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Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. It indicates that the music has ended.
A. Double Bar Line B. Repeat Mark

2. It is the other term for double bar line.

A. Repeat mark B. Finale

3. It is the quality of sound.

A. Melody B. Timbre

4. It is formed by connecting two points of a line and enclosing a space.

A. Shape B. Art

5. They are made up of regular patterns that are easily seen.

A. Organic Shape B. Geometric Shape

6. What do you call to a shape that has four equal sides?

A. Rectangle B. Square

7. It has an equal distance from the center to any point.

A. Circle B. Triangle

8. They are also called natural shapes in which they irregular and have more curves and
tend to be pleasing and comforting.
A. Organic Shape B. Geometric Shape

9. It observes the principle of rhythm to make an attractive design.

A. Element of Arts B. Element of Shapes

10.They are having the same design repeatedly.

A. Contrast B. Repetition

11.It means oneness or agreement of the different elements to come up with a pleasant
A. Variety B. Unity

12.The design or shapes of different elements are unlike.

A. Contrast B. Rhythm

13.It is an art principle of achieving unity in variety.

A. Rhythm B. Repetition

14.It is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental and emotional health.
A. Health Habit B. Physical Fitness
15.It involves the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order
to maintain good health.
A. Balanced Diet B. Hygiene

16.It is a very contagious insect parasite that are harmless.

A. Scabies B. Lice Infestation

17.It is a common skin condition caused by tiny insects called mites.

A. Rabies B. Scabies

18.It is the reddening of the white part of the eye usually due to infections, allergies or
A. Sore Eyes B. Sore Throat

19.It builds up in the ear and blocks the ear canal.

A. Plaque B. Earwax

20. It is used to accompany basic movements and to enhance flexibility and coordination of
the body.
A. Simple Equipment B. Gym Equipment

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