Marketing Communication

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Marketing Communication
Nitya Vashist
Student ID - 21003292
MA Strategic Fashion Marketing
Marketing Magazine

MAY 2023

Word Count : 3295
Table of Contents
03 Executive Summary

04 Introduction

05 Brand Analysis

06 Communication Mix

09 Primary Reserch
Methodology and

12 Action Plan

15 Proposed marketing

16 Final Outcome

17 References

The Row
Page 2
Executive Summary

The Row, has established a profitable marketing strategy based on

celebrity collaborations, distinguishing itself in the extremely
competitive luxury market. The brand makes use of a variety of
marketing communication touchpoints, including social media,
influencer marketing, fashion shows, and print advertising but The
Row has mastered particularly, Celebrity marketing. Consequently,
collaborating with the popular Netflix series "Emily in Paris" to
style Sylvie in The Row’s outfit, can further enhance brand
awareness and attract customers. Sylvie’s character values elevated
fashion and has worn numerous brands such as Schiaparelli meaning,
The Row’s luxury merchandise perfectly aligns with Sylvie’s need of
high quality fashion items and wearing an American brand will
stimulate the discussion on social media platforms which will,
eventually help brand to cater to French audience and tourist
traveling to the country. Additionally, this recommendation can be
a pivotal milestone for the brand, offering a platform for growth
and advancement as, The Row only has three flagship stores in New
York, Los Angeles and London. Therefore, according to primary
Marketing Magazine

research, opening a flagship store in Paris, one of the the global

fashion capital, would give enormous benefits. The brand's prestige
and reputation would benefit from Paris's position as a fashion
destination, attracting fashion-conscious consumers while improving
visibility. These strategies are consistent with the brand's
emphasis on "Quiet marketing" of craftsmanship, timeless design,
and attention to detail, establishing it as a viable option in the
luxury fashion industry. The brand can effectively communicate with
its target audience and guarantee long-term success by expanding
it's physical and online presence worldwide.

The Row Page 3

The Row, a luxury fashion brand founded by the
Olsen sisters, Mary-Kate and Ashley on 2006
(Cochrane, 2019).The brand is Known for its
timeless and minimalistic designs, The Row offers
a wide Varity of clothing, accessories, and
footwear made with the finest materials with
minuscule attention to detail the brand focuses
on quality over quantity and is now known as
epitome of “Quite Luxury”, meaning subtle
clothing pieces which telegraphs status by cut,
material and craftsmanship rather loud and
obvious logos like Louis Vuitton (Baskin, 2023)

The Row's brand aesthetic is deeply imbedded by

amalgamation of French sophistication and
American laid-back vibes (Barsamian, 2015), with
structured garments, elevated luxury basics made
with exceptional fabrics and detailed fine
tailoring. The main aim of the brand is to
provide quality craftsmanship by sustainable
approach (The Row,2023). The clothing and
accessories are designed to expand versatility,
so the wearer can dress up or down in accordance
for the occasion. In order to understand brand
current market position, brand identify prism is
used to elicit, characteristics as depicted in
(Figure 1).

The row has rapidly become a best

loved and preferred brand for
celebrities and fashion insider’s.
it is one of the celebrity approved
brand wore by celebrities like Gigi
Hadid, Haley Bieber, Meghan Markle,
Rosie Huntington-Whitely and many
more (Vogue, 2022). This report will
focus on VIP & Celebrity Involvement
with the brand and will provide a
strategic recommendations to improve
their marketing communication while
increasing brand awareness with
collaboration with Emily in Paris
with further recommendation to
inaugurating a store in Paris.
Figure 1 : Brand Identity Prim

The Row Page 4

Brand Analysis

The Row, is renowned for its minimalistic, modest

designs produced from high-quality materials (The
Row, 2023). The brand offers range of products, to
gain a better understanding of a brand, 7Ps
Marketing Mix or strategy of Product, Price, Place,
Promotion, People, Process and Physical
evidence is implemented (Figure : 2 ).

Figure 2 : Author's Own

7Ps Marketing Mix

Targeting a very small and specific niche
customer segment can be strenuous,
especially when shoppers fancy particular
taste in fashion, but The Row’s brand leaders
understand, what customer need and how
they think. “They’re thinking about the client
because they’ve been the client” says Rachel
Tashjian (Schneier, 2021).The Row's target
market consists of affluent women seeking
classic, timeless merchandise (Harapan,
Marketing Magazine

2022) which can be cognised by looking at

the Segmentation, Targeting and Posting of
the brand (Figure : 3 ).

Figure 3 : Author's Own

Segmentation , Targeting and Positioning


The competitive matrix serves to identify

and highlight the key competitors of The
Row. As mentioned in STP the brand
target customers are people seeking
minimal quality fashion, this
analysis is based on a comprehensive
evaluation of various factors such as
brand positioning, price, product, retail
presence and reputation, comparing the
rows market postion with competitors, as
Figure 4 : Author's Own illustrated in (Figure : 4 ).
Competitor Matrix

The Row Page 5

Communication Mix
The Row’s profitable promotion strategy, which depend on celebrity
collaboration has made it stand out in highly competitive Luxury market. The
Row, promotes its brand merchandise through a range of marketing
Communication touch point such as : Social Media, Influencer Marketing,
Fashion Shows and Print Advertainment but there is no one who does
“Celebrity Marketing” like The Row, for instance, Kendal Jenner, Chrissy
Teigen, Rosie Huntington-whitely, Zoe Kravitz and Gigi Hadid all posted on
Instagram, while being paparazzed in the row’s merchandise, coincidence?
Perhaps not (Northman,2021).

Figure 5: Rosie Huntington- Figure 6: Zoe Kravitz Figure 7 : Chrissy Teigen

Therefore, The row focuses on “Celebrity Involvement” in marketing, which is a
powerful tool of communication for creating a strong brand awareness while
leveraging “Social Media” for influencer collaboration and reach wider audience to
influence customers purchase decision as people has attitude of “If the product is
good enough for her, it’s good enough for me” (Albinus, 2015). Following are more
advantages of Celebrity involvement with brand :

1- Building strong brand awareness – watching a familiar face, who already has
massive following attract customers easily, which help brand build strong brand
awareness, quicker than traditional advertising (Albinus, 2015).

2- Celebrities Inspire Client’s Confidence - The brand value is automatically

increased immediately, when people see celebrity in certain merchandise, simply due
to power of the name backing it up (Olenski, 2022).

3- Celebrities are brand in themselves – If the celebrity or influencer has good

enough power over audience, they don’t even need to explicitly endorse a product or
brand, to see their influence on sale(Olenski, 2022).

The Row Page 6

Many Celebrities are seen wearing “The Row” but Kendal
Jenner, a mega celebrity influencer with 282M
followers, is one of the celebrity spotted most in
The Row’s Merchandise in full head to toe looks unlike
other celebrities styling just a bag or boots from the
brand (See Figure : 8 and 9). Either she might just
possibly be infatuated with brand or this could be a
really good PR move (Northman, 2021)as her Instagram
has good engagement rate of 1.20% (Figure: 10),
(Phlanx,2023) ,the post helped the brand to capture
the attention of the audience while escaping any loss
unlike marketing campaigns with involuntary thoughts
of failure.

Figure 8: Kendal Jenner wearing The Row

Most Recently, Kendal was

paparazzied on street of Paris,
while she was embracing glamour of
the city, by dressing as an old
Hollywood star in head-to-toe all
black outfit, the whole look was
Marketing Magazine

Figure 9: Kendal Jenner

from The Row’s Spring 2023
Figure 10 : Instagram Engagement Rate
An vouge article gave a best suited name to the outfit “Kendal Jenner Is a Modern
Audrey Hepburn in Paris” (Spedding, 2023),besides being best example of Quite Luxury,
The Row has also mastered the Quite Marketing.

Figure 11 : Kendal Jenner wearing “The Row” in Paris

The Row Page 7

The major aims of PR is fulfilled by VIP
& Celebrity involvement, signing a big
celebrity face to appear in public and
bring the attention to themselves while
generating interest within people like
“oh she, looks beautiful, who she is
wearing”, this thought process make them
to desire about the look or the brand
and search about it online, read
articles, which then precede them to
make a purchase decision if they have a
buying power. Since the brand attained
all the required steps of AIDA model to
create the successful PR move (see
figure : 12). Figure 12 : Marketing Model “AIDA”

The Row Page 8

Primary Research
Methodology &
The objective of primary research was to
determine and obtain comprehensive
insights into characteristics of target
audience and also factors that affect
their luxury fashion purchase decision,
particularly to brand The Row. Research
was conducted to acquire information about
participant’s preference, demographic and
perception regarding the brand. The
purpose of study was to explore different
aspects of participants familiarity and Figure 13 : Emily In Paris Cast
awareness with the brand to support the A quantitative survey was the best
recommendation of opening a flagship store option to collect measurable and
in Paris and also gain participants option statically relevant data while
regarding the show “Emily in Paris” and approaching the right sample of
it’s connection with The Row. The research people. Additionally, it was not
was conducted with a sample size of nine feasible to conduct interviews with
participants and the data collection was individuals who visited The Row's store
done through an online survey in London due store's strict rules.
“questionnaire” with participants who The survey was formed with objective
shops and has shopped from The Row and to gain numerical data which can be
were willing to share their opinion analysed with statistical methods to
related to luxury products buying gain significant insights. The survey
Marketing Magazine

preference, to identify the influential involved a relatively small sample of

factors affecting purchase decision such people who has shopped from the brand
as brand reputation, craftsmanship and and were interested in fashion, the
discounts. While also gaining an insight collected responses provided a
into probability of visiting the store in insights into participants brand
Paris if The Row inaugurates a store. awareness, which is primarily through
celebrity endorsements/collaborations,
diverse range of age group participated
in survey, but the highest percentage
fell within the 35-44 age range,Asia
south America had the highest
representation of respondents place of
origin, and majority of respondents
were employed full-time, with an annual
income between $75,000 - $100,000.
Moreover, according to questionnaire
findings, Sylvie fashion is loved by
the customers and would like to see her
styled in the brand's merchandise.
Additionally, both the recommended
strategies, of opening a store and VIP
& Celebrity Involvement, is discussed
Figure 14 : Author's own in proposed marketing communication
The Row, London section of the report.

The Row Page 9

According to the findings of primary research, study offers several valuable
insights. Firstly, the age distribution of the respondents reveals that the majority
belong to the 35-44 age group (33.3%), followed by the 18-25 age group (22.2%), (See
Figure: 15). The gender breakdown shows a slight majority of female respondents
(55.6%), (See Figure: 16). In terms of the respondent's place of origin, Asia with
highest representation (44.4%), followed by Europe, South America with (22.2%) and
North America with (11.1%), (See Figure: 17).



North America
South America
Female Australia

Male Antarctica

Figure 15 : Age Figure 16 : Gender Figure 17 : Origin

The majority of the respondents are employed full-time or Self Employed with (44.4%)
see figure : 18, and their annual incomes primarily range between $75,000 and
$100,000 (55.6%), (See Figure: 19). All respondents are familiar with The Row brand
(see App. H3), and social media (22.2%) and celebrity endorsements (44.4%) are the
primary sources of awareness(Figure : 20). The respondents appreciate The Row brand
for its quality of craftsmanship (44.4%) and high end luxury products (33.3%),(see
figure APP.H4). They purchase luxury fashion items occasionally (44.4%) and tend to
spend an average of $1000 to $2000 on such items (55.6%). The quality of
craftsmanship (100%), brand reputation (44.4%), and style (77.8%) are the most
influential factors in their purchase decisions. Craftsmanship and quality are
considered highly important in their decision-making process with (100%),(see figure
APP.H5 and H6 respectively).

Employed Full time

Social media
$ 25,000-$50,000
Employed Part time Celebrity endorsement
$ 50,000-$75,000
Self-Employed Word of mouth
$ 75,000-$100,000 Magazine
$ 100,000-$150,000 Runway Show
over $150,000 Other

Figure 18 : Employment status Figure 19 : Annual Income Figure 20 : Brand Awareness

All respondents express an interest in visiting The Row's flagship store in Paris,
(See App. H7), located with (55.6%), other premium luxury brands in the area
(55.6%), and discounts/promotions (55.6%) being key influencing factors (See figure
:21). The presence of other premium luxury brands and the availability of discounts
would make them more likely to visit the store. Moreover, with the connection to
Emily in Paris, respondents who have watched the show, three of them (75%) love the
character Sylvie's fashion sense (see figure : 20), and three respondents would like
to see Sylvie styled in The Row's merchandise (See App. H10), The show's connection
to The Row has varying levels of influence on their purchase decisions, ranging from
a lot to none ( See Figure: 23).

Love it

A lot
Like it

Neutral A little


Figure 21 : Factor's affecting purchase

Figure 22 : Opinion about Sylvies fashion Figure 23 : Show's Influence

The Row Page 10

The establishment of a flagship store in a prime location in Paris can offer
significant benefits to the brand for several reasons. Firstly, Paris is renowned
globally as a fashion capital, attracting fashion enthusiasts, trendsetters, and
tourists from all corners of the world (Stratford, 2023). This strategic move, can
position the brand at the heart of the fashion industry, providing it with increased
visibility and credibility among fashion-conscious consumers (Singh, 2022).

Furthermore,the primary research findings indicated that social media and celebrity
endorsements were effective means of promoting brand. Consequently, the brand should
allocate resources towards developing targeted social media campaigns, partnering
with relevant influencers such as, collaboration with "Emily in Paris", to broaden
its reach and connect with the desired audience. By leveraging social media platforms
effectively, the brand can establish a robust digital presence, generate buzz, and
drive traffic to both its physical store in Paris and its online channels.

In addition, the luxury fashion market in Paris is renowned for its diversity and
vibrancy. The city is home to a discerning and sophisticated consumer base that
values and actively seeks out exclusive, high-quality fashion offerings (Singh,
2022). By establishing a physical store in Paris, the brand can directly cater to
this target market, providing them with a distinctive and personalised shopping
experience. Furthermore, the store can showcase the brand's exceptional craftsmanship
and minimalist aesthetic, which can resonate with the discerning Parisian clientele.

In Conclusion, the findings suggest that establishing a physical store in Paris could
offer several benefits to the brand, such as gaining access to a fashion-savvy
customer base, increasing its prestige, and showcasing its craftsmanship and style.
By combining this brick-and-mortar presence with a robust online presence by
collaborations the brand can successfully engage with its intended audience and
establish itself as an attractive option in the luxury fashion sector.
Marketing Magazine

Figure 24,24 & 26 : The Row's Women's Winter 2023

The Row Page 11

Proposed Marketing
Commutation strategy
The Row has become a global go-to destination for timeless, minimal classic clothing
pieces, men and women peruse the brand for its impeccably produced garments in finest
fabric. The Row only has two stores until 2019 in America but the brand debuted to London
with first store in European market. "There's a fine line in making something inviting in
a room that is, essentially, a concrete rectangle," says Mary-Kate. "Arts-and-crafts, art
deco and French mid-century is the winning balance here," adds Ashley in interview with
Financial times (Remsen,2019). Clearly, the twins are inspired by French history and
culture even for their store architecture. Therefore, a recommendation for a collaboration
with"Emily in Paris" to style Sylvie in the brand's merchandise and opening a store in
Paris is a good strategic move for a brand to expand their business, the following
paragraph will define why signing Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu will help business effectively
reach and engage with target audience. Moreover how this collaboration could also serve
as a stepping stone towards inaugurating their first flagship store in France.

Figure 27: The Row London's Flagship Store

Emily in Paris has become a most watched Netflix

show by overtaking Wednesday, third season in
particular was quite hit, as it was in Top 10 list
in around 93 countries (Achrekar, 2023).The show
has a great ranking and mentions on social media
which can be seen in (figure : 14),
(FlixPatrol,2023). Sylvie's style is one the most
talked and loved by audience even a famous
Instagram blogger goes by name “@Ideservecoutute”
has praised many looks of the character
(Ideservecouture, 2023). Her style is all about
minimal, powerful, sultry yet sophisticated. Show’s
costume designer Marylin Fitoussi styled Sylvie in
bit more colour and described it as “mirror game”
referring to Sylvie and Emily style. "I wanted
Sylvie to start to have an Emily touch to her
wardrobe," Fitoussi explained to POPSUGAR (Wasilak,
2023). Mentioned Collaboration is extension to an
idea, following paragraph will discuss why Sylvie
is the best fit for the brand to collaborate.
Figure 28: Emily in Paris Instagram mentions

The Row Page 12

The relation between the show and sylvie's style can be understood by the Following
Product Match-Up Model by (Forkan, 1980; Kamins, 1989; 1990) will discuss why Sylvie is
the best choice for the brand :

The Row Product Attribute V/S Sylvie Consumer need as a character

-Timeless, classic Style – Sophisticated, chic Fashion Style

-High Quality – Professional Appearance
-Minimalist Design – Attention to details as a Fashion professional
-Luxury Products – Elevated Fashion choice

The Row, is a luxury fashion house recognized for its superior quality material, timeless
and minimal designs. Sylvie the character of Emily in Paris is the boss of marketing
agency and her dressing style fashionably professional yet sultry in a way while she
values elevated fashion and she has worn numerous brands such as Schiaparelli for events,
Rick Owens and Stephane Rolland. The Row’s luxury branding perfectly aligns with Sylvie’s
need of high quality fashion items. On the hand wearing an American brand will stimulate
the discussion on social media platforms and engage people in conversation, which will
eventually help brand to cater French audience and tourist traveling to the country,as
the discussion will increase brand awareness.
Marketing Magazine

Figure 29: Sylvie Style v/s The Row brand aesthetic

Dressing Sylvie in American brand with French

style and talking about it in show would get a
lot attention by the viewers and fashion
critiques, as this would be good reflection of
Emily and Sylvie relationship of “close —
enemies who love each other, but who hate each Figure 30: Sylvie Style v/s The Row brand
other, and who work together — show a kind of aesthetic
mutual respect", Said Fitoussi (Wasilak, 2023).
To carry forward designer viewpoint while styling the characters. Mentioned strategy
would enable brand to find its way to French luxury market. The Row can leverage
this opportunity by inaugurating a store in Prime location of Paris targeting
tourists and locals looking for French style luxury fashion merchandise as discussed
in primary research.

The Row Page 13

Expanding into the French luxury market, given Paris's status as the fashion capital
and its allure to fashion-conscious tourists can be a great opportunity for The Row,
as France is regarded as an epitome of sophistication and opulence. The turnover of
the French fashion market continues to rise and expected to show a Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 7.05%, leading to an estimated market size of
$39.82billion by 2027 (Statista,2023), the rationale behind the recommendation due
to resemblance between the French market target audience's preference for
minimalistic, timeless, and elegant fashion pieces and The Row's brand identity
makes it a compelling reason for the brand to consider expanding into the French
market, potentially leading to increased profitability.

Moreover there are several advantages of aforementioned recommendations as follows :

1-Collaboration with Emily in Paris –

Which will increase brand awareness, since it is currently the most viewed series
on Netflix (Achrekar, 2023).
By being associated by stylish show, it increase the chances of enchased brand
image (Achrekar, 2023).
The collaboration can create a buzz on social media, where fans engage with the
show’s fashion and controversies

2-Establishing a flagship –

The Row’s focus on craftsmanship can be enticing to French customers, who values
high-quality products.
Opening store in high end location with other premium luxury brands can attract
more customs to store (See primary research).
Offering discounts to customers, can attract more customers (See primary
research), but it is also worth acknowledging the affordability may still be a
concern for some customers.

Figure 31 : The Row's Women's summer 2023

Figure 32 : The Row's Women's Winter 2023

The Row Page 14

Action Plan
Initially “The Row’s” Merchandise will make a debut in the show, which is expected to
generate a conversation from fashion/Style critiques due to Sylvie’s love-hate
relationship with co-worker Emily, due to difference in background (Salvi, 2020),
Sylvie wearing American designer will surely be a topic of discussion, if not then
The Row’s marketing team will create a discussion around it. While vogue and
cosmopolitan discuss the outfits of Emily in Paris and “The Row”. Followed by a
collaboration with Mega French Fashion Influencers and keeping with their trend of
“Quiet Marketing”. Within few months the brand will make a press release stating
inaugurating a Flagship store in Paris, which will entail a massive private opening
event with limited celebrity guests to attract audience towards mysterious event of
the brand, but eventually post the details on social Media. Digital Marketing
planning can be understood by the RACE model below to understand and implement the
strategies successfully.

Figure 33: Race Model Framework

Subsequently, after planning a marketing strategy, budgeting is crucial part

of implementation. It is important to create a budget for a marketing
Marketing Magazine

strategy and identify goals to reach target audience by allocating funds to

each activity and element respectively. As a private company “The Row” does
not release sales figures or profits, only information available is “ A
client who shops at The Row has almost a 50 per cent higher spend than those
who do not purchase the brand (Meltzer, 2023). Therefore, budgetary
requirements for above mentioned recommendation are carefully considered
according to element of marketing plan.

Figure 34: Budgetary Requirements

The Row Page 15

Final Outcome
In Conclusion, The Row's collaboration with the popular Netflix series
Emily in Paris will prove to be a tremendous success, propelling the
brand to prosper in quite luxury market. The Row’s timeless and minimal
designs with as most precision is gaining a little recognition world-
wide. However, strategic partnership with the show "Emily in Paris", to
style Sylvie, can perhaps help in expansion in The Row’s franchise and
brand awareness, reaching potential wider audience by creating a buzz on
Social Media. Furthermore, a strategy of establishing a flagship store
in Paris, the fashion capital of world, will not only draw French
customers but tourist as well who are drawn towards high quality
merchandise and brand’s association with the show can help them to
effectively position the store in best location while marketing it
seamlessly in the brand marketing style of “Quite Marketing”.

Figure 35: Author's Own,


The Row Page 16

About Us (no date) The Row. Available at:
Achrekar, S. (2023) Emily in Paris is now Netflix's most-viewed series, overtaking Wednesday,
AugustMan India. Available at:
Albinus, D. (2015) What are five advantages to using celebrities in advertising?, LinkedIn. Available at:
Andreas (2019) London: The row store opening, superfuture. Available at: .
Baskin, B. (2023) It's not just 'succession': Why quiet luxury is everywhere lately, The Business of
Fashion. The Business of Fashion. Available at:
Barsamian, E. (2015) The olsens en france: How ashley and Mary-Kate do Parisian style, Vogue.
Available at:
Bonilla , C. (2022) Collectors’ edition: Wearing the row is like being in a secret club, Fashionista.
Available at:
Condé Nast Britain (no date). Available at:
Cochrane, L. (2019) Quiet elegance should make the row go-to brand for Wearable Chic, The Guardian.
Available at:
Dragani, M. (2021) Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are cleaning out their closets for the row - vintage
designer a, L'Officiel USA. L'Officiel. Available at:
Duffy, L. (2023) The power of product placement in Emily in Paris, Hollywood Branded Blog. Available
Marketing Magazine

Emily in Paris social media flixpatrol (2022) FlixPatrol. Available at:
Fashion - france: Statista market forecast (2023) Statista. Available at:
Harapan, V. (2022) How the row aces brand positioning, The Corator. Available at:
Instagram Engagement Calculator (2023) Available at:
Iredale, J. (2015) The row: The quiet ones, WWD. Available at:
Ideservecouture (2023) ‘Emily in Paris, Season 3, episode 8 is probably one of the best styled episodes
of the season! 👍🏼’, Instagram. Available at:
Lohrey, J. (2017) Transference marketing techniques, Small Business -
Available at:
Meltzer, M. (2023) The row: The rise of the olsen twins' luxury brand, The Times & The Sunday Times:
breaking news & today's latest headlines. The Sunday Times. Available at:
NET-A-PORTER, Why the row is the go-to label for New York’s most stylish tastemakers (2021) .
Available at:
Northman, T. (2021) No one does celebrity marketing like the row, Hypebae. Hypebae. Available at:

The Row Page 17

Olenski, S. (2022) How brands should use celebrities for endorsements, Forbes. Forbes Magazine.
Available at:
Opening a store in Paris: The costs and the potential (2022), Chaletcouleursde France. Available at:
Porter, (2021) Why the row is the go-to label for New York's most stylish tastemakers,
PORTER.Available at:
Quiet elegance should make the row go-to brand for Wearable Chic (2019) The Guardian. Guardian
News and Media. Available at:
Remsen, N. (2019) High-end and low-key: Olsen Twins open the row store in London, Financial Times.
Available at:
Schneier, M. (2021) The row's beige ambition, The Cut. Available at:
Sherman, L. (2021) The row: What makes the quiet luxury label work, The Business of Fashion. The
Business of Fashion. Available at:
Singh, R. (2022) Why you should launch a pop-up store in Paris this summer, Storefront. Available at:
Spedding, E. (2023) Kendall Jenner is a modern Audrey Hepburn in Paris, Vogue. Vogue. Available at:
Stratford, S.J. (2023) Why is Paris the capital of fashion?, LoveToKnow. Available at:
Salvi, P. (2020) ‘emily in Paris’ Season 1: Why does sylvie hate the new girl from Chicago?, MEAWW.
Available at:
Statista (2023) Fashion - france: Statista market forecast, Statista. Available at:
Vogue (2022) 10 famous faces in the row's celebrity fan club, British Vogue. British Vogue. Available at:
Wasilak, S. (2023) Why Sylvie is the best-dressed character on "Emily in Paris", POPSUGAR Fashion UK.
Available at:
woo, kin (2010) The row, Dazed. Available at:

The Row Page 18


App. A - Brand Identity Prism

Marketing Magazine

App. B - 7Ps Marketing Mix

The Row Page 19


App. c - Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

App. D - Competitor Matrix

The Row Page 20


App. D - Instagram Engagement Rate

Marketing Magazine

App. E - Marketing Model “AIDA”

The Row Page 21


App. F - Race Model Framework

App G - Budgetary Requirements

The Row Page 22

App H - Primary Research

App. H1 App. H2
Marketing Magazine

App. H3 App. H4

App. H5

The Row Page 22

App H - Primary Research

App. H6 App. H7

App. H8 App. H9

App. H10

The Row Page 23

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