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Growing up in an American society, we are surrounded by certain customs and

mannerisms. We pay little attention to them, as they have been ingrained into our
society and is apart of our everyday lives. It is when a new culture or society
gets thrown into the mix that we notice the different customs. Our first reaction
is to think their way is wrong or weird, but when you take a step back you realize
that it’s not weird at all, in fact it is as natural as breathing. They are from a
different country, therefore they have different customs and way of living. To
them, our ways are just as strange.

This concept is called Ethnocentrism. To define it, it is quite simply when one
overlooks different cultures and compares them to their own culture. …show more

I couldn’t understand how somebody could kill their own child. But after looking at
it, native americans had a completely different way of living. For them that was
normal and part of their ways.

Just like we think other countries ways are strange, they think the same thing
about us and some of the things we do. For example One thing that we discussed in
class is pour money system. If you come to the United States and have a lack of
knowledge on how our money system is ran, you will be very lost. Take for example a
dime. A penny is bigger than a dime physically but as far as it value it is
significantly different. Plus a dime does not say the value of its worth. It just
say a dime on the back. To Americans we do not think twice about it. It is just
common sense to know that a dome is a ten cent.

Another way to look at ethnocentrism would be through race. In the readings, there
is not a genetic link to that pushed people into one group or another. We are all
made out of the same stuff, blood, bones and organs. The example reading gives us
is if you were to look at a Russian and African, you would see not different
anatomically but a variation in the skin. Another thing that they brought up was
the population. Just because you are in a certain location does not mean you are
surrounded by that one particular race. Take for example the United States we are a
country made up of different races. Some where you are going to cross …show more

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