safely
B. anytime we want
C. all day
D. carelessly
35. These are how we use electricity safely, except...
A. don't touch electricity with wet hands
B. use electrical equipment with exposed wires
C. don't put too many plugs into one socket
D. make sure that electrical equipment have plastic or wooden handles
36. It takes the Earth _______ days to travel all the way around the Sun.
A. 28
B. 100
C. 24
D. 365
37. It takes the Earth ___ hours to complete a rotation.
A. 12
B. 24
C. 50
D. 365
38. The sun appears to move across the sky each day. What causes this?
A. the spinning of the Earth's axis
B. The path of the sun around the Earth
C. the production the nuclear energy around the sun
D. the tilt of the Earth on its axis
39. When would the shortest shadows be caused by the Sun?
A. 3am
B. midnight
C. noon
D. 3pm
40. What is the pattern of changes the moon goes through as it travels around the Earth called?
A. reflection
B. sun phases
C. moon phases
D. full moon
41. Name this moon phase. (NO MOON SEEN)
A. New moon
B. waxing crescent
C. waning crescent
D. full moon
B. Answer all questions in this section . Write your answer in the space provided.

1. List four properties of objects

2. Give four examples of materials that objects made of
3. Why is glass used to make window panes?
4. Why we use iron to make nails?
5. How can we help our environment using the three ‘R’s?
6. What is the definition of temporary change?
7. Give 3 examples of temporary changes
8. What is the definition of permanent change?
9. Give 3 exampes of permanent changes
10. Give one example of harmful change
11. What is a force?
12. Give one example of force
13. What are the effects of forces?
14. What is an example of balanced force?
15. What are 5 electrical devices that use energy from battery?
16. What are 3 uses of electricity
17. Why must we be careful when using electricity
18. How can do we use electricity safely?
19. How can we use electricity wisely?
20. Why is the sun important to all living things
21. What is a shadow?
22. How did your shadow change from morning to noon
23. What are 5 phases of the moon
24. Why does the sun seem to mpve across the sky?

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