Computation Offloading and Wireless Resource Management For Healthcare Monitoring in Fog-Computing-Based Internet of Medical Things

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21, NOVEMBER 1, 2021 15875

Computation Offloading and Wireless Resource

Management for Healthcare Monitoring in
Fog-Computing-Based Internet of Medical Things
Yu Qiu, Haijun Zhang , Senior Member, IEEE, and Keping Long , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—During the COVID-19 pandemic, Internet of thermometers, patrol drones, epidemic prevention robots, and
Medical Things (IoMT) has been playing an important role induced door sensors, used in isolation zones has been widely
in controlling the development of the epidemic, including applied in epidemic prevention and control and resumption of
enabling doctors in different grade hospitals to make a diag-
nosis and treatment, isolating and care for confirmed and production and work.
suspected cases promptly, and preventing infection of patients Due to the acceleration of the pace of life in modern society
with the novel coronavirus. In this article, we investigate the and the significant improvement of peoples living standards,
minimization optimization problem for healthcare monitoring in health issues are gradually being taken seriously. The aging
fog computing-based IoMT (FogC-IoMT), which is nonlinear and population and the increasing number of patients with chronic
nonconvex problem, by considering Quality-of-Service require-
ment, power limit, and wireless fronthaul constraint. In order diseases require the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to be
to solve the problem effectively, three independent subproblems applied in monitoring patients physical condition in a timely
are decoupled, and the suboptimal low-complexity computa- and reliable manner [5]–[7]. Thus, the employment of the
tion offloading and resource management scheme is proposed IoMT is of great significance for the prevention and diag-
in FogC-IoMT. The simulation results reveal the effectiveness of nosis of diseases. Healthcare industry has become one of
the proposed optimization algorithm in terms of cost utility.
the fastest developed fields on the application of the IoT.
Index Terms—Computation offloading, fog computing-based The IoMT can digitally integrate human-oriented data, such
IoMT (FogC-IoMT), healthcare monitoring, wireless resource as medical history, medications and allergies, laboratory test
results, and personal statistics, greatly improving the quality
and effect of medical services. At the same time, user data
in different regions can be uploaded to the same data cen-
I. I NTRODUCTION ter, realizing medical data sharing and exceeding the time and
ITH the continuous development of mobile commu-
W nication technology and the Internet of Things (IoT),
more user information can be fully perceived, safely trans-
space limits of traditional medical service models while pro-
tecting privacy. When detecting unusual data changes, an alert
can be sparked in time and the user can be located, tracked,
mitted, and intelligently processed [1]–[3]. Against the ever and monitored by IoMT. Moreover, IoMT can achieve its
changing and challenging COVID-19 pandemic, IoT has best effect economically through the least intermediate links
played an important role in helping companies and society in the shortest time, offering patients the most satisfactory
respond to the challenges of the pandemic. From connect- medical services. Feng et al. [8] studied a nanonetwork of
ing hospitals to supporting the rapid transition of the supply e-health applications, and decreased the energy consumption
chain, many IoT solutions stand out during this period. The and latency of haptic communication in THz bands by solving
management and control requirements to reduce interpersonal the stochastic optimization problem. Pagán et al. [9] con-
contact have provided an opportunity for the IoT to give full sidered the improved adaptive compressed sense method for
play to its abilities [4]. A series of products, such as remote remote healthcare monitoring network. By utilizing coarse-
grained sensing localization and unsupervised clustering units
Manuscript received November 16, 2020; revised January 27, 2021; in sense parts, the total energy cost of transmitting medical
accepted February 28, 2021. Date of publication March 17, 2021; date of
current version October 22, 2021. This work was supported in part by data can be significantly reduced.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61771044 During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.K. national health
and Grant 61822104; in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the service (NHS) and the U.S. Medicare plan to agree to offer
Central Universities under Grant FRF-TP-19-002C1 and Grant RC1631; and
in part by the Beijing Top Discipline for Artificial Intelligent Science and funds to online patients. Therefore, the availability and uti-
Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing. (Corresponding lization of telemedicine/remote consultation and diagnosis in
author: Haijun Zhang.) many countries have been enhanced greatly. Telefonica in
The authors are with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing
Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, Beijing Spain is developing a new function of its Movistar Prosegur
Engineering and Technology Research Center for Convergence Networks alarm system, trying to use it for remote patient monitoring.
and Ubiquitous Services, University of Science and Technology Beijing, In addition, IoMT also supports the visualization of epi-
Beijing 100083, China (e-mail:;; demic maps, remote consultations with experts and other large-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3066604 scale national projects, as well as community and personal
c 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: SRM University Amaravathi. Downloaded on September 06,2023 at 10:51:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

epidemic prevention. Body temperature, respiratory rate, blood wireless communication system deployment with higher spec-
oxygen saturation in resting state, and oxygenation index are trum efficiency and bigger access [24], [25]. Moreover, there
all required to be tested during the COVID-19 epidemic, is a degree of relief in the increasingly outstanding problem of
while the cloud centers in hospitals at all levels have core spectrum shortage. While, it is difficult to design a low com-
graphics processing units (GPUs), electronic medical records, plexity and effective receiver mechanism in the application of
and image archiving and cloud computing systems. Based on NOMA.
user information collected online, cloud centers can help epi- Through information mining and intelligent processing and
demic prevention and control and complete the diagnosis and based on patients’ comprehensive information, IoMT can make
treatment of COVID-19 cases efficiently and accurately. suggestions that meet the individual requirements of precision
Although, with the widespread application of the cloud medicine [26]. It is worth noting that emotion-aware abili-
computing-based IoMT (CloudC-IoMT), the bottleneck of IoT ties are considered to be a key factor in improving the IoMT
in mobile health about medical data collecting, computing, services. In reality, besides physical pain, mental disorders are
and storage is broken with the utilization of the cloud com- also a painful factor that cannot be ignored when a person is
puting paradigm [10]–[13]. Cao et al. [14] designed a novel diagnosed with certain disease or he/she is in a stressful social
multicloud framework, including low cost local testing part environment. Especially at present, the COVID-19 crisis is
and medical information storage method, which has the broad still unfolding around us and the number of confirmed cases
applicability and scalability. While, faced with a swelling num- in most countries is tending to rise. People inevitably experi-
ber of connecting medical devices and more advanced medical ence anxiety and irritability when they have lived under such
applications, it is becoming quite hard to guarantee the real- a depressed environment for a long time. Even if they do not
time requirements of medical users with high efficiency and have extreme thoughts such as ending lives, they may have
low latency in CloudC-IoMT. It is ineluctable that there are a relatively unhealthy psychological status. What is worse,
enormous strains for cloud computing to complete whole med- patients are more likely to live in fear and psychological coun-
ical tasks calculation in CloudC-IoMT in a centralized manner. seling is a necessity for them. Zhang et al. [27] investigated
Meanwhile, not only a great quantity of medical tasks needs a novel emotion aware and intelligent IoMT system, which
to be offloaded to remote cloud computing center but also the collects multimodal data of patients. The effective assessment
feedback data should be transmitted to each requested med- of patients’ emotion can be achieved by further investigation.
ical user in time. Both two data transmission phases are put Based on the decision making about the emotion, continu-
extreme pressure to wireless access link, resulting in more ous emotion-aware healthcare services can be provided during
transfer delay and energy consumption. the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for infants and young
The integration of fog computing and nonorthogonal children, elderly, and mentally ill persons.
multiplexing access (NOMA) gives IoMT an attractive oper- In this article, we focus on the optimization problem about
ating mode, which can effectively provide comprehensive and the minimizing cost utility of medical users in fog computing-
personalized services according to different medical service based healthcare monitoring in IoMT, with consideration of
levels and performance requirements [15]–[17]. Fog comput- energy consumption, transmission delay, Quality-of-Service
ing is regarded as the expansion of centralized cloud in the (QoS) requirement, power limit, and wireless fronthaul con-
edge of wireless networks [18], [19]. The evolved edge fog straint. The initial optimization problem is nonlinear and
computing-enabled medical devices are equipped with a cer- nonconvex problem. To avoid the high computing complex-
tain amount of computing capability, available caching space, ity of optimization, we can transfer the initial problem into
and control and management function [20]. Different from three decoupling subproblems, including subchannel assign-
CloudC-IoMT, the fog computing-based IoMT (FogC-IoMT) ment, power allocation, and medical computation offloading.
can efficiently process whole medical analysis tasks with The main contributions of this article can be summarized as
decentralized manner by fog computing-enabled devices in the follows.
edge of the system [21]. Although the computing power of fog 1) We investigate the cost utility optimization problem
computing-enabled devices is very small than the large-scale for the healthcare monitoring in FogC-IoMT. Taking
computing capabilities of the cloud center in CloudC-IoMT. account of the distinct time sensitivity of medical data,
But it is sufficient to handle its medical tasks. The character- and the energy finiteness of the medical user, there are
istic of fog computing is provided adequate processing power two types of cost utility for each fog computing medical
to deal with the whole medical tasks promptly by the associa- users (F-MUs) in FogC-IoMT. Meanwhile, QoS require-
tion with lots of distributed fog nodes. Thus, there is no restrict ment and wireless fronthaul constraint are also in the
about offloading medical tasks in FogC-IoMT [22]. The med- consideration for this minimum optimization problem.
ical tasks offloading is more flexible through fog computing 2) Taking account of the fact that the optimization problem
with lower latency and energy consumption, which cannot be is neither a linear problem nor a convex optimization
only transmit the medical tasks to remote cloud centers by problem, we decouple it into three independent sub-
comparatively long distance communication [23]. problems, including subchannel assignment, power allo-
NOMA is an innovative access technology, which can allo- cation, and medical computation offloading. Then, in
cate single resource to multiple users in the network. This is order to accelerate solution efficiency, a low-complexity
quite different from traditional orthogonal multiplexing access. algorithm is introduced to work out three decoupling
By multiplexing power, NOMA is more suitable for future subproblems, respectively.

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3) Matching theory is utilized for subchannel assign-

ment between F-APs and F-MUs with NOMA. While,
the decoupling power assignment is still a noncon-
vex with fractional form, which can be solved after
being transformed into the subtractive form problem.
The simulation results reveal the effectiveness of the
proposed suboptimal low-complexity medical compu-
tation offloading and resource allocation algorithm in
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
Section II introduces the FogC-IoMT model and formulates
the minimization optimization problem. In Section III, three
independent subproblems are dealt with, respectively. Then,
the simulation results are provided in Section IV. Finally, this
article is concluded in Section V.


A. System Model
1) Channel Model: The architecture of FogC-IoMT is illus- coefficients between F-MU d and F-AP k. We denote pk,d,s as
trated in Fig. 1, including one cloud center in hospital or the transmission power of F-UE b of F-AP k on subchannel s.
Center for Disease Control, K fog-computing access points Then, let ωk,d,s represent the subchannel allocation indicator,
(F-APs), and lots of F-MUs. F-MU can continuously sense i.e., ωk,d,s = 1 stands for the subchannel allocation indicator
and collect the healthcare information about oneself (tempera- that the F-MU d connects to F-AP k via the subchannel s.
ture, pulse wave, blood pressure, and so on), which is related Otherwise, ωk,d,s = 0.
with electrocardiogram sensor, electromyogram sensor, blood Based on the NOMA principle, the SIC technology
pressure sensor, and so on in Fig. 1. All sensors in each F-MU is widely employed in receiving terminals to minimize
work at any time and place for healthcare result in massive interference between co-frequency users. Classically, F-MU
data in IoMT. It is noted that these data should be safely with bigger power will be assigned lower channel gain.
transmitted and processed intelligently in time for effective Therefore, F-MU with a better channel gain can avoid
healthcare. The computing capacity in the edge network offers interference produced by other F-MUs in a weaker channel
F-MUs more selections to manipulate medical data. First, in condition at the same subchannel. For F-AP k in the healthcare
fog computing-based healthcare monitoring, the medical anal- monitoring network, the gain of D F-MUs on the subchannel
ysis tasks of F-MUs d can be processed locally, as shown s is ordered as
in Fig. 1. Without occupying channel and consuming energy,        
hk,1,s 2 > hk,2,s 2 > hk,3,s 2 > · · · > hk,D,s 2 . (1)
medical tasks can be processed in the edge of FogC-IoMT
with low latency and energy consumption. While the capacity The signal-to-interference plus-noise ratio (SINR) for F-MU
of each F-MU is limited. Then, F-MU can offload the task to d served by the F-AP k on the subchannel s in the healthcare
the near F-APs by the wireless access links as F-MUs d − 1, monitoring network is
or to cloud center via the wireless fronthaul as F-MUs d +1 in  2
Fig. 1. Inevitably, the computation offloading will bring about pk,d,s hk,d,s 
SINRk,d,s = 
 2 (2)
u=d+1 pk,u,s hk,d,s + Ik,d,s + σ
more energy consumption and time delay. F-MU will select the co 2
best mode to accomplish the medical analysis task, according D
u=d+1 pk,u,s |hk,d,s | is the superposed interference
to the task size, delay limit, and computing capability, instead where
of being obliged to offload all tasks to remote cloud centers. caused by F-MUs in F-AP F on the subchannel s, Ik,d,s co =
F-AP also can connect to the cloud center by fronthaul links. m=1,m=k d=1 pm,d,s |hk,d,s | 2
is the the co-tier interference
It is assumed that a portion of the system bandwidth BF is from F-MUs in other F-APs m, and σ 2 is the white Gaussian
assigned to F-APs for data transmission with its F-MUs. The noise.
remaining system bandwidth BC is allocated to BBU pools Therefore, the data rate of F-MU d in F-AP k can be
for wireless fronthaul link with F-APs. Specifically, F-MUs given by
can use the nonorthogonal frequency-division multiple access
BF ωk,d,s
technology and the orthogonal radio resources are allocated RFk,d,s = log2
for wireless fronthaul with the adjacent F-APs. There are NF
⎛ ⎞
S nonorthogonal frequency channels with F-APs denoted as pk,d,s hk,d,s 
S = {1, 2, . . . , S}, and N orthogonal frequency channels for × ⎝1 +   2 ⎠. (3)
p  h  + I co + σ 2
u=d+1 k,u,s k,d,s
wireless fronthaul denoted as N = {1, 2, . . . , N}. k,d,s

Without loss of generality, we consider a set of F-MUs In FogC-IoMT, the F-APs can connect cloud center via fron-
denoted by D ∈ {1, 2, . . . , D}. Denote hk,d,s as the channel thaul. The data rate of the fronthaul link between F-AP k and

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cloud center can be described as the following formula: where κkF represents the number of CPU cycles needed to
  2 process one bit input of the medical task MTk,d,s in F-AP k,
BC pC  
k hk,n and fkF is the CPU-cycle frequency for F-MU d assigned by
Rk = C log2 1 +
N σ2 F-AP k.
where hk,n is the channel coefficients between F-AP k and Therefore, the sum latency DFk,d,s of the fog mode can be
cloud center, and pFk is the transmit power of the BBU pools given by
targeted at corresponding F-AP k. It is assumed the subchannel UF(T)
DFk,d,s = Dk,d,s + Dk,d,s .
about wireless fronthaul link between the F-APs and cloud
center is set in this article, and N C is equivalent to the number Different from the local mode at F-MU d, the energy con-
of F-APs. sumption of completing the medical task MeTk,d,s in the
2) Offloading Model: In the computation offloading period, fog-computing layer consists of two parts, which are the
there is only one medical task to be processed at F-MU, which energy consumption of offloading MeTk,d,s from F-MU d to
is denoted as MeTk,d,s . Meanwhile, it is set that every com- F-AP k and executing MeTk,d,s at F-AP k.
putation task cannot be divided. Let αk,d,s L , β F , and γ C
k,d,s k,d,s
Then, the energy consumption Ek,d,s of the fog mode can
represent the offloading decision about MeTk,d,s of F-MU d be expressed as
on subchannel s in F-AP k.
If αk,d,s
L = 1, it represents that the medical task MeTk,d,s is UF(T) F(P) κkF Tk,d,s pidle
Ek,d,s = Dk,d,s pk,d,s + Dk,d,s pidle
k,d,s =
processed at F-MU d locally. Obviously, there is no wireless fkF
link in this mode. F-MU d utilizes its own computing resources Tk,d,s pk,d,s
to complete medical task. Tk,d,s denotes the size of MeTk,d,s +
pk,d,s |hk,d,s |
BF ωk,d,s
for F-MU d served by F-AP k on the subchannel s, and κk,d,s L log2 1 + D
u=d+1 pk,u,s |hk,d,s |2
co +σ 2
represents the number of CPU cycles needed to process one bit (10)
input of MeTk,d,s . Therefore, the computation latency Dk,d,s of
executing MeTk,d,s at F-MU d locally can be given by where pidle
k,d,s is the idle power of F-MU d in F-AP k on the
subchannel s.
Dk,d,s = (5) If γk,d,s
C = 1, it represents the medical task MeTk,d,s is
fk,d,s processed at the cloud center. There are two phases in this
L offloading procedure. In this mode, F-MU d in FogC-IoMT
where fk,d,s is the CPU-cycle frequency of F-MU d.
needs to first transmit the medical task MeTk,d,s to F-AP k
The sum latency DLk,d,s of executing MeTk,d,s at F-MU d
L(P) by wireless access link. Then, F-AP k continues to offload the
locally is equal to Dk,d,s . medical task MeTk,d,s to the cloud center by wireless fronthaul.
Based on the local computation latency, the energy con- Finally, cloud center can execute the medical task MTk,d,s in
sumption Ek,d,s of executing MeTk,d,s at F-MU d can be hospital or disease control centers.
expressed as C(P)
Therefore, the transmission latency Dk,d,s of transmit
L(P) κL T
local k,d,s k,d,s
MeTk,d,s from F-MU d to the cloud center also includes two
Ek,d,s = pk,d,s L
(6) parts, which can be given by
C(T) UF(T) FC(T) Tk,d,s Tk,d,s
where plocal Dk,d,s = Dk,d,s + Dk,d,s = + C
k,d,s is the local execution power of F-MU d in F-AP k. F
Rk,d,s Rk
If βk,d,s = 1, it represents the medical task MeTk,d,s is pro-
cessed at F-AP k. In this mode, F-MU d needs to first offload =
k |hk,n |
the medical task MeTk,d,s to F-AP k by wireless access link. BC pC
log2 1+ σ2
Then, F-AP k can execute the medical task MeTk,d,s in the fog-
computing layer of the healthcare monitoring network. Thus, Tk,d,s
UF(T) +
pk,d,s |hk,d,s |
the transmission latency Dk,d,s of offloading the medical task BF ωk,d,s
log2 1 + D
MeTk,d,s from F-MU d to F-AP k through wireless access link NF
u=d+1 pk,u,s |hk,d,s | 2
co +σ 2

can be given by (11)

UF(T) Tk,d,s UF(T) FC(T)
Dk,d,s = F where Dk,d,s is the same as that in fog mode, and Dk,d,s is
Rk,d,s the transmission latency of transmit the medical task MeTk,d,s
Tk,d,s from F-AP k to the cloud center by fronthaul link.
= . (7) C(P)
pk,d,s |hk,d,s |
BF ωk,d,s The computation latency Dk,d,s of executing MeTk,d,s at the
log2 1+ D
u=d+1 pk,u,s |hk,d,s |2 +Ik,d,s
co +σ 2 cloud center can be given by
The computation latency Dk,d,s of executing MeTk,d,s at C(P) κ C Tk,d,s
Dk,d,s = (12)
F-AP k can be given by fC
F(P) κkF Tk,d,s where κ C represents the number of CPU cycles needed to
Dk,d,s = (8)
fkF process one bit input of MeTk,d,s at the cloud center, and f C

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is the CPU-cycle frequency for F-MU d assigned by the cloud minimizes the cost utility of all the F-MUs. It is necessary to
center. take both the latency and the energy consumption into consid-
Therefore, the sum latency DC
k,d,s of the cloud mode can be eration. Therefore, the optimization problem of FogC-IoMT
given by can be described as
C(T) C(P) UF(T)
k,d,s = Dk,d,s + Dk,d,s = Dk,d,s + Dk,d,s + Dk,d,s .
FC(T) C(P)
min χk,d,s Dk,d,s + χk,d,s
In the end, the sum energy consumption Ek,d,s of the cloud k=1 d=1 s=1
mode is expressed as s.t. C1 : αk,d,s
, βk,d,s
, γk,d,s
∈ {0, 1}
= Dk,d,s pk,d,s + Dk,d,s pidle
k,d,s + Dk,d,s pk,d,s
idle C(P) C2 : αk,d,s
+ βk,d,s
+ γk,d,s
κ C Tk,d,s pidle Tk,d,s pidle C3 : ωk,d,s ∈ {0, 1}
k,d,s k,d,s
= + D
k |hk,n |
fC BC pC
log2 1+ C4 : ωk,d,s ≤ 2
NC σ2
Tk,d,s pk,d,s C5 : pk,d,s ≥ 0
× ⎛ ⎞.
D  S
BF ωk,d,s ⎜ pk,d,s |hk,d,s |
⎟ ωk,d,s pk,d,s ≤ pmax
log2 ⎝1 + 
D ⎠ C6 : k
pk,u,s |hk,d,s |
co +σ 2
d=1 s=1
C7 : RFk,d,s ≤ RC
d=1 s=1
B. Problem Formulation

Let Dk,d,s denote the latency of F-MU d served by F- C8 : RFk,d,s ≥ Rmin
k (18)
AP k on the subchannel s in FogC-IoMT, which can be d=1 s=1
expressed as C
where the power limits for F-AP k are denoted as pmax k , Rk
Dk,d,s = αk,d,s
DLk,d,s + βk,d,s
DFk,d,s + γk,d,s
is the capacity of the wireless fronthaul for F-AP k, and Rk
 is the QoS requirement about the minimum transmission rate
κk,d,s Tk,d,s
Tk,d,s κkF Tk,d,s
= αk,d,s
+ β F
k,d,s + for F-AP k.
fL RFk,d,s fkF The constraints C1 and C2 ensure that only one mode can
Tk,d,s Tk,d,s κ C Tk,d,s be chosen to process medical task for healthcare monitoring
+ γk,d,s
+ + . (15) in FogC-IoMT; C3 and C4 ensure that one subchannel has
RFk,d,s RCk
no more than two F-MUs; the constraints C5 and C6 are the
Ek,d,s is denoted as the energy consumption of F-MU d power limits; the constraint C7 is uplink wireless fronthaul
served by F-AP k on the subchannel s in FogC-IoMT, which constraint for each F-AP; and the constraint C8 ensures QoS
can be expressed as requirement of each F-AP for healthcare monitoring in FogC-
L(P) IoMT.
Ek,d,s = αk,d,s
Dk,d,s plocal
UF(T) F(P)
+ βk,d,s Dk,d,s pk,d,s + Dk,d,s pidle
UF(T) FC(T) idle C(P)
+ γk,d,s Dk,d,s pk,d,s + Dk,d,s pk,d,s + Dk,d,s pidle
k,d,s .
The optimization problem of FogC-IoMT is neither a linear
(16) problem nor a convex optimization problem. With the purpose
It is noted that health monitoring is extremely delay sen- to solve the optimization problem effectively, we decouple
sitive, and some F-MUs are energy constrained. Therefore, it into three independent subproblems, including subchan-
the cost utility Ck,d,s of F-MU d served by F-AP k on the nel assignment, power allocation, and medical computation
subchannel s can be defined as offloading.

Ck,d,s = χk,d,s
Dk,d,s + χk,d,s
Ek,d,s (17)
A. Subchannel Matching
where χk,d,s
D and χk,d,s
are the normalized weight coefficients For three optional offloading mode, only fog and cloud
of the total process latency Dk,d,s and the total energy offloading mode should take account of subchannel assign-
consumption Ek,d,s for F-MU d served by F-AP k on ment. In order to solve the assignment problem of subchannel
D , χE
the subchannel s, respectively, and χk,d,s k,d,s ∈ {0, 1}, in the healthcare monitoring network, the matching algorithm
χk,d,s + χk,d,s = 1.
D E can be proposed.
As discussed above, there exist three optional offloading In the matching scheme, all the F-MUs and the subchan-
decisions for each F-MU to accomplish its medical task nels are two disjoint sets, and each player are rational and
MeTk,d,s in FogC-IoMT. Our target is to design an efficient selfish in two sets. For each F-MU in the healthcare monitor-
medical task offloading and resource allocation scheme that ing network, it only want to use the preferable subcahnnel to

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offload its medical task MeTk,d,s with the minimum cost util- Thus, the power allocation problem can be rewritten as
ity. When the match process starts, each F-MU first choose
the favorite subchannel according to its preference sequence. 
P1.2 min g1 pk,d,s − ηg2 pk,d,s
If F-MU d can acquire higher channel gain of subchannels s
than subchannels s∗ , the subchannel s in front of the subchan- k=1 d=1 s=1
s.t. C5, C6, C7, C8. (23)
nel s∗ in preference sequence of F-MU d. But, the number of
the F-MUs assigned to one subchannel is limited. Moreover, The optimization problem has been converted into a linear
in order to control the complexity of decoding in receiving form and can be dealt with efficiently. In order to find the
end, it is need to set that two F-MUs are allowed to share a optimal power allocation, we have used the method of the
single subchannel at most. Thus, F-MU d can be turned down Lagrangian dual analysis. Because in the previous section, we
for use subchannels s when two F-MUs have occupied sub- have got ωk,d,s of subchannel matching. Then, in order to sim-
channels s and there is no smaller cost utility can be brought plify the expression of this problem, we can use  pk,d,s (t) to
about by F-MU d. After being refused by subchannels, F-MU replace pk,d,s (t) and ωk,d,s , where 
pk,d,s = ωk,d,s pk,d,s .
d will go on sending access request to the following one in The Lagrangian function is represented as
its preference sequence. When the set of unmatched F-MUs
is empty, the subchannel matching is finished.   K 
L pk,d,s , δ, ϑ, θ = χk,d,s + χk,d,s
pk,d,s Tk,d,s
k=1 d=1 s=1
B. Power Allocation S  
K  D 
It can be observed that power allocation is also related to the − ηR̂Fk,d,s
process in fog layer and cloud center, which is the same as sub- k=1 d=1 s=1
 D S
channel matching. Thus, βk,d,s
F + γk,d,s
C = 1. After subchannel K 
matching, the power allocation problem can be rewritten as + δk p̂k,d,s − pmax
k=1 d=1 s=1
 D S

P min χk,d,s Dk,d,s + χk,d,s
Ek,d,s + ϑk R̂Fk,d,s − RC
k=1 d=1 s=1 k=1 d=1 s=1
s.t. C5 : pk,d,s ≥ 0 

D  S + θk Rmin
k − R̂Fk,d,s . (24)
C6 : ωk,d,s pk,d,s ≤ pmax
k k=1 d=1 s=1
d=1 s=1
The power allocation can be acquired by partial derivatives.
D  S
C7 : RFk,d,s ≤ RC Once the power allocation scheme is obtained, we can adopt
d=1 s=1
the subgradient method to update the multiplier
D  S
(η − ϑk + θk )BF
C8 : RFk,d,s ≥ Rmin
k . (19) p∗ k,d,s =   
d=1 s=1 N(ln 2) δk + χk,d,s
D  2
u=d+1 pk,u,s hk,d,s + Ik,d,s + σ
co 2
This power allocation problem is a nonlinear fractional pro-
−  2 . (25)
gramming problem. To obtain its optimal solution efficiently, hk,d,s 
we should transform the fractions into subtractions to miti-
gate the computation complexity [24]. η* is denoted as the
the optimal cost utility, which is expressed as C. Medical Computation Offloading
  When pk,d,s and ωf ,b,c are given in (15) and (16), the
k=1 d=1 s=1 g1 p∗k,d,s subproblem of offloading decision can be described as
η* = min    (20)
P K D S ∗ 
g2 p
k=1 d=1 s=1 k,d,s P1.3 min χk,d,s
Dk,d,s + χk,d,s
k=1 d=1 s=1
where p∗k,d,s denotes the optimal power when getting η* . s.t. C1 : αk,d,s
, βk,d,s
, γk,d,s
∈ {0, 1}
g1 (pk,d,s ), g2 (pk,d,s ) is defined as
C2 : αk,d,s + βk,d,s + γk,d,s = 1.
g1 pk,d,s = χk,d,s + χk,d,s
pk,d,s Tk,d,s (21)
Since the object function and the constraints are linear func-
  BF ωk,d,s tions, the offloading decision problem is a 0 − 1 programming
g2 pk,d,s = log2
⎛ ⎞ problem. However, the computation complexity rises exponen-
pk,d,s hk,d,s  tially when the number of computation tasks increases and it

× 1+   2 ⎠. reaches an extreme extent when there is a large number of
pk,d,s hk,d,s  + I co
u=d+1 k,d,s + σ
computation tasks. Our target is to minimize the cost utility
(22) of all F-MUs. Therefore, we can directly choose the mode

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Algorithm 1 Suboptimal Low-Complexity Medical Task

Offloading and Wireless Resource Allocation Algorithm
Step 1: Medical Task Offloading
Achieve medical task offloading desicion using (27)
Step 2: Subchannel Assignment
Achieve the ωk,d,s using the Subchannel Matching
Step 3: Power Allocation
Initialize the maximum number of iterations Tmax , cost
utility η0 and maximum
while g1 pk,d,s − η g2 pk,d,s  > ρ or t ≤ Tmax do
t t

Initialize Mmax , the number of iterations m = 0
Initialize Lagrange multipliers δk , ϑk , θk
Fig. 2. Cost utility performance versus the iteration number.
for each F-AP do
for each F-MU do
for each subchannel do
Calculate and update pf ,b,c by (25)
Calculate and update δk , ϑk , θk
end for
end for
end for
until Convergence or m = Mmax    
Set t = t + 1, and let ηt = g1 pt−1 k,d,s g2 pt−1
end while

with lowest cost utility

Fig. 3. Cost utility performance with different numbers of F-APs versus the
1, Ck,d,s = min Ck,d,s
L , Ck,d,s
F , CC
αk,d,s =
L k,d,s size of MeTk,d,s .
0, else
1, Ck,d,s = min Ck,d,s
L , Ck,d,s
F , CC
βk,d,s =
F k,d,s
0, else that the size of medical task is 0.19 MB uniformly. The num-
   ber of CPU cycles required to process one bit input of task
1, Ck,d,s = min Ck,d,s
L , Ck,d,s
F , CC L , F-AP k κ F , and cloud center κ C is set as
in F-MU d κk,d,s
γk,d,s =
C k,d,s (27) k
0, else equal with 297.2 cycles/b. The CPU-cycle frequency of F-MU
L , F-AP k f F , and cloud center f C is set as 0.5 G cycles/s,
d fk,d,s
In this article, the minimization problem of cost utility is k
2 G cycles/s, and 4 G cycles/s.
decoupled into three subproblems. For each subproblem, the
Fig. 2 shows the cost utility of the healthcare monitoring
optimal solution is proposed. From (26), it can be observed
system when the iteration number is from 0 to 30. With the
that power allocation and subchannel assignment do not much
increase of the number of iterations, the cost utility of the
affect the solution of medical computation offloading subprob-
proposed scheme and the random scheme both rise first, then
lem. Therefore, the mean value of power can be used to find
decline and finally stabilize. When the number of iterations
the medical computation offloading decision with low com-
reaches 8, the curve stabilizes. Since Task = 0.16 MB, it can
plexity. Then, the suboptimal medical computation offloading
be seen that the cost utility value of the random algorithm is
and resource allocation scheme for healthcare monitoring in
larger than that of the proposed scheme. This is because the
FogC-IoMT can be presented in Algorithm 1.
random scheme fails to optimize the channel allocation, so the
performance is poor and the cost utility is larger. Moreover,
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION when the value of medical task is increased from 0.15 to
In this section, we verify the proposed medical task offload- 0.16 MB, that is, the medical task for healthcare monitoring
ing and wireless resource management algorithm in terms of in FogC-IoMT processed is heavier, the cost utility value of
cost utility by simulations. In the proposed FogC-IoMT, the the corresponding system will also increase.
cell radius of HPN and each F-AP is set as 300 and 30 m. Fig. 3 demonstrates the cost utility performance with differ-
The transmit power of HPN and F-AP is set as 33 and 30 dBm. ent number of F-APs when Tk,d,s is from 0.15 to 0.19 MB. As
The system noise power density is set as −174 dBm/Hz, the size of task becomes larger, the value of cost utility grad-
respectively. The carrier frequency is 2 GHz. It is assumed ually rises. Obviously, as the number of F-APs increase from

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of the proposed scheme and the average allocation scheme

will decrease accordingly. Moreover the cost utility of the
proposed algorithm will be lower than the average allocation
scheme, owing to the proposed algorithm optimizing the power
allocation, which can reduce the cost utility of the system.
Compared with the average allocation scheme, the cost utility
of the proposed algorithm decreases faster, so the performance
of the proposed algorithm is better.

In this article, the optimization problem in FogC-IoMT is
investigated for minimizing the cost utility for all F-MUs with
multiple constraints. Taking accounting of the fact that the
Fig. 4. Cost utility performance versus the number of F-MUs in each F-AP.
object problem is nonlinear and nonconvex, we first decou-
ple it into three independent subproblems, including medical
task offloading, subchannel assignment, and power alloca-
tion. Then, the suboptimal low-complexity medical offloading
and wireless resource allocation scheme can be proposed to
achieve low energy consumption and transmission latency
for healthcare monitoring in FogC-IoMT. Finally, simula-
tion results can demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
scheme. Although energy consumption and latency are taken
into consideration in object problem and solved, how to
improve the emotion-aware ability in FogC-IoMT needs to be
discussed in more detail later, for providing more comprehen-
sive patient-centered medical services. Especially at present,
the COVID-19 crisis is still unfolding around us and the
number of confirmed cases in most countries is tending to
Fig. 5. Cost utility performance with different scheme versus the CPU-cycle
frequency of F-AP.
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