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To compare the mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle arrangement for different
lifting pulley diameter.

A simple arrangement of two pulleys connected to a shaft.
Set of weights: 0.1 N, 0.2N, 0.5N, 1N and 5N
Weight of hanger = 0.04N

The Figure 1 above shows the arrangement of a set of pulleys. They are anchored to
the frame by means of a shaft. The aluminium pulley with the largest diameter is the
wheel pulley. The remaining pulleys are used as lifting pulley. The wheel pulley has
a diameter of 100 mm while the lifting pulleys have diameter 25 mm, 50 mm and 75
The mechanical advantage of this system can be determined by plotting the graph of
load lifted verses effort load
The mechanical advantage is given by:
Load raised∨lowered
Mechanical Advantage =
Effort Load

Comparison can be made between different diameters of lifting pulley.

1. We choose a pulley for lifting.

2. We Measured the diameter of the wheel and the lifting pulley.

3. After that, we Wound a cord around the wheel and the lifting pulley.

4. Then, we hung a hangar at the free end of each cord.

5. We Placed a load to be lifted on the hanger of the lifting pulley.

6. We let the hanger rest on the table but keep the cord taut.

7. We Placed load on the hanger of the wheel (effort load) and watched the
lifting pulley. If the lifting hanger is not lifted, remove the effort load from the
wheel hanger. Increase the effort load and place it again on the wheel hanger.
Repeat until the effort load is able to raise the lifting hanger. Record the
smallest load that causes the lifting hanger to rise. This is the effort load.

8. Then, we recorded the loads in the Table provided.

9. We had increased the load on the lifting hanger and repeat step 6 to 9 for at
least 5 load increments.

10. Remove all loads on both pulleys.

11. Lastly, choose another lifting pulley and repeat the experiment.

Diameter of effort pulley = 100 mm

Diameter of lift pulley = 25 mm
Ratio of effort to lift pulley =4

Table 1: Load raised by the effort

Load on Wheel + Hanger Load on Lift Pulley + Hanger

(N) (N)
0.45316 1.35316
0.75316 2.35316
0.95316 3.35316
1.25316 4.35316
1.55316 5.35316
1.75316 6.35316
Diameter of effort pulley = 100 mm
Diameter of lift pulley = 50 mm
Ratio of effort to lift pulley =2

Table 2 Load raised by the effort

Load on Wheel + Hanger Load on Lift Pulley + Hanger
(N) (N)
0.75316 1.35316
1.25316 2.35316
1.75316 3.35316
2.25316 4.35316
2.85316 5.35316
3.35316 6.35316
Diameter of effort pulley = 100 mm
Diameter of lift pulley = 75 mm
Ratio of effort to lift pulley =

Table 3 Load raised by the effort

Load on Wheel + Hanger Load on Lift Pulley + Hanger
(N) (N)
1.15316 1.35316
1.85316 2.35316
2.65316 3.35316
3.45316 4.35316
4.15316 5.35316
5.45316 6.35316





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