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200+ Word Usage

Questions With


Directions: A word is given followed by its 3. SERVE

usage in options. Find the option in which A) He served time for infringement.
there is inappropriate usage of word. B) The court served a notice on him.
C) The movie served up a healthy
1. WORD D) The commuters are well served by
A) He is a cheat; he always does back on autos in the town.
his word E) None of these
B) He has given his words that he is
coming to the marriage.
C) His secretary has sent word that she View Answer
won‘t come today.
D) I was so moved that words fail me. Option D
E) None of these Explanation:
serve – perform duties or services for
(another person or an organization).
View Answer serve – present (food or drink) to
Option B
Explanation: 4. SAY
Word – a promise or assurance. A) The eager boy has plenty to say for
Word – a command, password, or signal. himself.
In (B) – replace ‗words‘ with assurance. B) There is no saying what is going to
C) The doctor, seeing my weakness, said
me to stay in bed.
2. TEAR D) The employees wish to have their say
A) The ball tore a hole in the glass. in policy decisions.
B) The government has ordered to tear E) None of these
down the illegal constructions.
C) After a fierce struggle she tore herself
from his clutches. View Answer
D) The speeding car was tearing the
street. Option C
E) None of these Explanation:
Replace ‗said‘ with ‗told‘

View Answer
A) For some reasons she is not speaking
Option D to me.
Explanation: B) She must have her reasons; don‘t
tear – pull (something) apart or to pieces compel her to tell the matter.
with force. C) This result gives us all the more
tear – make (a hole or split) in something reason for optimism.
by force. D) He doesn‘t want to dismiss Krish for
tear – come apart reasons best known to himself.
tear – move very quickly in a reckless or E) None of these
excited manner.


Option A View Answer

In (A), – For some ‗reason‘ will be used. Option C
It is not known that how many reasons Explanation:
are there, so Reason will be used which In (B) – Come this Saturday means –
means ‗at least 1 reason‘ Coming Saturday
In (C), Correct idiom is – come on to me
6. TRUE ‗Come on to‘ means –
A) My friend is always true to his word. to happen onto someone or something.
B) After six months she started showing
her true colour. 9. COLLECT
C) He invented the first true steam- A) In that unoccupied room dirt had
engine. collected in the corners.
D) Place this mirror here; it is out true B) You must collect every stationery item
there. from everyone present in the room.
E) None of these C) This questionnaire is an attempt to
collect opinions across various quarters.
D) He took just a few minutes to collect
View Answer himself.
E) None of these
Option B
Replace ‗colour‘ by ‗colours‘ View Answer

A) The file was handed over to me under Explanation:
the condition that it would be returned in Collect is used for same king of things,
a week. like collecting pens, coins, etc.
B) They accompanied us on condition
that we would bear the cost. 10. CLOUD
C) On no condition would you divulge A) Her face clouded over with anger.
the secret. B) Moss has clouded my mirror.
D) What a condition this room is in! C) The integrity of the Minister is under
E) None of these clouds.
D) The only cloud of suspicion on the
horizon was that he might fall it.
View Answer E) None of these
Option D
View Answer

8. COME Option C
A) Success does not come cheap. Explanation:
B) Come this Sunday, we will have a In (C) ‗Under a cloud‘ is an idiom
party. meaning – suspected of something.
C) I don‘t know what came on me that I So ‗clouds‘ cannot be used.
spoke so.
D) How come you behaved so? Directions (1-10): In each of the following
E) None of these questions one sentence is given with a word | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 3


in bold, choose the most similar meaning of Option D

that word and mark it as your answer. Explanation: Tendentious (Adj):- likely
to lean towards a controversial view.
1. Tenebrous: a tenebrous night with no Synonyms: tendencious.
A) alight
B) murky 4. Mellifluous: Lata Mangeshkar
C) beaming has Mellifluous voice!
D) intelligent A) jarring
E) None of these B) mellow
C) brassy
D) discordant
View Answer E) None of these
Option B
Explanation: Tenebrous (Adj):- dark and View Answer
gloomy. Synonyms: Stygian, tenebrific,
tenebrious Option B
Explanation: Mellifluous (Adj):- smooth
2. Expurgate: The producer agreed to and sweet-sounding. Synonyms: dulcet,
expurgate some of the R-rated scenes so honeyed, mellisonant, sweet
that the movie could be shown on
network television.
A) accede 5. Propitiate: Only an idiot believes he
B) allow can propitiate his way into heaven by
C) censor giving the church all of his money.
D) recognize A) aggravate
E) None of these B) annoy
C) assuage
D) irk
View Answer E) None of these
Option C
Explanation: Expurgate (V):- to remove View Answer
objectionable material. Synonyms:
bowdlerise, bowdlerize, castrate, shorten. Option C
Explanation: Propitiate (V):- to placate
or appease. Synonyms: appease, soothe,
3. Tendentious: I left my church because of plac
the minister‘s tendentious attitude about
the importance of rejecting nonmembers.
A) impartial 6. Eviscerate: The compromise among the
B) just parties eviscerated the bill that had been
C) horizontal proposed.
D) partisan A) reside
E) None of these B) radiate
C) offend
D) gut
View Answer E) None of these | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 4


View Answer E) None of these

Option D
Explanation: Eviscerate (V):- take away View Answer
a vital or essential part of; surgically
remove a part of a structure or an organ. Option D
Synonyms: disembowel, draw, resect. Explanation: Temerity (N):- the trait of
being willing to undertake things that
involve risk or danger. Synonyms:
7. Suffuse: The sky was suffused with a audaciousness, audacity
warm pink color.
A) drizzle
B) permeate 10. Unassailable: DNA evidence
C) dry is unassailable and cannot be disproven..
D) deplete A) crossable
E) None of these B) secure
C) susceptible
D) porous
View Answer E) None of these

Option B
Explanation: Suffuse (V):- cause to View Answer
spread or flush or flood through, over, or
across. Synonyms: perfuse. Option B
Explanation: Unassailable (Adj):- not
open to attack; impregnable; not subject
8. Repine: While in prison the man did to question. Synonyms: impregnable ,
nothing but repine for his freedom. inviolable , secure , strong , unattackable
A) acclaim
B) affable Directions: A word is given followed by its
C) languish usage in options. Find the option in which
D) contended there is inappropriate usage of word.
E) None of these
1. Wanton
View Answer A) Jim‘s wanton disregard for others was
obvious when he drove home drunk.
Option C B) The judge sentenced the teenage boy
Explanation: Repine (V):- express to two hundred hours of community
complaints, discontent, displeasure, or service for his wanton acts of vandalism.
unhappiness. C) Most traditional stories have a wanton
element and attempt to teach children
9. Temerity: The correspondent must have how to behave while entertaining them.
lost the playbook and had the temerity to D) The man is probably going to get the
ask him to explain. death penalty for his wanton killing of six
A) modesty schoolchildren.
B) shy E) None of these
C) cowardice
D) audacity


Option C B) Since Mary loved to bake, an arcane

Explanation: Wanton(Adj): destructive smell wafting through the house was of
behaviour Synonyms-malicious, freshly baked bread or cakes in the oven.
inconsiderate C) People always inquired why the
identity of my grandfather was kept
2. Exalt arcane.
A) In church, we exalt our god in prayer. D) An arcane band was playing in an
B) The cruel prison guard did everything underground location.
he could to exalt inmates and make them E) None of these
feel worthless.
C) For a fee, most celebrities will exalt a
product by pretending to like it. View Answer
D) The purpose of the brochure is to exalt
the beauty of the small island nation. Option B
E) None of these Explanation: Arcane(adj): understood by
only a few Synonyms-esoteric,
View Answer

Option B 5. Dilatory
Explanation: Exalt(Adj): celebrate A) My daughter used dilatory tactics to
Synonyms-august, elevated stay up past her bedtime.
B) The concert hall used a dilatory maze
to prevent overcrowding at the main
3. Discern entrance.
A) A young child will likely get in big C) Could it be that the post office staff
trouble if he has the audacity to discern deliberately works at a dilatory pace to
the things his parents tell him to do. make all the customers crazy?
B) A detective‘s job is to discern who is D) The post office is not always known
guilty of a particular crime by evaluating for being dilatory.
the evidence. E) None of these
C) In order to find a cure for the disease,
the medical researchers must first discern
the actual cause of the condition. View Answer
D) We used a staffing agency to help us
discern which nanny would work best Option D
with our family. Explanation: Dilatory(Adj): intending to
E) None of these delay Synonyms-enlarge, improve

View Answer 6. Capitulate

A) If Henry does not capitulate and turn
Option A himself in to authorities, he will spend
Explanation: Discern(v):to be aware of, the rest of his life running.
detect Synonyms-ascertain, apprehend B) I never thought my brother would
capitulate and allow me to drive his car
for a week.
4. Arcane C) Greatly outnumbered, the soldiers had
A) The elderly teacher had an arcane way no alternative but to capitulate to their
of teaching mathematics. enemies. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 6


D) Kim decided to capitulate authority by View Answer

violating the dress code as evidenced by
her purple hair! Option A
E) None of these Explanation: Embargo(N):any legal
restriction of commerce synonyms:
View Answer

Option D 9. Pauper
Explanation: Capitulate(V): to submit, A) The pauper had no money and slept
yield Synonyms-bow, buckle under a bridge.
B) John was basically a pauper after his
wife took all his money in the divorce.
7. Baleful C) My pauper neighbors have more
A) With baleful eyes, the vulture stared at money than they know what to do with.
the injured rabbit. D) In the book, the main character is a
B) Instead of being so selfish, why don‘t pauper who goes to prison for stealing a
you be a baleful giver? loaf of bread.
C) When we approached the frightened E) None of these
dog, it gave us a baleful growl.
D) Pam got baleful looks in the theater
because she would not stop talking. View Answer
E) None of these
Option C
Explanation: Pauper(N):Extremely poor
View Answer synonyms:bankrupt, insolvent
Option B
Explanation: Baleful(Adj): threatening 10. Tantamount
evil, harmful Synonyms-noxious, sinister, A) To leave a dog in a hot car is
tantamount to torture.
B) Some parents say that spanking is
8. Embargo tantamount to child abuse while others
A) If you embargo your friend to do believe it‘s effective discipline.
something harmful instead of forcefully C) Since Frank enjoys a number of
stopping them, what they suffer will be hobbies, he tells people he has
on your hands. tantamount interests.
B) Decades ago Western nations faced a D) Taking money from your mother‘s
fuel shortage when the Arab countries purse without asking her first is
placed an embargo on petroleum trades. tantamount to stealing.
C) With the wall gradually falling down E) None of these
between the U.S. and Cuba, the travel
embargo should soon be lifted.
D) The embargo on transporting fresh View Answer
fruits and vegetables into our country was
enacted to prevent the spread of diseases Option C
and harmful insects. Explanation: Tantamount(Adj):equivale
E) None of these nt,parallel synonyms:comparable,


Directions (1-10): In each of the following 4. Exult: Any ordinary shift worker in the
questions one sentence is given with a word contemporary workforce would
in bold, choose the most similar meaning of now exult in a festive meat of their
that word and mark it as your answer. choice.
A) compassionate
1. Disparity: The disparity made for a very B) mourn
uneven playing field. C) delight
A) accordance D) criticize
B) discrepancy E) None of these
C) congruence
D) equivalence
E) None of these View Answer

Option C
View Answer Explanation: Exult(V): cheer
synonyms-rejoice, celebrate
Option B
Explanation: Disparity(N): 5. Elicit: They will use these numbers
discrepancy synonyms- to elicit heavier buying or selling from.
distinction,imbalance A) repress
B) abate
2. Agony: In agony he mourned. C) evoke
A) rapture D) append
B) thrill E) None of these
C) anguish
D) fervor
E) None of these View Answer

Option C
View Answer Explanation: Elicit(v):bring out
Option C
Explanation: Agony:Extreme pain 6. Euphoria: Euphoria is not to be sought
synonyms-misery,anguish out in the wild.
A) elation
3. Muggy: The morning turned B) mopes
out muggy and hot as the hinges—going C) misery
to be another bad one. D) dejection
A) bitter E) None of these
B) algid
C) moist
D) jejune View Answer
E) None of these
Option A
Explanation: Euphoria(N):extreme
View Answer happiness synonyms-elation,
Option C
Explanation: Muggy(adj): oppressively 7. Cripple: Out of sheer boredomness
humid,damp synonyms-moist,soggy, the cripple began to pry.

B) strengthen E) None of these

C) benefit
D) improve
E) None of these View Answer

Option C
View Answer Explanation: Headroom(N): Gap
Option A
Explanation: Cripple(N):paralyze Directions (1-10): In each of the following
synonyms-immobilize, stifle questions one sentence is given with a word
in bold, choose the most similar meaning of
8. Conducive: My lifestyle is that word and mark it as your answer.
not conducive to owning pets.
A) hindering 1. Lecherous: Lecherous or not, Bill was all
B) contributory over Diane.A) prude
C) injurious B) chaste
D) confine C) salacious
E) None of these D) modest
E) None of these

View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: conducive(Adj):favorable Option C
for synonyms-helpful, useful Explanation: Meaning: having or
showing excessive or offensive sexual
9. Retribution: she was still alive to feel desire. Synonym: lustful, licentious,
his retribution. lascivious, Antonym: chaste, pure
A) absolution
B) compassion
C) remission 2. Largesse: When I was in need, I
D) retaliation benefited from the largesse of an
E) None of these anonymous donor.
A) blight
B) tightness
View Answer C) greed
D) donations
Option D E) None of these
Explanation: Retribution(N):payback
for another’s action synonyms-
punishment,compensation View Answer
10. Headroom: The stumps gave Option D
ample headroom and created a space Explanation: Meaning: generosity in
where things could be stored. bestowing money or gifts upon others,
A) adhesive money or gifts given generously
B) rear Synonym: generosity, liberality,
C) gap munificence


3. Catharsis: Crying is a great catharsis for View Answer

releasing pain and anger.
A) purge Option B
B) blot Explanation: Meaning: a person or thing
C) blemish that is the centre of attention or
D) blast admiration. Synonym: central, core,
E) None of these center, epicenter, eye, focus

View Answer 6. Repercussion: Danielle did not stop

shoplifting until she was faced with
Option A the repercussion of jail time.
Explanation: Meaning: the process of A) impact
releasing, and thereby providing relief B) cause
from, strong or repressed emotions. C) advocacy
Synonym: purging, purgation, D) weakness
purification, cleansing, E) None of these

4. Motley: Since the litter was View Answer

a motley group, none of the puppies
resembled each other. Option A
A) solid Explanation: Meaning: an unintended
B) identical consequence of an event or action,
C) assorted especially an unwelcome one. Synonym:
D) monochrome consequence, result, effect, outcome,
E) None of these
7. Pristine: As curator of the town museum,
View Answer I keep all of the artifacts
in pristine condition.
Option C A) impure
Explanation: Meaning: incongruously B) sullied
varied in appearance or character; C) stale
disparate Synonym: miscellaneous, D) Clean
disparate, diverse Antonym: E) None of these
homogeneous, uniform

View Answer
5. Cynosure: When Jake got the yellow
sports car for his birthday, he knew his Option D
arrival at school would be the cynosureof Explanation: Meaning: in its original
the day. condition; unspoilt. Synonym:
A) surrounding immaculate, in perfect condition
B) focus Antonym: dirty, sullied
C) fall
D) callous
E) None of these 8. Ravenous: Even though she
felt ravenous, Scarlet allowed herself to
nibble only the smallest portions of the | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 10


delicious party goodies. Antonym: hindrance, obstruction,

A) satiated stoppage
B) adequate
C) edacious Directions: A word is given followed by its
D) stuffed usage in options. Find the option in which
E) None of these there is inappropriate usage of word.

View Answer 1. Infiltrate

A) After the small child wiped his nose
Option C after shaking his friend‘s hand, germs
Explanation: Meaning: extremely would infiltrate his body and make him
hungry. Synonym: starved, famished; very sick.
Antonym: full B) Cold air would infiltrate the foyer due
to a draft caused by a space under the
9. Amicable: Because Leslie is front door.
very amicable, she is the peacemaker in C) The train will infiltrate from the
her family. station at exactly twelve o‘clock.
A) cordial D) The mother-in-law despised her new
B) frigid daughter-in-law who felt had decided to
C) angry infiltrate the family in order to gain a
D) hostile large inheritance.
E) None of these E) None of these

View Answer
View Answer
Option A Option C
Explanation: Meaning: Friendly
Synonym: Cordial, Harmonious Explanation: Infiltrate (Verb) ( )–
Antonym: impolite, uncivil in-fil-trate Meaning – to secretly
penetrate, enter or gain access Synonyms
– invade, intrude/trespass on. Antonyms
10. Abetment: Conspiracy to commit acts of – surrender, depart
terrorism and abetment to terrorism are
also recognized as separate criminal 2. Peremptory
offences. A) The general gave the troops a
A) brake peremptory order they had to obey.
B) instigation B) My doctor says even peremptory
C) prevent exercise can help improve my health.
D) dissuasion C) Because Jack did not like following
E) None of these orders, he found it difficult to listen to his
teacher‘s peremptory instructions.
D) The prison guard spoke to the inmate
View Answer in a peremptory tone.
E) None of these
Option B
Explanation: Meaning: Assist or
encourage, usually in some wrongdoing View Answer
Synonym: endorsement, succour, aid | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 11


Option B Option C
Explanation: Peremptory (Adjective) Explanation: Deportation (noun)
( ) – per-emp-to-ry Meaning – ( ) – de-por-ta-tion Meaning – the
used to describe an order, command, etc., act of removing a foreigner out of a
that you must obey without any questions country Synonyms- exile, banishment,
or excuses Synonyms – irreversible, expulsion/expatriation. Antonyms –
binding, decisive. Antonyms – Lenient, recruitment, approval, acceptance
modest, mild

5. Vauge
3. Persecute A) The book blurb was so vague it told
A) The man was persecuted until the me nothing whatsoever about the plot of
point of self mutilation the book.
B) Now, pray for those who persecute B) As Mitch looked through the shower
Me. curtain, he could see the vague outline of
C) False teachers will persecute and push his wife‘s body.
out the prophetic. C) Dale was so disappointed in the
D) She tried to persecute him, but he kept fortuneteller‘s vague prediction he asked
crying. for his money to be returned.
E) None of these D) All of the runners need a vague
starting point so that no one has an unfair
View Answer E) None of these
Option D
Explanation: Persecute (Adjective) View Answer
( ) – pur-si-kyoot Meaning – to
Option D
harm someone because of a cultural,
Explanation: Vague
sexual, religious, or racial difference
Synonyms – oppressed, victimized; (Adjective)( ) – veyg Meaning –
troubled/suffering. Antonyms – comfort, not described well Synonyms- uncertain,
soothe, console unsure, unclear. Antonyms – clear,
definite, specific

4. Deportation
A) To cause fear for the immigrants, the 6. Imputation
mayor threatened deportation. A) We change our basis of imputation
B) People have endured deportation from contaminated to.
throughout history usually during war or B) Don‘t buy things on imputation.
based on societal issues. C) So long as we are satisfied with the
C) The woman nodded in deportation. mere imputation of.
D) It seemed unfair that Laila had to D) We have never changed our basis of
leave due to her mother‘s deportation. imputation from contam-.
E) None of these E) None of these

View Answer View Answer | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 12


Option B Meaning – a colour or shade (of a person

Explanation: Imputation (Noun) , thing) Synonyms – character, aspect,
( ) -im-pyoo-tey-shun Meaning – type.
an act of attribute Synonyms – ascribe,
assign something undesirable. Antonyms 9. Exemplary
– credit, defence A) Married for over fifty years, my
grandparents have an exemplary
7. Rigour
A) Politicians are fearful that scientists
B) Because Jim‘s website is exemplary, I
operate in a bubble, scientists sneer at the
used it as a template for my own site.
politicians lack of rigour.
C) A corrupt government is responsible
B) In Africa we got an up-close view of
for the exemplary living conditions of
the swiftness and rigour of the cheetah,
most citizens.
with its explosive bursts of speed.
D) An exemplary worker, Mr. Smith
C) 53 And as a yearly hired servant shall
never arrives late for work.
he be with him: and the other shall not
E) None of these
rule with rigour over him in your sight.
D) 13 And the Egyptians made the
children of Israel to serve with rigour:. View Answer
E) None of these
Option C
Explanation: Exemplary (Adjective) –
View Answer
( ) – exem-plery Meaning –
Option B something so good that it is an example
Explanation: Rigour (Noun) ( )– for others to follow Synonyms – perfect,
faultless, impeccable/consummate.
rig-er Meaning – inflexibility; severity
Antonyms – shameful, outrageous
Synonyms – strictness, severity,
toughness. Antonyms – agility, leniency
10. Stridency
A) Her voice plunges through his skin
8. Hue
and ransacks his thoughts with its
A) The pale hue of the patient‘s skin was
stridency and its truth.
a sign of anemia.
B) Every dog wants to be treated with
B) As I stood on the balcony, I tried to
stridencyby its owner, but there are some
take a photo of the hue of the setting sun.
terrible people that abuse them.
C) Nobody understands why Danielle
C) Our relationship will never go far if
decided to dye her hair such an unusual
you continue to talk to me in such a
strident tone!
D) To me, the best hue of being a nurse is
D) Since I had a headache, the bird‘s
having the ability to help people feel
chirping sounded quite strident to me.
E) None of these
E) None of these

View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Option D
Explanation: Stridency (Noun) –
Explanation: Hue (Noun) ( ) – hue | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 13

( ) – stri-den-cy Meaning - View Answer

characterized by harsh, insistent, and Option C
discordant sound, commanding attention Longevity – long existence or service.
by a loud or obtrusive quality Synonyms
– something of harsh, rough. Antonyms – 4. Frenetic : Yesterday the sales floor was
Kindness, tenderness even more frenetic than usual because of
the big clearance sale.
Directions (1-10): In each of the following A) mad
questions one sentence is given with a word B) placid
in bold, choose the most similar meaning of C) docile
that word and mark it as your answer. D) affable
E) amicable
1. Ploy : If the prosecutor‘s ploy does not
work, a guilty man could go free.
A) vitiate View Answer
B) radar
C) expose Option A
D) trick Frenetic – fast and energetic in a rather
E) ahead wild and uncontrolled way.

5. Angst : There was no sign of her

View Answer inner angst in her deep brown eyes or on
her beautiful features.
Option D A) ease
ploy – an activity done for amusement. B) content
C) support
2. Boisterous : Your boisterous actions at
D) comfort
church cannot be tolerated.
E) anxiety
A) sedate
B) serene
C) wild View Answer
D) subdued
E) unruffled Option E
Angst – a feeling of persistent worry
about something trivial.
View Answer

Option C 6. Appellate : The judges

Boisterous – noisy, energetic, and have appellate jurisdiction of cases civil
cheerful. and criminal coming up from the lower
3. Longevity : The politician‘s longevity in
A) judicial
office will be determined by voter
B) objective
C) specified
A) brevity
D) honest
B) nonage
E) justified
C) endurance
D) internet
E) suicidal View Answer | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 14


Option A Option D
Appellate -(especially of a court) Defiant – showing defiance.
concerned with or dealing with
applications for decisions to be reversed. 10. Overt : Because of Frank‘s religious
beliefs, he was able to forgive his
7. Deterrent : The stop sign on the corner is attackers for their overt hatred.
supposed to be a deterrent that A) private
discourages speeding. B) conniving
A) incentive C) disguised
B) spur D) furtive
C) impediment E) obvious
D) goad
E) activator
View Answer

View Answer Option E

Overt – done or shown openly; plainly
Option C apparent.
Deterrent -a thing that discourages or is
intended to discourage someone from Directions: A word is given followed by its
doing something. usage in options. Find the option in which
there is inappropriate usage of word.
8. Plebiscite : Few voters participated in
the plebiscite so the proposal received
little objection. 1. Squat
A) vote A) The ballerina put herself in a position
B) initiation to plie, but lost her balance as she began
C) table to squat.
D) count B) Positioning himself to squat down in
E) mandate the field, the player prepared for the
C) Twiggy‘s long-legged, squat look
View Answer helped launch her into fashion modeling
Option A D) As she squat down, the trainer could
Plebiscite – the direct vote of all the feel her leg muscles growing stronger.
members of an electorate on an important E) The tight space made it difficult to
public question such as a change in the squat, but the electrician was still able to
constitution. rewire the outlet.
9. Defiant : The defiant child threw a
tantrum when it was time to go to bed.
View Answer
A) respectful
B) submissive Option C
C) obedient Explanation: Squat = to bend deeply at
D) bold the knees while resting on one‘s feet;
E) accept Synonyms: crouch (down), hunker
(down), sit on one‘s haunches, sit on
one‘s heels, sit, bend down, bob down,


duck down, hunch; C, squat = lanky Option E

Explanation: Capricious = sudden
behavior change; Synonyms: fickle,
2. Dissentient inconstant, changeable, variable,
A) Dissentient voices opposed all of unstable, mercurial, volatile, erratic,
those in congress that supported the bill. vacillating, irregular, inconsistent, fitful,
B) The box was so heavy I needed arbitrary.E, capricious = stable
assistance from my dissentient to move it.
C) Dissentient rebels decided to fight
against the current government even 4. Proclivity
though most of the people still supported A) Because I am allergic to spiders, I
the regime. have an proclivity to the creatures.
D) Dissentient protestors stood outside of B) As a young child, the award-winning
the courthouse, boycotting the election singer had a proclivity for music.
and refusing to give in to the majority. C) His proclivity for cooking made him a
E) Five dissentient Republicans were able big hit in the homeowner‘s association.
to stop the law, even though all of the D) His proclivity for cooking made him a
other party members wanted it put into big hit in the homeowner‘s association.
place. E) His proclivity for cooking made him a
big hit in the homeowner‘s association.

View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: Dissentient = opposing the Option A
majority; Synonyms: conflict, clash, Explanation: Proclivity = a tendency to
brush, fight, battle, contest, encounter, choose or do something regularly;
head-to-head, face-off, engagement, Synonyms: liking, inclination, tendency,
tangle, skirmish, collision, meeting, duel, leaning, disposition, propensity, bent,
incident. B dissentient = comrade bias, penchant, predisposition,
predilection, partiality, preference,
fondness, weakness, A, proclivity =
3. Capricious aversion
A) Because of his capricious nature,
Jeremy found it hard to keep a steady job.
B) Since he started taking the medication, 5. Steadfast
Henry has been less capricious. A) My mother really loved my father and
C) Even though the couple wanted to get remained steadfast to her marriage vows
married outside, they knew their even after my father died.
ceremony depended on the capricious B) The steadfast weather soon had me
weather. changing from my shorts into my thick
D) You need to settle down and stop slacks.
being so capricious! C) The priest was steadfast in his belief
E) The Joker from Batman is not a that Christ had died for the sins of all
capricious individual in any way. mankind.
D) Devout Christians believe God‘s love
is steadfast and unwavering.
View Answer E) Because of the poor economy, many
donors have been unable to remain | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 16


steadfast to their charitable pledges. committed the crime, a detractor told the
press that he was 100% guilty.
E) Since everyone in the audience
View Answer believed in the magician‘s awestruck
tricks, understandably there was not a
Option B
detractor in the audience.
Explanation: Steadfast = faithful to a
person, belief, or goal; Synonyms: loyal,
faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, View Answer
dependable, reliable, steady, true. B,
steadfast = fickle OptionC
Explanation: Detractor = a critic usually
freely skeptical of something; Synonyms:
6. Competitive critic, disparager, denigrator, deprecator,
A) Because she‘s so competitive, the belittler, attacker, censurer, fault-finder,
tennis player can‘t stand for someone else carper, backbiter, caviller, reviler, vilifier,
to win a match. slanderer, libeller, calumniator, defamer,
B) The competitive salesman works day traducer; c, detractor = ally
and night to outsell all of his coworkers.
C) Crying at her desk, the competitive 8. Vex
student couldn‘t believe that she had A) I get irritated when people go out of
failed her test. their way to vex me with their small
D) After twenty years as a competitive problems.
worker, he finally got the opportunity to B) If you attempt to vex the dog by
lead. pulling his tail, he is sure to bite you!
E) A more competitive player will C) The job of the government is to
replace Randy since he acts like he eliminate the problems which vex our
doesn‘t care about winning anymore. country.
D) Because you are having a bad day, do
not assume the entire world is out to vex
View Answer you.
E) The judge hoped the guilty verdict
Option D
would vex the victim‘s family.
Explanation: Competitive = having a
strong desire to win or be the best at
something; D, competitive = humble View Answer
7. Detractor Option E
A) Once the controversial movie was Explanation: Vex = to bring trouble,
released into theaters, a detractor verbally distress, or agitation to; Synonyms:
disapproved in the local newspaper of its annoy, irritate, infuriate, anger, incense,
success. inflame, enrage, irk, chagrin, exasperate,
B) After the disgraced restauranteur madden, pique, provoke, nettle, disturb,
opened her latest diner, every detractor upset, perturb, discompose, put out; E,
reported poor opinions of the future of vex = appease
her eatery.
C) The United States was Britain‘s
detractor during World War II. 9. Espionage
D) Even though there wasn‘t any A) Digging through someone‘s trash to
evidence to prove the defendant get information is one of the oldest acts | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 17


of espionage in the spy business. one cannot behave normally; A

B) The espionage finally parted and out Distraught = composed
walked someone dressed like a cowboy.
C) Espionage is a secret way of finding Directions (1-10): In each of the following
out what your enemy doesn‘t want you to questions one sentence is given with a word
know. in bold, choose the most similar meaning of
D) Espionage took place in the White that word and mark it as your answer.
House when President Nixon had the
phones wire tapped to automatically 1. Brink :- France was on the brink of war
record all of his conversations. after the vicious attacks on its citizens.
E) The Chancellor learned he was a A) Interior
victim of espionage when tiny cameras B) Axis
and microphones were found throughout C) Edge
his home. D) Crux
E) Ditch

View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: Espionage = the obtaining Option C
of information considered secret or Explanation: edge; especially : the edge
confidential without the permission of the at the top of a steep place : a bank
holder of the information; Synonyms: especially of a river : the point of onset :
spying, undercover work, cloak-and- verge on the brink of war : the threshold
dagger activities, surveillance, of danger
reconnaissance, intelligence,
eavesdropping, infiltration, cyber 2. Peevish :- Our maid quit because she said
espionage, counter-espionage, counter- I had a peevish attitude and did not
intelligence.; B , Espionage = curtain appreciate her hard work
A) Affable
10. Distraught B) Happy
A) While working in a high stress C) Irritable
environment, it is important to practice D) Docile
staying distraught. E) Genial
B) When my father died, I was so
distraught I dropped out of school.
View Answer
C) Jerry became distraught when his wife
approached him with divorce papers. Option C
D) After Carrie lost her job, she became Explanation: peevish : querulous in
distraught and went on a drinking binge. temperament or mood : fretful :
E) Losing your life savings is enough to perversely obstinate a peevish child :
make anyone distraught. marked by ill temper

View Answer 3. Rigorous :- With rigorous commitment

to his studies, the student was able to pass
Option A with an A.
Explanation: Distraught = so upset that A) Lax | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 18


B) Strict soothing words or false promises

C) Inexact
D) Mild
E) Compensate 6. Espionage:- Espionage is a secret way of
finding out what your enemy doesn‘t
want you to know.
View Answer A) Tradecraft
B) Intelligence
Option B C) Lowdown
Explanation: rigorous : manifesting, D) Bugging
exercising, or favoring rigor : very E) Surveillance
strict : marked by extremes of
temperature or climate : harsh, severe :
scrupulously accurate : precise View Answer

Option B
4. Hermit :- Living alone as Explanation: the practice of spying or
a hermit allowed the man to focus on using spies to obtain information about
God. the plans and activities especially of a
A) Local foreign government or a competing
B) Team company
C) Recluse
D) Wanderlust
E) None of these 7. Niggard :- Nature has been niggard of
rain but lavish in soil and sun.
A) Generous
View Answer B) Altruistic
C) Hospitable
Option C D) Skinflint
Explanation: hermit : one that retires E) Free
from society and lives in solitude
especially for religious reasons :
recluse obsolete : beadsman : a spiced View Answer
molasses cookie
Option D
Explanation: a meanly covetous and
5. Cajole :- Using dry tuna, I was able stingy person : miser
to cajole the kitten out of the corner.
A) Belittle
B) Browbeat 8. Diabolical :- A devilish and cunning plan
C) Bully to take over the world is an example of
D) Repel a diabolical plan.
E) Persuade A) Angelical
B) Moral
C) Infernanl
View Answer D) Nice
E) Cherubic
Option E
Explanation: a : to persuade with flattery
or gentle urging especially in the face of View Answer
reluctance : coax, ; to deceive with | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 19

Option C B) As an author, Maria booked an

Explanation: of, relating to, or exposition booth at the Publisher Trade
characteristic of the devil : devilish Show to get the word out about her
C) Maybe we can exposit the car damage
9. Trepidation :- Any by repainting the scratched area.
initial trepidation you may have had D) We are calling on the feds to release
about your ability to inspire a class will the Governor‘s tax returns, as an
have been banished. exposition for the whole world to see.
A) Consternation E) At the exhibition, the French painting
B) Bravery was declared as one of the finest works of
C) Assurance art that Europe had ever produced.
D) Delight
E) Backbone
View Answer

View Answer Option C

Explanation: Exposition = a
Option A comprehensive description and
Explanation: a nervous or fearful feeling explanation of an idea or theory.
of uncertain agitation : apprehension
trepidation about starting a new job
2. Mollify
A) Perhaps a warm glass of milk will
10. Vivacious :- Vivacious actresses mollify my upset stomach.
typically get picked for comedic roles B) The poster of me as a baby is sure to
where the characters are very active by mollify tears from my emotional mother.
running around. C) When the baby started to cry, his
A) Dull mother tried to mollify him with a bottle
B) Peppy of milk.
C) Languid D) The manager tried to mollify the
D) Sertion angry workers by giving them longer
E) Inert breaks.
E) Although alterations have been made
to the new healthcare law, it is doubtful if
View Answer
these changes will mollify displeased
Option B voters.
Explanation: lively in temper; conduct;
View Answer
Directions: A word is given followed by its
Option B
usage in options. Find the option in which
Explanation: Mollify = appease the
there is inappropriate usage of word.
anger or anxiety of (someone).
1. Exposition
A) We attended a Business to Business 3. Exculpate
exposition, where exhibitors displayed A) The photographic evidence revealed
their products and services to attract other by the security camera was essential to
companies. exculpate the suspect. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 20


B) When something goes wrong in the great deal of respect, especially because
government, it is usually up to our of age, wisdom, or character.
elected officials to exculpate themselves
so that their constituents will continue to
support them. 5. Discernment
C) Because of the prevalence of A) I used discernment to choose the
malpractice litigation, physicians often candidate for whom I wanted vote.
have to work hard to exculpate B) Though the detective had no proof, his
themselves when a situation is beyond discernment told him that the suspect was
their control. lying.
D) While fifteen minutes may not seem C) John‘s weird behavior is making
like such a long time, there is still people question his discernment.
absolutely no excuse in the world that can D) My teacher‘s sense of discernment
exculpate him from negligence for caused her to discover who had actually
leaving his three-year-old alone in that studied for the test.
hot car. E) Trusting her discernment, the young
E) According to the scripture, God will lady chose to not walk alone at night in a
exculpate and punish the wicked. foreign city.

View Answer View Answer

Option E Option C
Explanation: Exculpate = show or Explanation: Discernment = the ability
declare that (someone) is not guilty of to judge well.
6. Approbation
4. Venerable A) I need to write a powerful resume to
A) The Pope is a venerable leader who is gain approbation from an employor.
recognized for his commitment to helping B) The crowd was filled with approbation
others. when #56 scored a touchdown.
B) The judge sentenced the venerable C) Most people approbate Mother Teresa
man to a lifetime in prison. as one of the greatest saints of all time.
C) The title of country president should D) You cannot take prescription
only be held by a venerable man who has medication without doctor‘s approbation.
earned the respect of his countrymen. E) With my mother‘s approbation, I can
D) Although I often disagree with the sleep over at your house.
movie critic‘s reviews, I still view him as
a venerable writer with years of
View Answer
E) Harold has been on staff at the hotel Option C
for sixty years and is recognized as a Explanation: Approbation = approval or
venerable part of the organization. praise.

View Answer 7. Querulous

A) I don‘t mean to be querulous, but I do
Option B
believe I should get my money‘s worth at
Explanation: Venerable = accorded a | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 21

all times. concert, I was in ecstasy.

B) Forgive me for sounding querulous, B) Whenever I eat at my favorite
but there is a bug in my soup. restaurant, I am in ecstasy.
C) Whenever my father had too many C) I was in ecstasy as I embarked on my
drinks, he would become querulous and long-awaited trip to Paris.
complain about everything. D) We watched in ecstasy as my brother
D) I asked the querulous students in my returned from deployment.
classroom to put down all their E) As a chocolate lover, I see ecstasy as
complaints in writing. an endless supply of chocolate bars.
E) Although Jenna‘s father can be quite
querulous at times, he will do anything to
make her happy. View Answer

Option E
View Answer Explanation: Ecstasy = an
overwhelming feeling of great happiness
Option E or joyful excitement.
Explanation: Querulous = complaining
in a rather petulant or whining manner.
10. Blatant
A) When the judge heard the defendant‘s
8. Precocious blatant lie, he became very angry.
A) Although Jack is smart, he is a bit too B) The drunk driver‘s blatant disregard
precocious at six years of age. for the lives of others earned him seven
B) The president‘s precocious decision years in prison.
came too late to save the hostages. C) The old man‘s voice was so blatant
C) My precocious little girl thinks she that I gritted my teeth every time he
knows everything there is to know about spoke to me.
life. D) If you want to show your respect for a
D) I was a precocious child who at the police officer, it is not wise to offer him a
age of four was already discussing the blatant bribe.
daily news with my parents. E) In prison, a blatant act of disobedience
E) While their peers were running around will get you placed in isolation.
the playground, one precocious group of
elementary school students sat and
chatted about the colleges they hoped to View Answer
Option C
Explanation: Blatant= (of bad
View Answer behaviour) done openly and
Option B
Explanation: Precocious = (of a child) Directions (1-10): In each of the
having developed certain abilities or following questions one sentence is
inclinations at an earlier age than is usual given with a word in bold, choose
or expected. the most similar meaning of that
word and mark it as your answer.

9. Ecstasy 1. Twirl: The more you practice, the more

A) When I saw my favorite singer in complicated moves you‘ll be able to do, | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 22


like turns and twirls. View Answer

A) maelstroms
B) gyral Option D
C) rolls Explanation:
D) pirouette Daunting
E) screws (adjective) / :
Seeming difficult to deal with in
anticipation; intimidating. Synonyms –
View Answer
Intimidating, formidable, disconcerting,
Option C unnerving, unsettling, dismaying,
Explanation: discouraging.
Twirl (verb) / :
Something that is twisted or coiled./ Spin 4. Arable: This area of the nation had once
quickly and lightly around, especially been an incredibly rich source
repeatedly. Synonyms: Pirouette, spin, of arable land.
whirl, turn, twist, rotation, revolution, A) need
gyration, twizzle. B) vacillate
C) acreage
D) active
2. Sneered: He positively sneered at me E) good
when I announced I was going to take
guitar lessons.
A) ridicule View Answer
B) jibe
C) ironic Option C
D) belittle Explanation:
E) gibbed Arable (adjective) – : (of land)
used or suitable for growing crops.
Synonyms: Farmable, Cultivatable,
View Answer
Tillable, Fertile, Productive.
Option E
5. Lackadaisical: He still is too inconsistent
Sneered (verb) :Smile or and too lackadaisical .
speak in a contemptuous or mocking A) foul
manner. Synonyms: Scoff at, scorn, B) abeyant
disdain, mock, jeer at, insult, slight, slur. C) indolent
D) abhorrent
E) abased
3. Daunting: Going to university is
a daunting prospect for many of us
currently studying at A-level. View Answer
A) affrighting
B) powerful Option C
C) mien Explanation:
D) appalling Lackadaisical
E) fatuous (adjective) / /
:Lacking enthusiasm and determination; | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 23

carelessly lazy. Synonyms: lethargic, 8. Lurk: They always lurk behind me,
apathetic, listless, sluggish, spiritless, waiting with their jaws open, licking their
passionless, careless, lazy, lax, lips.
unenthusiastic. A) loaf
B) lounge
C) loiter
6. Parlay: All that most of them can hope D) prowl
for is to parlay their film work into E) scupper
lucrative nude dancing careers or Internet
fan sites.
A) ignore View Answer
B) aggrandize
C) gaming Option D
D) gage Explanation:
E) improve Lurk (verb) / :
(of a person or animal) be or remain
hidden so as to wait in ambush for
View Answer someone or something. Synonyms:
Option B Ambuscade, lie in wait, waylay, scupper,
Explanation: bushwhack, ambush.
(verb) / :Turn 9. Rectitude : We also stand for
an initial stake or winnings from a fiscal rectitude and law and order.
previous bet into (a greater amount) by A) sin
gambling. Synonyms: Metamorphose, B) delinquency
Construct, Renew. C) probity
D) degeneracy
E) integrity
7. Internecine: He was
one internecine battle, and he became
cruel to her because of it. View Answer
A) internal
B) domestic Option E Explanation:
C) pernicious Rectitude
D) medical (noun) / :
E) immortal Morally correct behavior or thinking;
righteousness. Synonyms: Righteousness,
goodness, virtue, morality, honor,
View Answer honorableness, integrity, principle,
Option C probity .
10. Candour: Only an entirely new
Internecine (adjective) – generation can bring honesty
/ : Destructive to both and candour to this matter.
A) blunt
sides in a conflict. Synonyms: Deadly,
B) naivety
Fierce, Destructive, Ruinous, Pernicious.
C) candid


E) cricket to distract attention from the economy.

D) The security guard knew the girls
were going to try and use a distractive
View Answer ruse in order to shoplift.
E) None of these
Option B
Candour (noun ) / : View Answer
The quality of being open and honest in
Option B
expression; frankness. Synonyms:
Frankness, openness, honesty,
Ruse (noun) = trick, cunning plan
candidness, truthfulness, sincerity,
In B, ruse = scheme
forthrightness, directness.
3. Deplorable
Directions: A word is given followed by its
A) I can‘t believe you are trying to sell
usage in options. Find the option in which
me a car in such a deplorable condition!
there is inappropriate usage of word.
B) When I saw the pictures of the dead
1. Sham women and children, I could think of no
A) The sham was telling the birthday boy reason for such a deplorable act.
that they were headed to the dentist, C) These poor people had been through
when there was a surprise party waiting deplorable times.
for him. D) John‘s deplorable behavior is going to
B) My mother said that the product in the get him arrested one day.
infomercial was a sham and didn‘t work. E) None of these
C) When we found out that the
engagement was just a sham, we were
View Answer
very upset.
D) She ate a solely organic diet and Option C
scanned everything she bought for pesky Explanation:
sham ingredients. Deplorable(adj.) = abysmal, very bad
E) None of these In C, deplorable = Distressing

4. Woo
View Answer A) When you try to make a woman fall in
love with you, this is an example of a
Option D time when you woo her.
Explanation: B) It wasn‘t that easy to woo
Sham(noun) = pretence, fake, fraud; conservative Tamilians, after all.
In D , Sham = artificial C) The woman‘s woo was her floral
2. Ruse perfume that captivated the man‘s senses.
A) If my fake identification ruse D) I love to woo you princess.
backfires, I will not be allowed to enter E) None of these
the bar to see my favorite band.
B) The man‘s ruse to rob the old lady was
View Answer
ruined when one of her neighbors caught
him trying to break into her home. Option C
C) According to the president‘s enemies, Explanation:
his interest in public education is a ruse | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 25

Woo(verb) = persuade, try to attract 7. Thwart

In C, woo = allure A) Because Buffy wanted to thwart
Sherry‘s chances of winning the pageant,
5. Fray she posted the video of the wild
A) After sustaining damage to his upper bachelorette party on YouTube.
lip during a boxing match, Carl got B) After a series of tragic school
patched up and reentered the fray. shootings, the President didn‘t attempt to
B) As this year‘s election heats up, more conceal his anger as he lashed out at the
and more politicians are being drawn into groups who were trying to thwart gun
the fray. control legislation.
C) Soon the mob joined the fray, and C) In order to thwart the advancing
began swinging at their opponents with enemy troops, the captain ordered the
clubs. explosives team to destroy the bridge.
D) Our fray for self-preservation D) The young gymnast has suffered an
intensified as the war progressed. I injury which will thwart him from being
struggle to keep up with life‘s demands. part of the Olympic team.
E) None of these E) None of these

View Answer View Answer

Option D Option D
Explanation: Explanation:
Fray(noun) = tussle, battle Thwart(verb) = block, prevent, stop

6. Accede 8. Ram
A) Do not accede too readily to his A) A gust of wind was strong enough to
demands or he will think you are a wimp! ram a buggy into the back of my sister‘s
B) If you accede an outstanding article to car in the grocery store parking lot.
a magazine, there is a good chance that it B) As the driver continued to ram the car
will be published in their next issue in front of him, shocked onlookers hoped
C) Because Jack wants to make his wife that this act of road rage wouldn‘t end in
happy on their anniversary, he will a fatality
accede to wear a tuxedo for their dinner C) Thank you for the hug, but that tight
date. ram was made it difficult to breathe for a
D) Perhaps the congressmen should moment.
accede to the president‘s demands so the D) The police began to ram the door with
budget crisis can be averted. a piece of steel in order to force their way
E) None of these in.
E) None of these
View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: Option C
Accede(verb) = agree to, surrender to Explanation:
Ram(verb) = crash into, collide with | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 26


9. Embolden 1. Reverberate: In high school rumors tend

A) The loss will only embolden me to to reverberate throughout the student
work harder to earn a medal in the next body, regardless of their truthfulness.
Olympics. A) yield
B) If we give in to the terrorists, our B) allocate
actions will embolden other terrorist C) resonate
groups to commit the same criminal acts. D) glance
C) Do you believe alcohol commercials E) creak
embolden teens to drink?
D) While I try to maintain a stern
embolden when I punish my daughter, I View Answer
often forget myself and smile.
Option C
E) None of these
Reverberate= to cause effects afterwards
View Answer

Option D 2. Fuss: As the toddler began to fuss and

Explanation: protest, his mother looked for juice to
Embolden(verb) = encourage calm his fears.
A) elucidation
B) commotion
10. Unprecedented C) serenity
A) The Internet has erased distance and D) concord
given people unprecedented access to E) faint
each other.
B) Because of his unprecedented nature,
the eager student learned lots of View Answer
interesting information at the library.
Option B
C) Even the police department is shocked
by the unprecedented amount of crime
Fuss= to show excessive concern about
occurring in our small town.
D) The damage caused by the hurricane
is unprecedented and has never been
experienced before in this country. 3. Apolitical: The RSS claims it
E) None of these is apolitical, that it only acts as an
ideological guide to the BJP.
A) egalitarian
View Answer
B) underdog
Option B C) consular
Explanation: D) neutral
Unprecedented(adjective) = not done or E) impolitic
experienced before

Directions (1-10): In each of the View Answer

following questions one sentence is
Option D
given with a word in bold, choose
the most similar meaning of that
Apolitical= not interested in politics
word and mark it as your answer. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 27


4. Rapacity: Like the rest of Greece, View Answer

Athens suffered greatly from
the rapacity of its Byzantine Option B
administrators. Explanation:
A) bounty Aspersion= defamation
B) largesse
C) avarice
D) niggard 7. Rattle: The baby began to rattle her toy,
E) miser laughing hysterically has the beads inside
knocked about.
A) placate
View Answer B) silence
C) appease
Option C D) clink
Explanation: E) hush
Rapacity = Greed relating to material
View Answer

5. Odium: A man of deep learning and Option D

originality, proud and a victim to Explanation:
the odium theologicum, lie could brook Rattle== disturb
no rivalry.
A) detestation
B) approval 8. Hawkish: He is one of the
C) fame most hawkish members of the new
D) repute cabinet.
E) appreciation A) belligerent
B) pacifist
C) dovish
View Answer D) peaceable
E) friendly
Option A
Odium = widespread hatred View Answer

Option A
6. Aspersion: The two principal ones Explanation: Hawkish = aggressive
necessary to salvation are baptism and
the Eucharist; then come the water
of aspersion and the wearing of cinders, 9. Muster: The two football
and so forth; these advance a man in teams muster in their respective huddles
sanctity. before each play.
A) acclaim A) dismiss
B) flak B) prorogue
C) happiness C) analyze
D) applause D) gather
E) calmness E) run


Option D 2. Sporadic
Explanation: A) The doctor decided to hospitalize my
Muster= assemble mother because of her sporadic heartbeat.
B) Sporadic gas shortages are making
the summer miserable for many travelers.
10. Bulwark: Once the castle drawbridge is C) The latter, however, are widely
raised, it will act as a bulwark against distributed over the island, being
invader entry. especially frequent in the central and
A) flaw most inaccessible part.
B) imperil D) Over the years, many singers have
C) debility discovered success can be sporadic.
D) blight E) None of these
E) rampant

View Answer
View Answer
Option C
Option E Explanation:
Explanation: Sporadic= Occurring occasionally
Bulwark = protector

Directions: A word is given followed by its 3. Shun

usage in options. Find the option in which A) You summoning me shows you‘ve
there is inappropriate usage of word. begun to shun your place, love.
B) Mom‘s doctor told her that if she
1. Tacit wants to live to see her grandchildren she
A) Although no words were spoken, our must shun fatty foods.
nods represented our tacit agreement to a C) Investors began to shun our
cease fire. company‘s stock, causing it to plummet
B) In my business, all that is needed for in value.
a tacit understanding is a handshake D) We laughed as we watched the scared
between men cat shun the dog cage out of fear of the
C) Even though my boyfriend and I have large hound.
only been dating for three months, we E) None of these
have a tacit understanding to not date
other people
D) The two exchanged pleasantries and View Answer
tacit flirtations as they walked to
Chapman‘s, an upscale men‘s clothier. Option A
E) None of these Explanation:
Shun= to avoid, especially persistently

View Answer
4. Accolade
Option D A) And to give Uthyr one grudging
Explanation: accolade, he had never loved another
Tacit= Understood or implied without woman after her
being stated. B) When training your dog, you should
give him a gentle accolade for negative
behavior and a reward for positive | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 29


behavior. E) None of these

C) could do little more as he watched the
boy rise up from his seat to receive his
accolade. View Answer
D) Every success I had, every accolade,
Option A
promotion, and medal… It was all a
personal affront to him.
Allegiance= loyalty to some cause, nation
E) None of these
or ruler

View Answer
7. Flimsy
Option B A) The judge was displeased with the
Explanation: lawyer, because he kept on interrupting
Accolade= honour, praise the proceedings with one flimsy
argument after another.
B) Secure in his flimsy arms, she
5. Relapse wondered how she could have suspected
A) Kelly could relapse into depression if him of anything sinister.
she doesn‘t see her therapist regularly. C) I look so flimsy dancing in heels, that
B) To avoid having a relapse, the patient my friends worry that I might topple
should rest and take his medications. over.
C) The car abruptly halted its progress, D) We huddled in the basement, worried
slinging Lisa against the steering wheel that the hurricane would rip our flimsy
with bone jarring force. door off of its hinges.
D) You should stay away from drug users E) None of these
if you don‘t want to relapse into
E) None of these View Answer

Option C
View Answer Explanation:
Flimsy= likely to bend or break under
Option C pressure; weak, shaky, flexible, or fragile
Relapse= to fall backwards, usually in
relation to a person‘s health 8. Pertain
A) The discussion questions pertain to
common themes found in romantic
6. Allegiance British literature.
A) They see allegiance everywhere and B) Their pertaining hosts are mosquitoes
are afraid of everything. of the Culex genus
B) We took an oath of allegiance upon C) All of the evidence and documents
entering the military, and none of us plan that pertain to the murder case were
on violating it. presented to the jury.
C) Having lived in Denver for most of D) The statistics found in the study
my adult life, the Broncos have now pertain to the relationship between coffee
captured my allegiance. drinking and poor sleep habits.
D) Mark is a double agent who‘s true E) None of these
allegiance is suspect. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 30


View Answer Option D

Option B Enigma= someone or something that is
Explanation: mysterious and difficult to understand
Pertain = related or connected to the
subject being referenced Directions (1-10): In each of the
following questions one sentence is
9. Fidelity given with a word in bold, choose
A) He now meditated a further enterprise the most similar meaning of that
against Geneva; but his attempt to word and mark it as your answer.
capture the city by fidelity and with the
help of Spain (the famous escalade) in 1. Sententious: The angry politician
1602 failed completely. responded to the media’s question
B) These speakers reproduce sound with with a sententious remark that
such fidelity, you‘d think you were made him come across as a jerk.
actually in a concert hall. A) diffuse
C) Despite his apparent fidelity, she was B) wordy
never able to get over the feeling that he C) garrulous
had another girlfriend on the side. D) laconic
D) This imitation of Aunt Debra‘s secret E) prolix
recipe has absolutely no fidelity to the
real thing, and I refuse to eat it.
E) None of these View Answer

Option D
View Answer
Sententious(adj): given to
Option A moralizing in a pompous or affected
Explanation: manner.
Fidelity = faithfulness to one‘s duties;
accuracy, or exact correspondence to
some given quality or fact 2. Propitiate: By doing his community
service without incident, Harry hoped
to quickly propitiate his sentence.
10. Enigma A) agitate
A) Sadly, the little girl‘s disappearance B) placate
continues to be an enigma. C) annoy
B) Hopefully the teacher will help us D) discomfort
understand the math enigma on the board. E) irk
C) Even the psychiatrist found her
patient‘s behavior to be something of an
View Answer
D) There needs to be absolute enigma Option B
about the definition of an emergency.
E) None of these
3. Feckless: The police were able to
make an arrest because
View Answer the feckless burglar had left his
wallet at the scene of the robbery.

B) effectual 6. Ephemeral: Because the circus is in

C) supportive town for an ephemeral amount of
D) profitable time, you better go there soon before
E) helpful it is too late.
A) perpetual
D) ceaseless
View Answer C) constant
D) enduring
Option A
E) transitory
Feckless: lacking initiative or strength
of character View Answer

Option E
4. Tendentious: As I read Explanation:
the tendentious book review, it was Ephemeral (adj). – short-lived
obvious the reviewer had a personal
issue with the author.
A) impartial 7. Capricious: Since he started taking
B) horizontal the medication, Henry has been
C) just less capricious
D) arbitrary A) erratic
E) partisan B) stedfast
C) settle
D) staid
View Answer E) equable
Option E
Explanation: View Answer
Tendentious= exhibiting a certain
prejudice towards a subject Option A
Capricious (adj.) – unpredictable,
5. Limpid: Bill would not drink the whimsical
water in his glass because it was
not limpid and could have contained
all kinds of substances. 8. Magnanimous : When looking at all
A) angry the sports, it is easy to see that boxing
B) cloudy is the least magnanimous to the
C) stressful loser.
D) transparent A) nigardly
E) hazy B) narcissistic
C) stingy
D) generous
View Answer E) ignoble
Option D
Explanation: View Answer
Limpid: see-through; clear
Option D


Magnanimous (adj.) – big-hearted; wounded pride and make me feel better.

generous D) The decision appeased a storm of
protest from civil rights organizations
E) Management hopes to appease the
9. Enervate: The alcohol appeared unhappy workers by raising their salaries.
to enervate Jason’s ability to focus
at work.
A) debilitate View Answer
B) invigorate
C) animate Option D
D) bolster Explanation:
E) fortify Appease: to make (someone) pleased or
less angry by giving or saying something
View Answer

Option A 2. Austere
Explanation: A) Even though she appeared austere, my
Enervate (v.) – to weaken; drain the teacher was a very kind woman.
energy from B) My mother often spends her monthly
pension on austere purchases she never
10. Crumble : Instead of showing his
C) The soft candlelight made the room‘s
mother his paper, the boy chose
décor less austere.
to crumble it up.
D) Lacking personal touches, the
A) accomplish
couple‘s formal living room was quite
B) surge
C) rot
E) Because the dark house looked austere
D) advance
on Halloween night, most trick-or-
E) assist
treaters avoided it altogether.

View Answer
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: Option B
Crumble – to cause something to fall Explanation:
apart and break into many small Austere: without any decoration; strict
pieces and serious in manner

Directions: A word is given followed by its

usage in options. Find the option in which 3. Disparage
there is inappropriate usage of word. A) Because the soldier saved the
president, everyone is going to disparage
1. Appease him at a huge event.
A) The judge hoped the guilty verdict B) It is never right to disparage people
would appease the victim‘s family. based on ethnicity.
B) If my husband does something wrong, C) I cannot believe that you belittle and
he will try to appease me by buying my disparage people who have little in
favorite flowers. common with you.
C) A simple apology will appease my D) Spreading false rumors about Judy | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 33


will unfairly disparage her reputation. D) With his informative presentation,

E) He had some nerve to disparage the William showed his peers how erudite he
conservative way I dress at the beach. truly was.
E) His erudite observation about my
childhood caught me off-guard.
View Answer

Option A View Answer

Disparage : to express a negative Option C
opinion; belittle Explanation:
Erudite: having or showing profound
4. Elicit
A) Surprisingly, the gruesome images of
the murder did not elicit any feelings of 6. Esoteric
sympathy from the killer. A) Gerald was an eight-year-old genius
B) Although I tried, I was unable to elicit who had esoteric interests much different
any information from my husband about from kids of a similar age.
my birthday gift. B) Janice loved her country and found it
C) The charity uses pictures of small difficult to agree with the esoteric ideas
children on its website to elicit donations of the terrorists.
from caring people. C) While the writing appeared simple, its
D) She made to open the door, but he meaning was esoteric in the fact only a
elicited her number of scholars could comprehend it.
E) If I can elicit enough support from the D) This implies that the whole of
other board members, I know I can get Western theology has been an aberration
the proposal approved. or an esoteric veiling of the truth
E) Only a couple of people I know share
your esoteric thoughts on those religious
View Answer principles.
Option D
Explanation: View Answer
Elicit : to draw out or bring forth
Option D
5. Erudite Esoteric: known about or understood by
A) In order to understand this book on very few people
nuclear physics, I will have to review it
with someone who is erudite in that
subject. 7. Vacillate
B) Many difficult questions were asked A) The minority of drivers who
by the students, and they were all vacillated in drinking
followed by erudite responses from their B) You will miss a great opportunity if
knowledgeable teachers. you vacillate instead of accepting the job
C) Because some of the scenes in the offer!
movie were so erudite, I‘m afraid certain C) Sally is beginning to vacillate about
images will be imprinted on my mind whether or not she wants to get married
forever. on Christmas Day. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 34


D) Because her opinions rarely waiver, off if they are not returned on time.
Ann is not one to vacillate on any subject
which is important to her.
E) It is not uncommon for people to View Answer
vacillate when it comes to choosing
Option A
lottery numbers.
Tractable: controlled or directed with
View Answer ease

Option A
Explanation: 10. Torpor
Vacillate: to waver between different A) After overeating on Christmas, I fell
opinions or actions; be indecisive into a satisfied torpor.
B) Hopefully the stock market will rise
from its torpor and reach a year-end high.
8. Strut C) His torpor and genuine warmth melted
A) Proud of her makeover, she would more of her resistance.
strut in front of the mirror for hours. D) If my husband does not come out of
B) The economy was strut by rising oil his torpor and get a job, I will divorce
prices him.
C) The rooster would strut in the yard E) Many voters are in political torpor and
when trying to impress the hens rarely go to the polls.
D) The groom couldn‘t wait to strut onto
the dance floor with his new bride.
E) After he won the competition, he View Answer
began his strut to the winner‘s circle.
Option C
View Answer Torpor: the state of being motionless or
Option B
Explanation: Directions: A word is given
Strut: a proud step or walk, with the followed by its usage in
head upright
options. Find the option in
which there is
9. Tractable inappropriate usage of
A) He is tractable that he is not going to
resign word.
B) The dog was more tractable when he
wore the vibrating collar. 1. Garrulous
C) If the project becomes too large, it will A) Because Jake is garrulous, asking him
no longer be tractable by a single to keep a secret is impossible.
manager. B) My garrulous sister talked only about
D) The lab technicians will have no boys on the phone all day.
problem conducting the tractable C) Joe was garrulous when I asked why
experiments. he did not go to school yesterday.
E) The rental car company uses tractable D) How am I going to sleep sitting next
vehicles that can automatically be turned to this garrulous woman on my long | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 35


flight home? E) None of these.

E) None of these.

View Answer
View Answer
Option E
Option C Explanation:
Explanation: Abstemonious = marked by moderation
garrulous= excessively talkative, and holding back on indulgence
especially on trivial matters.

4. Compendium
2. Goad A) At the exhibit, five of the artist‘s
A) The mobster used a picture of the paintings will be displayed together as a
bank president‘s daughter to goad the compendium.
official into robbing the bank. B) The photographic compendium is an
B) The purpose of the medication is to album of pictures showing many of the
goad the body into producing its own country‘s military personnel.
disease-fighting antibodies. C) Jenna is in charge of editing the
C) As a teacher, Joan was constantly compendium of creativity that comprises
looking for positive ways to goad her the arts section of the newspaper.
students into reading more. D) Vegetables are compendium foods
D) The rain will more than likely goad which provide essential nutrients.
Josh from staying out for too long. E) None of these.
E) None of these.

View Answer
View Answer
Option D
Option D Explanation:
Explanation: compendium = an assortment of items
goad = provoke or annoy (someone) so displayed as a set
as to stimulate some action or reaction

5. Complaisant
3. Abstemonious A) My brother was always complaisant
A) The best way to avoid becoming and ready to fight.
obese is by being abstemious and only B) Marsha‘s complaisant character made
eating what is necessary to survive. her the perfect servant.
B) While Mr. Peterson was quite C) In the movie, the heroine had a
abstemious with his meals, he always put complaisant personality which made it
out a big feast when he had guests over impossible for her to deny anyone
for dinner. anything.
C) The buffet was huge and included D) The complaisant little boy gave away
healthy snacks for abstemious eaters and all his cookies to his friends.
large entrees for the insatiable individuals E) None of these.
D) Although my husband is normally
abstemious with his money, he will buy a
ticket to a football game in a minute. View Answer | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 36


Option A opinions or beliefs as if they were

Explanation: absolute facts
Complaisant = marked by an inclination
to please or oblige
8. Harangue
A) The candidate‘s speech was nothing
6. Guileless but a harangue against his opponent.
A) The guileless nerd really believed the B) The singer wrote the song as a
prom queen had a crush on him. harangue to his high school vocal coach.
B) My sister and brother have a C) As usual, the priest made his usual
competition every year to see who can harangue about the dangers of listening to
think up the most guileless April Fool‘s rap music.
trick. D) In an effort to recruit warriors, the
C) The guileless man was so trusting he tribal leader made a harangue about one
did not expect his girlfriend to cheat on of the neighboring tribes.
him with his best friend. E) None of these.
D) The guileless baby was not afraid of
E) None of these. View Answer

Option B
View Answer Explanation:
Harangue= a loud and aggressive speech;
Option B verbal attack
Guileless = naïve; trusting
9. Magnanimity
A) She accepted the criticism with
7. Dogmatic magnanimity.
A) The preacher was a dogmatic B) The father of one victim spoke with
individual who was quick to argue with remarkable magnanimity.
anyone who challenged his opinion. C) My cheap husband is full of
B) Because he refused to listen to others, magnanimity
everyone considered the politician to be D) In spite of this magnanimity Dorothen
too dogmatic. was still smarting.
C) The government‘s dogmatic approach E) None of these.
to improving the country‘s educational
system has not been welcomed by
teachers. View Answer
D) My teacher was dogmatic in her
Option C
grading practices and would not even
consider altering my grade!
magnanimity = generosity
E) None of these.

10. Dupe
View Answer
A) Matt tried to dupe the little boy into
Option E giving away his lunch money.
Explanation: B) Even if everyone else is doing wrong,
Dogmatic = to strongly state unsupported it is never dupe to commit a crime. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 37


C) In order to steal the rare coin, the C) The replicate work of the poseur was
criminal will have to dupe Jan into proved fake by the art critic.
believing he has fallen in love with her. D) My rich uncle is a poseur who
D) The athlete tried to dupe the team constantly boasts about his possessions.
manager by using purchased urine for the E) All are correct.
drug test.
E) None of these
View Answer

View Answer Option D

Option B poseur :- a person who attempts to
Explanation: impress by acting unlike himself
Dupe = to deliberately mislead someone
or the person who is easily used or 3. shard
tricked A) A sharp shard of shrapnel pierced the
soldier‘s armor and caused a deep wound.
Direction: In each of the following B) A shard of glass punctures her neck
questions, a word has been used in and Nadia is killed.
sentences in four different ways. Choose the C) Hannah dragged her down as fiery
option corresponding to the sentence in shards sailed over them.
which the usage of the word is D) A horcrux is created when a soul-
INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE. shard split from a murderer‘s soul is
infused into an object.
1. affable E) All are correct.
A) Although he looks great, I won‘t
approach him because I do not believe he
is very affable. View Answer
B) I would describe Santa Claus as a big
affable man who gives toys to children. Option C
C) At times you are extroverted, affable, Explanation:
sociable, while at other times you are Shard :- pieces of broken glass, pottery,
introverted, wary, reserved. or metal.
D) If you try and be affable, you can be 4. Lambaste
sure of the fact that your life would be A) The Government was severely
enriched by a lot of good people. lambasted by the opposition on this issue.
E) All are correct. B) The coach lambasted the team for its
poor play.
C) As the director started to lambaste the
View Answer
cast for the hundredth time, several of the
Option E lead actors walked out.
Explanation: D) Her mother had to lambaste her for
Affable :- polite and friendly not following her instructions.
E) All are correct.
2. poseur
A) This box is geared to poseurs rather
than serious students of chocolate. View Answer
B) That‘s when He Who Had Previously
Been a Poseur became cool. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 38


Option C 7. abstruse
Explanation: A) It has been truly said that such
Lambaste :- attack verbally optimism is an abtruse relative
5. dote on B) Some of the classic novels are too
A) The excessive delicacy of his abstruse for beginning readers to
constitution, not doted on appetite, understand.
exacted some unusual indulgences. C) While I could understand a little of the
B) I would dote on my girlfriend by contract, the majority of the legal text
catering to her every whim. was abstruse to me.
C) We were looking for a babysitter who D) When my uncle talks too fast, he can
would dote on our children as much as be quite abstruse.
we would. E) All are correct.
D) My grandmother loves to dote on her
grandchildren and sends us many gifts.
E) All are correct. View Answer

Option A
View Answer Explanation:
Abtruse :- difficult to comprehend
Option A
Explanation: 8. connoisseur
dote on:- show much fondness center A) If you are a beer connoisseur, you will
one‘s attention enjoy a tour of our local brewery.
B) Louis is a connoisseur of fine art and
6. sadastic rarely misses an exhibit at the art
A) Victor continued with a sadistic museum
chuckle, I am going to tell you where she C) To become a connoisseur at anything
is; first some ground rules. that you do is something that one needs
B) Fear fluttered through her, and her to strive for.
gaze flew to Kris, whom she trusted little D) Because the psychologist talks to
more than his sadistic brother. many individuals, she considers herself to
C) There they might live in peace and be a connoisseur of people and their
safety while all the country round was relationships.
overrun by rude and sadistic men. E) All are correct.
D) Even without some sadistic creature‘s
name around her neck, things would
never be the same. View Answer
E) All are correct.
Option C
View Answer Conneisseur :- a person with good
Option C
Explanation: 9. ail
Sadistic :- A sadistic person obtains A) I will take very good care of him, and
pleasure from hurting other people and not let him fall and ail himself.
making them suffer physically or B) To cure what ails us, Graham would
mentally. rekindle those fires.
C) Healing himself also allows | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 39


McPherson to learn what ails this country can be crusty (irritable, curt, tough) ;
D) Laughter is good medicine for what churlish (crude, rude, tough) ; uncivil but
ails you at work. can‘t be genial that means amiable /
E) All are correct friendly.

2. Tenacious: Your grandfather can narrate

View Answer stories about his childhood in
excruciating detail because he has
Option A a tenacious memory.
Explanation: A) Dogged
Ail :- to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble B) Flaccid
to. C) Pertinacious
D) Stubborn
10. beguile
A) It is unbeknown to me why I must View Answer
beguile such force.
B) Some hydrangeas beguile us with Option B
color changes that keep us guessing. Explanation : tenacious means
C) Gordon says of the Hollywood firm/strong so it can be used
mélange that beguiles him so. interchangeably with dogged
D) Her understanding of its people and (determined, persistent, resolute) ,
their place never fails to beguile. pertinacious (resolute) , stubborn (
E) All are correct. inflexible ) but not with Flaccid ( loose
/limp )

View Answer 3. Dapper: They went to where they found

the dapper warriors standing in the court
Option E in a great press of welcoming knights.
Explanation: A) Elegant
Beguile:- mislead or delude; cheat; pass B) Unkempt
time C) neat
D) Spruce
For each of the words given below, a
contextual usage is provided. From the View Answer
alternatives given, pick the word that is the
most inappropriate as a substitute in the Option B
given context and mark its number as your Explanation : Dapper means
answer. fashionable/tidy so it can mean elegant ,
neat and spruce ( well groomed ) but not
1. Brusque: She asked for a cup of coffee Unkempt that means messy/ disheveled.
and received a brusque reply: ―We don‘t
have any.‖ 4. Derision: The inept performance
A) Crusty elicited derision from the audience.
B) Churlish A) Approval
C) Genial B) Mockery
D) Uncivil C) Scorn
D) Disrespect
View Answer
View Answer
Option C
Explanation : Brusque means rude so it | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 40

Option A ) , remiss ( negligent ) , Inhabited is

Explanation : Derision means ridicule , it wrong here.
can mean Mockery ( scoffing) , Scorn (
disrespect ) , disrespect but not Approval. 8. Besmirch : Do honest men, believing in
themselves, besmirch their own honor by
5. Bucolic: They are both in the study of deliberate lying?
my old farmhouse, in a room that has A) Vilify
three nice sized windows, each with a B) Asperse
lovely, bucolic view. C) Slander
A) Arcadian D) clean
B) Pastoral
C) Metropolitan View Answer
D) Rustic
Option D
View Answer Explanation : Besmirch means malign so
it can be vilify ( disparage ), Asperse (
Option C criticize ) , Slander ( defame )
Explanation : Bucolic is rural/rustic ,
synonyms are Arcadian (rural) , Pastoral 9. Debauch: So far as I could judge, he had
and Rustic ( rural ) entirely recovered from his debauch.
A) Pervert
6. Bicker :A pair of student leaders sit B) Exalt
inches away from each other C) Debase
and bicker about the region Telangana D) Warp
becoming a separate state.
A) Argue View Answer
B) Wrangle
Option B
C) Squabble
Explanation : Debauch means to lower in
D) Reconcile
character, dignity ; so it can be Pervert (
View Answer corrupt ) , Debase ( dishonor ) ,Warp (
damage ) but can‘t be Exalt ( praise )
Option D
Explanation : Bicker means 10. Bigot :He was a bigot, but he understood,
quarrel/argument , it can mean Argue , correctly, that reproductive issues are
Wrangle ( quarrel) and squabble ( argue) often global.
but not reconcile . A) Liberal
B) Partisan
7. Derelict : Today, all that remains of these C) Adherent
Jewish holiday centers is a constellation D) Dogmatist
of derelict buildings.
A) vagrant View Answer
B) remiss
Option A
C) Inhabited
Explanation : Bigot means a person who
D) Deserted
is utterly intolerant of any differing creed,
View Answer belief, or opinion.
Partisan means follower , Dogmatist
Option C means racist/hypocrite , Liberal is
Explanation : Derelict means abandoned , wrong here .
Vagrant ( homeless) , Deserted ( desolate | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 41

Directions: A word is given followed by its 3. Spring

usage in options. Find the option in which A) I sprang out of bed on hearing the
there is inappropriate usage of word. loud noise .
B) Creativity and stupidity can spring
1. Caper from the same source.
A) The dancers were capering about the C) In spring, the garden is a feast .
stage. D) A spring mattress is more comfortable
B) The child did a little caper. than a normal one.
C) I am too old for this kind of caper. E) All are correct
D) The food was enough to caper to their
needs for a week.
E) All are correct View Answer

Option E
View Answer Explanation:
In 1. spring means move or jump
Option D suddenly
Explanation: In 2. It means > originate or arise from.
In 1 Caper means skip or dance about in a In 3. The season of spring
lively or playful way. In 4. The elastic device.
In 2 Caper is a playful skipping
movement. 4. Jam
In 3 Caper is used to mean a ridiculous A) The van come to a jamming halt.
activity or a prank B) There are always traffic jams on the
In 4 cater is the right word. road to Mumbai.
C) Four of us were jammed in one
2. Squash compartment.
A) The fruit got squashed under the D) The photocopy machine was jammed.
weight of all other fruits. E) All are correct
B) He heard the squash of the glass.
C) You cannot squash his determination
by making negative remarks. View Answer
D) The room was so full you couldn‘t
squash another person in. Option A
E) All are correct Explanation:
In 2: jam means traffic
In 3: it means , squeeze or pack tightly
View Answer into a specified space.
In 4 : jam is used to mean , unable to
Option B work due to a part struck.
Explanation: In 1 jarring is the right word which
In 1 Squash is crush something means physical shock, jolt
In 3 Squash determination means
suppress or subdue. 5. Haul
In 4 It is used to mean to push someone A) He hauled his bike out of the shed.
or something into a small sapce B) They escaped with a haul of antiques.
In 2 Smash is the right word which C) The thirty-mile haul to Boston was
means sound of breaking. full of adventures.
D) How to groom a horse and haul it. | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 42


E) All are correct something.

In 4: obtain the temporary use of
View Answer In 2: hare is the right word. Hare means
run with great speed.
Option D
Explanation: 8. Hawk
In 1 : haul means pull or drag with effort A) He spent the afternoon hawking.
or force. B) Severe limits were put on the peace
In 2 : something that has been stolen plan by party hawks.
In 3: journey C) I watched them hawk the branches
In 4: harness is the right word that means D) swift hawked low over the water.
to hitch E) All are correct
6. Hymn
A) When low of spirits, I find ―Hymn View Answer
therapy‖ a great way of treating.
B) The joys of domesticity were being Option C
hymned in magazines. Explanation:
C) New hymns go through six months of In 1: hawk means hunt game.
training. In 2: a person who advocates an
D) They were hymning to their god. aggressive policy.
E) All are correct In 4: hunt for food.
In 3: hack is the right word

View Answer 9. Key

A) The coils may be keyed into the slots
Option C by fiber wedges.
Explanation: B) Press the enter key.
In 1 : hymn means a religious song or C) She became a key figure in the
poem suffragette movement.
In 2: praise something. D) She keyed in a series of commands.
In 4: sing hymns. E) All are correct
In 2: hires is the right word.

7. Hire View Answer

A) The new hires need special training.
B) He hired off between the tress. Option E
C) Car hire is recommended. Explanation:
D) We flew to San Diego, hired a car, In 1: fasten something in position
and headed for Las Vegas. In 2: button
E) All are correct In 3: important
In 4: enter or operate important data

View Answer 10. Range

A) Prices range from 100 to 500.
Option B B) A table with a dozen chairs ranged
Explanation: around it.
In 1 : hire is used to mean employ for C) The area offers a wide range of
wages. activities.
In 3: the action of hiring someone or | IBPS SSC SBI RBI RRB FCI RAILWAYS 43

D) Her face was distorted with range. In 1: range means extend between
E) All are correct specified limits.
In 2: place or arrange
In 3: a set of different things of the same
View Answer general type.
In 4 : rage is the right word.
Option D

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