21-4020-E000 KEO-SPC-SU-00 - Rev.01

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PART 1 – GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.01 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.02 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.03 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.04 SUSTAINABILITY TEAM .................................................................................................................... 11
1.05 ACTION SUBMITTALS ...................................................................................................................... 11
1.06 CONSTRUCTION KICK-OFF MEETING ................................................................................................ 12
1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................................................................... 12
PART 2 – PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.01 SUSTAINABILITY COMPLIANCE ACTION PLAN AND PROGRESS REPORTS ............................................ 13
PART 3 – EXECUTION ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.01 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.02 CONTRACTOR’S SUSTAINABILITY CHAMPION ................................................................................... 15
3.03 PROVISION OF PARKING .................................................................................................................. 16
3.04 BICYCLE NETWORK .......................................................................................................................... 16
3.05 REGIONAL HERITAGE ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.06 THRIVING ECONOMY ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.07 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 17
3.08 OUTDOOR COMFORT ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.09 LIGHT POLLUTION AND TRESPASS .................................................................................................... 18
3.10 WATER EFFICIENCY.......................................................................................................................... 19
3.11 WATER METERING .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.12 RECYCLED WATER............................................................................................................................ 20
3.13 INFRASTRUCTURE COMMISSIONING................................................................................................ 20
3.14 ENERGY METERING ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.15 EXTERNAL LIGHTING ........................................................................................................................ 24
3.16 ENERGY EFFICIENT SYSTEMS ............................................................................................................ 25
3.17 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL ................................................................... 25
3.18 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATIONS ................................................................................... 26
3.19 SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS................................................................................................................ 27
3.20 MATERIAL INGREDIENTS.................................................................................................................. 27
PART 4 – APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................... 29
4.01 LIST OF TARGETED MOSTADAM CREDITS.......................................................................................... 29
4.02 PROGRAMME SUSTAINABILITY KPI’S ................................................................................................. 31
4.03 TRACKING SHEET FOR MOSTADAM .................................................................................................. 32
4.04 SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................................................................... 37
4.05 MONTHLY SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ................................................................................................. 40

Detailed Design 100% 1 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


A. Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to highlight the sustainability requirements for

the construction stage and to understand the keystone (Mandatory) and
targeted optional credit requirements under Mostadam Communities Design
and Construction element.

All the requirements set out in this document shall be included in the
construction stage development of the project. This will ensure that the project
will be fully compliant with Mostadam requirements and achieve the target Gold

B. Brief introduction to Mostadam

Mostadam has been developed by Sustainable Building as a comprehensive

sustainability rating and certification system to address the long-term
sustainability of communities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Mostadam
addresses a wide range of sustainability issues important to KSA.

Mostadam for Communities (D+C) is applicable to all sizes of commercial

developments and there is no minimum size required for certification.

C. Keystone Credit Requirements

Please note all text in the requirements section should be considered and
included in the design and construction of the new community.

D. Requirements:

This Section includes general requirements and procedures for compliance

with certain green building rating system credits and regulatory sustainability
requirements for the Project to obtain the targeted Sustainability Rating:
1. Specifically, the project shall comply with MOSTADAM for Communities
D+C keystone mandatory credits and other credits needed for the
Project to obtain MOSTADAM Gold Certification rating level (Part 1-
General – 1. List of targeted Mostadam Credits).
2. Refer to Table of Sustainability Requirements at the end of this
specification section.
3. Evidence of compliance for sustainability requirements shall be ensured
by the Call-Off Sustainability Consultant.
4. The MOSTADAM Consultant to assist Contractor to maintain a “Green
Building Logbook” during the construction activities to collect and store
the required evidence for the MOSTADAM certification submission after
completion of construction of the project.
5. MOSTADAM certification is the required by the client for all assets. The
Selected MOSTADAM keystone mandatory credits and other credits

Detailed Design 100% 2 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
targeted for the Project for obtaining the MOSTADAM certification are
not considered to be additional scope of works for the Contractor.
6. Some MOSTADAM keystone mandatory credits and other credits are
dependent of material selections and may not be specifically identified
as code or MOSTADAD requirement. Compliance with sustainability
code requirements may be used as one criterion to evaluate substitution
requests by the Contractor.
7. This section does not mean to be a substitute for the original
MOSTADAM Reference Guide. The Contractor shall comply with all
applicable and relevant MOSTADAM requirements for keystone
mandatory credits and targeted credits.

E. Related Sections include the following:

1. Division 01 Section “Action Submittal” for procedures for submitting

MOSTADAM documentation.

2. Divisions 02 through the Sections for sustainability requirements specific to

the Work of each of those Sections. These requirements may or may not
include reference to sustainability.


Aggregate: Grained material used as reinforcement in composite mixes such

as concrete. Examples of aggregate: sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag and
recycled concrete.

As-built drawing: Drawing which represents the final constructed building,

usually prepared by the contractor.

Bathymetry survey: A surveying method used to analyze the beds of water

sources such as lakes, rivers and ocean. It is typically used to identify biological
features and natural habitats of a water body.

Blackwater: Wastewater that includes water from toilets.

Building envelope: The barrier/shell that separates a building’s conditioned

space from unconditioned space, usually comprising of the exterior façade, roof
and ground floor.

Central Management System (CMS): An automated central system used to

control the operation of electrical, water and other electronic signals for central
monitoring and control.

Commissioning Agent: A certified professional responsible for delivering the

commissioning process.

Compost: Organic material that has been decomposed through a composter

and can be used for fertilizer.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Computer modelling of fluid flow (e.g.

air) to predict various parameters (velocity, pressure, density, temperature etc.).

Detailed Design 100% 3 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Contaminated land: Land cannot be safely developed or built on due to the
presence or possible presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or

Correlated Color Temperature (CCT): The color appearance of a lamp

compared to the equivalent brightness of a reference material heated to that
temperature. Due to convention, lower temperature yellow light is assigned as
‘warm’ while higher temperature white or blue light is assigned as ‘cool’.

Dashboard: A digital display that communicates the performance of a building

to its occupants (including but not limited to energy and water performance).

District cooling: A cooling system whereby a central cooling plant delivers

chilled water to individual buildings in a district through an insulated
underground piping network. The central plant houses large, highly efficient and
industrial grade equipment to produce chilled water.

Electric vehicle: A vehicle with electric motors powered by rechargeable


Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): Electrical charging equipment

suitable for electric vehicles to connect and charge at either 208 or 240 volts.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): A standardized method of

quantifying the environmental impact of a product during its lifecycle.

Flood hazard area: A legally designated flood hazard area is an area that is
subject to a 1% or more chance of flooding in any given year. Flood hazard
areas are designated in Flood Insurance Rate Maps.

FSC certified: Forest Stewardship Council certified. This is a method of

certifying wood that has been sourced through responsible forest management.

Glare: An uncomfortable phenomenon that results from too much daylight

penetrating through a glazed assembly. This could be directly through the
glazing, or from daylight reflecting off a surface.

Greenhouse gas: Gases in the atmosphere that trap and hold heat from the
sun due to their ability of absorbing infrared radiation from the sun. An increase
in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to global warming.

Hazardous waste: Waste that may have toxic and harmful effects on human
health and the environment if not managed with proper care.

Heat island effect: A phenomenon where urban areas and city temperatures
are warmer than their surrounding suburbs.

Illuminance: A measurement of lighting level which represents the total

amount of visible light incident upon a surface or imaginary plane, per unit area
from all directions above the surface. The measurement unit for Illuminance is

Light Emitting Diode (LED): A semi-conductor which emits lights resulting in

a light fixture that is both energy efficient and has a long life span compared to
an incandescent fixture.
Detailed Design 100% 4 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Landfill: An area where large quantities of waste (usually waste collected from
urban areas/municipal waste) is disposed and typically buried.

Life Cycle Assessment: The assessment of a product’s environmental impact

through all stages of its life from raw material extraction to its disposal or
recycling (cradle to grave).

Mashrabiya: An Arabian architectural shading element with a lattice type

appearance which is applied to windows.

Noise pollution: Noise levels which causes physical or psychological impacts

due to high intensity or continuous nature.

Open space: Publicly accessible open areas and suitable for exercise,
congregation or transit.

Pervious surface: Permeable or porous surfaces that allow for water


Previously developed land: Land that has been previously occupied by a

permanent structure or hardscape.

Public realm: Areas to which the public have free access such as streets,
squares, open spaces and parks.

Regenerative drive: A motor which achieves a lower net power usage due to
the storage and reuse of energy.

Renewable energy: Energy collected from resources that do not deplete or

can be renewed within the human life scale. Sources such as solar, wind and
geothermal heat are considered renewable.

Safe walking distance: A route from the building entrance to point of interest
measured via a dedicated pedestrian walkway at least 1.8m wide with safe
roadway crossings.

Seasonable Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER): A measure of air conditioning

efficiency based on a typical seasonal weather profile.

Smart meter: An electronic device that records consumption of select end uses
and communicates the information for monitoring and/or billing. Smart meters
typically record on at least an hourly basis.

Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): A measure of a material’s reflectance of solar

heat and emissivity of absorbed energy.

Surface water run-off: Run-off that occurs when rainwater, or other sources,
exceed the ground permeability capacity resulting in pooling and surface flow.

Thermal comfort: Occupants’ perception of thermal satisfaction in their


U-value: A measure of the rate of transfer of heat through a material (i.e.

thermal transmittance).

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Up light: Light that is directed upwards from a luminaire due to its placement
and the shape of the fixture. A higher up-lighting rating causes lighting pollution
in outdoor lighting.

Variable frequency drive (VFD): An electric motor with an adjustable

frequency which varies based on a control signal.

Variable speed drive (VSD): An electric motor with an adjustable speed which
varies based on a control signal.

Wastewater treatment: The process of treating wastewater to enable it to be


Detailed Design 100% 6 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1. Mostadam Rating System: Communities D+C Manual,

2. High Performance Infrastructure Guidelines:
3. Saudi Building Code (SBC) 1001 Green Buildings, Section 403 Stormwater
4. Saudi Building Code (SBC) 1001 Green Buildings, Section 408.2.4 Pervious
Pavement and Permeable Unit Pavement.
5. General Directorate of Civil Defense (Flood Insurance Rate Maps).
6. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI),
7. Victorian Stormwater Committee (1999), Urban Stormwater: Best-practice
Environmental Management Guidelines.
8. General Authority of Meteorology & Environmental Protection, General
Environmental Regulations and Rules for Implementation.
9. Saudi Building Code (SBC) 1001 Green Buildings, Section 402 Preservation of
Natural Resources.
10. Saudi Building Code (SBC) 1001 Green Buildings, Section 405.2.1 Vegetation
and Soil Protection Plan.
11. TCIA/ANSI A300 Tree Protection Zones (TPZ).
12. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, www.iucn.org
13. Standards and Regulations for Afforestation within Cities, Ministry of Municipal
and Rural Affairs (MOMRA).
14. Technical Conditions and Specifications for the Implementation of Afforestation
Projects, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA).
15. Directory of Appropriate Plant Species for Afforestation Projects in the Different
Environment Zones, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA).
16. Guide to Plants Irrigation in Afforestation Projects within Cities, Ministry of
Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA).
17. Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (for landfill regulations and solid waste
18. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS).
19. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Section 721.560, Construction Noise
20. ISO 14021: Environmental Labels and Declarations.
21. Saudi Building Code (SBC) 1001 Green Buildings, Section 409 Site Lighting.
22. IES TM-15-11 Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires.
23. IES TM-15-11 Appendix A: Backlight, Uplight and Glare Ratings.
24. International Dark Sky Association, https://www.darksky.org/
25. Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA), The Enhancement of Traffic
Performance on Streets and Roads in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
26. National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), Urban Street
Design Guide.
27. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Smart Growth Program.
28. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/
29. Walkscore® Methodology, https://www.walkscore.com/methodology.shtml
30. Walkable Communities Inc., https://www.walkable.org/
31. Guidelines and Standards for Parking v1, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs
(MOMRA), 1426 Hijri.
Detailed Design 100% 7 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
32. SAE Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice J1772, SAE Electric Vehicle
Conductive Charge Coupler.
33. IEC 62196 Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets –
Conductive charging of electric vehicles.
34. National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO).
35. Riyadh Public Transport Program, METRO Urban Design & Streetscape
Manual (February 2014), High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh.
36. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EnviroAtlas, Estimated
Intersection Density of Walkable Roads, EnviroAtlas Community Data Fact
Sheets, July 2016.
37. Street Connectivity Zoning and Subdivision Model Ordinance, Appendix F, By
Division of Planning Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, March 2009.
38. The Congress for New Urbanism (CNU).
39. National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), Urban Bikeway
Design Guide (2014).
40. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Guide for
the Development of Bicycle Facilities (1999).
41. Dutch Centre for Research and Contract Standardization in Civil and Traffic
Engineering (CROW), Netherlands, Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic (2017).
42. The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) Bicycle
Parking Guidelines.
43. Transit Oriented Development, High Commission for the Development of
Arriyadh, April 2018.
44. Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP), TOD Standard.
45. EMBARQ TOD Guide for Urban Communities.
46. ASTM E1980-11 Standard Practice for Calculating Solar Reflective Index of
Horizontal and Low Sloped Opaque Surfaces.
47. ASTM C1549-16 Standard Test Method for Determination of Solar Reflectance
Near Ambient Temperature Using a Portable Solar Reflectometer.
48. ASTM E 408-13 Standard Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of Surfaces
Using Inspection-Meter Techniques.
49. Planning Standards for Recreational Areas of Cities v1, Ministry of Municipal
and Rural Affairs (MOMRA), 1426 Hijri.
50. Requirements for Design and Implementation of Public Parks, Ministry of
Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA).
51. U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Green Streets and Community
Open Space.
52. United States Access Board, Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian
Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way, 2011.
53. United States Access Board, ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines, amended
May 7, 2014.
54. U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA Accessible Shared Streets: Notable
Practices and Considerations for Accommodating Pedestrians with Vision
Disabilities, October 2017.
55. ISO 23599:2019 Assistive Products for Blind and Vision-Impaired Persons,
Tactile Walking Surface Indicators.
56. Safe Growth and CPTED in Saskatoon, Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design Guidelines: An Illustrated Guide to Safer Development
in Our Community, June 2010.
57. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Guidelines for Queensland,
Part A: Essential Features of Safer Places, October 2007.
58. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Guidelines for Queensland,
Part B: Implementation Guide, October 2007.
Detailed Design 100% 8 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
59. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidebook, National Crime
Prevention Council, Singapore, October 2003.
60. The 2nd Executive Plan for Provision of Public Services in Riyadh, 2017.
61. Guidelines of Architectural Heritage Preservation v1, Ministry of Municipal and
Rural Affairs (MOMRA), 1426 Hijri.
62. Villages & Towns Heritage - An Illustrated Journey, Saudi Commission for
Tourism & Antiquities.
63. Heritage Sites in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities.
64. Saudi Vision 2030, www.vision2030.gov.sa
65. Greener Living, www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/greener-living
66. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code.
67. ISO 50001 Energy Management.
68. CIBSE TM39 2009 Building Energy Metering.
69. IES Technical Memorandum TM-15-11, Luminaire Classification System for
Outdoor Luminaires, IESNA California Lighting Technology Center, 2014.
70. Outdoor Lighting: A Guide to Meeting, or Exceeding, California's 2013 Building
Energy Efficiency Standards.
71. ANSI/IES RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting.
72. AASHTO Lighting Design Guide.
73. IES RP-33-14 Lighting for Exterior Environments.
74. CIE 115 Lighting of Roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic.
75. ISO FDIS 25745-1 Energy Performance of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks.
76. CIBSE Guide D Transportation Systems in Buildings 4th Edition, 2015.
77. ASME: Energy Efficient Elevator Technologies.
78. ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Appendix G.
79. WaterSense Irrigation Program, https://www.epa.gov/watersense
80. WaterSense Water Efficiency Management Guide - Landscaping and Irrigation.
81. Rules of Implementations for the Regulations of Treated Sanitary Wastewater
and its Reuse, Ministry of Water and Electricity (MOWE).
82. SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal, Engineering
Standard, Saudi Aramco.
83. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Systems Manuals.
84. Public Utilities Board (PUB) Singapore Technical Guide for Greywater
Recycling System.
85. United Utilities UK, Odour Control and Removal Asset Standard, 2015.
86. ASHRAE Guideline 0‐2005: The Commissioning Process, 2005.
87. BISRIA Guide BG 11/2010, Commissioning Job Book, A Framework for
Managing the Commissioning Process.
88. BSRIA: Commissioning Water Systems, 2010.
89. BSRIA: Model Commissioning Plan, 2009.
90. BSRIA: Pre‐Commission Cleaning of Pipework Systems, 2004.
91. CIBSE Commissioning Code C: Automatic Controls, 2001.
92. CIBSE/SLL Commissioning Code L: Lighting, 2003.
93. CIBSE Commissioning Code M: Commissioning Management, 2003.
94. CIBSE Commissioning Code W: Water Distribution Systems, 2010.
95. Presidency of Meteorology and Environment, General Environmental
Regulations and Rules for Implementation.
96. BG 66/2016 Maintenance Contracts: A Guide to Best Practice for Procurement.
97. BG 53/2016 Maintenance Contracts: Business-Focused Maintenance.
98. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sustainable Purchasing Program.
99. ISO 14025:2006 Environmental Labels and Declarations, Type III
Environmental Declarations, Principles and Procedures.
Detailed Design 100% 9 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
100. BS EN 15804 Sustainability of Construction Works, Environmental Product
Declarations, Core Rules for the Product Category of Construction Products.
101. EU Smart Cities Information System, https://smartcities-infosystem.eu/
102. The Making of a Smart City: Best Practices Across Europe, EU Smart Cities
Information System, European Commission, 2017.
103. Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, https://www-

Detailed Design 100% 10 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A. Members appointed by each Contractor as the single point-of-contact for
Sustainability implementation:
1. Individuals, each having authority to act on behalf of the entity he or she
represents, explicitly organized to implement the Sustainability
Compliance Action Plan.
2. Including Project superintendent and subcontractors, installers,
suppliers, and specialists deemed appropriate by the MOSTADAM
Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP.
3. The contractor shall appoint a sustainability specialist with minimum 5
years’ experience in sustainability and green building rating systems like
LEED, Mostadam AP etc., and shall be approved by the client before
B. Members that may be appointed by Employer:
1. The Call Off Consultant – MOSTADAM AP will be a designated person,
company, or entity that plans, schedules, and coordinated the
Sustainability Team to implement the project green building certification
2. Representatives of the facility user and operation and maintenance
3. Engineer and engineering design professionals.
4. Commissioning Authority (CxA).


A. General: sustainability submittal requirements included in other sections of the
1. The Sustainability Materials Questionnaire (SMQ) shall be included in
every material submittal and filled out as applicable. The SMQ (refer to
Appendix 4.04 for a sample) is intended for each applicable material to
be reviewed for the project sustainability requirement compliance. All
relevant material data shall be verified and collected for compliance.
2. The SMQ shall be provided to all suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors
to ensure submission with the main material submittal.
3. Sustainability submittals shall be included in the main submittal in a
separate section with highlighted compliance information. Sustainability
submittals shall not be submitted separately or at a different time from
the main material submittal.
4. Project Materials Cost Data: Provide statement indicating total cost for
building materials used for Project for each BOQ line item, except
include statement indicating total cost of mechanical and electrical
A. Preliminary Sustainability Compliance Action Plan: within 14 days of date
established for commencement of the Work, Submit Preliminary Sustainability
Compliance Action Plan, indicating how green building rating system
requirements and credits will be satisfied.
B. Sustainability Compliance Action Plan and Progress Reports:
1. There shall be Monthly Site Sustainability Reporting (refer to Appendix
4.05 for a sample of the monthly report) by the contractor supported by
the up-to-date tracking system.
2. The contractor reporting should include:
a. The actual tracked data / materials values vs forecasted value.
Detailed Design 100% 11 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b. Any and all supporting documents for compliance, if applicable,
must be referenced accurately as per each credit code / sheet.
c. The tracking is an on-going tracker that shall be kept up to date
by the contractor as each new materials or activity is undertaken.
d. The tracker shall be informative to make decisions and
demonstrate compliance in real time.
e. The report shall include updated credit progress tracking, updated
material procurement log, relevant photographs and risk
assessment sheets.
f. Progress reports shall include photographic evidences and all
other supporting documents required for other perquisite
including audit checklists, relevant receipts, waste collection trip
tickets and stamped delivery notes from receiving recycling
centers, and other Sustainability related technical data sheets
pertained to the current month activities.


The contractor to organize construction kick-off meeting prior to the beginning
of construction on site with all the key stakeholders, sustainability and
environmental professionals involved in the project during construction stage
and clearly explain the responsibilities of each individual and the requirements
of Mostadam at construction stage in order to achieve the target certification.


A. The quality objectives are necessary to fulfil project quality policy and the
contractual requirements to the highest standard to the full satisfaction of the
client. In order to reach the objectives, the key performance indicators shall be
developed and monitored through regular internal and external audits that will
be performed throughout the duration of the project.

B. The contractor to comply with all contractual requirements, in accordance with

international quality standards, statutory, and regulatory requirements, and
contract specifications and conditions in order to achieve the quality
expectations of the client.

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A. Sustainability Action Plan and Progress Reports shall include detailed

explanation of strategies and actions including the following as per
requirements of all construction related MOSTADAM credits:
1. Detailed method statement of how requirements for each prerequisite
and credit indicated for the project will be met.
2. Tasks on the Contractor’s Construction Progress Network
Diagram/Timeline when each credit documentation requirement will be
3. Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).
The key objectives of the CEMP are to:
a. Prescribe organization structure and roles and responsibilities for
environmental management and the implementation of the CEMP.
b. Describe the environmental training for all MIDMAC and Sub-
contractors (including induction to all staff and construction
c. Outline Environmental Emergency Planning Procedures;
d. Outline a programme of deliverables, meetings, audits,
communication protocols and reporting requirements to monitor and
manage the construction works;
e. Define objectives and targets for environmental and social
management on the construction activities (these objectives and
targets which have to be captured in the detailed Environmental
Control Plans of the full CEMP);
f. Describe mitigation measures and environmental monitoring
programmes to be implemented for the project;
g. Prescribe a mechanism for recording and reporting environmental
and social concerns, improvement, complaints or incidents;
h. Stipulate a mechanism for periodical review for the CEMP;
i. Identify potential environmental impacts associated with the project.
j. Identify potential environmental impacts associated with the project;
k. Provide management plans to avoid, minimize and mitigate
potential adverse environmental impacts associated with proposed
construction works identify legal obligations (Relevant standards
and legislation).
4. Construction Dust Control Plan (CDCP).
5. Construction Noise Pollution Plan (CNPP).
6. Construction Energy and Water Consumption Reduction Plan
7. Site Audit Plan (SAP).
8. Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) complying with the requirements
of MOSTADAM Communities D+C Manual.
a. Identify at least five construction material streams for diversions
from landfill.
b. Provide waste diversion rate of minimum 60%.
9. Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP).
A Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) shall include the list of the
purchase of sustainable products and materials for the operation and
maintenance of the public realm.
Detailed Design 100% 13 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sustainable Materials Procurement Strategy: Summary list of proposed
materials with anticipated quantity and cost of materials as well as
targeted sustainability aspects contributing to all applicable MOSTADAM
requirements including but not limited to the following:
a. Urban heat island effect as per MOSTADAM credit in the CW-01
1) Target initial SRI greater than 75 (100% of shade
structures) and has 3-year SRI greater than 45 for the 90%
of hardscape surfaces.
b. Selection of products and materials for which Environmental
Product Declaration (EPDs) information is available as per
MOSTADAM credit in Sustainable Procurement section.
1) EPDs for 20 different permanently installed products
sourced from at least five different manufacturers that
meets the disclosure criteria as per MOSTADAM Ref
Guide. (Note: products may include, but is not limited to,
framing, wood, concrete, insulation, gypsum board, plaster
board, water and air barriers, doors, door hardware and
c. Selection of products and materials for which sourcing of raw
material information is available as per MOSTADAM credit in
Sustainable Procurement section.
1) 20 different permanently installed products sourced from at
least five different manufacturers that have publicly
released reports from the raw materials suppliers as per the
disclosure criteria in MOSTADAM Ref Guide.
2) List products that are responsibly extracted and is at least
25% by cost of the total value of permanently installed
building products in the project. responsible extraction
criteria are as per MOSTADAM Ref Guide.
d. Selection of products and materials for which Material Ingredient
Reporting information (such as Environmental Product
Declaration – EPDs) is available as per MOSTADAM credit in
Sustainable Procurement section.
1) 20 different permanently installed products sourced from
at least five different manufacturers that document
chemical inventory of the product to at least 0.1%
(1000ppm) through any of the disclosure criteria as per
(Note: products may include, but is not limited to, framing,
wood, concrete, insulation, gypsum board, plaster board,
water and air barriers, doors, door hardware and finishes).

Detailed Design 100% 14 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A. Contractor shall execute the work to meet all sustainability requirements.
1. Notify Owner when Contractor is aware of materials, equipment, or
products that meet the aesthetic and specified performance, but which
are more environmentally responsible than materials, equipment, or
products specified or indicated in the Contract Documents.
a. Comply with Division 01 Section Substitutions when proposing
products that are not specified and include description of
environmental advantages of proposed substitution over
specified product.
b. Preference shall be given to products with minimal packaging and
easily recyclable packaging.
2. Provide environmentally preferable products to the greatest extent
a. Provide products and materials that have a lesser or reduced
effect on the environment considering raw materials acquisition,
production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse,
operation, maintenance, and/or disposal of the product.
B. MOSTADAM Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP shall convene a Sustainability
Workshop to be attended by Contractor’s sustainability representatives, other
Sustainability Team members, Employer’s representatives, Engineer, ICA, and
Employer’s FM as appropriate for the purpose of establishing each entity’s
participation, and requirements of the Sustainability Compliance Action Plan
and Progress Reports.
1. For all credits indicated in the Yes and Potential/Maybe columns in the
Project Sustainability Scorecard, Contractor shall develop and execute
plans to obtain the targeted sustainability rating and other requirements
for sustainability, as directed by the MOSTADAM Consultant’s
C. MOSTADAM Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP shall convene Sustainability
Progress meetings as necessary to ensure timely completion of related work
and submittals.
D. The sustainability documentation shall be provided as per Mostadam Guide for
communities D+C and reviewed and approved by the Mostadam AP
sustainability consultant appointed by the contractor.


A. Contractors shall designate a Sustainability Engineer with MOSTADAM
experience acting as a single point-of-contact, to perform the following as a
1. Provide progress updates and site activities (with photos)
2. Conduct site awareness trainings
3. Data collection and compilation for MOSTADAM Submittals and
supporting documents
4. Site management / implementation
5. Preparing and submitting monthly sustainability reports; including but not
limited to:
a. site activities progress
Detailed Design 100% 15 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b. updated logs and trackers as relevant to the project requirements and
c. site inspection reports (with photos) and any corrective action
d. calculators and supporting documents for construction waste
management (with site photos)
e. updated list of material submittals and approval status


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit Provision of Parking (CC-02) in regard to
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) charging:
1. Ensure charger is considered Level 2 or greater
2. Follow SAE J1772 or IEC 62196 standard.
3. Receive approval for the connection of the Electricity Charging units from
the electricity network.
B. Provide revised Parking Demand Analysis and Management Strategy that
addresses each required consideration, signed by the project’s Architect or
Transportation Planner. The strategy should clearly reference relevant
supporting documents as necessary.
C. Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs of
each parking structure, confirming compliance with the required elements of the
pedestrian interface.
Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs of on-
street parking areas adjacent to bicycle lanes, confirming compliance with the
required buffer.
D. Provide revised Curb Management Strategy signed by the project’s Architect or
Transportation Planner. The strategy should clearly reference relevant
supporting documents as necessary.
Provide as-built drawings, representative date-stamped photographs and
operational policy documents (updated as necessary) to support curb
Provide as-built site plan showing where the required number of EVSE parking
spaces are located, including the required access for fire and emergency
Provide revised calculations showing the total number of parking spaces and
2% of this figure.
Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs
confirming the EVSE requirements are met for each reserved parking space.
Provide Authority approvals for the connection of the charging stations to the
main electricity grid.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit Bicycle Network (CC-03) in order to promote
active living and transportation choices by providing convenient and safe
infrastructure for bicycles and other individual transportation vehicles.
B. Provide as-built site plan identifying the following:
- Bicycle network and each building within 180m bicycling
distance, confirming that the minimum 75% is achieved.
- Qualifying amenities within 5km biking distance.

Detailed Design 100% 16 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Shaded rest areas and the distances between them along
the network.
- Shaded and secure parking racks for bicycles and other
individual transportation vehicles.
Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs of the
bicycle network, confirming compliance with the required dimensions and
Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs and
purchase receipts of the shaded rest areas, confirming compliance with the
dimensions and shading requirements.
Provide as-built drawings and representative date-stamped photographs of the
public realm parking racks, confirming compliance with the required


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit Regional Heritage (RC-02) in order to promote
design practices that reflect KSA’s culture, regional heritage and traditions,
and to showcase authentic KSA architecture and vernacular.

B. Provide revised narratives which demonstrates how the cultural and regional
features have been incorporated into the design of the community.
Provide date-stamped photographs of the implementation of the specific
cultural and regional features.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit Thriving Economy (RC-03) in order to give
preference to the purchase of materials that benefit the local economy and
provide the added benefit of reduced transportation impacts.
B. Provide revised calculations of the cost of compliant materials against the total
cost of materials, demonstrating that either the 30% requirement is achieved.
C. Provide purchase orders and proof of materials sourced within KSA.
D. Provide Final Bill of Quantities (BoQ) confirming the total cost of applicable


A. Comply with MOSTADAM keystone credit SA-02 Stormwater Management and
develop a Flood Hazard Management Plan for all construction activities
associated with the project.
1. The plan must be written by a Civil Engineer.
2. In addition to the Flood Hazard Management Plan, a Rainwater
Assessment Management Plan showing the systems that will be
adopted to achieve the required site retention/infiltration, supported by
drawings, photographic evidence and calculations must be provided.
3. The plan must include responsible parties for implementation.
4. The plan must include list of documentation of implementation of the
stormwater management control measures throughout the construction
stage; including but not limited to date stamped photos, inspection logs
and reports, and descriptions of corrective action in response to issues
on site.

Detailed Design 100% 17 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
B. Provide updates as required by MOSTADAM Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP
with the information listed below:
1. Identify a representative on site from main contractor to monitor and
implement necessary measures from the Flood Hazard Management
2. Include details of stormwater management control best practice
management practices used on the project site and the responsible
parties for implementation.
3. Include documentation of implementation of the stormwater
management control plan throughout the construction stage.
4. Include date stamped photos, inspection logs and reports and
descriptions of corrective action in response to issues on site.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit CW-01 Outdoor Comfort for product data and
confirmation of SRI values.
1. Include the manufacturer’s name, product name and specific SRI values
for all hardscape, and shading materials accompanied by as-built
drawings, calculations, photographic evidence for MOSTADAM
2. All shaded structures to comply with a 3-year SRI greater than 75.
3. 90% coverage of hardscape materials to comply with a 3-year aged solar
reflectance index (SRI) value of at least 45.
4. A) A minimum of 20% shading cover is provided to pedestrian
walkways and bicycle paths on at least one side of the street, along
with shade refuges every 100m.
B) A minimum of 50% shading cover is provided to:
- Playgrounds
- Car parks
C) 100% shading cover is provided to:
- Community transit stops (e.g. bus stops, tram stops)
- Bicycle parking


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit SA-08 Light Pollution and Trespass for product
data and confirmation of Backlight-Uplight-Glare (BUG) rating for all exterior
luminaires located inside the project boundary.
1. Include manufacturer data sheets for lamps used within the project
boundary that clearly shows the BUG rating. Provide the BUC limits to
comply with the Mostadam requirements as below and as per the light
zone specified by the lighting designer.

Detailed Design 100% 18 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A. Comply with MOSTADAM keystone requirements W-02 Water Efficiency for the
public realm irrigation system controlled by smart controllers and/or soil
moisture sensors and reducing by 30% water consumption compared to the
midsummer baseline.
1. Include manufacturer data sheet showing the specifications for the
irrigation system including the requirement for smart controllers and/or
soil moisture sensors.
2. Include as-built irrigation plan for the public realm showing the planted
areas, the irrigation zones and their water requirements, and the
locations of the smart controllers and/or soil moisture sensors.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM keystone requirement W-01 Water Metering for
measuring water consumption. A metering strategy is created and implemented
Detailed Design 100% 19 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
for the public realm. Each of the following systems is separately metered (i.e. a
minimum of one meter per system) to monitor the usage of water by each
- Irrigation systems
- Wastewater recycling systems

A minimum of two of the systems categories are monitored with additional sub-
All meters and sub-meters must:
- Have data ports.
- Have a pulsed output.
- Have remote data accessibility.
- Have provision to be connected to a community-wide data
acquisition and management system which can:
a) Store data for at least three years.
b) Provide hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual
energy consumption for each meter.
c) Have logging capabilities for comparison of
consumption levels to previous data.
- Be systematically labeled as per the end-use.
- Installed for ease of access and maintenance.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit W-03 Recycled Water in order to reduce the
use of potable water by encouraging communities to treat and reuse water
onsite for irrigation and water features.
B. Provide:
For Offsite Treatment:
- Updated water balance calculations.
- Updated written confirmation of supply volumes from offsite
treated water sources.
- As-built technical drawings of the distribution of treated
- Developer or authority approvals for the TSE connections.
For Onsite Treatment:
- Updated water balance calculations.
- As-built technical drawings of the collection, treatment and
distribution of treated water.
- Purchase order for water treatment system.
- Date-stamped photographs of the water treatment system.
- Odor complaint procedure with treatment plan


A. Comply with MOSTADAM keystone requirements MO-01 Infrastructure
Commissioning. The following activities outline the commissioning tasks and
the general order in which they occur. The Commissioning Authority shall
coordinate all activities.
1. The commissioning process will require cooperation of the Contractor,
subcontractors, vendors, Architect/Engineer, Commissioning Authority,
Detailed Design 100% 20 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
MOSTADAM Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP, and Owner. The
commissioning team shall be comprised of the following:
a. Contractor
b. Project Manager
c. Test Engineer
2. Subcontractors: As appropriate to product or system being
3. Commissioning Team to be compromised but not limited to:
a. Project Manager
b. Project Engineers
c. Owner Representative(s)
e. Architect / Engineer
f. Specialist Consultant(s)
g. Commissioning Authority
h. Contractor MEP Engineer
i. Contractor independent commissioning coordinator
4. Coordination, deficiency resolution and planning meetings; plan and
coordinate meetings as required to progress the work.
5. Review the commissioning plan at the initial kick off meeting with the
project team.
6. Include the commissioning timeline in the project construction timeline.
7. Contractor submittals will be reviewed to verify that the equipment and
systems provided meet the requirements of the Contract Documents and
Owners Project Requirements.
B. The Owner, MOSTADAM Consultant’s MOSTADAM AP / Consultant, Architect
/ Engineer, and Commissioning Authority are not responsible for construction
means, methods, job safety, or management function related to commissioning
on the job site.
C. The following activities outline the commissioning tasks and the general order
in which they occur. The Commissioning Authority shall coordinate all activities.
1. Design Review and Documentation
2. Documentation of Basis of Design an Owner’s Project Requirements.
3. Design Development Review.
4. Construction Document Review.
D. Commissioning Scoping Kickoff and Progress Meetings.
E. Review of contractor’s Commissioning Plan.
F. Submittals Review of materials related to MOSTADAM systems and
G. Start-Up/Pre-Functional Checklists: Commissioning Authority will review / verify
the contractor’s pre-functional checklists to be used /completed during the
startup process.
1. Manufacturer’s start-up checklists and other technical documentation
guidelines may be used as the basis for pre-functional checklists.
2. Start-Up/Pre-Functional Checklist shall help verify that the systems are
complete and operational, so that the functional performance testing can
be scheduled.
A. Functional Performance Testing: Test procedures shall fully describe system
configuration and steps required for each test; appropriately documented so
that another party can repeat the tests with virtually identical results.
1. Functional performance testing and verification may be achieved by
direct manipulation of system inputs (i.e., heating or cooling sensors),
Detailed Design 100% 21 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
manipulation of system inputs with the building automation system (i.e.,
software override of sensor inputs), trend logs of system inputs and
outputs using the building automation system, or short-term monitoring
of system inputs and outputs using standalone data loggers. A
combination of methods may be required to completely test the complete
sequence of operations. The Commissioning Authority shall determine
which method, or combination, is most appropriate.
2. Setup: Each test procedure shall be performed under conditions that
simulate normal operating conditions as closely as possible. Where
equipment requires integral safety devices to stop/prevent equipment
operation unless minimum safety standards or conditions are met,
functional performance test procedures shall demonstrate the actual
performance of safety shutoffs in a real or closely simulated conditions
of failure.
3. Sampling: Multiple identical pieces of non-life-safety or non-critical
equipment may be functionally tested using a sampling strategy. The
sampling strategy shall be developed by the Commissioning Authority.
If, after three attempts at testing the specified sample percentage,
failures are still present, then all remaining units shall be tested at the
contractors’ expense.
B. The Commissioning Authority (CxA) will review / verify along with the consultant
the functional performance test procedures for equipment and systems
prepared by the contractor/ specialist. Identify specific test procedures and
forms to verify and document proper operation of each piece of equipment and
system. Coordinate test procedures with the contractor for feasibility, safety,
equipment, and warranty protection. Functional performance test forms shall
include the following information:
1. System and equipment or component name(s).
2. Equipment location and ID number.
3. Date.
4. Project name.
5. Participating parties.
6. Instructions for setting up the test, including special cautions, alarm
limits, etc.
7. Specific step-by-step procedures to execute the test.
8. Acceptance criteria of proper performance with a Yes / No check box.
9. A section for comments.
C. Witness / verify Short-Term Diagnostic Testing as required.
D. Deficiency Report and Resolution Record: Document items of non-compliance
in materials, installation, or operation in an issue log.
E. Non-conformance and deficiencies observed shall be addressed immediately,
in terms of notification to responsible parties, and providing recommended
actions to correct deficiencies.
F. Corrections of minor deficiencies identified may be made during the tests at the
discretion of the Commissioning Authority. In such cases the deficiency and
resolution shall be documented on the procedure form. For identified
1. If there is no dispute on the deficiency and the responsibility to correct it:
a. The Commissioning Authority documents the deficiency and the
adjustments or alterations required to correct it. The contractor
corrects the deficiency and notifies the Commissioning Authority
that the equipment is ready to be retested.
Detailed Design 100% 22 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b. The Commissioning Authority reschedules the test, and the test
is repeated.
2. If there is a dispute about a deficiency or who is responsible:
a. The deficiency is documented on the non-compliance form and a
copy given to the Green Consultant.
b. Resolutions are made at the lowest management level possible.
Additional parties are brought into the discussions as needed.
Contractor shall have responsibility for resolving construction
deficiencies. If a design revision is deemed necessary and
approved by Owner, Architect/Engineer shall have responsibility
for providing design revision.
3. The Commissioning Authority documents the resolution process.
4. Once the interpretation and resolution have been decided, the
appropriate party corrects the deficiency and notifies the Commissioning
Authority that the equipment is ready to be retested. The Commissioning
Authority reschedules the test, and the test is repeated until satisfactory
performance is achieved.
G. Cost of retesting shall be charged to the Contractor.
H. Operations and Maintenance Training.
1. O&M Manual: Commissioning Authority will review the operation and
maintenance manuals compiled by the contractor for completeness and
for adherence to the requirements of the specifications.
a. Contractor to supply additional materials as necessary to stress
and enhance the importance of system interactions,
troubleshooting, and log-term preventative maintenance and
2. Training: review the Training Plan prepared by Contractor.
Commissioning Authority to coordinate and review the training programs
for Owner’s personnel.
b. Obtain additional materials from contractor as necessary to stress
and enhance the importance of system interactions,
troubleshooting, and long-term preventative maintenance and
3. O&M Database: Commissioning Authority to develop a database from
the O&M manual that contains the information required to start a
preventative maintenance program.
I. Record Documents Review.
J. Final Commissioning Report and MOSTADAM Documentation.
K. Deferred Testing
1. Unforeseen Deferred Tests: If a test cannot be completed due to the
building structure, required occupancy condition, or other deficiency, the
functional testing may be delayed upon recommendation of the
Consultant / specialist / Commissioning Authority and the approval of the
Owner. These tests are conducted in the same manner as the seasonal
tests as soon as possible.
2. Seasonal Testing.
3. End of Warranty Review.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM keystone requirement E-01 Energy Metering for
measuring energy consumption.
Detailed Design 100% 23 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1. Meters must be permanently installed, record at intervals of one hour or
less, and transmit data to a remote location.
2. Electricity meters must record both consumption and demand. Whole-
building electricity meters should record the power factor, if appropriate.
3. The data collection system must use a local area network, building
automation system, wireless network, or comparable communication
4. The system must be capable of storing all meter data for at least 36
5. The data must be remotely accessible.
6. All meters in the system must be capable of reporting hourly, daily,
monthly, and annual energy use.

All meters and sub-meters must:

- Have data ports.
- Have remote data access capability.
- Have provision to be connected to a community-wide data
acquisition and management system which can:
i) Store data for at least three years.
ii) Provide hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual
energy consumption for each meter.
iii) Have logging capabilities for comparison of
consumption levels to previous data.
- Be systematically labeled as per the end-use.
- Installed for ease of access and maintenance.
B. Each of the following systems is separately metered (i.e. a minimum of one
meter per system) to monitor the usage of energy by each system:
- Infrastructure Lighting;
- Water Pumping Systems;
- Waste Treatment;
- Transport Systems.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit E-02 External Lighting in order to reduce the
environmental and economic impacts associated with the external lighting of
the public realm.
B. Comply with a low-energy external lighting system designed and specified as
- The minimum lux levels and uniformity requirements are in line with the
applicable IESNA standard.
- Whilst complying with the minimum uniformity values, the lux levels are not
more than 30% greater than the applied design standard.
- All roadway, pedestrian walkway, functional, operational and bicycle path
lighting use high efficiency LEDs with a minimum of 125 lumens/Watt.
- All traffic lights and directional signage lighting use only LED lights.
C. The following external lighting control strategies are implemented:
- All lighting has timers or photocells which will switch off external
lighting during daylit hours.
- All security and car parking lighting is linked to passive infrared (PIR)
sensors to be utilized as PIR-based motion detectors, subject to
confirmation from the project’s Security Specialist and in line with the
Detailed Design 100% 24 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
project’s specific security requirements.
- External decorative lighting is switched on by timers and during non-
daylit hours only


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit E-03 Energy Efficient Systems to reduce the
environmental and economic impacts associated with public realm energy
B. All pumps for service water in the public realm, including pumps for water
features and swimming pools, include a variable speed drive controller. The
maximum specific pump power is 300 W/l/s.

All pumps within the public realm (i.e. outside of the building plot boundaries)
must have the following efficiency features:
- Variable Speed Drive: a variable speed drive and controller
modulates the flow rate based on the actual water
distribution demand. This provides more efficient flow control
through varying the pump motor speed.
- Maximum Pump Power: a maximum specific pump power of
300 W/l/s.
C. Provide:
1. As-built drawings showing the location of all public realm service water
pumps with reference labels.
2. List of all public realm service water pumps (with reference labels)
stating the manufacturer and model for each pump.
3. Manufacturer’s data for each installed pump model confirming the
presence of:
- Variable speed drives.
- Maximum specific pump power of 300 W/L/s.
As-built controls schematics and operational description for partial demands.


A. Comply with Division 01 Section “Construction Waste Management and
Disposal”, the project’s EIA and other plan requirements.
B. Comply with MOSTADAM credit SA-06 Sustainable Construction:
1. Include a summary of all construction waste generated by type, the
quantities of each type that are diverted and sent to landfill, and the total
percentage of waste diverted from landfill.
2. Identify materials that cannot be recycled and provide an explanation or
3. Document solid waste disposal and diversion. Include:
a. The quantity or weight of waste generated
b. Waste diverted through sale, reuse, or recycling
c. Waste processed by landfill or incineration
d. Identify landfills, recycling centers, waste processors and other
organizations that process or receive the solid waste.
C. Attempt compliance with Construction Waste Management requirements.
1. Identify construction material streams corresponding to at least 60% of
the total construction and operational materials for diversion from landfill

Detailed Design 100% 25 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
and incineration facilities. Common materials that maybe simple to divert
include concrete, steel, wood, scrap metals, and brick.
2. Include details of the diversion goals, relevant construction debris and
materials to be diverted, implementation protocols and parties
responsible for implementing the plan.
3. Provide a list of the recycling facilities, reuse facilities, municipal solid
waste landfills and other disposal areas to be used. Include:
a. Name, location, and phone number
b. Copy of the license and permit for each facility.
4. Alternatively, waste can be prevented through reuse and source
reduction strategies by minimizing the use for new construction elements
and instead salvaging or recycling demolition debris.
D. Develop and implement a Site Waste Management Plan
1. The plan may include strategies to reduce the generation of waste during
project construction.
2. The plan shall include overall project waste diversion goal by identifying
materials (structural and non-structural) that will be diverted from landfills
or incineration.
3. The plan must account for all materials, including land-clearing debris,
materials to be used for alternative daily cover (ADC), and other
materials not contributing to diversion but not included in the diverted
waste total. Any materials sent to a comingled recycling facility for
processing must take the facility average recycling rate and must include
any ADC as waste (not diversion).
4. The safe removal and disposal of hazardous materials must also be
covered in the SWM plan. Hazardous materials must be tracked
separately and not be included in the project’s total waste.
5. Specify the means and methods of attempting diversion for the selected
material streams and the approximate amount of waste of each.
6. If possible, provide contracts or sample contract language that describes
the waste-sorting strategies and technologies used by the waste hauler
and facility. Successful SWM plans start with early establishment of
contractual obligations.
7. When developing the waste hauler contract, consider including the
waste reporting structure, a schedule that identifies the responsible
parties and their contact information, and a clear chain and method of
communication. Consider involving waste haulers in regular construction


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit MO-05 Sustainable Procurement to
encourage the purchase of sustainable products and materials that reduce
adverse impacts on the environment.
B. Develop a Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) that encourages the
purchase of sustainable products and materials for the operation and
maintenance of the public realm.
C. The SPP is to be implemented by the community’s Facility Manager and will
impact the purchase of products and materials for the operation and
maintenance of the public realm.
1. Product-specific declaration.
a. Products with a publicly available, critically reviewed life-cycle
assessment conforming to ISO 14044 that have at least a cradle
Detailed Design 100% 26 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
to gate scope are valued as one quarter (1/4) of a product for the
purposes of credit achievement calculation.
2. Environmental Product Declarations which conform to ISO 14025,
14040, 14044, and EN 15804 or ISO 21930 and have at least a cradle
to gate scope.
b. Industry-wide (generic) EPD -- Products with third-party
certification (Type III), including external verification, in which the
manufacturer is explicitly recognized as a participant by the
program operator are valued as one half (1/2) of a product for
purposes of credit achievement calculation.
c. Product-specific Type III EPD -- Products with third-party
certification (Type III), including external verification in which the
manufacturer is explicitly recognized as the participant by the
program operator are valued as one whole product for purposes
of credit achievement calculation.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit SA-07 Sustainable Materials to recognize and
encourage the use of recycled and previously used materials and modular or
permeable materials.
B. Comply with at least 20% (by volume) of all aggregates used within the public
realm being recycled aggregates.
C. Comply with at least 50% (by surface area) of all hardscape public realm
including roadways uses modular or permeable hardscape.
D. Provide as-built calculations by volume demonstrating compliance with the
minimum percentage of recycled aggregate.
E. Provide material technical datasheets confirming the recycled content of the
F. Provide purchase orders for all aggregate.
G. Provide as-built calculations of surface area demonstrating compliance with the
minimum percentage of modular or permeable hardscape.
H. Provide as-built drawings showing the areas of modular, non-modular,
permeable and non-permeable hardscape.
I. Provide date-stamped photographs of the modular or permeable hardscape for
representative areas of the public realm.


A. Comply with MOSTADAM credit SA-07 Sustainable Materials to recognize and
encourage the use of recycled and previously used materials and modular or
permeable materials.

1. Recycled Aggregates:
Recycled aggregates are obtained by crushing concrete or asphalt (typically
after demolishing a concrete structure) to reclaim the aggregate. The aggregate
may be used as a base in paved roads/sidewalks or building foundations.
At least 20% (by volume) of all aggregates used within the public realm are
recycled aggregates.

2. Modular and Permeable Hardscape:

a. Modular hardscape refers to interlocking paving which allows for
modular repair or replacement and removal for service access.
Detailed Design 100% 27 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b. Permeable hardscape refers to surfaces suitable for pedestrians and/or
vehicles that allow infiltration.
Some examples include:
- Modular paving with regular spaces for infiltration.
- Loose aggregate or stone.
- Structural cells under landscaping.
- High porosity concrete.
c. A minimum of 80% of all hardscaped public realm will be modular,
excluding carriageways designed for vehicular traffic from the
d. Asphalt roads (i.e., carriageways) will not be permeable, however, storm
water networks will be designed along the side of roads to prevent water
runoff and pooling

Detailed Design 100% 28 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Credit Reference
Target Score
Category Credit Title




SA-01 Current and Future Infrastructure 1 2 1 2
SA-02 Stormwater Management 1 2 1 2
SA-03 Ecological Protection 2 2
Site SA-04 Ecological Enhancement 2 2
Attributes SA-05 Previously Developed Land 2 2
SA-06 Sustainable Construction 2 2
SA-07 Sustainable Materials 3 2 1
SA-08 Light Pollution and Trespass 2 2
Total 19 16 0 3

CC-01 Local Amenities 1 1 1 1

CC-02 Provision of Parking 1 2 1 2
CC-03 Walkable Public Realm 3 3
CC-04 Bicycle Network 3 2 1
CC-05 Public Transportation 2 2
Total 13 12 0 1

CW-01 Outdoor Comfort 1 5 1 3 2

CW-02 Active Communities 1 1 1 1
CW-03 Provision of Open Space 2 2
CW-04 Access for All 2 2
CW-05 Safe Communities 2 2
Total 14 12 0 2

RC-01 Community Gathering Space 2 2

Region and
RC-02 Regional Heritage 2 1 1
RC-03 Thriving Economy 2 2
Total 6 5 0 1

EI-01 Sustainability Manual 1 1 1 1
and EI-02 Sustainability Communication 2 2
Innovation EI-03 Innovation 2 1 1
Total 6 2 2 2

E-01 Energy Metering 1 1 1 1

E-02 External Lighting 3 2 1
E-03 Energy Efficient Systems 3 1 2
E-04 District Cooling 4 4

Detailed Design 100% 29 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
E-05 Renewable Energy 4 4
Total 16 5 0 11

W-01 Water Metering 1 1 1 1

W-02 Water Efficiency 2 5 2 3 1 1
W-03 Recycled Water 3 3
W-04 Water Features and Pools 2 2
Total 14 10 1 3

MO-01 Infrastructure Commissioning 2 2

MO-02 Operational Waste Management 1 2 1 1 1
Management MO-03 Maintenance of the Public Realm 2 2
Operations MO-04 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 2 2
MO-05 Sustainable Procurement 1 1
MO-06 Smart Communities 2 1 1
Total 12 10 1 3

Total Points = 72 Gold

Detailed Design 100% 30 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1. Site energy consumption reduction against
Saudi Building Code
2. Energy Metering Y/N Y

3. Proportion of areas meeting thermal comfort

sq. m 100%

WASTE 4. Operational waste recycled kg/day 30%

5. SMART Waste Solutions Y/N Y

6a. Sustainable construction materials used -

% 20%
MATERIALS Recycled Aggregates
6b. Sustainable construction materials used -
% 10%
Other Materials
7. Proportion of cost of ROSHN procured from
SAR 30%
local manufacturers

9. Proportion of TSE used for landscape

m3/day 100%
10. Proportion of onsite wastewater treated
m3/day 85%
and reused
11. SMART Water Irrigation Systems Y/N Y

12. Proportion of Native, adaptive, drought or

No. 100%
BIODIVERSITY saline-tolerant planting
13. Light Trespass prevention No. 100%

14. Number of residences within distance -

Mosque and Grocery Store
15. Pedestrian Network coverage No. 85%
16. Green Open Areas m2 18%
17. SMART Wi-Fi and Security Systems Y/N Y

18. Number of buildings within distance of a

Public Transport Node
19. Number of buildings within distance of a
Bicycle Network No.
20. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) -
1 Per Individual Dwelling No.
21. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) -
Public Parking No.
22. SMART Traffic Solutions Y/N Y
Detailed Design 100% 31 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



This tracking sheet is intended for each applicable material / material data to be tracked for
Mostadam compliance for the Riyadh East project during Construction. All relevant material data will
be verified and collated for Mostadam certification.

Complete each section as applicable to the material being tracked. This tracking system is developed
to track the applicable Mostadam compliance and monthly reporting. Contractor reporting should
include the actual tracked data / materials value vs forecasted value. Any and all supporting
documents for compliance, if applicable, must be referenced accurately as per each credits / codes
sheet. This is meant to be an ongoing tracker completed by the contactor as each new materials or
activity is undertaken so that it always shows the updated status and can be used to make material
decisions and demonstrate compliance in real time.
Document Number Revision 0
Date: July 02, 2022

Detailed Design 100% 32 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Project Information Waste Summary Plastic Waste

Waste Log Food Waste

Concrete Waste General Waste

Paper and
Steel Waste Cardboard

Wood Waste

© This tracking system produced by KEO Environmantal & Sustainability Division

Detailed Design 100% 33 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Total quantity of
Type of waste Overall Recycling Percentage
Waste generated
Concrete 0
Steel 0 Total Waste Tonnes
Wood 0 Recycled 0.00
Plastics 0 Landfilled 0.00
Paper and
0 Waste Generated 0.00
Overall Recycling
Food 0 #DIV/0!
Percentage (%)
General Waste 0

Monthly Recycling Percentage Recycled

Total Waste Landfilled
Quantity of waste Quantity of Recycling
Month generated in the
recycled Waste Landfilled percentage
December 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
January #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
February #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
March #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
April #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
May #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
June #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
July 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0!
August #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
September #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
October 0.00 #DIV/0!

Monthly Cumulative Recycling Percentage

Quantity of waste Quantity of Total Waste Cumulative
Month recycled Waste Landfilled Generated Recycling
(Cumulative) Cumulative (Cumulative) percentage
December 59.03 88.48 147.51 40.02
January #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
February #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
March #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
April #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
May #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
June #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
July #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
August #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
September #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Overall Recycling percentage

Cumulative Recycling…

Detailed Design 100% 34 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Weight Markets for the Waste Manifest
Date of Waste Item Receipt Source within Reclaim/Recycling Date of Delivery to
Month (Tonnes) Recyclable Reference
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Number Project Final Destination
Material Number
Weight Landfilled Hauler or Location

Concrete Waste
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Source within Weight Reclaim/RecyclingHauler or Markets for the Recyclable Waste Manifest Date of Delivery to Final Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Number Project (Tonnes) Location Material Reference Number Destination

Steel Waste
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Source Weight Reclaim / Recycling Markets for the Waste Manifest Date of Delivery to Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Number within (Tonnes) Recyclable Material Reference Number Final Destination
Project Recycled Hauler or Location

Wood Waste
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Source within Weight Reclaim/Recycling Markets for the Waste Manifest Date of Delivery to Final Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Number Project (Tonnes) Recyclable Material Reference Destination
Recycled Hauler or Location Number

Plastic Waste
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Number Source within Weight (Tonnes) Reclaim/Recycling Markets for the Waste Manifest Reference Date of Delivery to Final Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Project Recycled Hauler or Location Recyclable Material Number Destination

Food Waste
Month Date of Collection Waste Item Receipt Source within Project Weight Reclaim/Recycling Markets for the Waste Manifest Date of Delivery
Recycled/Salvaged Number (Tonnes) Recyclable Material Reference to Final
Landfilled Hauler or Location Number Destination

General Waste
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Number Source within Project Weight (Tonnes) Reclaim/Recycling Markets for the Recyclable Material Waste Manifest Reference Date of Delivery to Final Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Landfilled Hauler or Location Number Destination

Detailed Design 100% 35 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Paper and Cardboard
Month Date of Waste Item Receipt Source Weight Reclaim / Recycling Markets for the Waste Manifest Date of Delivery to Home
Collection Recycled/Salvaged Number within (Tonnes) Recyclable Reference Number Final Destination
Project Recycled Hauler or Location Material

Detailed Design 100% 36 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



This material questionnaire is intended for each applicable material to be reviewed for Mostadam
compliance for the Riyadh East project. All relevant material data will be verified and collated for
Mostadam certification.

Complete each section as applicable to the material being tracked. Only one material or type of
material should be submitted with this questionnaire. If multiple materials or components are
submitted then multiple material questionnaires will be required for each material. Any and all
supporting documents for compliance, if applicable, must be attached with the questionnaire. If and
or all section do not apply to the material then the "N/A" box should be checked for each section.

NOTE: Do not submit any submittals that do not comply with regulation. No materials that contain
asbestos shall be used in this project.

Document Number Revision 0

Date: July 02, 2022

Detailed Design 100% 37 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sustainable Materials Questionnaire
Package Name / No:
This SMQ format produced by KEO International Consultant
Sustainability and Environmental Services Division

Product Name / Model: Name of Manufacturer:

Product Description: Name of supplier:

Name/Title of Person in contact:

Address: Email: Tel:

Material scope: Civil / MEP / Architectural Submittal Number: Date:

Location of usage: Please highlight the applicable : [ Indoor / Outdoor ]

We request your technical recommendation on the following materials for MOSTADAM compliance.The MOSTADAM sustainability rating system is
applied to this project. It is a requirement of the Riyadh East project to achieve a Gold rating under MOSTADAM Communities. In order to meet the
MOSTADAM requirements of the project, the questionnaire must be populated for materials used on the project.

Material Description:

Material Usage:

Material Division and Subdivision*/ Project

Specification Reference:

A. Is the Material Regional?

Supplier Name & Location:

Manufacturer Name & Location:

Material Total Weight (kg.)*1:

*1 Material Weight in Kg. not including packing for the permanently installed items.

Manufacturing/Assembly Distance (km)*2:

*2 Manufacturing/Assembly distance in Kilometers, measured as straight line between the point of manufacturing/Assembly to the center of the
project site.

Material Data Sheet:

Material Safety Data Sheet:

B. Does the material have Recycled Content?

Recycled Content (%)*3:

*3 Recycled content is weight of the recycled content percentage (%) of total material weight (pre and post-consumer recycled content).

If applicable, how much recycled material is

used per kg of steel produced?

Where did the recycled content come from?

Detailed Design 100% 38 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
C. Are the materials transported using Efficient Vehicles / transport modes?

What transport mode is used (road / ship / rail)?

What is the efficiency of vehicles used? (CO2/km/kg or kWh/km/kg and type of fuel used)?

What type of fuel is used for the vehicles?

What is the capacity (weight) of the vehicle used? (kg)

What is the total weight of the material transported? (kg)

D. Are the materials Responsibly Sourced?

Does this material originate from source with a documented quality management system?

Does the supplier of the timber/wood hold Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification?

Does this material originate from source with an entire supply chain and comply?

Do the manufacturers contribute to a Carbon Offset fund?

Is there an environmental management system in place (ISO 14001 or equivalent)?

Does this material obtain the GULF Green Mark Certification of Environmental Product Declaration?

E. What is the Carbon or energy intensity to the manufacture of the material that that was used?

What is the energy used per kg of material produced? (kWh)

What is the total water used per kg of material produced? (liters)

How much waste is produced per kg of material produced? (kg)

Note (1): The contractor shall assume full responsibility of the accuracy & consistency of all the provided data above.


Confirmed- Manufacturer

Print Name: ________________

Manufacturer stamp____________
Signature: ________________

Reviewed-Sustainability Team Approved- Sustainability Consultant

Print Name: __________________ Print Name: __________________

Signature: __________________ Signature: __________________

Detailed Design 100% 39 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Detailed Design 100% 40 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Review and Approval
Action Name and Role Signature

Prepared by

Technical Review by

Assurance by

Revision History
Revision Description Date

Note: This sustainability progress report is intended to monitor and track the MOSTADAM compliance
of this project. This monthly report shall be completed and submitted on a monthly basis by the
contractor, in order to convey the completion of works in accordance with the MOSTADAM Gold
requirements specific to the Riyadh East project.

Document Owner: KEO International Consultants – Sustainability and Environmental Division

Detailed Design 100% 41 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 43
PROJECT BRIEF .................................................................................................................................. 43
SUSTAINABILITY TARGET ....................................................................................................................... 43
OBJECTIVES OF THE MONTHLY REPORT .................................................................................................... 43
2. STATUS SUMMARY AND UPDATES ........................................................................................................ 45

3. SUSTAINABILITY IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ......................................................................................... 46

MOSTADAM SUSTAINABILITY UPDATES AND RISK REGISTER .......................................................................... 46
SUSTAINABILITY TRACKING SHEETS.......................................................................................................... 46
4. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 47

Appendix 1: Project Progress Photos........................................................................................................ 47

Appendix 2: Construction Waste Management ........................................................................................ 47
Appendix 3: List of Approved Materials ................................................................................................... 47
Appendix 4: Record of Trainings Provided ................................................................................................ 47
Appendix 5: Waste Records and Manifests .............................................................................................. 47
Appendix 6:............................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 7:............................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 8:............................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 9:............................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix 10:........................................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix 11:........................................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix 12:........................................................................................................................................... 47

Detailed Design 100% 42 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Project Brief

[Insert: Project information and summary. Include client name and developments overall scope. It is
recommended to use maps, renderings and tables to summarize the other project information.]

[Suggested Tables, Figures and Map: masterplan of project, map of development and table with
breakdown of building details including area, levels, etc.]

Sustainability Target

[Confirm the updated sustainability target to be achieved as per the latest contractor progress. Include
a scorecard of all credits to demonstrate the associated progress status as applicable for each
targeted credit (e.g. Waste Management progress, Procurements associated credits, etc.]

Objectives of the Monthly Report

[Include objectives on how the project will record and collate the information that is required for
Mostadam compliance using this monthly report. This section should act like a snapshot of the
sustainability activities on the project. Utilize graphs and tables to visualize the results.]

[Suggested inclusion of:

Date stamped pictures

Construction progress

Installation progress of relevant equipment

Storage of project related equipment, waste

Table of construction documents with status

Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP)

Any others, as applicable

Table of NCRs with reference and status

Table of meetings during the reporting period

Table of trainings during the reporting period

Waste graphs


Detailed Design 100% 43 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Table of sustainability material submittals during the reporting period

Any other applicable items

Detailed Design 100% 44 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Status Summary and Updates

[Include contractor actions and deliverables during the covered period of this report. Recommended
to use date stamped pictures showing progress on site and activities. Along with, table listing the
documents submitted during the period with relevant information including; document description,
Aconex reference, approval status, etc. Should also have ongoing activities such as status reports,
sustainability meetings, trainings, material approvals/submittals, and waste management activities.]

Detailed Design 100% 45 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Sustainability Implementation Status

[This section should include Mostadam implementation status as per the construction activities being
conducted on site.]

Mostadam Sustainability Updates and Risk Register

[include a table for risk register – credit by credit (as effected or relevant).]

Recommended format for the Risk Register:

S/N Credit Credit Name/Description Risk Status Description Proposed

of Risk Mitigation

1. [Credit [Credit and document [High/Medium/Low] [Description] [Mitigation

number] name] Strategy and


Sustainability Tracking Sheets

[Provide updates and refer to tracking sheets that are being used in the project to manage various
applicable credits and activities]

Detailed Design 100% 46 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

[Provide excerpts and outputs from the tracking sheets provided by KEO Consultants]

Appendix 1: Project Progress Photos

Appendix 2: Construction Waste Management

Appendix 3: List of Approved Materials

Appendix 4: Record of Trainings Provided

Appendix 5: Waste Records and Manifests

Appendix 6:

Appendix 7:

Appendix 8:

Appendix 9:

Appendix 10:

Appendix 11:

Appendix 12:


Detailed Design 100% 47 Sustainability Requirements
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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