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Choose the word that has the diffrent stress from the rest.

1. A. comfortable B. postcard C. architecture D. artificial

2. A. express B. panel C. wrestling D. danger
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
3. A. polluted B. consume C. nuclear D. fuel
4. A. geothermal B. power C. solar D. hydro
5. A. survive B. prohibit C. fertilizer D. environment
Circle the best answer for each sentence.
6. Scientists should be encouraged to develop _______________ for the present sources of energy.
A. gases B. alternatives C. fuels D. power
7. Many kinds of rare animals are on the verge of _______________.
A. disappearance B. death C. destruction D. extinction
8. People are destroying the air by adding____________ to it.
A. chemicals B. resources C. pollutants D. alternatives
9. Solar energy, air and water are____________ because there is a(n) ____________ supply.
A. renewable/limited B. non-renewable/ unlimited
C. renewable/ unlimited D. non-renewable/ limited
10. What’s the name of the man ____________ car you borrowed?
A. whose B. who C. whom D. that
11. People use energy ____________ machines, heat and cool their homes.
A. to open B. to run C. to develop D. to take
12. The boy ____________ in the accident was _______________ to hospital.
A. injuring/ taking B. injured/ taken C. injuring/ taken D. injured/ taking
13. My friend, ____________ I visited last week, is taking a holiday soon.
A. him B. which C. whose D. whom
14. A fund will be especially set up for the ____________ species.
A. popular B. wear C. endangered D. dangerous
15. She is the first in the discussion ____________ to using nuclear power.
A. to object B. to ban C. to prohibit D. to accept
16. If people’s ____________ with the environment decreases, more species will actually survive.
A. coexist B. help C. development D. interference
17. Cutting down trees causes numerous __________ to the environment.
A. danger B. affects C. influence D. consequences
18. Human _______ have not shown their intention to live in harmony with the nature.
A. race B. beings C. being D. kind
19. The Earth is the only _________ having life in the solar system.
A. star B. planet C. constellation D. comet
20. It is said that ________ human race is the only species that can better or worsen the environment.
A. a B. the C. Ø D. one
21. Many efforts have been ________ to protect rare animals.
A. done B. taken C. made D. given
22. His laziness resulted_______ his failure in the final exam.
A. from B. of C. in D. by
23. People in this village are suffering from strange diseases resulted from the polluted water ____.
A. provide B. supply C. running D. drinking
24. Is it true that this kind of soap can protect us________ bacteria?
A. away B. from C. for D. out of
25. Increased consumption will lead to faster __________ of our natural resources.
A. development B. alternative C. exhaustion D. pressure
26. If you __________ to your favourite newspapers and magazines, they will be delivered to your
house early in the morning.
A. buy B. book C. pay D. subscribe
27. Tommy decided to __________his interest in working a professional footballer.
A. take part in B. pursue C. pay D. practise
28. Fossil fuel will be __________in a short time.
A. exhausted B. replaced C. taken D. banned
29. Many athletes__________ in the Asian Games.
A. participate B. organize C. observe D. volunteer
30. This post office offers a very __________rate for parcels under 15 kg.
A. expensive B. competitive C. rare D. believable
31. __________is considered to be the most popular, is also my favorite.
A. Football B. Football, that C. Football which D. Football, which
32. Secretary: “Good morning. __________?”
Customer: “Yes, I want to have a telephone line installed at home.”
A. Can you help me? B. What happens C. Help me D. Can I help you?
33. The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in _________.
A. danger B. interest C. encouragement D. consequence
34. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil_________ wildlife.
A. protect B. conserve C. destroy D. survive
35. Several rare species are dying ______ owing to human beings’ deforestation and careless hunting.
A. out B. up C. away D. down
36. Human beings have great ____________ on the rest of the world.
A. focus B. influence C. attention D. attraction
37. A nuclear reactor releases ___________ which is dangerous to the environment.
A. heat B. energy C. carbon dioxide D. radiation
38. Farmers use _________ pesticides to kill insects that devastate their crops.
A. a B. an C. X D. the
39. She always _____________ calm throughout all the crises of her life.
A. remains B. thinks C. does D. acts
40. Korea was chosen to be the ___________ of the 2002 Asian Games.
A. athlete B. host C. participant D. guest
41. After the accident he lost his ___________ for the sport.
A. enthusiasm B. strength C. power D. energy
42. On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their ___________.
A. nation B. event C. culture D. solidarity
43. All the international games have been developed in all___________, from the quality of the athletes
to the sports equipment.
A. kinds B. sorts C. types D. aspects
44. Dinosaurs became _________ millions of years ago.
A. develop B. extinct C. increase D. decrease
45. The sun, water and the wind are other_________sources of energy.
A. alternative B. replace C. electric D. useless
46. ____________ from several countries competed in many Asian Games.
A. Spectators B. Audience C. Athletes D. Viewers
47. Non-renewable energy sources are running __________.
A. out B. to C. on D. up
48. Many animals are ______ for their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies.
A. followed B. chased C. run after D. hunted
49. We are proud of our ______ staff, who are always friendly and efficient.
A. well-done B. well-appointed C. well-trained D. well-behaved
50. A _______ is a structure that is used to convert the power of the wind into electricity.
51. A. panel B. machine C. dam D. windmill
Many efforts have been made to _________the environment.
A. protect B. contaminate C. pollute D. dirty
52. ___________ is a great source of energy but very dangerous.
A. Solar energy B. Water power C. Nuclear power D. Wind energy
53. Tim studied really hard when he was at school. _______, he later became a successful person.
A. Result B. As result C. Consequently D. As the result
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Messenger Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to receive the call.
a. inform b. hide c. keep d. conceal
2. It was the worst day in my entire life.
part b. limited c. whole d.partial
3. Many national parks have been established to protect endangered animals.
a. set up b. conserved c. destroyed d. improved
4. Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite.
a. limited b. plentiful c. ending d. limited
5. Solar panels on the roofs of houses can create enough energy to heat or cool an entire house.
a. destroy b. break c. finish d. produce
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The largest effect was on the poor population who were drinking polluted water.
a. contaminated b. dirty c. purified d. poisoned
2. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, send it by a fax machine.
a. unique b. outdated c. changed d. imaginative
3. Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite.
a. unlimited b. strong c. rapid d. limited
4. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals and the
destruction of the environment.
a. encourage b. reduce c. ban d. permit
5. Fax transmission has now become a cheap and convenient way to transmit texts and graphics over
a. comfortable b. available c. suitable d. inconvenient
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges
1. “Would you like some chocolate?” - “_________________”
A. I love it B. Yes, please! C. Here you go D. Here you are
2. - Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” - Mary: “____________”
A. Yes, all right. B. Thanks, Cindy. I had it done yesterday.
C. Never mention it. D. Thanks, but I’m afraid.
3. “Would you mind turning down your stereo?’’ - “______________”
A. I’m really sorry! I’m not paying attention B. Yes, I do
C. Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that D. No. I don’t
4. Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” Susan: “_______.”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid. B. You’re welcome.
C. I feel very bored. D. That would be great.
5. Cindy and Peter are talking about species extinction.
- Cindy: “I think some plants and animals are likely to become extinct due to climate change.”
- Peter: “________. So we need to make everyone aware of the harmful effects.”
A. You can’t say it again B. I can’t agree with you less
C. There’s no doubt about it D. How wonderful your idea is
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word(s) for
each of the following blanks.
The growth of cities and the (1) __________ of industries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
brought increasing pollution of the rivers and waterways. As a consequence, water purification
treatments have become more and more important as a means of providing safe water. The most
widely used method of water purification is water filtration plants (2) __________ remove impurities
from the water by passing it (3) __________ sand, and, in some systems, treating the water with
elements such as chlorine. Filtration systems began in the Western Europe. The first treatment plants
were built in 1829 to purify the River Thames in England. In 1854, the (4) __________ for water
treatment plants became recognized and the need for pure water a matter of public concern when
London cholera epidemic was traced to public well. Most cities, first in England, then in the US and
later throughout the world, developed filtration plants to avoid cholera outbreaks that frequently
ravaged (5) __________ communities.
1. A. growing B. decline C. development D. labour
2. A. when B. which C. what D. who
3. A. through B. under C. around D. above
4. A. cost B. liking C. popularity D. need
5. A. its B. their C. it D. theirs
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean known as
EL Nino. The appearance of EL Nino is known to affect the weather around the world. Scientists still
do not completely understand it. Yet they now find they can use it to tell about the future in different
areas of the world.
One example is the work of two scientists at Columbia University in New York, Mark Cane and
Gordon Eshel. A scientist of Zimbabwe, Roger Buckland worked with them. They have found that
when EL Nino appears, Zimbabwe has little or no rain. This means corn crops in Zimbabwe are poor.
The last EL Nino was in 1991 to 1993. That was when southeastern suffered a serious lack of rain.
The scientists wrote about their recent work in the publication “Nature”. Their computer program
can tell when an EL Nino will develop up to a year before it does. They suggest that this could provide
an effective early warning system for southern Africa, and could prevent many people from starving.
1. EL Nino is known as ________.
A. the changing of the weather in the southern Africa B. the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean
C. the weather which brings drought to Africa
D. the weather phenomenon that brings heavy rains to Africa
2. Scientists study EL Nino in order that they can __________.
A. tell why Zimbabwe has little rain B. do some research work in this field
C. put all this information into their computers
D. provide a kind of early warning to the place that will suffer drought
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A. Nature is the name of the article written recently by the scientists.
B. Scientists know when an EL Nino appears by means of a computer program.
C. The computer is used in this research work.
D. The scientists published their results of the research work.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A. Scientists understand thoroughly about EL Nino.
B. EL Nino affects the weather in some parts of the world.
C. Africa suffered a serious lack of rain from 1991 to 1993.
D. The scientists did not do anything about EL Nino.
5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Early Warning System B. Weather in Africa
C. Appearance of EL Nino Predictable D. Drought in Zimbabwe
Give the correct forms of the words in brackets
1. Our house (destroy) ______________________ in the storm last night.
2. People are destroying the air by adding (polluted) _____________________ to it.
3. For all animals in the wild, every day is a fight for (survive) __________________.
4. Girls who participate in high school (athlete) _______________ are more likely to graduate than those
who don’t.
5. She’s studying (agriculture) ________________________ science.
Combine the following sentences as directed:
1. Last week I ran into an old friend. I hadn’t seen her for years. (using relative pronoun)
2. My bike has disappeared. I left it at the gate. (using relative pronoun)
3. Towns are usually crowded and expensive. They attract tourists. (using relative pronoun)
4. The Taylors haven’t arrived yet. We invited them to dinner. (using relative pronoun)
5. Have you ever seen the book? I was reading it. (using relative pronoun)
6. Lung cancer is very dangerous. Millions of people died of it. (using preposition + relative pronoun)
7. A man stole £10,000 from a bank. The police have caught him. (making a relative clause without a
8. Some people drive drunk. I never travel with them. (making a relative clause without a pronoun)
9. There are a number of factors. We have no control over them. (using preposition + relative
10. The boy fell in love with the girl. She left him after a few weeks. (making a relative clause without
a pronoun)
11. The woman lives next door to me. You gave place to her on the bus. (using preposition + relative
Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings, doing as directed.
1. Only a few of the movie that are shown at the Gray Theater are suitable for children. (reducing)
2. The couples who live in the house next door are both college professors. (reducing)
3. A knuckle is a point that connects a finger to the rest of the hand. (reducing)
4. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon. (using an infinitive phrase)
5. The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable. (using an infinitive phrase.)
6. The boy would be happier if he had someone that he could play with. (using an infinitive phrase)
7. The first thing that we should remember is that we don’t have enough money to carry out the
project. (using an infinitive phrase)
8. We have got some books that you can read. (using an infinitive phrase)

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