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The American Remedy: (and it is really simple for they knew you would never believe it.

[I would like to see this paper spread across America in a week after I post it and I will hope for the best from the people. Patrick]
presented by Yahoo group “Wethepeople_shareholders” as my Christmas present to people of America and the World.
IF you cannot understand or take the time to learn the following, so you live Free; then they are RIGHT,
you do need to be CONTROLLED. The TRUTH hurts sometimes, the Freedom of choice is yours,
learn to live in your own Free Domain or continue to live in their Domain of Control of fraud and deception.
The Remedy is located in the IRS Forms, when they are filled out and used correctly. YOU are the BANK of the Country – America, start
acting like the CREDITOR BANKER your were meant to be. The 1099’s will turn the Money Changer Banker’s wagering money into real
money not to be taxed and they cannot wager it, only if you wager on something and have a gain will you ever have to pay a tax.
MAJOR PLAYERS in the overall game:
• YOU – the CAUTIONER or MASTER, the SOUL of the life breathing NOT TO BE SEEN just like “GOD, he can never be seen
by humans”.
• YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] – will have many different Titles and Roles to play.
• YOUR AMERICAN FIDE COMMISSARY – your birth right share of the country plus interest (Fide stands for Trust).
• YOUR “STATE” FIDE COMMISSARY – your birth right share of your birthed state plus interest. (and maybe you county)
• The EXECUTOR – on your 18th birthday you were made the Executor of the Social Security Trust
• The FIDUCIARY – under title of EXECUTOR OF SS TRUST [as the Superior Trustee] this needs to be Your Artificial Person [as an esquire]
but you have to file a Form 56 to make it so and Terminate all others. (Should be your very first move.)
• The QUASI TRUSTEE(S) or Tenants – in most cases it is the state Comptroller or the federal Second Comptroller as they are working for the
corporations and they can assign sub-trustees or sub-tenants. [the initial tenant ship was for 18 years.]
• The BANKERS – all the local banks and their controller the Federal Reserve System. Money Changers using wagering money under a three
year life cycle to try and get our real assets.
• YOUR PRIVATE LIVING TRUST – private living trust with all your real assets. Under a tax exempt EIN number per forms 3520, 3520A and
TD F 90-22.1. (Should be your second move.)
• BENEFICIAL OWNER - YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] over your PRIVATE LIVING TRUST and at the present your Fide
Commissaries in Bankruptcy Protected control.
• CREDITOR - YOUR FIDE COMMISSARIES and ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] as the real holders of the assets of the country or
the state.
SUB-PLAYERS on the cards (FORMS) used in the game:
• LENDER – Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY.

• BORROWER – YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] or the party you are in an exchange with.

• PAYER – Whomever pays you.

• PAYER’S/TRUSTEE’S – from the forms you may receive.


• CREDITOR – Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY.

• DEBTOR – most cases it is the Bankers.

• CORPORATION – Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY under the federal controlling and
accessing ID number (the SSN)

• SHAREHOLDER - YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] as Beneficial Owner over your PRIVATE LIVING TRUST under the
Trust EIN 98 series tax exempt number.

RULES of the GAME:

1) The other side wants you to use their wagering monetary money and IF you do not combat it with the correct forms,
they Win, end of story and you have no right to complain for you are now warned.
2) When you are told something you had better check it out and make sure you have the right understanding. Examples:
“You have to learn your ABC’s.”
3) To get paid, you need to file a TAX RETURN depending on who is to get the money – 1040 for the Individual or 1041 for your
Living Trust. (You need to have the correct form 56 “for Fiduciary” on file at each different filing center, your individual center –
1040 and your living trust center – 1041.)
4) There are 3 different game levels:

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a. Level 1 - The starting or bottom level for you are at the mercy of your debtors [this is a world of Bankruptcy control] and the
money changers, who have the control by way of Quasi Trusteeship, of the corporate Comptroller(s), but they are under the
oversight of the Comptroller in Bankruptcy. (the First Comptroller in the “American” Department of the Treasury.)
b. Level 2 – You have established you Artificial Person as the FIDUCIARY as the Controlling Executor/Player/Trustee over the
accessing of the trust (the SS “controlling, Dry, processing” Trust) to gain the access and control of your American and State
Fide Commissaries by use of the 1099-ABC’s.
c. Level 3 – The CAP STONE; (your private tribunal) You , your artificial person (esq.) and your Living Trust. [This is the
final goal you which you need to achieve to Win the game.] You have take the Fide Commissaries by 1099-CAP and placed
them under your total protection in your Private Living Trust. You have WON the game for now.

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STATE INCOME TAXES (I think but you have to check it out) are only required by the states that have and use their own State Charter
Banks, which also use the Federal Reserve System of wagering monetary money and therefore the State Charter Banks would be able to
place their secret liens against your State Fide Commissary assets, not against your American Fide Commissary assets. The State
Chartered Banks will still come under the monitoring of the American First Comptroller and his IRS-CID enforcement agency and this is
where you would be able to use the 3949a form to demand an investigation of them. The State Chartered Banks are also required to settle the
wagering money books at the end of 3 years, so if a state tax claim is issued against you, it is from a state chartered bank or the State
corporation trying to claim you owe the tax that they were required to pay, it is a charge to defraud the real creditor you so you need to bring
in the CID with a 3949a. This also applies to several other state originations in their accessing our State Fide Commissary assets, by
signature loans and other hidden non full disclosure contracts. The State Chartered Banks are still required to use the 1099-OID’s to deposit
the usage fees into our State Fide Commissary and they would be using the 1099-A to acquire our assets to settle the books at the end of the
three year wagering contract. We never see a copy of these forms because they have going to our State Quasi Trustee, the Corporate State
Comptroller. The State officials and the Corporate State Official FEAR the Federal IRS-CID the most ,because they know that there is a lot
of Fraud in the States books, but it can only be brought to light if we do a cross complaint against them by filling a 3949a to the Federal IRS-
CID.{This is why not all states have income taxes, the do not have state chartered banks, they are using the federal chartered ones and the
operate against your American Fide Commissary}.
The Most Important Forms you need to complete and file to move up the game board to be able to win the game.
IRS Form 56 “Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship”: VERY IMPORTANT do not give this RIGHT away.
You have to make YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] the sole FIDUCIARY, even though he became the
EXECUTOR on your 18th birthday, over YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY “Controlling, DRY, Pass Through” TRUST
ACCOUNT for it is the accessing key OVER and TO your American and State (and maybe you county) Fide Commissaries,
which is where all your real assets are held. [you needed to have it in place before you can play on level 2]
You also need a FORM 56 on file for your Living Trust under the 98 series EIN or whatever EIN number you are given.

“IN GOD WE TRUST” GOD cannot be seen and neither can your SOUL, so the statement really means “In your Soul’s Name, We the
Country have placed a Trust for you”.
The ALL SEEING EYE on the pyramid of the Dollar is for you to Wake-up and Claim what is yours.

[The next 3 are needed to operate fully on level 2.] with a tax exempt EIN, right now a 98 series for your private living trust. (You can
call 1-267-941-1099, press 2; have your SS4 filled out to get the 98 series EIN but still need to do the following.) it is for a Non-Withholding
Foreign Grantor’s Trust.
IRS Form 3520 - Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.
IRS Form 3520a - Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner.
The Corporate Taxing under the Second or State Comptroller on the Federal or State 1040 “Tax Return”:
When filled out correctly you will always be getting your taxes withheld from you RETURNED, because in America we do not
have to pay taxes upon our labor or valid benefits and you will be using a real asset monetary exchange. Read what the form says,
90% of the other information you are giving is just voluntary information, just like the Censes form, which only requires how many
people live here, the rest is not required. We should not even owe taxes on the wagering money because you are not receiving any
benefits, the banks owe because they get the benefit from the dry exchange, so we end up paying their taxes for them.
From the 1040 schedule B - Part III Foreign Accounts and Trusts - questions 7 and 8. (very important)
You must complete this part if you (a) had over $1,500 of taxable interest or ordinary dividends; (b) had a foreign account; or (c) received
a distribution from, or were a grantor of, or a transferor to, a foreign trust.
7a At any time during 2009, did you have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account in a foreign
country, such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account? See instructions on back for exceptions and filing
requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. (When you set up your Private Simple Living Trust bank account.)
7b If “Yes,” enter the name of the foreign country '
8 During 2009, did you receive a distribution from, or were you the grantor of, or transferor to, a foreign trust? If “Yes,” you
may have to file Form 3520. See instructions on back. (You need to setup a Private Simple Living Trust and it will be classified as
a Non-withholding Foreign Grantor trust of which you still need to have EIN number for it, need to send in the Form 3520 and the
3520A.) After that then you can do a 1099-CAP, a Trust Transfer.

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You were told to Learn your ABC’s.
It had nothing to do with the alphabet. Now when you learn the correct ABC’s, you will see that you will now be
operating with real “asset” money of lawful exchange on Level 2 of the game board. The bankers will hate you but they have
been the bad guys all along with their hidden banker’s tax called inflation which has been a means to deprive you of the true
value of your purchases. In other words legalese stealing from you. Twenty-three times in recorded history this has been shown
to the people and they still can’t read and understand it, do not deal with the Money Changers. {You have to Order these forms and that
fits with what we the living are to be doing to our servants, giving Orders, only good and just orders. Phone number is 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676)}

The RED copy A of the following 1099 forms is always filed with the 1096 to the IRS to be scanned {therefore no IRS
employee will be seeing that on the 1099-A both the Lender and the Borrower are the same Number .(If they did they might start to
figure out what is going on and quit to access their own acount.)

1099-A - “Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property”

• The LENDER’S block - Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY, you as the
Fiduciary fill it out; to be passed through the Social Security Dry Trust Account” and SSN number.
• The BORROWER’S block - You will also fill in, for it can be to your Private Living Trust with its EIN 98 series as a transfer or to
Whoever you are acquiring something from and their EIN. (Block 5 – No)
• Account number is your Invoicing number.
• Copy B – is sent to the Borrower {federal comptroller, state comptroller, local bank OR to your Individual or Living Trust
• Copy C – You keep in your SS Bank Files along with the Invoicing Document.
1099-A - “Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property”
• The LENDER’S block - Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY, you as the
Fiduciary fill it out; to be passed through the Social Security Dry Trust Account” and SSN number.
• The BORROWER’S block - You will also fill in, for it is to be made out to the borrower whose contract you signed onto now
after you have cancelled the contract and Debt with the 1099-C you have to settle with the transfer of your secured property and
their EIN. (Block 5 – Yes or No depends on the state of your wagering contract)
• Account number is your Invoicing number.
• Copy B – is sent to the Borrower {federal comptroller, state comptroller, local bank}
• Copy C – You keep in your SS Bank Files along with the Invoicing Document.
1099-B - “Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions”
• They have to supple this form to us, if not 3949A them.
1099-C - “Cancellation of Debt” You as the Fiduciary fill out in most all cases no matter what they say you are the only Real Creditor.
• The CREDITOR’S block – Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY, You as the
Fiduciary fill it out, to be passed through the Social Security Dry Trust Account” and SSN number.
• The DEBTOR’S block - in most cases this is going to be the Bankers “or the Bank Charter Organization” information from the
monthly statement or from the loan documents.
• Account number is your Checking account or Loan number.
• Copy B – is sent to the Debtor {federal comptroller, state comptroller, local bank based on their usage or whoever.}
• Copy C – You keep in your SS Bank Files along with the Invoicing Document.
1040V - “a Negative Payment Voucher ” Only when you want Paid faster from the 1040 Tax Return.
LEVEL 3 – Cap Stone or your Cap and gown of invisibility {a private Living Trust} to take total control of your Birth Rights.
1099-CAP and Form 8806 - “Changes in Corporate Control and Capital Structure” [The all seeing EYE or your Cap Stone.]
• The CORPORATION’S block - Your Name – AMERICAN (or State) (and maybe you county) FIDE COMMISSARY, You as
the Fiduciary fill it out, to be passed through the Social Security Dry Trust Account” and SSN number.
• The SHAREHOLDER’S block - YOUR ARTIFICIAL PERSON [as an esquire] as Beneficial Owner over your PRIVATE
LIVING TRUST under the Trust EIN.
• Account number is your Certificate of Live Birth number.
• Copy B – You keep in your Living Trust Files along with the 8806 Document.
• Copy C – You keep in your SS Bank Files along with the Invoicing Document.
• IRS Form 8806 is sent to the; Internal Revenue Service, Large and Midsize Business Division, Attention: PFTS, 1111 Constitution
Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20224

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You have to Setup 3 sets of Files:
• Your SS Accessing Trust/Bank Files [coming from your American Fide Commissary (bank account) as Lender and Creditor]
(Copy C of the1099-A’s and 1099-C’s you write-up.)
• Your Individual Files [as the Borrower, Recipient and for your copies your 1040’s, 1040V’s],
also Copy B of the 1099-A’s where you are also the Borrower and Copy B of the 1099-B’s and 1099-OID’s we are required to
o The 1040 Tax Return is sent to:
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Atlanta, GA 39901-0002; Andover, MA 05501-0002; Kansas City, MO 64999-0002; Austin, TX 73301-0002 OR Fresno, CA 93888-
0002 [you have to check your address] I think this is the PUBLIC SIDE.
o BUT the 1040V as a negative to Receive your Shareholder/Owner’s Tax Return with the 1040 and are sent To: (different zip
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Atlanta, GA 39901-0102; Kansas City, MO 64999-0102; Austin, TX 73301-0102; Fresno, CA 93888-0102. I think this is the

• Your Living Trust Files [as the Borrower, Lender and for your Trust copies of the 1041’s, 1041T’s, 1041 K-1’s and 3520 forms]
o The 1041 is sent to:
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Cincinnati, Ohio 45999-0048 OR Ogden, Utah 84201-0048 [you have to check your address] I think this is the PUBLIC SIDE.
o But the 1041T is for the Beneficiary to get Paid, both can be sent to: (with no special zip designation)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service Center
Cincinnati, Ohio 45999 OR Ogden, Utah 84201. I think this is the PRIVATE SIDE.

NOTE: After the Living Trust has taken control- the Living Trust will now become your Private Bank but it still has to be
operated as one for your own personal protection. You will still use invoices and when you interface, you will use the 1099-A
forms most of the time to report the money that the other entity is receiving from you.

Other Forms to be supplied to you to with the information you need to put on the above forms or the Quasi Trustee has been getting them bypassing
you to hide what is really going on (2 of them are the 1099-A for abandonment and the 1099-OID for fee owed to you).
1099-A – when used by someone else to get Abandonment of Secured Property (In most cases it is the money you deposited into the bank, because at the
present that is not the money you are using it is their Wagering money. The Quasi Trustee has been getting this bypassing you and it is to be deposited into our
Fide Commissary accounts.) This is used by the Banker’s after their wagering money created by banking checks or signature has completed 3 years of
circulation. All loans are fully paid for and the abandonment of Secured Property is what you deposited into the bank and then split 3 ways. But the bankers
continue the fraud making you think you still owe to them.
1099-OID – payment owed for the usage of your secured property by the Bankers (The Quasi Trustee has been getting this bypassing you and it is to be
deposited into our Fide Commissary accounts, that you don’t know how to access.)
1040 – TAX RETURN to you 1099-G Yes, there maybe others, look for them.
1040V – as negative to receive the Return 1099-INT
1041 – TAX RETURN to your private Trust 1099-MISC
1041T – as Beneficiary to receive the Return 1099-Q
W-2 1099-R
1099-DIV 1099-S

Other tools in the game:

Closed Checks – is to be used when all the assets in your checking account are Real Money, this would prevent the bank from
turning those checks into Wagering Money, you would at that time write “Closed Check” on the bank’s check you are using
from your account.
Understand the Usage of CROSS – to be use to cancel parts of or the whole of a contract. It is also to be used in a statutory
court case as a cross filing making you the Plaintiff and them the defendant, and as the saying goes “the Plaintiff never loses”.
3949a – to the CID as they are one of our Major Protections against the Tax Violations (not giving us the 1099-B’s and 1099-
OID’s) and other false contract as Frauds by the Money Changers and the governmental corporations and courts.
Words to Checkout: (in the Law Dictionaries) ORDINIS BENEFICIUM, TEMPUS CONTINUUM, TEMPUS UTILE,
OWELTY; you may learn something, but there are many more words to understand in the law dictionaries, so don’t stop here.

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LEVEL 3 – Winning level. You just won – Checkmate, the bankers are defeated.
You are in Total Control of your Assets, with real assets being exchanged for real assets, No Money Changers.
You - are the unseen soul, not be seen.
Nobody can see your soul, just as nobody has ever seen GOD, they only think they hear and/or feel
his presents, but it is really just your own soul.
[Your make-up] The 3 in 1 as a Tribunal of One.
The Soul, your Artificial Child and your Ghost Trust Account.
Only then can you be a complete SOVEREIGN.
Otherwise you are just a half Ass want a be sovereign.

It is stated “You shall not TEMP the Lord, thy God” – know who you are.

Your Artificial Person in the human body of Your Private Living Trust as a Ghost Account.
earthly land (your first born as esq.) Beneficial Owner.

LEVEL 2 – ABC level. As the Fiduciary you are in the Supreme control.
Played with the submittal of forms to make the conversion of FRN’s into real asset exchange, thereby you are in a semi-control.
1099-A 1099-B and 1099-OID 1099-C
Exchange real Assets for something of value. THEY have give us these Forms. Convert all Convert monthly checking statement back to
pay received into real asset money. real asset exchange.
Transfer real assets for your needs. After you IF they do not give them File a 3949A against Can convert your Receipts to set off with real
setup a private living Trust – EIN 98 series them for tax violations.. assets. Helps decrease the Inflation.

Start to Enjoy life and continue to think for yourself, should be able to go on up to Level 3 now. (1099 –CAP)

LEVEL 1 – In the control of Bankruptcy under the Bad Servant/tenants as the Principal Debtor, by way of the US-SS
PERSON and “UNITED STATES and STATE” corporate Quasi Trustees/Tenants.
Totally played with FRNs, as wagering money, the wager contract terminates after 3 years by taking that amount of your real property and/or the interest due
you and also you have been paying a tax to the bankers called inflation. This level has Fraud traps all over the place. (Example; a 30 year mortgage is fully
settled by the loaner of the FRN’s 3 years after the loan was signed, (it is the Law) by a 1099-A submitted by them getting an exchange of your real assets, but
they continue with 27 more years of accepting payments from you under the color of fraud.) [The Traps are by the Banks and the Federal and State
corporation.] Use your protection card “3949a” for they will act until you request.
Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to Go Work but think Fraud trap loan Do what we tell to Fraud trap Go Work but think Fraud trap
you are Free checking do, we know best you are Free do, we know best checking you are Free Licenses
Inflation – decreased Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to Go Work but think Fraud trap credit Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to
buying power you are Free do, we know best you are Free you are Free do, we know best
1040 tax card Certificates of
Fraud trap court Go Work but think Fraud trap Go Work but think Fraud trap SS Go Work but think Inflation – decreased Go Work but think Fraud trap credit
you are Free you are Free buying power
checking benefit payments you are Free you are Free card

Do what we tell to Fraud trap Go Work but think Fraud trap credit Think for Fraud trap Go Work but think Fraud trap Go Work but think
do, we know best Licenses you are Free card yourself, may checking you are Free Licenses you are Free
get to Level 2.
(form 56)

Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to Go Work but think Inflation – decreased Go Work but think Fraud trap Go Work but think Inflation – decreased
you are Free do, we know best you are Free buying power you are Free you are Free buying power
State Tax checking

Inflation – decreased Go Work but think Do what we tell to 3949a, A Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to Fraud trap Go Work but think
buying power you are Free do, we know best you are Free
Protection government loans do, we know best student loans you are Free
card, use it.

Fraud trap home Go Work but think Inflation – decreased Fraud trap credit Do what we tell to Go Work Fraud trap over 3 Go Work but think Fraud trap
you are Free buying power do, we know best you are Free
mortgage card years back on checking
Fraud trap Go Work but think Fraud trap Do what we tell to Go Work but think Fraud trap Go Work but think Inflation – decreased Fraud trap
you are Free do, we know best you are Free you are Free buying power
checking checking Tickets Insurance

Level 1 is controlled by everyone else but your-self.

“I ask nothing of you, I have done what I needed to do and that was to find the Truth. I now give it freely, now it is in your hands to do what is Right”. Patrick
“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” General George Patton.
“All we want is to control you and live off of your labor, letting you think that this is the way it was meant to be.” The Money Changers. (1st head of the beast.)
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“Give us 10% and we will get you to haven BUT for now we will give you hell on earth.” The all powerful Religious. (2nd head of the beast.)

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