Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper Outline

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Title: Crafting an Anorexia Nervosa Research Paper Outline: A Comprehensive Guide

Crafting a research paper on a sensitive and complex topic like anorexia nervosa demands meticulous
planning and structured approach. As one delves into the depths of this psychological disorder,
understanding its nuances, causes, impacts, and treatment modalities is paramount. However, the
journey of creating a comprehensive research paper often proves to be daunting, requiring extensive
research, critical analysis, and coherent presentation of ideas.

The Complexity of Writing a Thesis on Anorexia Nervosa:

Writing a thesis on anorexia nervosa is no easy feat. It involves delving into a multifaceted topic that
encompasses psychological, biological, and sociocultural dimensions. Here are some challenges you
might encounter:

1. Vast Research Requirement: Anorexia nervosa is a complex disorder influenced by various

factors such as genetics, societal pressures, and individual psychology. Conducting extensive
research to grasp these intricacies is essential.
2. Emotional Sensitivity:Anorexia nervosa is a sensitive topic that can evoke strong emotions.
Balancing empathy with academic rigor is crucial to maintain objectivity while addressing the
human aspect of the disorder.
3. Structural Precision: Crafting a coherent outline that encompasses all relevant aspects of
anorexia nervosa while maintaining a logical flow can be challenging. Ensuring each section
contributes seamlessly to the overall argument requires meticulous planning.
4. Critical Analysis:Analyzing existing literature, theories, and empirical evidence demands
critical thinking skills. Evaluating the credibility and relevance of sources is essential to
establish a robust theoretical framework for your thesis.
5. Ethical Considerations: Researching and writing about mental health disorders necessitates
adherence to ethical guidelines. Respecting the privacy and dignity of individuals with
anorexia nervosa is paramount throughout the research process.

Why Choose ⇒ ⇔:

Amidst the challenges of crafting a thesis on anorexia nervosa, seeking expert assistance can
significantly alleviate the burden. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized academic writing
services tailored to your specific requirements. Here's why you should consider availing our services:

1. Expert Writers: Our team comprises experienced writers with expertise in various academic
disciplines, including psychology and mental health. They possess the knowledge and skills
to navigate the complexities of anorexia nervosa research.
2. Customized Approach: We understand that every thesis is unique, and thus, we adopt a
personalized approach to meet your individual needs. Whether you require assistance with
topic selection, literature review, or thesis writing, our services are tailored to your
3. Quality Assurance: At ⇒ ⇔, we prioritize quality and excellence in every
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In conclusion, crafting a thesis on anorexia nervosa is undoubtedly challenging, but with the right
guidance and support, it is achievable. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution to alleviate
the burden and ensure the successful completion of your research paper. Trust us to navigate the
complexities of academic writing while you focus on your academic and personal pursuits.
This image will prevail even when anorexia has brought a personsweight down to the point were the
person is at risk of death. Again, nearly three quarters of those affected by this disorder are females.
Anorexia Nervosa is a psychiatric disorder characterized by an aversion to food and a resulting
extreme loss of weight. If you know of someone with it or if you just have suspicions pleasetry to
get them some help through one of the many organizations out their. Anorexia nervosa affects about
0.5-1.0 percent of women over the world. Holland et al. (1988) found thataround 56% of identical
(MZ) twins are concordant for thedisorder, compared with 5%for DZ twins; Hsu (1990), after an
extensive literature review, found a 47% concordancerate for (DZ) twins and 10% rate for non-
identical (DZ) twins. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Medication options: Although there is little evidence
that medications promote weight gain during the initial phase of treatment, the APA practice
guidelines strongly recommend the use of antidepressants to treat depression, anxiety or obsessive
thinking in some patients after they have gained weight. If you want a unique paper, order it from
our professional writers. Research in this area has revealed characteristics. Osteoporosis is very
severe for people with anorexia because dangerous eating patterns normally start throughout the
teens; the bones are still growing at that age which means it will stop the production of them. While
the exact cause of anorexia is still unknown, acombination of psychological, environmental, and
physiological factors isassociated with the development of this disorder (Cove, 1998). The clinicians
increase the patient’s calorie intake gradually and restrict excessive exercise to promote weight gain.
This is a 17% increase from anorexia related hospitalizations in1999 to 2000 (Harvard Medical
School, 2009). To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take
a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Most of the recent research concerning the effect of
serotonin has shown that this hormone is known to influence anxiety, mood, and impulse control
leading eating disorders. Discuss the Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias. The disease
develops slowly over a period of months to yearsduring which the sufferer changes her eating
patterns to a very restricted diet. The purpose of the study was to obtain objective measures of eating
behavior among patients with AN before and immediately after weight restoration and to compare
those measures with measures among control subjects. They were choosy in their food and showed
signs of anxiety and fear. Victims of bullying can face feelings such as low self-esteem, depression,
shame, guilt, fear, PTSD symptoms, and even suicide. AN would have functioned more effectively in
ancestral conditions yet outside the ecological setting in that it evolved in, it can be deadly. It can
also lead to irregular heartbeats, stomach cramps, fatigue and breathing trouble. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. As a woman grows into an
adolescent,comments such as fat, ugly, dumb tend to take greater effect and when she looksin the
mirror she begins to see only what others tell her to see, at fat, ugly,dumb girl. It is high time we
looked at the matter from a broader perspective so as to avoid jumping to conclusions. These traits
are usually accentuated by the disorder. Studies indicate that it may develop in as many as 1% of the
young women in the United States. (Bruch, 158) Many times anorexia will develop and go unnoticed
because family members, friends and others close to the anorexic simply do not observe the warning
signs, or refuse to believe that the person is anorexic. It can cause changesexternally, internally, and
psychologically. Psychosocial life stagesErik Erikson's psychosocial life stage theory would interpret
anorexia as a failure of Stage 1, where the child is completely dependent on adults for both her
physical and emotional needs.
This can include difficulty eating in public places or in front of others, secrecy about eating patterns
and food intake, and excessive exercise despite visible weight loss. Anorexia is caused by a
combination of psychological, societal, and biological variables, and there is no single cause. Due to
competition in the world of advertising artists have been forced to focus on specific parts of the
women’s body and turn them into objects, which is dehumanizing. According to Nicole Williamson
PhD at the Tampa General seminar (May8, 2018) Choosing the right verbiage and the way you speak
to the patient can also have an impact. Anorexia survivorNanett Pearson (Miss Utah 1996) explains I
became obsessed with body image. Eating disorders: recognition and treatment, full guideline. 2017.
If left untreated, a person with anorexia can suffer “”long term effects like osteoporosis, seizures,
hair loss, and even death from health complications. Designing for WordPress and Web Design:
Bridging the Gap Between Design and D. Pollack-in Fiji and the Caribbean there are more positive
attitudes towards large body sizes, linked to attractiveness, fertility and nurturance. Antipsychotic
drugs are also used to promote weight gain and reduce obsessions and mealtime anxieties. If you
know of someone with it or if you just have suspicions pleasetry to get them some help through one
of the many organizations out their. Restricting type of anorexia: Individuals follow extreme diet
regimen, fasting and too much exercising to attain weight loss. 2. Purging type of anorexia:
Individuals resort to vomiting or using laxatives and diuretics to attain weight loss. Is it possible that
cognitive therapy is able to alleviate this problem? Somephysicians hospitalize anorexia patients until
they are nutritionally stable,while others prefer to work with patients in a more safe and secure
familysetting. The patient is monitored closely to make sure that they eat the food given to them and
their body weight is also checked regularly. From the research, we conclude that cognitive therapy
help in encouraging physical activities, which later lead to, increased demand for food. Whenever
antigen and antibody interlock, the antibody marks the antigen for devastation. People suffering
from Anorexia Nervosa have hypersensitivity towards their looks. Some of the participants included
college students, high school, students, employees, models, and other randomly chosen people of age
12 to 30 years. A pre- occupation with weight and body image develops, and the anorexic will
frequently check their weight on a scale or examine their body in a mirror. Psychosocial life
stagesErik Erikson's psychosocial life stage theory would interpret anorexia as a failure of Stage 1,
where the child is completely dependent on adults for both her physical and emotional needs. Also,
Davisonand Neale (1998) point out that anorexic patients starve themselves despite still
feelinghungry, however, the animals with hypothalamic disturbances did not exhibit behaviourwhich
suggested hunger, rather they became indifferent to food. Osteoporosis is very severe for people with
anorexia because dangerous eating patterns normally start throughout the teens; the bones are still
growing at that age which means it will stop the production of them. Bulimia Nervosa (BN) refers to
an eating disorder that is similar to. Data indicate that men showed slight recovery while women
suffered more. However in the case of anorexia nervosa, one just does not satisfy their appetit due to
the fears mentioned below. Discuss the Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias. Anorexia then
becomes pat of a struggle to define herself and establish a sense of autonomy, self-definition and
direction”. This paper aimed at investigating the effect of cognitive therapy on an eating disorder
anorexia nervosa. They often seem to discourage individual growth and encourage conformity.
The DSM criteria (DSM-IV-TR) for anorexia nervosa include: a refusal to maintain body weight at
or above a minimally normal weight for age and height; an intense fear of gaining weight; a
disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body
shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight; and amenorrhea
in postmenarcheal females (APA, 2000). Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder that causes
people to eat in an unhealthy manner. A2 Psychology Unit 3 Eating Behaviour: Evolutionary
Explanations Of Anorexi. Parents especially have a tremendous responsibility to educate themselves
and their children about this disorder and raise their children in a healthy and supportive
environment. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2012 (5), pp.392-399. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. Experts identify two types of anorexia nervosa: food restricting type,
and binge eating (purging). There are many things that can influence anorexia, such as bullying,
social media, stress, traumatic life events, and even low self-esteem. The participants developed a
positive attitude towards food. Anorexia then becomes pat of a struggle to define herself and
establish a sense of autonomy, self-definition and direction”. It can affect people of all ages, genders,
sexual orientations, races, and ethnicities, but it is especially dangerous for adolescent girls and
young adult women. In a single small double-blind trial, zinc supplementation was associated with a
more rapid rate of body mass increase. Miss Pearsonexplains this I loved the power I felt in starving
myself (1998). On the other hand, one third of adults in the US are suffering from obesity due to
misleading concepts of beauty from the advertisements. Dangers of Continued Weight Loss and
Starvation Due to Anorexia Numerous studies have revealed that the mortality rate of anorexia
nervosa related complications are as high as 10% within the first ten years and most of the deaths
occur due to starvation or suicide. In addition to this, it is not possible to define a cause and effect;
does the disruption in serotonin levels cause the vulnerability to the eating disorder. Helping the
victim understand the source of the pain can help with eating disorder recovery. Some mayeven feel
they do not deserve pleasure out of life and will deprive themselvesof situations offering pleasure,
including eating. When a child (or any person) is told that they are fat, ugly ordumb often enough
they begin to believe it. Eleven of the 12 patients were retested at 90% of ideal body weight. I also
agree with her on the issues to do with the Western body practices that may sometimes trigger this
particular ideology. An examination of the skin could reveal excess hair; dry, yellow or blotchy skin;
cracked fingernails; and other signs of malnutrition. All of these may mean good and want to help
people, but with all the stigma and pushing for weight loss may hurt more than help people. To
maintain positive self-talk, fill your mind with uplifting ideas. Anorexia Nervosa In today's society,
we often hear of people who suffer daily from illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, phobias, tuberculosis, downs syndrome and many other types of illness both communicable
and non-communicable. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats, stomach cramps, fatigue and
breathing trouble. Water intoxication: Anorexics drink a significant amount of water which can lead
to water intoxication. She also goes ahead to give a brief description of other philosophers namely
Augustine, Plato and Descartes. New research show that lack of support after traumatic life events
can lead to anorexia in adolescents. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with
the best.

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