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Experiment 6

Aim: To make a selection diagram for the IPL Management System.

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram in UML (Unified Modeling Language)
that illustrates how objects interact in a particular scenario of a use case. It shows the flow of
messages between objects over time.
1. Objects: Objects are represented as vertical lines (also known as lifelines) in a sequence
diagram. Each object is labeled with its name or identifier.
2. Messages: Messages are depicted as horizontal arrows between objects, indicating
communication or interaction between them. Messages can be synchronous (denoted
by solid arrows) or asynchronous (denoted by dashed arrows). Synchronous messages
imply that the sender waits for a response from the receiver, while asynchronous
messages do not require an immediate response.
3. Activation Bar: An activation bar (also known as an activation box or execution
occurrence) represents the period during which an object is actively processing or
executing a message. It is depicted as a vertical rectangle extending downwards from
the lifeline of the object.
4. Return Message: When an object responds to a message, it sends a return message
back to the sender. Return messages are represented by arrows with a dotted line
returning to the originating object.
5. Combined Fragments: Combined fragments allow you to model conditional or
looping behavior within a sequence diagram. They include constructs such as alt
(alternative), opt (optional), loop, and break.
6. Interaction Occurrences: Interaction occurrences represent instances of interactions
between objects, such as method calls or events triggering a response. They can be
shown as simple messages or more complex interactions involving multiple messages.
7. Interaction Operators: Interaction operators provide additional semantics to sequence
diagrams. These operators include create (to indicate the creation of new objects),
destroy (to indicate the destruction of objects), and ref (to refer to interactions defined
Use Selection Diagram for Prime Minister’s Office:

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