Wireless Sensor Networks Research Papers 2014

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To- day, networks are far more dyn amic and interconnected. The system architecture is based on
four layers; data access abstrac- tion, node abstraction, conversion abstraction and visu- alization
abstraction layer. Figure 7 demonstrates the key characteristics of the Mires architecture. With the
rising expertise, the things on security are also advancing day by day. The system is then able to
maintain better available network performance by predicting future events based on past o nes. In
order to develop a system architecture with the above characteristics, we focus explicitly on the
functions and the roles of wireless network management systems. Additionally, we present th e
middleware concept as a novel solution to the limitations that wireless sensor net- works inhabit.
WSN e sy s Table 2. Wireless sensor network middlewar Project Main feature stems evaluation based
on designed criteria. With the UpnP protocol the user does not need to self configure the network
and devices in the network automatically will be discovered. You also have the option to opt-out of
these cookies. Computer Networks ( Elsevier) Journal, 2002, 38(4): 393-422. Also, it does not allow
clusters and cluster heads to be at a fixed point inside the network. The main role of the virtual
machine is to interpret those distributed modules. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Wireless Sensor
Networks consist of many sensor nodes that are distributed in a field and have physical capabilities
to measure or sense things in the real world, do some computations, communicate with each other
and deliver result to base station. Wireless sensor Reactivity Architecture Function Energy
efficiencyAdaptability Memory Scalability Table 1. In order to do so, it provides mechanisms for
limiting the access to network resources and provides the end user with notifications of secu rity
breeches and attempts. Sensor nodes have various energy and computational constraint s because of
their inexpensive nature and adhoc method of deployment. Cookie Settings Accept All Reject All
Privacy Policy Manage consent. With the invent of sensor which react and notice some type of input
from the physical or environmental conditions, such as pressure, temperature, beam, Wireless sensor
network developed. The data abstraction layer acts as the database interface where all the data is
been stored. One of the major concerns of this approach is that by minimizing the transmission
power, the communication range of the nodes will be reduced accordingly, threatening the network
connec- tivity. This paper begins by introducing the concept of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
While active, the node periodically re-broadcasts its discovery message at time intervals, Td. Thus, it
can adaptively adjust the network by providing local and central recovery mecha- nisms. Sympathy is
a tool for detecting and debugging fail- ures in wireless sensor networks, but unlike WinMS it does
not provide any automatic network reconfiguration incase of a failure. WSN acts as a mediator
between the real physical world and the virtual world. The LEACH is the efficient approach to
increase lifetime of WSN. As we mentioned before, mechanisms that are pre- dominant in traditional
networks are not sufficient to maintain the quality of service of a wireless sensor net- work because
of constraints such as the dynamic topol- ogy and the power limitations. While WSN applications are
normally optimized by the given underlying network topology, another trend is to optimize WSN by
means of topology control. Figure 4 presents Mate architecture and execution model. This growth
produced problems in maintaining and managing those networks, thus the need of network
management was realized.
Moscova 21, Chi?inau 2068, Republic of Moldova, Europe. In order to maximize the system lifetime
and coverage, LEACH is using a set of methods such as distributed cluster formation with
randomized selection of cluster heads and local processing. One block presents the user end with the
base station in the active role of transmitting and receiving queries from the wireless sensor network.
Also, it does not allow clusters and cluster heads to be at a fixed point inside the network. Download
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unavailable. Dergisi Sar?kecililerin “Esk?yal?g?” ve Konya Delibas Isyan. The design of WSNs
depends on the applications, and also it must consider factors such as the environment, the
applications design objectives, cost, hardware, and system constraints. Further, as security being vital
to the acceptance and use of sensor networks for many applications; I have made an in depth threat
analysis of Wireless Sensor Network. While WSN applications are normally optimized by the given
underlying network topology, another trend is to optimize WSN by means of topology control. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. The foundational conc ept which applies in a
vast number of networks can be identified through the simple notion: Sensing Capabilities plus CPU
Power plus Radio Trans- mission equals a powerful framework for deploying thousands of potential
app lications. Wireless sensor networks can be widely deployed in areas such as hea lthcare, rescue
and military, all of these are areas where information has a certain value and is very sensitive. This
paper presents a significant analysis on the security issues of wireless sensor network. Download Free
PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. The DPM algorithm, by observing events inside the net- work, can generate a policy for
state transitions. However, due to computational power consumption required by the devices and
memory space allocation limitations, the protocol itself is not suitable for tiny sensor devices. While
active, the node periodically re-broadcasts its discovery message at time intervals, Td. In this
approach, the communication cost is less than the centralized one and more energy efficient since all
the workload will be distributed evenly across the network. As Sympa- thy is a fully automated
system, we will be aiming to provide some kind of automatic mechanisms in our mid- dleware for
the above design criteria without thou gh this to be our first priority. The operant stack will be used
stack will handle all the subroutine calls. Then it deals with some of the major security issues over
wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The contents of such a database are stored data and the sensor
data. The middleware will inject and distribute those modules in- side the wireless sensor network
with the use of a prede- fined protocol that will aim to reduce the overall energy and resource
consumption. All the cluster heads will report back to a single base station. work. Fi gure 1 is
demonstrating this classification. 4. The Functionality of a Sensor Network System The main
functionality of sensor network systems is based on the theory behind network management systems,
thus is focusing on two attributes those of monitor and control. To achieve this, SenOS adapts a
dynamic power management algorithm known as DPM. The data abstraction layer acts as the
database interface where all the data is been stored. This model is able to advertise the sensor data
(topics) provided by the running application while it maintains a topic list provided by the node
application. Through this interface the user can make altera- tions to node characteristics in terms of
radio frequency, sampling frequency and transmission power. The local tuple space is a shared
memory architecture that is addressed by field-matching. Wireless sensor networks also pose a
number of new conceptual and optimization problems, such as deployment, location and tracking,
are fundamental issues, in that many applications rely on them for needed information.
The developers having identi-wireless sens fied the predominant limitations of wireless sensor net-
works such as energy consumption and limited band- width propose a new programming paradigm
that is based on a tiny centric virtual machine that will allow complex programs to be very short.
Upon deployment of an application, core parameters such as energy usage, bandwidth and
processing power cannot be predefined due to the dy- namic character of these networks. The
operant stack will be used stack will handle all the subroutine calls. In this area, a number of
approaches have been invested, like network connectivity based topology control, cooperating
schemes, topology directed routing, sensor coverage based topology control. This growth produced
problems in maintaining and managing those networks, thus the need of network management was
realized. The main role of the virtual machine is to interpret those distributed modules. This
iddleware approaches that have been developed in re- cent years and classifies them according to
their pro- gramming paradigm. IJCSMC Journal Wireless Sensor Networks have recently emerged as
a premier research topic. In order to do so the sending agent must generate a query for that tuple,
matching the exact same sequence of fields. LEACH, dictates that once other sensors of the network
receive a message they will join a cluster with the stronger signal cluster head. Subject to our trials
and the development of our middleware this protocol will be introduced both hand written in the
middleware engine as well as it will be introduced as part of the run- ning application. Traditional
approaches and mechanisms used to secure the network cannot be applied in this kind of network
since they are heavy in terms of energy con- sumption. The LEACH is the efficient approach to
increase lifetime of WSN. The wireless sensor network is so vulnerable to security attacks because of
the nature of the broadcast transmitting devices, the nodes are not maintainable physically in
dangerous and hostile environments. However, the ef- fectiveness of this technique is tightly bound
on finding reliable data for every decision station inside the wireless sensor network that from its
nature can provide inaccurate data during its lifetime due to connectivity and radio problems. Table
1 presents a tabular evaluation of the currently available sy nality. 5. The R M in any researchers have
work for bridging the gap between applications and low levels constructs such as the physical layer
of the sensor nodes. The developers having identi- fied the predominant limitations of wireless
sensor net- works such as energy consumption and limited band- width propose a new programming
paradigm that is based on a tiny centric virtual machine that will allow complex programs to be very
short. The foundational conc ept which applies in a vast number of networks can be identified
through the simple notion: Sensing Capabilities plus CPU Power plus Radio Trans- mission equals a
powerful framework for deploying thousands of potential app lications. LEACH is a routing
protocol for users that want re- motely to monitor an environment. Also, it does not allow clusters
and cluster heads to be at a fixed point inside the network. Literature study on various articles are
accumulated where both possible security violence and their solutions are focused from most recent
research papers which will be very helpful for future work for the researchers. Gehrke and S.
Madden (2002). Figure 6 shows a block diagram that can explain the Cougar architecture for
querying processing. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Computer Networks ( Elsevier) Journal, 2002, 38(4):
393-422. These data objects will remain in the node regardless of the agen t status. Passive
Monitoring: The system role is to collect data during the lifetime of the network. The BOSS
architecture, Figure 2, is based on the tra- ditional method of the standard service discovery pro-
tocol, UpnP. Based on that, all redundant nodes are placed inside a cluster with only one node awake
for a period of time per cluster while the others are in a sleep mode for con- serving energy. Initially
all nodes in the network are in a discovery state. The cluster heads are selected in LEACH protocol
based on the distance and energy. This paper begins by introducing the concept of Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN).
It uses an SQL like interface ta from nodes in the given environment and also pro- vides aggregation,
filtering and routing of the acquired results back to the end user. However, due to the scalability and
complexity of wire- less sensor networks it is proven quite difficult to man- age and quite expensive
in terms of memory cost. A middleware should be able to provide an d maintain the qu ality of
service ov er a long period of time while in parallel to be able to adapt in changes based on the
application and on the perform- ance metrics of the network like these of energy con- sumption and
data delivery delay. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use
this website. Figure 4 presents Mate architecture and execution model. This paper presents a
noteworthy analysis on the security threats of wireless sensor network. A middleware should be able
to provide remote access to these nodes making sure that they will exhaust all their resources in
terms of battery power and memory in a timely manner. Detection, classification, and tracking of
targets. Download Free PDF View PDF A Survey Paper on Wireless Sensor Network IJSRD -
International Journal for Scientific Research and Development Wireless Sensor Network stands as
one of the most emerging technologies combining together sensing, computational capability and
communication into minute devices proceeding towards whole new world of simplicity. The
middleware solution is also investigated through a critical presentation and analysis of some of the
most well established approaches. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. With the invent of sensor which react
and notice some type of input from the physical or environmental conditions, such as pressure,
temperature, beam, Wireless sensor network developed. Firstly, we have the kernel which provides a
state sequencer and an event queue. WSN e sy s Table 2. Wireless sensor network middlewar Project
Main feature stems evaluation based on designed criteria. The neighbor list contains the addresses of
neighboring nodes and is accessible for every agent in the network that wants to clone or migr ate in
a different location. LEACH dynamic clustering method, splits time in fixed intervals with equal
length. WSN is a network that can transmit and receive through the wireless medium by using the
sensor devices for various nodes. LEACH is a routing protocol for users that want re- motely to
monitor an environment. Hence, one of the basic design principles for our mid- dleware is the ability
to manage limited power and resources. Download Free PDF View PDF Security in Wireless Sensor
Network: A survey vishal rathod Download Free PDF View PDF SECURITY ISSUES, ATTACKS
Networks (WSN) is an emerging technology now - a - days and has a wide range of applications
such as battlefield surveillance, traffic surveillance, forest fire detection, flood detection etc. Firstly,
as we identified in the pr evious approaches, the collection of data that will provide information
about the states of the ne twork, is the main role. The introductory section gives brief information on
the WSN components and its architecture. Wireless sensor networks can be widely deployed in areas
such as hea lthcare, rescue and military, all of these are areas where information has a certain value
and is very sensitive. The wireless sensor network nature of communication is unprotected and unsafe
because of deployment in hostile environment, limited resources, an automated nature and untrusted
broadcast t ransmission media. WSNs are used in different applications e.g. environmental
monitoring, habitat monitoring, home automation, military application etc., and particularly in recent
years with the help of sensors that are smaller, cheaper, and intelligent. Figure 5 presents the Agilla
model identifying the communication principle between two neighbor net des. One block presents
the user end with the base station in the active role of transmitting and receiving queries from the
wireless sensor network. The use of mobile code can fa- cilitate an energy efficient framework for
the injection and the transmission of the application modules inside the network. In an SQL query
format of SELECT-FROM-WHERE- GROUP-INCLUD ccess this object relational database which
mirrors the act odel.
The second com- ponent is a transition table and the final component is a call back library. With the
growing technology, the belongings on security are also advancing day by day. A network
management system can be defined as a system with the ability to monitor and control a network
from a central location. Wireless sensor networks can be widely deployed in areas such as hea
lthcare, rescue and military, all of these are areas where information has a certain value and is very
sensitive. The sensor node which has maximum energy and least distance to base station is selected
as cluster head which transmit data to base station. Wireless Sensor Networks consist of many sensor
nodes that are distributed in a field and have physical capabilities to measure or sense things in the
real world, do some computations, communicate with each other and deliver result to base station.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Micro technologies in Medicine
and Biology, Lyon: IEEE Computer Society, 2000: 607-610. WinMS uses a novel management
function, called systematic resource transfer, in order to provide automatic self-configuration and
self-stabiliza- tion both locally and globally for the given wireless sen- sor network. BOSS
architecture is overcoming this problem by act- ing as a mediator between UpnP networks and sensor
nodes. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic
source, etc. However, in terms of network and other failures MOTE-VIEW does not provide any
self-configuration scheme. Dergisi Sar?kecililerin “Esk?yal?g?” ve Konya Delibas Isyan. Most of the
schemes have proven to be able to provide a better network monitoring and communication
performance with prolonged system lifetime. Unlike traditional networks, sensor networks and their
applications are real-time phenomena with dy- namic resources. With the UpnP protocol the user
does not need to self configure the network and devices in the network automatically will be
discovered. Different threats belonging to active and passive threats are studied in detail. Based on
these attributes, Agilla allows network re- programming thereby eliminating the power consum n cost
of flooding the network. Keywords-Wireless sensor network, security attacks low bandwidth, the
network security. The survey continues by presenting the middleware solution as a key player in
overcoming the wireless sensor networks limitations and as our main methodology behind our
proposed approach. The sleeping state is regu- lated by a time interval Ts which is dependent upon
the application. It uses an SQL like interface ta from nodes in the given environment and also pro-
vides aggregation, filtering and routing of the acquired results back to the end user. These data
objects will remain in the node regardless of the agen t status. PSO calculation is contrasted and the
different calculations PCA, Neural system and OPAST. Finally, the visualization abstraction layer
will provide to the end user displays of the data in forms of spreadsheets and charts. In this architec-
ture we have the existence of substations in the network but this time no communication is allowed
between them. It includes the dense ad-hoc deployment, dynamic topology, spatial distribution, and
Network topology, Graph Theory with constraint the bandwidth, energy life time and memory. To
achieve this, SenOS adapts a dynamic power management algorithm known as DPM. By clicking
“Accept All”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The wireless sensor network nature of
communication is unprotected and unsafe because of deployment in hostile environment, limited
resources, an automated nature and untrusted broadcast t ransmission media. The MOTE-VIEW
system is an interface system be- tween the end user and the deployed network nsors.
Conclusions This survey presents and demonstrates the wireless sen- sor networks as one of the
predominant technologies for. Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Organization, Functionality,
Middleware 1. The second com- ponent is a transition table and the final component is a call back
library. MOTE-VIEW is a passive monitor system in that it does no aphical data on behalf of the
user. The BOSS architecture, Figure 2, is based on the tra- ditional method of the standard service
discovery pro- tocol, UpnP. The functional plane is responsible for the configuration of the
application specific entities, the information plane is object ori- ented and specifies all the syntax and
semantics that will be exchanged between the entities of the network and lastly the physical plane
establishes, according to the available protocols profiles, the communication interfaces for the
management entities that will be pre- sent inside the network. A middleware should be designed with
mechanisms that should allow the network to ru ch mechanisms include resource discovery and
loca- tion awareness for the nodes in the system. A mber of wireless sensor netwoems a tion of their
archite helping us drthus proposed system. Detection, classification, and tracking of targets. The
WSN are stretchy, simple to employ and straight forward. Initially all nodes in the network are in a
discovery state. In this survey paper, I provide a full view of the studies in this area. Monitoring
behavior in home using a smart fall sensor. GAF, which stands for geographic adaptive fidelity,
focuses its architecture on the extension of the lifetime of the network by exploiting node
redundancy. Annesini Download Free PDF View PDF Medical Journal of Western Black Sea
Lomber Disk Cerrahisinde Insizyon Buyuklugunun Ameliyat Sonras. One of the main functionalities
of the system is the collection and an alysis of network informa- tion metrics such as nodes next hop
and neighbors. The Agent Based Power Management is a system that builds its ar- chitecture upon
mobile agents. This function allows the network, in case of a failure, to have a predetermined period
of time where nodes will listen to their environment activities and self- configure. This node
redundancy is achieved by switching off unnecessary sensor nodes in the network without any effect
on the level of routing fidelity. Figure 3. The GAF nodes state transitions, xu et al 2001. This
classification presents mid- dlewares as virtual machines based on modular pro- gramming, virtual
database systems and adaptive mes- sage oriented s ystems. The use of a virtual machine inside a
middleware is a flexible approach since it can allow a programmer to partition a large application
into smaller modules. In this paper we present an overview of a range of topology control algorithms
proposed in literature for wireless sensor networks. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. However, both classes
of schemes could be combined for further energy savings. SenOS is managing network power
resources by in- structing nodes e network. Wireless sensor networks facilitate monitoring and
controlling of physical environments from remote locations with better accuracy. Partner of Eliva
Press Global LTD, Pope Hennessy Street Level 2, Hennessy Tower Port Louis, Mauritius. One of the
major concerns of this approach is that by minimizing the transmission power, the communication
range of the nodes will be reduced accordingly, threatening the network connec- tivity. The base
station will collect the in- formation from all the nodes and will monitor and con- trol the entire
network. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. The Cougar middleware adopts the above approach by considering
the extracted sensor da nal database.
Sensor nodes have various energy and computational constraint s because of their inexpensive nature
and adhoc method of deployment. The developers having identi-wireless sens fied the predominant
limitations of wireless sensor net- works such as energy consumption and limited band- width
propose a new programming paradigm that is based on a tiny centric virtual machine that will allow
complex programs to be very short. Which all of them caused that he creating of security to be raised
in requested environment. The communication protocol can be designed based on modular
programming. With the growing technology, the belongings on security are also advancing day by
day. A tuple can be defined as a sequence of data objects that is inserted into the tuple space of each
node by every agent. The visibility of the available nodes by the virtual sinks is one of the
disadvantages of this approach, as there is a high prob- ability that some nodes will be not cov ered
by any virtual sink. All the information is gathered and reported back to the operator whose
responsibility is to correct those problems in later stages. We identify the security threats, appraisal
anticipated security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks. Thus, inspired from the GAF protocol
that was described in the previous section, we are aim devhaving node redundancy in mind, telop a
protocol rgulate in an ee enods of our wireless sensor network will be active and which ones will be
in a sleep mode. The intent of this paper is to investigate the security related issues, attacks and
Challenges. An energy-efficient surveillance system using wireless sensor networks. The simulation
result shows the energy life time, throughput, packet delivery ratio produces good performance when
compared to the other algorithms. Two types of networks are available, wired and wireless networks.
Traditional approaches and mechanisms used to secure the network cannot be applied in this kind of
network since they are heavy in terms of energy con- sumption. Cookie Settings Accept All Reject
All Privacy Policy Manage consent. In every network node we can have one or more agents resi
mmunication and coordination is established by local tuple spaces that are accessible by all the
agents resident in that node and a neighbor list. The contents of such a database are stored data and
the sensor data. The primary goal of wireless sensor networks is to make useful measurements for as
long as possible. While active, the node periodically re-broadcasts its discovery message at time
intervals, Td. The sensor network usually has been characterized by limited energy, limited power
consumption, low bandwidth and small size memory. Lastly it proposes some security mechanisms
against these threats in Wireless Sensor Network. If at any point the rate of generate data in- creases
beyond a level that exists in a predetermined threshold inside the system then the virtual sinks will
redirect the traffic to other visible nodes. These cookies help provide information on metrics the
number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. A middleware should be designed with
mechanisms that should allow the network to ru ch mechanisms include resource discovery and loca-
tion awareness for the nodes in the system. The bottom block consists of the hardware components
of the node which are directly interfaced and controlled by the operating system. With the beginning
of the internet, security has become a major concern and the history of security allows a better
understanding of the emergence of security technology. In order to develop a system architecture
with the above characteristics, we focus explicitly on the functions and the roles of wireless network
management systems. Additionally, we present th e middleware concept as a novel solution to the
limitations that wireless sensor net- works inhabit. A fully implemented middle- ware should provide
to the end user a flexible interface through which actions of coordination and support will take place
for multiple applications preferably in real time. Low-level programming models must be introduced
as well in order to bridge the gap between the running application and the hardware.

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