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To determine the mass moment of inertia of the flywheel (assuming frictionless

Flywheel apparatus, stop watch, set of weights.

Equation and Symbols
Item Linear Motion Angular Motion
1 m mass I mass moment of inertia
2 P force T torque
3 s Distance transverse θ angular displacement
4 v velocity ω angular velocity
5 a acceleration α angular acceleration
6 m*a force equation I* α torque equation
7 m*v momentum I* ω angular momentum
8 P*s work done T* θ work done
9 a=r*α r radius of flywheel
v=r*ω θ = ω0 t + ½ α t2
s = s0 t + ½ a t 2 ω = ω0 + α t
v = v0 + a t

Energy Equation
mgh = [(mv2)/2] + [(Iω2)/2]
[(Iω2)/2] = [mgh] - [(mv2)/2]
v = r * ω …………………………..(radius of torque pulley)
[ (Iω2) / 2 ] = [ mgh ] - [ (m r2 ω2) / 2 ]

I = [(2mgh) / ω2] – [m r2] ………… (1)

ω = ω0 + α t

ω0 = 0 ….. at the start of the experiment


α = ω/t

s=h= a t²

a = 2h / t²


r * α = 2h/t²

r * (ω / t) = 2h / t²

ω = (2*h) / (r*t)

substitute in equation 1

I = m r² { [ (gt² ) / (2h) ] -1 }
1. We attached the ring and small disk.

2. We measured the circumference of the torque pulley.

3. We wounded a cord around the torque pulley.

4. We decided to Take a load hanger of known weight and hang it at the free end
of the cord.

5. We placed a load of 3N on the load hanger and hold the load in position.

6. We set the stopwatch to zero.

7. Released the load while simultaneously pressing the stopwatch button.

8. After 1 revolution, we decided to stop the flywheel and the stopwatch


9. We recorded the time taken for the load to travel through 1 revolution

10. We repeat step 5 to 9 for another 4 different sets of load which are 4N, 5N, 6N
and 7N.

11. Then, we recorded the measurements in Table 1.

12. We decided to remove the small disk from the flywheel to obtain a new mass
moment of inertia.

13. Lastly, we repeat the experiment with the new mass moment of inertia.

Mass of the flywheel, Mf = 15.04 kg

Radius of Flywheel, rf = 125 mm

Thickness of flywheel, tf = 40 mm

Mass of the ring, Mr = 3.7 kg

Outer diameter, rro = 250 mm

Inner diameter, rri = 180 mm

Mass of the small disc, Md = 3.6 kg

Outer diameter, rdo = 180 mm

Inner diameter, rdi = 40 mm

Radius of torque pulley, r = 20 mm

Radius of torque pulley, r = 0.02 m

Weight of hanger = 0.3 N

( since the pulley is small, assume tension in the cord equals the load on the hanger )
Load, W (N) Time, t (sec) Average Time, t (sec) Load, W (N) Time, t (sec) Average Time, t (sec)
12.81 8.60
13.25 8.72
3.373 12.88 12.44 6.373 8.72 8.60
12.44 8.78
12.85 8.60
10.78 7.72
10.81 7.91
4.373 10.94 10.69 7.373 7.90 7.72
10.75 8.00
10.69 7.93
9.47 7.31
9.68 7.47
5.373 9.78 9.25 8.373 7.47 7.31
9.81 7.53
9.25 7.57

Table 1

Mass on
torque Distance
Average Time,
hanger, m = travelled by
t (sec)
W/g Torque Load, h (m)
0.34381 0.628 12.44
0.44575 0.628 10.69
0.54768 0.628 9.25
0.64962 0.628 8.60
0.75156 0.628 7.72
0.85349 0.628 7.31

Table 2

mr² I
gt²/2h (gt²/2h) -1
kg-m² kg-m²
0.005372 1208.70447 1207.70447 6.487834
0.006965 892.55457 891.55457 6.209499
0.008558 668.28672 667.28672 5.710348
0.010150 577.66529 576.66529 5.853340
0.011743 465.49387 464.49387 5.454592
0.013336 417.36317 416.36317 5.552557

Table 3
Log y (mr²)
Log x ( gt²/2h) -1

3.08232 -2.26986
2.95063 -2.15709
2.82496 -2.06765
2.76168 -1.99352
2.66791 -1.93022
2.62051 -1.87498

Calculate the theoretical mass moment of inertia of the flywheel

Theoretical mass moment of inertia = 0.5 Mf rf 2





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