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Sk|n Lhe largesL organ of Lhe body conslsLs of Lwo layersLhe epldermls and dermls 1he depLh or

degree of burn depends on whlch layers of skln are damaged or desLroyed

Lp|derm|s ls Lhe ouLer layer LhaL forms Lhe proLecLlve coverlng 1he Lhlcker or lnner layer of Lhe
derm|s conLalns blood vessels halr folllcles nerve endlngs sweaL and sebaceous glands When Lhe
dermls ls desLroyed so are Lhe nerve endlngs LhaL allow a person Lo feel paln LemperaLure and LacLlle
W ls a Lype of ln[ury Lo flesh caused by heaL e|ectr|c|ty chem|ca|s ||ght rad|at|on or fr|ct|on MosL
burns affecL only Lhe skln (epldermal Llssue and dermls ) 8arely deeper Llssues such
as muscles bone and blood vessels can also be ln[ured 8urns may be LreaLed wlLh flrsL ald ln
an ouLofhosplLal seLLlng or may requlre more speclallzed LreaLmenL such as Lhose avallable aL
speclallzed burn cenLers
1P8LL LLvLLS Cl 8u8nS
W |rst degree burn ls superflclal and causes local lnflammaLlon of Lhe skln Sunburns ofLen are
caLegorlzed as flrsL degree burns 1he lnflammaLlon ls characLerlzed by paln redness and a mlld
amounL of swelllng 1he skln may be very Lender Lo Louch
W Second degree burns are deeper and ln addlLlon Lo Lhe paln redness and lnflammaLlon Lhere ls
also bllsLerlng of Lhe skln
W superflclal seconddegree burn ln[ures Lhe Lop layer of skln (epldermls) and may ln[ure a small
area of Lhe Llssue (dermls) below Lhe skln
W deep seconddegree burn ln[ures Lhe Lop layer of skln (epldermls) and Lhe Llssue below Lhe
skln (dermls)
W @h|rd degree burns are deeper sLlll lnvolvlng all layers of Lhe skln ln effecL kllllng LhaL area of
skln 8ecause Lhe nerves and blood vessels are damaged Lhlrd degree burns appear whlLe and
leaLhery and Lend Lo be relaLlvely palnless
tota| body surface area (@8SA)

W ge 1030yrs parLlal Lhlckness burns 23 of LoLal body surface area
W ge 10 or 30 parLlal Lhlckness burns 20 of LoLal body surface area
W lull Lhlckness burns 10
W 8urns lnvolvlng Lhe hands face feeL or perlneum
W 8urns LhaL cross ma[or [olnLs
W ClrcumferenLlal burns Lo any exLremlLy
W ny burn assoclaLed wlLh lnhalaLlonal ln[ury
W LlecLrlcal burns
W 8urns assoclaLed wlLh fracLures or oLher Lrauma
W 8urns ln lnfanLs and Lhe elderly
W 8urns ln persons aL hlghrlsk of developlng compllcaLlons
W 1hese burns Lyplcally requlre referral Lo a speclallzed burn LreaLmenL cenLer
W ge 1030yrs parLlal Lhlckness burns lnvolvlng 1323 of LoLal body surface area
W ge 10 or 30 parLlal Lhlckness burns lnvolvlng 1020 of LoLal body surface area
W lull Lhlckness burns lnvolvlng 210 of LoLal body surface area
W ersons sufferlng Lhese burns ofLen need Lo be hosplLallzed for burn care
,NCk 8UkNS
W ge 10 or 30 parLlal Lhlckness burns lnvolvlng 10 of LoLal body surface area
W lull Lhlckness burns 2 of LoLal body surface area wlLhouL assoclaLed ln[urles
uslng Lhe rule of palms Lhe surface of Lhe paLlenLs palm represenLs approxlmaLely 1 of body surface
area and ls helpful ln esLlmaLlng Lhe area of small burns

W n a burn pL( vlcLlm) Lhe arkland lormula glves you Lhe calculaLlon you need Lo know how
much flulds Lo glve Lo hlm/her Pere ls Lhe formula
W I ( f|u|ds vo|ume) tota| body surface area of burn () x we|ght (kg) x 4
@L DC NC@s
W o nC1 apply olnLmenL buLLer lce medlcaLlons cream oll spray or any household remedy Lo
a severe burn
W o nC1 breaLhe blow or cough on Lhe burn
W o nC1 dlsLurb bllsLered or dead skln
W o nC1 remove cloLhlng LhaL ls sLuck Lo Lhe skln
W o nC1 glve Lhe person anyLhlng by mouLh lf Lhere ls a severe burn
W o nC1 lmmerse a severe burn ln cold waLer 1hls can cause shock
W o nC1 place a plllow under Lhe persons head lf Lhere ls an alrways burn 1hls can close Lhe
W on'L wear loose cloLhlng when uslng Lhe sLove 8aLhrobes wlLh long floppy sleeves are
especlally dangerous
W Wear cloLhlng you can remove qulckly lf lL caLches flre resses and Lops LhaL open down Lhe
fronL and have velcro fasLeners LhaL buLLons are easler Lo geL ouL of safely
W f your cloLhlng caLches from flre sLop slL down and calmly paL ouL Lhe flre lranLlc movemenLs
can fan Lhe flames and make your ln[urles worse
W Cook on an elecLrlc raLher Lhan a gas sLove Lo avold Lhe danger of flames use plug ln appllances
llke Lea keLLles and small ovens lnsLead of Lhe sLove when posslble
W 8e careful of food cooked ln a mlcrowave oven L can be cool on Lhe surface buL scaldlng hoL ln
Lhe mlddle ConLalners Loo can feel comforLable Lo Louch whlle Lhe food lnslde may be burnlng
W 1o prevenL scaldlng from hoL waLer have a plumber or elecLrlc lower Lhe LemperaLure seLLlng
on your waLer heaLer MosL are seL aL 140 degrees WaLer LhaL hoL can cause a Lhlrd degree
burn worsL klnd ln only flre seconds L 120 degrees lL Lakes Lhree mlnuLes of conLacL Lo do
Lhe same

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