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Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 000 (2024) 17

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Review Article
Dexmedetomidine and Perioperative Arrhythmias
Shengji Duan, MD*, Shuzhi Zhou, MDy

Department of Anesthesiology, The Second People’s Hospital of Yibin, Sichuan, China
Department of Anesthesiology, Ya ’an People Hospital, Ya ’an, Sichuan, China

The highly selective a2-adrenoceptor agonist dexmedetomidine is a commonly used sedative drug for patients undergoing anesthesia and intensive
care treatment. Several studies have indicated that dexmedetomidine may have a potential role in preventing and treating perioperative tachyarrhyth-
mias. However, the specific effect and mechanism of action of dexmedetomidine in this context remain unclear. Dexmedetomidine is known to regu-
late the electrophysiologic function of the myocardium by inhibiting the function of the sinus node and atrioventricular node, as well as affecting
myocardial repolarization. This paper aims to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of perioperative arrhythmias by summariz-
ing the effects of dexmedetomidine on myocardial electrophysiologic function and its impact on different types of arrhythmias.
Ó 2024 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Key Words: dexmedetomidine; arrhythmias; electrophysiology

DEXMEDETOMIDINE (DEX) IS A highly selective alpha- there are 4 a2-AR isoforms identified, namely a2A, a2B, and
2 adrenergic receptor (a2-AR) agonist that exhibits sedative, a2C.1 a2-AR is a member of the inhibitory G protein-coupled
analgesic, antisympathetic, and antianxiety effects. It is exten- receptor family.2 The distribution of a2A-AR is mainly
sively used for sedation and analgesia in anesthesiology and observed in central regions, such as the locus coeruleus, parabra-
intensive care unit (ICU) patients. With the increasing use of chial nucleus, pontine nucleus, parahippocampal gyrus, and
DEX in clinical practice, research has revealed its beneficial cerebral cortex. On the other hand, a2B-AR is primarily found
effects on various organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, in peripheral tissues, such as the kidney, liver, lung, heart, and
and brain, offering multiorgan protection. For its cardioprotec- vascular tissues. a2C-AR, although mainly distributed in central
tive aspects, there is research evidence that DEX may affect nerves, including the striatum, olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and
the development of perioperative arrhythmias, but the mecha- cerebral cortex, exhibits low expression.3
nism of action is not yet clear. This article reviews the progress
of research related to DEX for the prevention and treatment of
The Effect of DEX on a2-AR
cardiac arrhythmias.
Dexmedetomidine acting on different subtypes of a2-AR in
Targets of Action different tissues can mediate different pharmacologic effects
(Table 1).
a2-AR Distribution and Subtypes

Adrenergic receptors belong to the G protein-coupled receptor Acting on a2A-AR

family and include a1-AR, a2-AR, and b-AR. In mammals,
Dexmedetomidine acts on a2A-AR in the blue spot nucleus,
This work was supported by the Sichuan Science and Technology Program inhibiting the activity of the locus coeruleus through the fol-
[2023YFS0143]. lowing 2 mechanisms: presynaptic inhibition and postsynaptic
Address correspondence to Shuzhi Zhou, MD, Department of Anesthesiol-
ogy, Ya ’an People Hospital, No.9 Ankang Road, Yucheng District, Ya’an inhibition. This action blocks the excitatory transmission of
City, Sichuan Province, China. the upstream norepinephrine pathway from the locus coeruleus
E-mail address: (S. Zhou). to the subcortex. As a result, DEX triggers and maintains a
1053-0770/Ó 2024 Published by Elsevier Inc.
2 S. Duan and S. Zhou / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2024) 17

Table 1 that impaired liver function significantly affects the pharmaco-

The Actions of Dexmedetomidine on Different Receptors kinetics of DEX.
Dexmedetomidine Action
Effects of DEX on Cardiac Electrophysiologic Function
a2A-AR Sedative, analgesic, anti-sympathetic, anti-anxiety,
anti-inflammatory Action Potential Duration
a2B-AR Vasoconstriction
a2C-AR Cognitive, emotional, and sensory processes
Action potential duration (APD) refers to the time it takes
for an excitable cell to go from phase 0 depolarization to rest-
ing potential at the end of phase 3 repolarization. This duration
sedative hypnosis similar to the natural sleep state. This unique is a crucial measurement in electrophysiologic studies. Chen
property of DEX distinguishes it from other commonly used et al.18 conducted a study to examine the impact of DEX on
intravenous anesthetics. Dexmedetomidine is used commonly ionic currents and membrane potentials in neurons. The results
for sedating patients in the ICU and those undergoing awake indicated that DEX had the effect of prolonging the APD at
craniotomy due to its effective sedation, minimal impact on 90% repolarization in differentiated NG108-15 cells. A recent
respiratory function, protection of organ function, and ease of study revealed that DEX, in a dose-dependent manner, reduced
patient arousal.4-9 Dexmedetomidine acts on the presynaptic the occurrence of spontaneous ventricular-like action poten-
membrane of central and peripheral nerves, inhibiting the syn- tials and increased the duration of the APD at 90% repolariza-
thesis and release of norepinephrine, thereby producing an tion in ventricular-like cardiomyocytes derived from human-
anti-sympathetic effect.10 Additionally, DEX acts on the pre- induced pluripotent stem cells without innervation.19
synaptic a2A-AR of spinal cord dorsal horn neurons, resulting
in hyperpolarization of the cell membrane and blocking of sig- QT Interval
nal transduction. As a result, DEX exhibits an analgesic effect.
However, the mechanism of its analgesic action is still unclear, The QT interval, which represents the timing of ventricular
and it could produce analgesic effects via the supraspinal level depolarization and repolarization, and the Tp-e interval, which
and peripheral nerves in addition to the spinal level.11 reflects ventricular repolarization dispersion, are both common
electrocardiogram indicators of arrhythmia risk. To account
Acting on a2B-AR for the influence of heart rate, the corrected QT (QTc) interval
is commonly used for evaluation.20,21
The a2B-AR receptor is primarily associated with periph- A study showed that in patients undergoing elective general
eral vasoconstriction, resulting in vasoconstriction and anti- anesthesia, the 3 different doses had no significant effect on
chilling effects. Dexmedetomidine also triggers a2B-AR- the Tp-e interval when administered with loading doses of 0.6,
mediated increases in blood pressure, followed by a2A-AR- 0.8, and 1 mg/kg of DEX, indicating that DEX had no signifi-
mediated antisympathetic effects, leading to a decrease in cant effect on ventricular repolarization dispersion.22 All 3
blood pressure.12 The constrictive effect of DEX may be dose- doses of DEX can shorten the QTc interval significantly, yet
dependent. Zhou et al.13 discovered that DEX caused coronary there is no concentration correlation, suggesting that adminis-
artery diastole in pigs at lower concentrations, whereas higher tration of the above 3 loading doses of DEX affects ventricular
concentrations caused coronary artery constriction. repolarization and decreases electrocardiographic stability to
some extent. The results of Tan et al.23 showed that the QTc
Acting on a2C-AR interval was prolonged significantly in patients after adminis-
tration of a loading dose of DEX at 1 mg/kg, suggesting that
a2C-AR is mainly associated with modulation of cognitive, DEX prolongs the duration of ventricular repolarization and is
emotional, and sensory processes. It is not clear whether the detrimental to cardiac electrophysiologic stability. However,
improvement of cognitive dysfunction by DEX is related to it. the QTc interval was shortened after administration of a load-
ing dose of DEX at 0.5 mg/kg. The 2 loading doses of DEX
Pharmacokinetics had no significant effect on the Tp-e interval. It is suggested
that higher doses of DEX may be detrimental to cardiac elec-
Dexmedetomidine can be administered intravascularly or trophysiologic stability, whereas lower doses are relatively
extravascularly (intramuscular or intranasal). It is important to safe. However, there is some contradiction between the 2 stud-
note that DEX is mainly bound to albumin in plasma. After ies regarding the effect of DEX on the QTc interval. There are
administration, DEX quickly and extensively spreads through- also experimental animal studies showing that DEX does not
out the body, with a distribution half-life of about 6 minutes significantly affect the QT interval.24 Although the effect of
and a steady-state volume of distribution of approximately DEX on the QTc interval is still controversial, clinicians can
1.3-2.5 L/kg.14,15 The liver primarily metabolizes DEX conclude from the above study that a small dose of DEX may
through glucuronidation and hydroxylation, and the metabo- have less effect on cardiac repolarization compared to a high
lites are eliminated through the kidneys. The elimination half- loading dose, and is more beneficial for maintaining cardiac
life of DEX is around 2-3 hours.16,17 It is worth mentioning electrophysiologic homeostasis in the perioperative period.
S. Duan and S. Zhou / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2024) 17 3

Ion Channels suggesting that its inhibitory effect was not related to a2-AR.
Further studies are required to understand the variations in the
Voltage-gated sodium channel 1.5 is the most important car- results of the 2 experiments. However, it is evident that DEX
diac sodium channel subtype, with important effects on myo- can dose-dependently inhibit ICa-L.
cardial electrophysiologic activity.25 Dexmedetomidine In conclusion, DEX can inhibit sodium, potassium, and cal-
inhibits voltage-gated sodium channel 1.5 activity in a dose- cium channels, leading to myocardial inhibition and protec-
dependent manner to attenuate sodium currents, which can tion. Nevertheless, the mechanisms involved in these effects
produce cardiovascular adverse effects, such as bradycardia.26 are still unclear and controversial in certain aspects, highlight-
However, at the same time, excessive activation of Na+ chan- ing the need for further investigation.
nels during myocardial ischemia also leads to electrophysio-
logic alterations and imbalance of intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ DEX and Connexins
homeostasis. Increased intracellular Na+ during myocardial
ischemia will cause intracellular calcium overload by activat- The gap junction is a specialized channel that connects neigh-
ing the reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, which also boring cells, enabling the exchange of ions, signaling molecules,
can trigger delayed postdepolarization and lead to repolariza- and other molecular information. In the heart, various subtypes
tion diffusion.27 In this respect, the inhibitory effect of DEX of connexins are expressed, with Connexin 43 (Cx43) being the
on sodium currents may contribute to the amelioration of myo- predominant subtype in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Connexin
cardial repolarization dissociation and arrhythmogenesis. 43 plays a crucial role in cardiac electrical signaling and rhyth-
Yang et al.19 also showed that DEX inhibits sodium channels mic contraction.35 Dexmedetomidine has been found to cause
in human-induced multipotent stem cell-derived cardiomyo- bradycardia by regulating the expression of sinus node gap junc-
cytes, which may be related to its antiarrhythmic effect. tion protein 45 along with Cx40.36 During acute myocardial
The BKCa channel, a large conductance calcium-activated infarction, Cx43 undergoes increased dephosphorylation, which
potassium channel, is found primarily in vascular smooth mus- in turn affects the electrical coupling between cardiac myocytes,
cle cells. However, it also is distributed in cardiac myocytes and resulting in conduction abnormalities and various types of
plays a significant role in maintaining the membrane potential arrhythmias.37 In a rat model of ischemic cardiomyopathy, the
of smooth muscle cells, regulating intracellular Ca2+ levels, and use of DEX in rats after myocardial infarction had the following
reducing vascular tone.28,29 Lower concentrations of DEX have effects: upregulation of Cx43, inhibition of the inflammatory
been found to directly activate BKCa channels in porcine arte- response, attenuation of myocardial fibrosis, reduction in the
rial smooth muscle cells, leading to coronary artery dilation.13 occurrence of spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias, and decrease
Additionally, BKCa channels located on the mitochondrial in arrhythmia scores in programmed electrical stimulation-
membrane of cardiomyocytes have been associated with cardio- induced ventricular arrhythmias.38 Behmenburg et al.31 discov-
protective effects after ischemia-reperfusion injury.30 Previous ered that DEX pretreatment reduced infarct size and improved
studies have demonstrated that DEX can attenuate ischemia- cardiac function in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction.
reperfusion injury in rat hearts, and this protective mechanism is Furthermore, they found that DEX’s protection against ische-
believed to be linked to the activation of BKCa channels.31 mia-reperfusion injury was associated with the activation of
BKCa channels have recently gained significant attention due to Cx43 and BKCa channels.
their potential effects on arrhythmias.32,33 However, it remains
unclear whether the antiarrhythmic effects of DEX are related
Effects of DEX on Arrhythmias
to these channels.
The L-type calcium channel is a voltage-dependent calcium Sinus Bradycardia and Conduction Block
channel that generates L-type calcium currents (ICa-L). Zhao et
al.34 investigated the impact of DEX on ICa-L using the whole- Sinus bradycardia is a frequently observed adverse effect of
cell membrane clamp technique. The findings demonstrated DEX. A study conducted on critically ill adult patients receiv-
that DEX dose-dependently inhibited ICa-L, leading to a reduc- ing mechanical ventilation in the ICU revealed that 5.1% of
tion in calcium channel activity and an elongation of the recov- patients who were sedated with DEX experienced bradycardia,
ery time after channel inactivation. Consequently, this resulted and 0.7% even experienced cardiac arrest.39 In a study con-
in a decrease in calcium influx. Furthermore, the inhibitory ducted by Erickson et al.,40 it was found that the incidence of
effect of DEX on ICa-L was counteracted partially by yohim- bradycardia was significantly higher in mechanically venti-
bine, suggesting a potential association between the inhibitory lated children receiving DEX sedation compared to the control
effect of DEX on ICa-L and a2-AR. This mechanism may pro- group. DEX is used commonly as an adjunct to sedation in
vide insights into the adverse effects of DEX on myocardial endotracheal anesthesia. Previous studies have demonstrated
contractility and cardiac electrical activity. In the study con- that its use often leads to bradycardia, particularly in older
ducted by Yang et al.,19 DEX significantly suppressed ICa-L patients.41 In addition to intravenous administration, DEX also
without affecting the activation and/or inactivation profile of can be administered intranasally. It is used commonly in clini-
calcium channels in human-induced multipotent stem cell- cal settings to sedate pediatric patients before admission to the
derived cardiomyocytes; a2-AR was not expressed on human- operating room, reducing crying and anxiety in children. How-
induced multipotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, ever, it should be noted that this mode of administration may
4 S. Duan and S. Zhou / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2024) 17

still lead to bradycardia. Studies have shown that the incidence et al.48 proposed that preoperative or intraoperative adminis-
of bradycardia was significantly higher in children receiving tration of DEX pretreatment might be more effective.
intranasal DEX compared to controls. Furthermore, the study
also found that the incidence of bradycardia was higher in Ventricular Arrhythmias
male children compared to female children.42
Dexmedetomidine has an inhibitory effect on atrioventricu- Ventricular arrhythmias, such as ventricular tachycardia (VT)
lar (AV) node function and may cause conduction block to and ventricular fibrillation, are serious conditions with high mor-
develop during use. Ergul et al.43 demonstrated that adminis- tality and complication rates. The results of a prospective cohort
tering a loading dose of DEX (1 mg/kg intravenously over 10 study conducted by Chrysostomou et al.51 demonstrated that the
minutes) resulted in the inhibition of AV nodal conduction initiation of DEX at the induction of anesthesia, along with its
function in children. This was accompanied by the prolonga- continuous intraoperative and postoperative administration,
tion of the Wenckebach cycle length, ventriculoatrial block reduced the occurrence of postoperative ventricular and supra-
cycle length, and AV nodal effective refractory periods. The ventricular tachyarrhythmias in children undergoing cardiotho-
effects of DEX on AV nodal (AVN) function in adults are sim- racic surgery. Tobias et al.52 provided a summary of the
ilar. Electrophysiologic examination of healthy adult volun- cardiovascular effects of DEX and supported its perioperative
teers showed that administering DEX intravenously at a dose use in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease to prevent
of 1 mg/kg over 10 minutes resulted in decreases in the AVN and treat postoperative ventricular and supraventricular tachyar-
Wenckebach point and AVN 2:1 block point, a prolongation rhythmias. In a randomized controlled trial conducted by Ren et
of the AV nodal refractory period, and an inhibition of the AV al.,53 it was found that DEX sedation in adult patients resulted
node that was dependent on the concentration.44 in reduced postoperative plasma norepinephrine and cortisol lev-
els. Additionally, it decreased the incidence of ventricular
arrhythmias and improved postoperative myocardial injury in
Atrial Fibrillation patients undergoing non-extracorporeal coronary artery grafting.
In a randomized controlled trial conducted by Soltani et al.,54
Postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent cardiac the effect of using DEX early, specifically during anesthesia
surgery complication that can lead to stroke and increased induction and intraoperatively, on postoperative arrhythmias in
mortality. There is ongoing debate regarding the impact of patients undergoing coronary artery grafting without extracorpo-
DEX on postoperative AF. According to a meta-analysis con- real circulation was investigated. The study found that the early
ducted by Ling et al.,45 DEX demonstrated antiarrhythmic use of DEX improved hemodynamic indices and reduced the
effects and decreased the occurrence of ventricular arrhyth- occurrence of common postoperative arrhythmias, such as pre-
mias in comparison to other sedative medications administered mature ventricular beats and VT. Additionally, 2 recent meta-
after cardiac surgery. However, the analysis did not find any analyses also supported the perioperative use of DEX in reduc-
significant effect of DEX on the incidence of postoperative ing the incidence of VT after cardiac surgery. However, these
AF. The analysis conducted by Zhu et al.46 also revealed that analyses did not find a significant effect on the incidence of ven-
DEX did not show a reduction in the incidence of AF after car- tricular fibrillation.55,56
diac surgery when compared to other control drugs. The literature also has reported the role of DEX in the pre-
Additionally, it was found that DEX potentially may increase vention and treatment of specific types of ventricular arrhyth-
the occurrence of AF in patients with a history of AF. However, mias. Acquired long QT syndrome is a syndrome in which a
it is important to note that both meta-analyses on this topic suf- prolonged QT interval can be accompanied by Torsades de
fered from limitations, including insufficient quality of evidence. Pointes. This condition is often caused by drugs, cardiac disease,
Contrary to previous studies, recent research conducted by Peng and metabolic abnormalities. In a rabbit model of acquired long
et al.47 has found that perioperative administration of DEX QT interval, a2-AR agonists, such as DEX, were found to
could potentially lower the risk of AF after cardiac surgery. The inhibit the occurrence of early postdepolarization and reduce the
results indicated that DEX was particularly effective in prevent- incidence of VT.57 Ellermann et al.24 conducted animal experi-
ing postoperative AF in low-risk patients. However, it is impor- ments that also confirmed the inhibitory effect of DEX on VT
tant to note that high-risk patients who may have multiple AF- in a rabbit model of erythromycin-induced acquired long QT
related risk factors may not experience the same benefits from a interval. The authors suggested that this effect may be attributed
single intervention with DEX. The findings of Jing et al.48 to DEX’s ability to improve myocardial repolarization disper-
revealed that DEX had a significant effect in reducing postoper- sion. Catecholamine-sensitive polymorphic VT (CPVT) is a rare
ative AF, particularly in young female patients who underwent inherited arrhythmogenic disorder that often leads to sudden
coronary artery bypass grafting. death. It is typically not associated with structural heart disease.
Further studies are required to investigate whether DEX Catecholamine-sensitive polymorphic VT is characterized by
reduces the occurrence of AF after cardiac surgery. The opti- the occurrence of bidirectional or polymorphic VT after exercise
mal timing and dosage for administering DEX remain incon- or emotional stress, which can result in syncope and sudden car-
clusive. Certain studies have indicated that administering DEX diac death.58 There have been case reports suggesting that DEX
during postoperative ICU treatment, as opposed to preopera- can inhibit the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias in patients
tively, resulted in a lower incidence of AF.49,50 However, Jing with CPVT. For instance, Shionoya et al.59 successfully
S. Duan and S. Zhou / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2024) 17 5

performed a dental extraction procedure on a patient with CPVT Additional Use

by using total intravenous anesthesia with DEX, ensuring the
prevention of arrhythmias. A patient with CPVT during preg- Additionally, it can be used for the prevention and treatment
nancy was delivered successfully under epidural anesthesia and of postoperative pediatric cardiac awakening agitation as well
DEX-assisted sedation without experiencing any arrhythmias. as postoperative delirium in cardiac surgery.
The patient safely passed through the perinatal period.60 However, there are certain precautions that need to be taken
into consideration. It only should be administered by a quali-
fied physician who closely monitors the patient’s vital signs. It
Junctional Ectopic Tachycardias is important to be aware of any drug allergies and exercise cau-
tion or avoid using it in patients with bradycardia, conduction
Junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET) is a highly concerning block, cardiac insufficiency, or hemodynamic instability.
arrhythmia that frequently manifests after pediatric cardiac
surgery. Despite numerous attempts, the available treatments
have shown limited effectiveness, emphasizing the importance Conclusion
of prevention as the primary approach. According to a study,61
it has been observed that administering a loading dose of DEX Dexmedetomidine has been proven to be beneficial in pre-
at 0.5 mg/kg before anesthesia induction and maintaining a venting and treating tachyarrhythmias and JET. However, to
continuous infusion at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/h for 48 hours after provide clinical recommendations, further high-quality clinical
surgery proved to be effective in reducing the incidence of trials are necessary to explore the effects of DEX. The impact
JET in children who underwent surgery for congenital heart of DEX on postoperative AF remains a topic of debate. Addi-
disease. The findings of a retrospective cohort study indicated tionally, it is important to note that DEX also can cause brady-
that the continuous use of DEX before and during surgery cardia and conduction block. The mechanism of DEX’s effect
decreases the occurrence of postoperative JET in children who on arrhythmia may be related to several factors. DEX can
undergo ventricular septal defect repair compared to the rate inhibit sodium, potassium, and calcium channels in cardiac tis-
when DEX is administered only after surgery.62 In a prospec- sue, which may affect the function of the sinus node and atrio-
tive randomized controlled trial conducted by Rajput et al.,63 it ventricular node.
was found that continuous infusion of DEX during and after Additionally, DEX can prolong the action potential time
surgery in children undergoing repair of tetralogy of Fallot course and impact myocardial repolarization. The controversy
reduced the incidence of postoperative JET and potentially surrounding the effects of DEX on myocardial electrophysio-
shortened the duration of JET. Recent meta-analyses have logic function and its specific targets of action can be attrib-
examined the impact of DEX on postoperative JET in pediatric uted partially to variations in the experimental subjects,
cardiac surgery. These studies suggested that administering experimental conditions, technical methods used, and the dif-
DEX during the perioperative period can stabilize patient ferent concentrations of DEX employed. Further studies are
hemodynamics and reduce the occurrence of postoperative required to examine the precise signaling pathways and molec-
JET.64,65 In summary, continuous intraoperative and postoper- ular mechanisms through which DEX influences cardiac func-
ative administration of DEX in children undergoing pediatric tion.
cardiac surgery can effectively decrease the incidence of post-
operative JET. Declaration of competing interest

Recommendations for Clinical Use
Cardiovascular Anesthesiology
CRediT authorship contribution statement
The use of DEX during the induction stage of general anes-
Shengji Duan: Investigation, Writing  original draft.
thesia can decrease the response to tracheal intubation and
Shuzhi Zhou: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing 
maintain hemodynamic stability. It also can be employed dur-
review & editing.
ing the maintenance stage of general anesthesia to lower the
dosage of sedative and analgesic drugs while providing organ
protection and antiarrhythmic effects. References

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