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One of the reading tasks is Matching Sentence Endings.

First, let’s talk about what is matching Sentence

endings. Do you have any idea what is matching sentence endings?
In this kind of tasks you will be given a questions that ask you to match sentence endings, often with
many combinations that include incorrect sentences. To comprehend how to complete these questions,
you need to see how ideas are connected in the texts.
the main purpose of these questions is to ensure that the test takers understand the main idea of the
Questions Come in order
Always more ending than sentence beginnings

Check the instructions

Read and understand the Questions
Highlight Keywords
Scan text for relevant section
Read carefully
Choose answer

Remember, the answers will be in the same order as the list of incomplete sentences. So, students
should start with the question that has names, places, and dates in it. They should not read all the
options/choices but read the first half first.

Can human beings communicate by thought alone? For more than a century the issue
of telepathy has divided the scientific community, and even today it still sparks bitter
controversy among top academics.
A. Since the 1970s, parapsychologists at leading universities and research institutes
around the world have risked the derision of sceptical colleagues by putting the various
claims for telepathy to the test in dozens of rigorous scientific studies. The results and
their implications are dividing even the researchers who uncovered them. Some
researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine.
Other parapsychologists believe the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to
produce definitive scientific proof and failed. Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on
one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-
called ‘ganzfeld’ experiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’. Reports of
telepathic experiences had by people during meditation led parapsychologists to suspect
that telepathy might involve ‘signals’ passing between people that were so faint that
they were usually swamped by normal brain activity. In this case, such signals might be
more easily detected by those experiencing meditation-like tranquillity in a relaxing
‘whole field’ of light, sound and warmth.

B. Various theories have been put forward, many focusing on esoteric ideas from
theoretical physics. They include ‘quantum entanglement’, in which events affecting one
group of atoms instantly affect another group, no matter how far apart they may be.
While physicists have demonstrated entanglement with specially prepared atoms, no-
one knows if it also exists between atoms making up human minds. Answering such
questions would transform parapsychology. This has prompted some researchers to
argue that the future lies not in collecting more evidence for telepathy, but in probing
possible mechanisms. Some work has begun already, with researchers trying to identify
people who are particularly successful in autoganzfeld trials. Early results show that
creative and artistic people do much better than average: in one study at the University
of Edinburgh, musicians achieved a hit-rate of 56 per cent. Perhaps more tests like
these will eventually give the researchers the evidence they are seeking and strengthen
the case for the existence of telepathy.

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A —G, below. Write the correct letter,
A—G, in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
1. Researchers with differing attitudes towards telepathy agree on
2. Reports of experiences during meditation indicated
3. Attitudes to parapsychology would alter drastically with

A. the discovery of a mechanism for telepathy.

B. the need to create a suitable environment for telepathy.
C. their claims of a high success rate.
D. a solution to the problem posed by random guessing.
E. the significance of the ganzfeld experiments.
F. a more careful selection of subjects.
G. a need to keep altering conditions.

1. the significance of the ganzfeld experiments.

2. the need to create a suitable environment for telepathy.

3. the discovery of a mechanism for telepathy.


For the first question, the answer is in the first para, seventh line; “Sceptics and advocates
alike do concur on one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come
from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ experiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’.”

For the second question, the answer is in the first para, ninth line; “Reports of telepathic
experiences had by people during meditation led parapsychologists to suspect that telepathy
might involve ‘signals’ passing between people that were so faint that they were usually
swamped by normal brain activity. In this case, such signals might be more easily detected by
those experiencing meditation-like tranquillity in a relaxing ‘whole field’ of light, sound and

For the third question, the answer is in the second para, fifth line; “Answering such questions
would transform parapsychology. This has prompted some researchers to argue that the future
lies not in collecting more evidence for telepathy, but in probing possible mechanisms.”
Is there more to video games than people realize?
A. Games are human products and lie within our control. This doesn’t mean we yet
control or understand them fully, but it should remind us that there is nothing inevitable
or incomprehensible about them. No matter how deeply it may be felt, instinctive fear is
an inappropriate response to a technology of any kind. So far, the dire predictions many
traditionalists have made about the ‘death’ of old-fashioned narratives and imaginative
thought at the hands of video games cannot be upheld. Television and cinema may be
suffering, economically, at the hands of interactive media. But literacy standards have
failed to decline. Young people still enjoy sport, going out and listening to music And
most research – including a recent $1.5m study funded by the US government suggests
that even pre-teens are not in the habit of blurring game worlds and real worlds.
B. The sheer pace and scale of the changes we face, however, leave little room for
complacency. Richard Battle, a British writer and game researcher, says Times change:
accept it; embrace it.’ Just as, today, we have no living memories of a time before radio,
we will soon live in a world in which no one living experienced growing up without
computers. It is for this reason that we must try to examine what we stand to lose and
gain before it is too late.
Questions 1-3
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.
Write the correct letter, A-E in the blank spaces next to 1-3 on your answer sheet.

1. There is little evidence for the traditionalists’ prediction that ………………………….

2. A recent study by the US government found that ……………………………
3. Richard Battle suggests that it is important for people to accept the fact that

A. young people have no problem separating their own lives from the ones they
play on the screen.
B. levels of reading ability will continue to drop significantly.
C. new advances in technology have to be absorbed into our lives.
D. games cannot provide preparation for the skills needed in real life.
E. people will continue to play video games despite warnings against doing so.
1. levels of reading ability will continue to drop significantly.
2. young people have no problem separating their own lives from the ones they
play on the screen.
3. new advances in technology have to be absorbed into our lives.
For the first question, the answer is in the first para, fourth line; “So far, the dire
predictions many traditionalists have made about the ‘death’ of old-fashioned narratives
and imaginative thought at the hands of video games cannot be upheld. Television and
cinema may be suffering, economically, at the hands of interactive media. But literacy
standards have failed to decline.”
The second answer is in the first para, seventh line; “Young people still enjoy sport,
going out and listening to music And most research – including a recent $1.5m study
funded by the US government suggests that even pre-teens are not in the habit of
blurring game worlds and real worlds.”

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