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Writing a thesis can be an arduous and challenging task, especially when delving into complex topics

such as the working poor. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent argumentation
to produce a high-quality paper that meets academic standards. Many students struggle with the
demands of crafting a thesis, often feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work and the
pressure to deliver original and insightful insights.

Exploring the plight of the working poor presents its own set of difficulties. It involves navigating
through intricate socio-economic dynamics, understanding the structural inequalities that perpetuate
poverty, and examining the lived experiences of individuals and families struggling to make ends
meet. Moreover, synthesizing existing literature and data to form coherent arguments can be
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It often results in low esteem and tendency towards unlawful activities for enjoying the lifestyle that
they believe they are entitled for! (Abramsky, 29). But nearly one in three Latino full-time workers
between the ages of 25 and 64 still bring home a family income below 200 percent of poverty (and
that includes the income of all other family members as well as income from sources other than
work). Topic: PregnancyPopulationTownEmerging MarketsHigh SchoolUrbanizationNutritionDrug
Abuse. Pages: 5. Words: Poverty is the lack of basics needs such as health care, clean water,
education, nutrition shelter and clothing as a result of inability to afford them. The current statistics
on the employment status of American youth is dismal and raises serious concern about the emerging
new trend of poor in the world’s most developed nation. Contribution of Sindh’s agricultural sector
in GDP is also significant. What about the people who tried to make something of themselves but
never got a chance because they were raised into a poor family. There are several reasons behind
these high and increasing levels of poverty in Sindh. The report finds that the proportion is expected
to be even higher for isolated villages. In the decade following the 1964 introduction of the war on
poverty, poverty rates in the U.S. dropped to their lowest level since records began in 1958, from
17.3% in the year the Economic Opportunity Act was implemented to 11.1% in 1973. They have
remained between 11 and 15.2% ever since. This stagnant rate raises the question of the
effectiveness of government policies. Ultimate purpose of the book — to help us see the problems of
the working poor. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. Though there are no
numbers available at this stage, but incidence of poverty has certainly increased in these areas. Gross
primary, middle and matric level enrolment rate by expenditure quintile (Sindh). Maybe we can lead
to that sort of world; maybe we can be the virus that destroys poverty. Without adequate
employment this growing group adds to the burden on the already strained public services in these
towns and has little of no formal access to health, education and sanitation. This indicates that as the
size of landholding increases, incidence of poverty declines. And addressing vulnerability to shocks
is extremely important to a province where the vagaries of nature affect a significant proportion of
the population through the effects of floods, drought and sea intrusion. 18. 5. Percentage Distribution
Of Employed Persons By Employment Statusby GenderSindh 1998-99. This can be seen in both
money metric and non-income measures of poverty. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. No one can deny the importance of unpaid work-it lowers the cost of reproduction of
the labour force. Of course there are difficulties in the statistical system of identifying, enumerating
and quantifying the work performed by women. One of the interesting questions that it raises is why
one of the richest and the most developed nation of the world has not been able to motivate its youth
for higher education as two out of every three unemployed youths have high school certificate or
less (dol). He is a professor of political science at Queen’s College. The prevalence of an unequal
land distribution system is thus a major cause of poverty, skewed income distribution and
significantly enhances vulnerability. Women are more likely to be among the working poor than
men. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The available data indicate that the
extent of salinity may be higher in Punjab (43%) followed by Sindh (34%) in 2000 but the Sindh
situation is worst in that the most of the severely affected salinity area is in Sindh. The Plan of Action
for Children will provide the matrix for implementing the commitments contained in the PRSP. There
was no economic reason to expect the sharp decline in poverty in Sindh that emerges from the data
for FY97 especially since the estimates for the year prior and those for subsequent years follow a
While the national PRSP provides the overall directions for poverty reduction a province specific
poverty reduction strategy had already been initiated in Sindh in 2000. Of course there are
difficulties in the statistical system of identifying, enumerating and quantifying the work performed
by women. Unequal land tenure patterns therefore have adverse impacts on agricultural productivity.
They include; overpopulation, a situation of having a large number of people while the resources are
inadequate and also an inadequate space. Moreover, while 16% youth is unemployed, by the age of
23 years, 41% of them end up being arrested at least once for something other than minor traffic
violation (dol). Thus education becomes vital tool for the young people to ensure that they are better
equipped with skills and qualifications to avail new opportunities of work and contribute to the
development of the nation. There are number of reasons for high and increasing unemployment rates.
This in turn leads to crime; mothers and fathers may steal to feed their children. This province is
producer of 15 percent of wheat, 42 percent of rice, 31 percent of sugarcane, 23 percent of cotton,
70 percent of marine fish and 28 percent of livestock. The working poor are individuals who were in
the labor force for at least 27 weeks during the year, but still had incomes below the official poverty
level. About 6.3 million people across the country fit that definition in 2019. The rural urban gap in
Sindh is the highest as compared to the other Provinces. In this respect the Government is envisaged
to play only a supporting role to promote the private sector through improved provision of
infrastructure and easy and timely availability of institutional credit and information and technology.
In addition to these items, the GoS will also give high priority in allocating additional resources for
the maintenance and rehabilitation of rural infrastructure. Destruction caused by sea intrusion can be
combated by increasing the downstream flow into Kotri Barrage to at least 10 MAF and
constructing an embankment in the coastal areas. Poverty influences children development in that
experts have long recognized as essential to normal development. The available data shows a larger
proportion of population is not economically active (nearly 57 percent of total population is not in
civilian labour force). Jazib Nelson More Related Content What's hot 5th Generation Warfare 5th
Generation Warfare usman1159 Iran pakistan gas pipeline project. An interactionist perspective on
the socioeconomic context of human development. This group comprises the large proportion of
children under the age of 15 years and women of child- bearing age. Whereas the number of hand
pump users has increased. Analysis of Production Relations in the Large Scale Textile Manufacturing
Sec. The performance of the education sector remained unsatisfactory in Sindh. Poor families
certainly struggle to make ends meet, but in most cases, they are struggling to pay for air
conditioning and the cable TV bill as well as to put food on the table. Inequality in Sindh and Punjab
was higher than NWP and Balochistan. Table 2.3 below presents the available estimates of the Gini
coefficient (expressed as a percent) of consumption expenditures. Nazims, respective Administrative
Secretaries, as well as the District Coordination Officers for their input into this strategy paper. This
is the period where physical and psychological changes take place. Thomas Hobbes Social Contract
Theory Essay read more. It is important to note that the measures that presented here do not account
for the exclusion of certain social groups, which are also likely to have high concentration of
poverty, from services and facilities. Among men, those in service jobs accounted for 25% of the
total. Whether it be the social stratification of ancient Egypt or that of today's world, poverty has
always existed and some say, always will.
Analysis of Production Relations in the Large Scale Textile Manufacturing Sec. Nationally, slightly
more women (4.5%) were considered working poor than men (3.5%) in 2019. In addition, women
who head families were more than twice as likely to be among the working poor as men who head
families. It is populating healthy and peaceable lives in love with no hungriness; no worrying about
the hereafter of kids that brings the chief pleasances of mundane life. Sindh like the other provinces
is sitting on a poverty bomb that will explode in the coming years with much more disastrous
consequences than are being faced today. In: Grusec Joan E, Hastings Paul D., editors. Handbook of
socialization Theory and Research. It is also referred to as destitution or absolute poverty. The
working poor are individuals who were in the labor force for at least 27 weeks during the year, but
still had incomes below the official poverty level. About 6.3 million people across the country fit that
definition in 2019. In rural areas, a very small proportion of currently married women between ages
15-49 are found using any contraceptive method. A very high gender disparity can be seen from
table 2.20; out of 38 percent employed labour force, 35 percent are males and only 3 percent were
females in Sindh in 1999- 00. This province because of Karachi exhibits the highest per-capita
incomes, but its human development indicators especially in the rural areas were among the worst in
Pakistan in FY 99 (see table 1.1). It also has the highest gender disparities. However, proportion of
employed males is higher in Sindh than overall Pakistan. Never has there been such a mass
awareness, leading to donations, from people all around the world, to people all around the world.
Large rural-urban differences can be seen in the type of household sanitation services used in Sindh.
Table 2.15: Gross Enrolment Rates by Level and Expenditure Quintile. By 2015 and 2016 that trend
flipped, with more than half of part-time workers who met the definition of working poor
voluntarily working part time. Causes of poverty and inequality Sources of information Voices from
the ground Members’ Room. CRPRID Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income
Distribution. The third group comprise the growing peri urban communities of squatters who
migrated from the rural areas either because of lack of safety or of livelihood opportunities and are
squatting around the towns of interior Sindh. Once upon a time on an island far, far away there was
a small kingdom. In 2019, the share of U.S. workers in the labor force for 27 weeks or more that had
income below the poverty threshold dropped to a historic low of 4.0%. A decade of job growth and
an unemployment rate near record lows from 2017 through 2019 brought more of the workforce out
of poverty than at any time since at least 1986. In addition to this the draft Federal PRSP
(summarized version) of May 2003 also reinforces the three areas found lacking in the IPRSP
namely. Poverty headcount and land ownership have an inverse relationship. Table 2.6 reveals that
poverty headcount was highest (43%) for landless and lowest (14%) for those who own more than 4
hectares. So poorness is a call to action for the hapless and the affluent alike a call to alter the
universe so that many more may hold sufficiency to eat, equal shelter, entree to instruction and
protection from force. In 1980, about a quarter of Black and Latino prime-age full-time workers
were working poor, more than twice the rates of Whites. People without a high school diploma are
much more likely than other groups to be among the working poor. In order to address these issues,
the GoS is implementing reforms with the overarching objective of reducing poverty by promoting
growth and accelerating human development. The 20 communities still lack basic motorable access.
37% of communities have paved access, 40% of communities with basic access still lack regular
public transport. Overall, women’s rate was 4.5% in 2019, while men’s rate was 3.5%. Women’s
working poor rate is higher than men’s in every age group except the eldest; among workers ages 65
and over women and men are just as likely to be among the working poor. On access to rural health
facilities, the same story prevails. During 2002 monsoons, grass did not last for more than two weeks,
which resulted in scarcity of fodder for livestock and most of the livestock owners migrated to
greener pastures in adjoining districts.
The report finds that the proportion is expected to be even higher for isolated villages. Thank you,
GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. Based on research conducted in Hala and
Matiari Talukas of Hyderabad, Bhutta (2003) reported that the infant mortality rate was 81 per
thousand births. The gap between sexes narrows with the 35 to 44 age group and older groups.
Unequal distribution of resources is another cause of poverty whereby world economy is imbalanced
essay on poverty a result of unfair distribution of resources. It is the extremely high levels of income
of certain sections of the Karachi population that distort the overall picture. Fueling this optimism is
an inextinguishable conviction that poverty theory illuminates a discernable path from our present
circumstances to an auspicious future and that an implicit link connects knowledge of poverty to
knowledge for its elimination. The province of Sindh has been facing an acute fiscal crisis in recent
years due to a combination of past fiscal mis-management, changes made in the federal revenue
transfers mechanism in the 1997 National Finance Commission (NFC) Award, the large and the
continued shortfalls in federal Government transfers. Very few college graduates who were in the
labor force for 27 weeks or more in 2019 were among the working poor (1.4%), while 12.8% of
those with less than a high school diploma were among the working poor. Number of crops
cultivated by households depending only on crops. Some parents objected to the nonfiction book
because it has a passage about a woman who was sexually abused as a child and later had an
abortion. This indicates therefore the need to depend on sources of income other than crops even for
the average owner operators. Table 2.7 presents average acres per capita owned, dependence on
agriculture, and the average number of crops cultivated by households depending only on crops. And
when they do fall there is frequently nobody waiting to catch them in the underside. As expected, the
poor are also less likely to be connected to electricity and gas facilities. The burden of poor law and
order, complex regulations, and poor governance made the investment climate hostile and
manufacturing units migrated from Sindh or closed down. Table 2.4 presents the trends in Gini index
in Sindh in comparison with country as a whole during 1990s. This city handles 95% of Pakistan’s
foreign trade; contributes 30 % in Pakistan’s manufacturing sector; accounts for 68 % of the tax
receipts; almost 90 % of the head offices of the banks, financial institutions and multinational
companies are in Karachi; country’s largest stock exchange is Karachi-based making it the financial
and commercial hub of the country; it also comprises about 40% of the total banking and insurance
sector of the country. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of
cookies. Even with the job, however, it's sometimes hard for them to get enough to eat. The
assessment of the methods of analysis used in the referenced research was rooted in peer reviews,
frequency of citations, and perceived quality; for the purposes of this summary the methods were not
re-analyzed or tested. The development of non-farm activities is therefore the ideal intervention for
poverty reduction in these resource constrained conditions. This indicates the extent of the poverty
problem in Sindh. Source: Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan (2001-02). Various studies note that the
quality of education has positive impact on the cognitive achievements and hence on the post school
productivity. It is also found that nearly one-third of the population is engaged in agricultural
activities. According to PIHS (2001-02), mean annual expenditure in private schools at primary level
is Rs. 3001 against Rs. 821 in public schools. Its numbers are increased not only from the migration
from interior 22. 9. Proportion of Government School Enrolment in Total Enrolment at Primary.
Gross enrolment rates at primary, middle, and higher levels in Sindh are reported in Table 2.15.
Looking across expenditure quintiles, extremely wide disparities between lowest and highest
expenditure groups are found at higher level. Water Utilization in Sindh against Water Accord
Allocations from year (1992-2003).
This table shows that labour force participation is lower in Sindh as compared to whole Pakistan,
both for males and females and both in rural and urban areas. Though, in these modern times, due to
our social structure and awareness, there are fewer people suffering from absolute poverty than any
other time in history. Poor people are unable to fulfill basic survival needs such as food, clothing,
shelter. Three out of every five children aged five to nine are not in school and four children drop
out of school every six minutes. In the 1980s and 1990s, the working poor rate hovered around 12
percent, but by 2012, was close to 14 percent. Poverty headcount, poverty gap and severity of
poverty in Sindh during the 1990s by region. The role of the EU in fighting this growing
phenomenon is clearly underlined. The most effective poverty reduction can come about simply by
addressing this vulnerability. School Achievement Outcome School unreadiness is one of the most
critical effects of child poverty in the classroom according to researchers. The urban population is
growing at a faster rate than the overall population due in part to the rural to urban migration.
Nazims, respective Administrative Secretaries, as well as the District Coordination Officers for their
input into this strategy paper. One recent study found that there isn’t a single congressional district in
the country where a full-time minimum wage worker could afford a two-bedroom apartment. A
significant decline in females improved participation rate has been noticed. Moreover, the rural-urban
gap estimates from the HIES show the largest disparity in Sindh. Due to the expectations created by
our society, we have a tendency to judge others based on the clothes they wear or the cars they
drive, and we automatically assume that those who cannot afford these luxuries are either
uneducated, unskilled or a combination of both. This group more than the others is cutoff from its
natural support systems and traditional safety nets. Sindh’s capital is Karachi, which is the
commercial hub and the gateway of Pakistan. One of the interesting questions that it raises is why
one of the richest and the most developed nation of the world has not been able to motivate its youth
for higher education as two out of every three unemployed youths have high school certificate or
less (dol). Girls from poor grounds are more vulnerable to pregnancy as compared to those from non-
poor families. The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives. It is highly dependent
on rain water for sustenance and livelihood of the people. In Karachi 3 percent schools were without
SNE approval. The Government of Sindh is currently preparing a MTBF for selected departments
(namely health, education and irrigation) which proposes to address “the existing procedures and
structural rigidities in the composition of expenditures (largely because of overstaffing) and in the
revenues (because of the high degree of dependence on federal transfers) which have made
provincial budget formulation a routine affair. It has been estimated that 42 percent of the current
fallow is salt affected, which is highest in the country and reflects on the poor water availability,
mismanagement and ill practices of irrigation systems in the province. Insecurity is besides the
experience of concern and frights, and makes life unstable and unsure. Its numbers are increased not
only from the migration from interior Sindh but also from all the other provinces of the country.
People in these areas likely earn a certain amount of money that allows them to maintain a good way
of living. The law and order situation is crucial for tourism development. School unreadiness is one
essay on poverty the most critical effects of child poverty in the classroom according to researchers.
The highest working poor rate was among farming, fishing, and forestry occupations, at 11.2%. This
group of occupations is about 5% of the size of service occupations, so overall it accounts for a lot
fewer of the working poor than service jobs.
However, there are numerous challenges to the effective use of tourism as a tool for poverty
reduction. Workers in these groups also experience less disparity in working poor rates between men
and women. These areas would, therefore, require a special focus and attention. The irrigation
infrastructure is disintegrating due to lack of repairs and maintenance. Poverty is fring a kid to illness
brought approximately by dirty H2O. In terms of human development, Sindh is far behind the rest
of the country with the largest rural-urban gap in the key indicators. Ever-use Contraception
(Married women of age 15-49) (%). Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72
hours. She understands firsthand the mentality that leads many people in similar situations to spend
money on things like cigarettes and fast food. Distribution of agricultural land is found to be even
more skewed in rural Sindh than for rural Pakistan as a whole - 70% of the rural population of Sindh
is landless, compared to 61% of the rural population of Pakistan (Table 2.6). Consistent with this
observation, the difference in average landholdings of the poor and non-poor households in rural
Sindh is 2.2 hectares, 23. 10. There was no economic reason to expect the sharp decline in poverty in
Sindh that emerges from the data for FY97 especially since the estimates for the year prior and those
for subsequent years follow a trend. But Barbie is not just pro-women—it’s also very pro-men. Yet
the incidence of poverty in areas of rural Sindh, especially its Southern Districts and the urban and
peri-urban areas excluding some parts of Karachi is amongst the highest in Pakistan. This table shows
that tap in house is the main source of water for urban households and hand pumps appeared as an
important source of water for rural households of Sindh. By any definition of health facility, rural
Sindh ranks behind rural areas of every province except perhaps Balochistan. Poverty influences
children development in that experts have long recognized as essential to normal development.
Considerable gender differences can be seen across expenditure groups. Scarcity of rain has rendered
most of the area barren with little or no vegetation. AI Publications Similar to POVERTY
REDUCTION STRATEGY PAPER ON SINDH ( 20 ) Poverty Poverty Budget. Very few college
graduates who were in the labor force for 27 weeks or more in 2019 were among the working poor
(1.4%), while 12.8% of those with less than a high school diploma were among the working poor.
This is a great example of profound research work. There is always a tendency to ignore the actual
productive contribution of these activities. Land ownership is a key factor in determining the access
to formal credit. If you continue using our website, you accept our Cookie Policy. Accept. Poverty
incidence is lower among households headed by paid employees, who are likely to be engaged in
skilled occupations in urban areas, and almost non-existent for those headed by employers who own
enterprises. Even more alarming, Latino full-time workers are 4.5 times more likely than White full-
time workers to earn below the federal poverty line and nearly one in three Latino full-time workers
fall below 200 percent of poverty. The prevalence of an unequal land distribution system is thus a
major cause of poverty, skewed income distribution and significantly enhances vulnerability.
Population and its growth are the crucial determinants of overall welfare of the province. On access
to rural health facilities, the same story prevails. In order to find out more about maternal deaths and
LBW, the Aga Khan University, in collaboration with UNICEF, conducted research in rural and
urban Sindh.
There is normally nil to forestall them from falling into the abysm. This percentage was 45 on the
basis of record and recall and 98 percent on the basis of recall. Table 2.17 presents the difference
between poor and non-poor in relation to child immunization. And what makes me experience like
composing about poorness is the involuntariness of our society to cover with this preventable job and
how politicians who rule the state pretend that poorness is merely a given human being a force of
nature unstoppable and ageless. In addition, 68 percent of total fish is produced in Sindh. The
comparison of poverty trends in Sindh with those of Pakistan seen in Figure 1 below shows that the
rate of decline in poverty was higher in Sindh as compared to whole Pakistan until 1996- 97. Based
on the latest year estimates more than one out of every two rural person is living below the poverty
line. Without adequate employment this growing group adds to the burden on the already strained
public services in these towns and has little of no formal access to health, education and sanitation.
However, the situation of employment in rural Sindh seems better than that of urban Sindh. Poor
governance has resulted not only in rise in poverty and worsening social indicators but also in poor
quality of public service delivery. Once the estimates from the ongoing exercise are approved these
can be easily incorporated into the overall framework. Poverty has worsened significantly overall
and the gap between urban and rural Sindh has widened. Large disparities also exist across income
(using expenditure as a proxy for income). Table 2.13 provides information on the proportion of
population that has ever attended school disaggregated by expenditure quintiles in 2001-02. Please
include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. This may be due to the fact that a majority of rural females are engaged in
agricultural or livestock related activities in rural areas. Many of these workers were voluntarily
working part time. These areas would, therefore, require a special focus and attention. One recent
study found that there isn’t a single congressional district in the country where a full-time minimum
wage worker could afford a two-bedroom apartment. The other main component of its strategy is to
implement the process of devolution and decentralization of the management of district roads-which
constitute the vast majority of the road network - to district Governments. There are several actions
that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or
malformed data. It has been observed that women of the poor households get married at much
younger age than the women of non-poor households. Table 2.11 shows that 79 percent of women of
poor households get married between the ages 15-19 years in Sindh in 1998-99. It is unclear, as a
result, how these incisive analyses of poverty policy contribute to the book's optimistic premise. Four
out of seven children are mal-nourished at one point or the other and three out of every seven
children are chronically malnourished (stunted). There are wide gender and rural urban differences in
education in Sindh. Table 2.12 reports the education statistics of Sindh by poor and non-poor. Elo’s
result 2023: Return on investment increased to 6 per cent and cost effi. Nearly 19 percent women
have ever used any method. Table 2.19 reports the contraceptive awareness and contraceptive
prevalence rate across income groups in rural and urban areas of Sindh. Female’s contribution is only
0.62 percent if she is a head of the household and 10 percent if she is not head of the household. The
fourth group represents the urban poor of Karachi. The roads network in Sindh province is in a
critical state of disrepair raising transport costs and adversely affecting the growth of markets,
incomes and employment, especially in the rural areas. High school graduates, on the other hand, had
a working poor rate of 5.5%. The rate for those with some college but no degree was 4.6%. People
with associate degrees had a working poor rate of 3.2%. Of those workers with bachelor’s or higher
degrees, only 1.4% were among the working poor. The Gini coefficient for urban Punjab is about 12
percent higher than the rural Punjab.

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