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- Mantras & their Meanings - with True


Ram Das means “God’s Servant”, and also references Guru Ram Das, the Fourth Sikh
Guru, and the guardian of the Aquarian Age. This mantra was given to Yogi Bhajan by
Guru Ram Das in his astral form. It invokes the qualities of Guru Ram Das – humility,
relaxation, self-healing and emotional relief. It opens the Heart Center so that you can
feel and effortlessly radiate universal love.
“Wise, wise is the one who serves Infinity.”

The primal sounds of Ram Das. This mantra is a healing mantra, and an attunement of the
self to the universe. It stimulates the kundalini energy for healing. Goes through a circuit
of the chakras, & activates the Neutral Mind (Guru Ram Das’ realm…), bringing balance.
RA = the energy of the Sun – strong, bright & hot; energizes & purifies.
MA = the energy of the Moon – receptive, cool & nurturing
DA = the energy of Earth – secure, personal; the ground of action
SA = the impersonal infinity – the cosmos in all of its open dimensions & totality.
SA = repetition of Sa is the turning point. The first part of the mantra ascends and
expands into the Infinite, and the highest and most subtle ether, and brings
those qualities back down, interweaving ether with earth.
SAY = the totality of experience – is personal; the embodiment of Sa
SO = the personal sense of merger and identity
HANG = the infinite, vibrating and real. Together, So Hang means “I am Thou”


This is the mantra for miracles where the impossible becomes possible. This Sikh prayer
or shabd is in praise of Guru Ram Das, who is able to manifest miracles. It is the realm of
the heart, of the Neutral Mind, where all things become pure.
Dhan dhan raam daas gur jin siri-aa tinai savaari-aa; Pooree hoee
karaamaat aap sirajanhaarai dhaari-aa; Sikhee atai sangatee paarbrahm kar
namasakaari-aa; Atal athaa-o atol too tayraa ant na paaraavaari-aa; Jinee
too sayvi-aa bhaa-o kar say tudh paar utaari-aa; Lab lobh kaam krodh mo
maar kadhay tudh saparvaari-aa; Dhan so tayraa thaan hai sach tayraa
paisakaari-aa; Naanak too lehanaa toohai gur amar too veechaari-aa; Gur
dithaa taa man saadhaari-aa

Blessed, blessed is Guru Ram Das; the One who created you has also exalted You.
You are such a miracle! The Creator has installed you on a throne. Your Sikhs, & all
conscious people bow to you because you manifest God. You are unchanging,
unfathomable, immeasurable; your limit cannot be perceived. Those who serve
you with love are carried across the sea of existence. The five obstacles (greed,
attachment, lust, anger, ego/pride) cannot exist where you are. Blessed is Your
realm, and True is Your magnificent glory. You are Nanak, You are Angad, and
You are Amar Daas the Guru. Oh, when I recognize you, my soul is comforted!

RA MA Institute • Day 3

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