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1. Background of Study
In recent years, Malaysia's primary science students are still showing bad results
in PISA and TIMSS because of their low achievement in science curricular and
critical thinking skills. (Hin.K., 2020). According to Hassan, Mohamad, and Azuddin
(2020), Malaysia first participated in the PISA exam in 2009, and unfortunately, it
was ranked in the worst third of all participating countries worldwide. Despite a small
improvement in PISA 2018 compared to PISA 2015, Malaysia remained in the lower
half of the chart. (Hin,k., 2020). Malaysian students got an average of 416 points in
science on the 2022 PISA assessment, which is lower than the OECD average of
485 points. (OECD, n.d). This result indicates a drop in achievement from the 2018
evaluation, when Malaysian students achieved 438 points in science. According to
Rajaendram, R. (2023), the drop in science results indicates a larger pattern of falling
academic achievement among Malaysian pupils in the PISA assessments.
According to Barell (2003), critical thinking abilities must be developed through
the implementation of a learning program. Fisher (2008) defines critical thinking as
a skilled activity that requires the interpretation and assessment of observations,
communication, and information sources while adhering to intellectual norms such
as clarity, relevance, adequacy, and coherence. According to Paul and Elder (2008),
critical thinking is considered as assessing and evaluating thought to "Improving
oneself requires independent thinking, self-discipline, self-monitoring, and self-
correction." Fajari. (2021). According to Brynildsurd (2022), for years, schools'
science curriculum have struggled to provide relevance and connection to real-life
situations, making it difficult for students to apply what they learn in school to their
daily lives and bridge the gap between science and reality. Furthermore, there is a
belief that science should be taught in an inquiry-based manner rather than direct
instruction, in keeping with its character as an inquiry-based topic. (Matin Salemirad.
In response to these challenges, an increasing proportion of formal education is
increasingly using game-based learning and gamification approaches, which have
shown excellent educational benefits. (El Mawas et al., 2020). According to Matin
Salemirad's research in 2021, educational games make learning more enjoyable and
help children perform better in school.
In Malaysia, the use of digital interactive teaching aids has considerably improved
the quality of elementary scientific education by encouraging critical thinking and
interactive learning. (El Mawas et al., 2020)
These unique tools are designed to effectively engage young learners, creating
an environment in which scientific concepts are not only learnt, but also experienced
and explored. Gamification in education has shown tremendous potential for
engaging students more fully in the learning process. According to Zainuddin et al.
(2020), integrating game-based learning environments in elementary science
classes promotes motivation and enhances students' problem-solving skills,
fundamental components of critical thinking. Furthermore, virtual labs and interactive
simulations, such as those created by PhET, provide an accessible platform for
students to conduct scientific research and experimentation. Lee and Wong (2021)
emphasize how these interactive technologies enable students to modify variables
and witness consequences in a controlled virtual setting, fostering a hands-on grasp
of scientific principles. Augmented reality (AR) is another tool that is becoming
popular in Malaysian schools.

According to Tan and Lim (2023), augmented reality (AR) applications can
overlay digital content over the actual world, offering students an immersive learning
environment that can greatly improve their comprehension and recall of difficult
scientific ideas. Teachers play a critical role in enabling the incorporation of digital
aids in education in addition to these technological instruments. Ahmad and Rashid
(2022) stress the significance of teacher preparation programs in Malaysia that give
instructors the know-how to successfully integrate digital technology into their lesson
plans, improving the quality of education for students as a whole.

This study aims to examine how Year 3 science students' critical thinking abilities
are affected by interactive, gamified digital storybooks that are specifically created
to teach solar system topics. Pre- and post-test exams measuring students' capacity
to examine scientific data, appraise hypotheses, and reach logical conclusions will
be used in particular to gauge students' critical thinking abilities.

2. Problem Statement
This study aims to investigate the efficacy of a digital gamified solar system
storybook in fostering critical thinking skills among primary school students. In
recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of cultivating
critical thinking abilities from an early age. Traditional methods of education often
lack the engagement necessary to effectively develop these skills. Thus, this study
proposes the integration of digital gamification elements into educational content
to enhance student engagement and promote critical thinking and creativity.
Implementing digital gamified storybooks on topics like the solar system
presents challenges and issues in the context of Malaysian primary science
education. While these interactive tools offer innovative ways to engage students,
educators face several hurdles in their effective integration. One significant
challenge is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between students who have
access to digital technologies and those who do not. In Malaysia, disparities in
access to technology can hinder the uniform implementation of digital gamified
storybooks, potentially exacerbating educational inequalities (Ismail et al., 2021).
This issue is particularly pertinent in rural or underserved areas where resources
and infrastructure may be lacking. Furthermore, the effectiveness of digital
gamified storybooks relies heavily on the teachers' proficiency with technology.
Without adequate training and support, teachers may struggle to integrate these
tools effectively into their teaching practices, thereby limiting their potential
benefits (Mohamad et al., 2022). Professional development programs are
essential to equip teachers with the necessary skills and confidence to utilize
digital resources effectively.
Another challenge is ensuring that the content of digital gamified storybooks
aligns with the Malaysian primary science curriculum. The educational content
must be accurate, age-appropriate, and culturally relevant to resonate with
students and reinforce their learning effectively (Ahmad & Yusoff, 2023). Moreover,
while gamification can enhance engagement, there is a risk of overemphasis on
the gaming aspect, potentially overshadowing the educational objectives. Ensuring
a balanced integration of gamification and educational content is crucial to
maximizing learning outcomes while maintaining student interest (Lee & Tan,

To address the challenges of implementing digital gamified storybooks on topics

like the solar system in Malaysian primary science education, a multifaceted
approach is essential. First, enhancing teacher training is crucial. Teachers should
receive comprehensive training that not only covers the technical aspects of using
digital tools but also integrates pedagogical strategies to effectively incorporate
these tools into their teaching practices (Rahman & Aziz, 2021). Workshops, online
courses, and continuous professional development programs can equip teachers
with the necessary skills and confidence. Addressing the digital divide requires a
concerted effort to provide equitable access to technology. Schools, particularly in
underprivileged or rural areas, need adequate resources to ensure all students can
benefit from digital learning.

This may involve government or private sector initiatives to provide necessary

devices and reliable internet access to students (Lim & Hashim, 2022). To cater to
diverse learning styles and abilities, digital gamified storybooks should be designed
with inclusivity in mind. This includes offering adjustable difficulty levels,
multilingual support, and various interaction modes to accommodate different
learning preferences and needs (Tan & Lee, 2023). Collaboration between
educators, digital content creators, and curriculum experts is essential to ensure
the alignment of gamified storybooks with the national curriculum. Regular
feedback loops can help refine these tools to better suit educational objectives and
student needs. Finally, fostering a school culture that embraces innovation and
technology can create a supportive environment for the integration of digital tools
in education.

3. Research Purpose
The purpose of this research is to investigate the Effect of a Gamified Digital
Solar System Storybook on Year 3 Science Students' Critical Thinking
1. Research Objectives
The objectives of the study are to:
i.To investigate the impact of the Gamified Digital Solar System Storybook on the
development of critical thinking skills among Year 3 primary science students.
ii.To identify the differences in critical thinking between students utilizing the Gamified
Digital Solar System Storybook and those following traditional teaching methods.

2. Research Questions
This research aims to answer these questions:
i.What is the impact of the Gamified Digital Solar System Storybook on the critical
thinking development of Year 3 science students?
ii.What are the differences in critical thinking between students using the Gamified
Digital Solar System Storybook and those following traditional teaching methods?

3. Research Hypotheses
There are two alternative hypothesis that has been presented in this study:
i.There is a significant difference on the critical thinking development of year 3 Science
ii.There is a significant difference between the level of critical thinking between students
using the Gamified Digital Solar System Storybook and those following traditional

4. Conceptual Framework

Diagram 1 : Conceptual Framework

5. Scope and Limitation of Research
This research will focus on investigating the impact of interactive gamified digital
storybooks specifically designed to teach the topic of the solar system on critical
thinking skills among Year 3 science students. The study will involve assessing critical
thinking skills using validated instruments before and after the intervention. The
research will be conducted within a specific timeframe, typically a semester or
academic year, and will target Year 3 students in a selected school.
Despite its significance, this study is subject to several limitations. Firstly, the
generalizability of the findings may be constrained to the specific context of Year 3
science students and may not be universally applicable to other grade levels or
academic subjects. Secondly, controlling for all potential variables that could influence
critical thinking skills, such as prior knowledge, teacher effectiveness, or external
factors, may prove challenging. Additionally, biases introduced by self-report measures
or observer bias during data collection may impact the validity of the results. Resource
constraints, including limitations in time, budget, or access to technology, could affect
the implementation of the intervention and data collection process.
6. Research Significance
This research carries significant importance within the realm of science education
for the following reasons:
1. Student
This research seeks to enhance critical thinking skills among Year 3
science students by exploring the effectiveness of interactive gamified digital
storybooks. By providing students with opportunities to engage in critical
thinking activities within the context of the solar system, the study empowers
students with the analytical tools necessary for academic and professional
success. Strengthening critical thinking skills not only benefits individual
students but also contributes to the development of a more informed and skilled
workforce. The research helps students interact with well-designed gamified
storybooks, as they are not just learning science content but also digital literacy
skills, which are essential in today's digital world. Research also plays a crucial
role in ensuring that digital educational tools are effective and equitable. By
examining the impact of these tools across diverse demographic and socio-
economic groups, researchers can identify and address potential disparities in
access and outcomes (Lim & Hashim, 2022).
1.6.2 Teacher
The research helps teachers in primary school science offer critical
insights into the effectiveness of digital gamified storybooks in enhancing
student engagement and learning. Teachers can decide whether to incorporate
technology into their curriculum by knowing how these technologies affect
learning processes. Best practices for utilizing digital resources can be found in
research, which enables educators to optimize learning outcomes while
reducing the risk of distractions or disengagement (Rahman & Aziz, 2021). The
study provides teachers with evidence-based techniques for addressing varied
learning needs. Digital gamified storybooks can give various learning routes,
adjust to each student's speed, and provide rapid feedback, all of which are
essential for individualized learning. Through study, teachers can learn how to
use these qualities to benefit all kids, including those with special needs (Tan &
Lee, 2023).
7. Operational Definition
An operational definition in research provides a precise description of how a
variable is measured or manipulated, ensuring clarity and consistency in scientific
investigations (McLeod, 2017). It outlines the specific procedures or operations
used to quantify or control a concept, enhancing the reliability and replicability of
research findings.Operational definitions are essential in research, as they provide
precise criteria for measuring and identifying variables, ensuring clarity and
consistency across studies (Trochim & Donnelly, 2020). Furthermore, operational
definitions contribute to the refinement of research hypotheses, guiding the data
collection process in a structured manner (Cozby & Bates, 2015). By clearly
defining variables, researchers can ensure that their studies are grounded in
observable, measurable phenomena, enhancing the reliability and validity of their
1. Critical Thinking Skills

Measuring critical thinking skills is essential for evaluating individuals'

abilities to analyze, evaluate, and apply information effectively. For instance, the
Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment evaluates skills across domains like
verbal reasoning and problem-solving (Halpern, 2018). The California Critical
Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) assesses interpretation, analysis, and self-
regulation abilities (Facione & Facione, 2018). The Cornell Critical Thinking Test
(CCTT) focuses on skills such as deduction and identifying assumptions (Ennis
et al., 2020). Additionally, the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal targets
decision-making and inference skills (Goodwin & Goodwin, 2018). The
other Critical Thinking test can also be used from Bloom's Taxonomy.
According to Ahrash et al (2006), the last 4 stages in Taxonomy Bloom which
are application, analysis, evaluation and creating require high order thinking
skills and critical thoughts.

In this study, a set of questionnaires are planned in order to measure

critical thinking skills among year 3 students. The questionnaires are following
Bloom’s taxonomy from stage 3 until stage 6, The Cornell Critical Thinking test
and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. A set of questionnaires will be
answered by the students. Pre-test and post-test for both population A (control
group) and population B (treatment group) are made with the help of these
questionnaires. After the results are taken, mean score and t amount is
calculated to answer the research hypothesis.

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, Chapter 1 of this research has provided a comprehensive
introduction to the research titled "Digital Gamified Solar System Storybook"
through an exploration of the background, and significance of the study, the chapter
has underscored the pressing need to enhance critical thinking skills among Year
3 science students and the potential of interactive gamified digital storybooks to
address this need. The research questions, conceptual framework, scope and
limitations of the significance of the study, have been delineated to provide a clear
understanding of the research objectives and context. Additionally, operational
definitions and constructs for measuring the impact of the intervention have been
outlined, laying the groundwork for subsequent empirical investigation.

2.1 Introduction to Research Context

This chapter will review past research ideas and concepts in order to frame the
study within the context of continuing discourse. The use of critical thinking in education
has become increasingly essential especially in Science education. As critical thinking
has become more prevalent, the idea of using a gamified learning approach to enhance
critical thinking has gained significant attention. This literature review explores the
current state of critical thinking among primary science students, importance of critical
thinking and gamification, challenges faced in implementing and acquiring them, and
the impact on educational outcomes.
Critical thinking is important in primary science education in Malaysia as it
fosters analytical skills necessary for understanding complex scientific concepts and
solving real-world problems. A study by Ng et al. (2018) underscores that nurturing
critical thinking abilities in primary science education enhances students' ability to
analyze and evaluate scientific information. Furthermore, Lim and Yeung (2019) argue
that incorporating critical thinking skills in science education equips students with the
capacity to question, reason, and make informed decisions, aligning with Malaysia's
education reform agenda to produce holistic individuals capable of contributing to the
nation's development. Moreover, in the Malaysian context, where science and
technology play pivotal roles in economic growth (Ministry of Education Malaysia,
2017), cultivating critical thinking in primary science education is essential for nurturing
a scientifically literate populace capable of innovation and adaptation to rapid
technological advancements.
Since the past few years, the current state of critical thinking in primary science
education in Malaysia is characterized by a concerning level of deficiency. According
to Abdullah et al. (2019), persistent barriers, such as inadequate teacher preparation
and resource restrictions, limit the effective implementation of critical thinking practices
in science classrooms.
Despite measures such as STEM education reform, which aims to integrate
critical thinking abilities (Mohamed et al., 2018), the total impact is insufficient. Tan and
Low's (2020) findings imply that, while inquiry-based learning systems have potential,
their adoption and effectiveness differ, resulting in inconsistent development of critical
thinking skills. Furthermore, the Malaysian Ministry of Education's emphasis on critical
thinking in policy stands in stark contrast to the current low level of implementation and
outcomes.(Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2021)
Enhancing critical thinking in primary science education in Malaysia requires
addressing various factors such as limited teacher training, outdated curriculum, and
traditional pedagogical approaches. According to a study by Chin and Ching (2018),
Malaysian primary science education often prioritizes rote memorization over critical
thinking, resulting in passive learning experiences that fail to develop students'
analytical skills. Additionally, a lack of resources and technology integration further
restricts opportunities for hands-on experimentation and inquiry-based learning,
essential for fostering critical thinking (Tan, 2019).
In terms of that, utilizing digital games in primary science education in Malaysia
offers a promising avenue to enhance critical thinking skills. Digital games provide
interactive and engaging platforms that encourage students to actively explore
scientific concepts, analyze data, and solve problems. According to research by Yusuf
et al. (2017), digital games offer opportunities for inquiry-based learning, allowing
students to investigate scientific phenomena and make connections between theory
and practice. These games often present challenges that require students to think
critically, apply scientific principles, and adapt strategies to solve problems (Mak &
Coniam, 2019). Moreover, digital games can facilitate collaborative learning
environments where students collaborate, communicate, and evaluate ideas
collectively, fostering higher-order thinking skills (Ibrahim, 2021). Hamzah et al (2020)
said that integrating digital games into primary science education in Malaysia holds
great potential for cultivating critical thinking skills essential for students to thrive in the
21st century.

Based on the research, an intervention which is the “Digital Gamified Solar

System Storybook” is built. This digital gamified storybook aims to develop critical
thinking skills among year 3 students in primary school. This interactive intervention
includes digitalized storybook, gamification, interactive elements such as text,
graphics, images, sound, audio and animation. This intervention can help to promote
higher-level thinking skills among the students. As for the teachers, this intervention
provides new methods for actively engaging students, facilitating differentiated
education, and efficiently tracking individual development (Mohammad et al., 2019).
They also help teachers present complex scientific concepts in a more approachable
and entertaining way (Yusof et al., 2020).

2.2 Research Theory/Model

2.2.1 Constructivisme Theory
Constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the active construction of
knowledge by learners through their experiences and interactions with the environment
(Jonassen, 2019). Rooted in the work of Piaget and Vygotsky, constructivism suggests
that learners build their understanding of the world by connecting new information with
existing knowledge, thereby creating their own unique mental representations of
concepts (Hmelo-Silver, 2017). In the context of science education, constructivism
serves as a guiding principle for designing instructional strategies that promote inquiry-
based learning and critical thinking skills (Savery & Duffy, 2017). According to the study
conducted by Sarita (2017), Constructivism is a learning theory found in Psychology
which explains how people might acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct
application to education. The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge and
meaning from their experiences. (Deborah et al, 2012). Joydip Golder (2018), in his
research, stated that learning is not a stimulus-response phenomenon, but a process
that requires self-regulation and the development of conceptual structures through
reflection and abstraction.
Constructivists believe that learning is affected by the context in which an idea
is taught as well as by students' beliefs and attitudes. Driscoll (2000) explains that
constructivist theory asserts that knowledge can only exist within the human mind, and
that it does not have to match any real world reality. Learners will be constantly trying
to derive their own personal mental model of the real world from their perceptions of
that world. As they perceive each new experience, learners will continually update their
own mental models to reflect the new information, and will, therefore, construct their
own interpretation of reality.

Diagram 2: Constructivist theories tree map

With the advancement of technology, educators have increasingly turned to
digital tools, gamification, and interactive learning environments to enhance science
teaching and learning experiences. The integration of technology in science education
offers numerous benefits aligned with constructivist principles. Furthermore,
gamification techniques, such as game-based learning platforms and educational
apps, can transform traditional science lessons into engaging and motivating
experiences (Deterding et al., 2019). By incorporating elements of competition,
achievement, and progression, gamified activities capture students' interest and
encourage active participation in the learning process. Through gamification,
educators can create environments where learners are intrinsically motivated to
explore, discover, and solve scientific problems.

2.2.2 ADDIE Model

The ADDIE model is a structured instructional design framework comprising five
phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. It guides the
systematic development of effective learning experiences by first analyzing learner
needs and context, then designing and developing instructional materials,
implementing them with appropriate training and support, and finally evaluating their
effectiveness through data collection and analysis. Following the ADDIE model
ensures that instructional materials are well-designed, learner-centered, and aligned
with desired learning outcomes, facilitating continuous improvement in instructional
design practices (Molenda, 2019; Morrison et al., 2021; Smith & Ragan, 2020). Analysis
The main factor that makes students not use critical thinking in the classroom is
because they are not exposed to it in the teaching and learning process. In terms of
that, “digital gamified solar system storybook” helps students to develop critical thinking
and achieve the learning outcomes created by the teachers. Design
In this intervention, the concept of the Solar System will be presented through
a storybook and gamification method. Next, multimedia elements such as text,
animation, audio and graphics will be used to develop the critical thinking skills among
the students. Development
The “digital gamified solar system storybook” will be developed using a canva
and application software. During the development process, a digital storybook
and gamification draft will be made to understand better what would be shown and
identify the position to place the navigation button. The learning content, which is the
solar system, will be planned according to the content and learning standards stated
in DSKP Year 3. Implementation
During the implementation phase, the intervention will be used when conducting
the class in two different populations which are population A and population B as the
control and treatment group. Evaluation
In the last phase which is the evaluation, Pre-tests and post-tests will be made
to see if any difference in the critical thinking skills occur among these two groups. A
set of questionnaires will be distributed to the students to record and analyze the data.

Diagram 3 : ADDIE Model

2.3 Research Focus
This research focuses on the effectiveness of digital gamified solar system
storybooks on year 3 science students’ critical thinking. This study will be conducted
in experimental quasi design to see if any difference occurs if the intervention is used
in the T & L process.

2.4 Findings of the Previous Research

Previous research has extensively explored the effectiveness of gamification
technology in fostering critical thinking skills among primary school students.
Gamification, defined as the integration of game elements and mechanics into non-
game contexts, has been lauded for its potential to engage learners and promote
higher-order thinking skills (Deterding et al., 2011).Studies have shown that gamified
learning environments encourage active participation and problem-solving, which are
essential components of critical thinking development (Cordova & Lepper, 2011). By
incorporating game elements such as challenges, rewards, and feedback
mechanisms, gamification motivates students to explore, experiment, and think
critically about complex concepts (Hamari et al., 2014).
Gamification technology also allows educators to personalize learning
experiences to particular student requirements through scaffolding and differentiation
(Bellotti et al., 2013). Students are supported and guided as they go through hard tasks
using adaptive game mechanics and individualized feedback, supporting the
development of critical thinking abilities in a friendly atmosphere (Kapp,
2012).Research from Dickey (2011) has also shown that collaboration and social
engagement improve critical thinking in gamified learning contexts. In addition, games
and collaborative challenges empower students to discuss, negotiate, and analyze
ideas with their peers, resulting in increased engagement and critical thinking
(AlMarshedi et al., 2017).
Gamification engages students through the integration of game elements such
as challenges, rewards, and progress tracking mechanisms (Hamari et al., 2014).
Cordova and Lepper (2011) emphasized the role of intrinsic motivation in promoting
engagement in critical thinking tasks. Furthermore, AlMarshedi et al. (2017) highlighted
how gamification enhances intrinsic motivation by providing students with meaningful
learning experiences and opportunities for autonomy. Personalized learning
experiences within gamified environments cater to individual student needs and
preferences (Bellotti et al., 2013). Adaptive game mechanics and feedback systems
provide scaffolding, enabling students to develop critical thinking skills at their own
pace (Kapp, 2012). Moreover, personalization fosters autonomy and self-regulation,
which are essential for critical thinking development (Hattie, 2012).
According to Gee (2013), gamification facilitates formative assessment and
immediate feedback, promoting reflection and metacognition. Assessments embedded
within gamified environments offer insights into students' progress and areas for
improvement (Gee, 2013). Bellotti et al. (2013) demonstrated the validity of gamified
assessments for measuring critical thinking skills, further supporting the effectiveness
of gamification in this regard.
Integrating gamification technology into the curriculum and instruction requires
careful planning and implementation (Deterding et al., 2011). Dickey (2011) stated that
teachers play an important role in designing gamified learning experiences that align
with educational objectives and foster critical thinking skills. Additionally, professional
development opportunities are essential for educators to effectively integrate
gamification into their teaching practices (Hamari et al., 2014).
To summarize, gamification technology presents an attractive technique to
promote critical thinking skills in elementary school kids. Gamified learning
environments encourage critical thinking and problem solving by engaging students,
delivering tailored learning experiences, facilitating collaboration, and providing
immediate feedback. However, further study is needed to investigate the long-term
impacts of gamification on critical thinking development, as well as to find optimal
methods for incorporating gamification into education.

2.5 Conclusion
In conclusion, this chapter has discussed the introduction to the context of the
study, theory and model of study and the past research findings. Results from past
studies can guide researcher in conducting research and analyzing data


3.1 Introduction
A research methodology that is carried out with regular procedures can help
researchers explain the form of the framework for carrying out a researcher's study in
addition to being able to form, collect, and analyze data accurately and systematically.
. It empowers researchers to navigate the labyrinth of data analysis, guiding them in
the selection and application of robust analytical techniques. By ensuring meticulous
scrutiny and systematic interpretation, research methodologies bolster the reliability
and validity of research conclusions (Smith, 2020). The process of conducting a study
becomes easier especially for the researcher through understanding the methods and
techniques that are carried out correctly and neatly. This study generally aims to see
the effect of the digital gamified solar system storybook on Year 5 primary Science
Students’ critical thinking. The effect of the implementation of digital gamified solar
system storybooks is seen through the level of student students’ critical thinking in
science subjects. Therefore, this chapter discusses the framework process carried out
by the researcher to conduct this study to answer the two research objectives. In
particular, in this chapter, the researcher will discuss related study design, study
operations, study procedures, study population and sampling, study instruments, pilot
studies, actual studies, and data analysis methods.

3.2 Research Design

This study will use an experimental design that includes a pretest-posttest
among pupils from one elementary school in the Johor Bahru area. These pupils will
be randomly assigned to one of two groups: control or treatment. The treatment group
will get training from a digital gamified solar system storybook, whilst the control group
will receive regular classroom instruction. Pretests will be given to both groups to
determine their baseline critical thinking levels. Following the intervention period, post-
tests will be conducted to assess changes in critical thinking levels.
The dependent variable will be the critical thinking abilities score, and the independent
variable will be the primary science student in a separate class. Random assignment
improves the study's internal validity by reducing selection bias and increasing the
possibility of similar groups at baseline (Maxwell, Delaney, & Kelley, 2019).

Table 1:
Form of Pretest-Posttest group
Group Pre-test Intervention Post-test 1

Intervention 01 X1 01

Control Pre- Traditional teaching methods without the use of Post-
Group test digital gamified solar system storybook test
(conventional method)

Treatment Pre- Teaching methods apply the digital gamified solar Post-
Group test system storybook Test

Diagram 4: A quasi-experimental design model

This study can be divided into three main steps. Step1 begins when students
are given a pre-questionnaire to measure the level of critical thinking skills input before
the treatment session is conducted, Step 2 is a treatment process that refers to the
application of a digital gamified solar system storybook.
Step 3 is output which is the final level of critical thinking post-tests results that are
showing the implementation of digital gamified storybook. Diagram 5 shows the
operational framework of the study detailed according to the steps.
Diagram 5: Operational Framework
3.3 Sampling
A simple random sampling method will be used to calculate the sample size of
this research. Simple random sampling involves randomly selecting individuals from a
population, giving each member an equal chance of being chosen (Trochim &
Donnelly, 2019). While Gravetter & Forzano (2018) stated that simple random
sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a population where each member of
the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. In this study, the
population involved Year 5 Primary Students from 2 different classes representing
Population A (control group) and population B (treatment group). The determination of
sample size is quoted from the Table of Determination of Sample Size for research
activities by Krejecie & Morgan (1970), as in Table 2.
Table 2:
Sample size for various populations (Krejecie & Morgan, 1970).

To conduct this study, the researcher has to calculate the sample size using Krejcie
and Morgan’s table.

3.4 Research Instruments

3.4.1 Questionnaire
A questionnaire in research is a data collection tool comprising a series of
structured questions aimed at gathering information from participants. (Fonteyn et al.,
2018). It is utilized across various disciplines and can be administered through different
mediums such as paper-based, online, or in-person interviews. Questionnaires enable
researchers to gather data on attitudes, behaviors, opinions, and demographics
efficiently. They offer a standardized approach to data collection, facilitating analysis
and comparison. Questionnaires are vital for survey research, experimental research,
market analysis, and social science investigations (Fonteyn et al., 2018). In this study,
a set of questionnaires containing a total 20 items of questions will be used. The
questionnaire will be given to the students in population A and population B in the pre-
tests and post-tests. In this study, the questionnaire is being made by following the
Bloom’s Taxonomy starting from stage 3 until stage 5 which are application, analysis,
evaluation and creating.
In this study, 2 sections of questionnaire will be used. Section A included
demographic information, such as the class of the students. Section B contains a set
of items to measure critical thinking skills among the students.
Table 3
Critical thinking Skills Questionnaire

3.4.2 Validity
The validity of an instrument in research refers to its ability to accurately
measure the intended construct or variable. (Bryman & Bell, 2019). It ensures that the
instrument effectively captures the concept it is designed to assess. To ensure the
instruments developed by the researchers have a high level of validity, the instruments
have to be validated by the supervisor, one lecturer from the Department of Science,
and one lecturer from the Department of Academic Excellence. Feedback from experts
will be utilized to enhance the validity of instruments, ensuring their suitability for the
research study.
In this research, two types of validity will be taken into consideration: content
validity and construct validity. According to construct validity has traditionally been
defined as the experimental demonstration that a test is measuring the construct it
claims to be measuring.
Table 4
Five-point Likert scale.
A valid instrument ensures that the data collected accurately represents the
phenomenon under investigation, enhancing the reliability and interpretability of
research outcomes (DeVellis, 2019). In order to make this questionnaire, many
instruments from other researchers are being used in creating the items. At the same
time, these instruments are built by following the international critical thinking test such
as The Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Taxonomy Bloom. For instance, the instruments
have to be validated by the expertise before it can be used in conducting this study.
3.5 Conceptual Framework of the Study
Conceptual framework of the study below briefly explains the form of the study
and the phases in the study. In general, both population A and Population B need to
sit the pre-test, treatment process and post-test. The instrument used in the pre-test
and post-test is a set of questionnaires. The data from the questionnaire will then be
analysed to assess the level of critical thinking skills for both learning methods.
Diagram 6 : Conceptual framework of Population A

Diagram 7 : Conceptual framework of Population B

3.6 Intervention treatment procedure

During the treatment period, researchers will use three phases namely Pre,
Treatment (Digital Gamified Solar System Storybook) and Post. Through these three
activities, a set of questions will be given to the students for a data record. The
procedures would include introducing the storybook to students, providing guidance
on how to navigate and interact with the content, facilitating discussions to encourage
critical thinking, and incorporating feedback loops to monitor student progress and
adjust the intervention as needed. Additionally, the procedures may involve
incorporating collaborative activities and reflection exercises to further support critical
thinking development. These procedures aim to create an engaging and interactive
learning environment conducive to fostering critical thinking skills among students.The
intervention treatment procedures could involve implementing a digital gamified solar
system storybook designed to enhance critical thinking skills among primary school

3.7 Pilot Study

A pilot study will be conducted to assess the feasibility and initial effectiveness
of using a digital gamified solar system storybook to enhance critical thinking skills
among primary school students. The study will involve a small sample of primary
school students (n=20) aged 9 years, selected from a local elementary school located
in Johor Bahru District. Participants will engage with the digital storybook over a period
of four weeks, during which they will explore interactive features, complete challenges,
and engage in collaborative activities related to the solar system. Data collection
methods will include pre- and post-intervention assessments of critical thinking skills
using standardized measures such as the Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Bloom’s
Taxonomy and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. (Ennis & Millman, 2014).
Additionally, usage data from the digital platform will be analyzed to assess students'
engagement with the intervention. The pilot study aims to provide insights into the
feasibility of implementing the intervention in a real-world educational setting, as well
as preliminary evidence of its potential effectiveness in enhancing critical thinking skills
among primary school students. Findings from the pilot study will inform the design
and implementation of a larger-scale randomized controlled trial as part of the main
research proposal.
3.9 Data Collection Procedure
The research is conducted based on a quasi experimental method. In the
research, questionnaires and observation will be used as instruments to answer the
research questions. The research consists of two sample populations which are
Population A and Population B. Population A is a sample that uses traditional teaching
methods while Population B is a sample that uses a digital gamified solar system
storybook in teaching and learning. Population A was the control group while
population B was the treatment group. The control group and treatment group consists
of the same pupils.
At the beginning of the study, the briefing of the study was given to the pupils to
help them understand the purpose and the way of research conducted. After that, the
control group and treatment group took the pretest. After the pre test, the traditional
teaching method for the control group and the use of a digital gamified storybook for
the treatment group will be used. After the teaching method given for both groups, the
post test will be given to the samples. In the post test, the samples needed to answer
all the questionnaires again same as the instrument used before. The data for pre and
post tests will be analysed to answer the research questions. The parametric test will
be conducted before the paired sample T test.
In this chapter, the data will be processed by using paired sample T tests. The
paired sample T test will be used for both control group and treatment group. Paired
sample T test is used to compare two groups of data or variables for the same
population. In addition, descriptive statistics will be used to evaluate the effectiveness
of the learning method studied. After that, the data analysis in the research used paired
sample T tests. Paired sample T test will be used after the parametric test. Paired
sample T test is used to compare the pre test and post test of the control group and
treatment group. The critical thinking level of Year 5 students will be tested by a
questionnaire given to the students and observations made by the researcher.

3.10 Data Analysis Procedure

The research data based on the data collected from the questionnaire and
observation. The data will be analysed by using the software SPSS version 26.0. The
result of software SPSS helped to answer the research question and also hypothesis
research. The data presented in the form of a table and diagram to easily understand
and explain the result data. The data analysed descriptively and inferentially. The data
analysed descriptively to get the frequency data, mean score and mean size for both
group data. Analysis descriptively helped to get the effect of digital gamified storybook
in the topic solar system on Year 5 students’ critical thinking. .
The analysis inferentially used to test the difference in the level of critical
thinking before and after the use of digital gamified storybook in the topic solar system.
A T test used when the data followed a normal distribution and a sample size that is
smaller than 30. According to Kartini (2006), there were three estimates which needed
to be filled by using the T test which is normally distributed data in the population.
Purposive sampling is used and the measurement scale is used in the form of ratio.
Table 5
Summary of Instruments and Data Analysis Methods for Each Question.
Objective Question Instrument Analysis

1. What is the impact of

1. Determine impact of the Gamified Digital
the Gamified Digital Solar System Storybook
Solar System Storybook on the critical thinking
on the development of development of Year 5
critical thinking skills science students? i. i. Mean
among Year 5 science Questionnaire measurement
students. ii. T-Value
2. Identifying differences 2.What are the
in critical thinking differences in critical
between students thinking between
utilizing the Gamified students using the
Digital Solar System Gamified Digital Solar
Storybook and those System Storybook and
following traditional those following
teaching methods. traditional teaching

3.11 Conclusion
Overall, this chapter explains about the research design used to explain how
this research is carried out according to the research procedures that have been
stated. A quasi experimental method is used to obtain the effect of student’s
acceptance before and after the introduction of the digital gamified solar system

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