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SW0254 - Ghost DL9EM Software Installation

Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary Procedure Finalization


1 5 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Table 2. Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part Manufacturer


GHOST S/W DL DVD 1 - - -

OM DVD 1 - - -

SM DVD 1 - - -

System Application S/W 1 - - -


Table 3. Required conditions

Condition Reference Effectivity

Verify you have a DL configuration, updated with all SW0250 - System -

protocols customizations, and RTAC calibration Backup (System with
Backup CD. If not: make a Backup DL9EM)

The DL internal DVD drive is working fine - -

This procedure requires the C1 Cabinet to be open - -

This job card is applicable to DL9EM.

1 Complete DL Installation
The procedure below includes sample screens for each step. However, the names of the files
and drives on the images do not match the DL names. Please use the text as the reference.
o All patient data must be archived because they will be erased by the
GHOST DL software Installation.

2. Insert the DVD containing the ghost image into the CD/DVD drive of the DL.
3. Power off/on the DL via the Power Switch on the DL front panel.
4. As the DL boot sequence begins, the message Setup is inspecting your
computer’s hardware configuration... should be displayed, followed by the
message Starting... with a status bar at the bottom of the screen filling from the left to
the right.
5. The Windows XP Professional logo shows up next, followed by the Ghost environment
screen as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The empty Ghost Environment

6. Click the Click Here button.

7. A menu of actions is listed.

Figure 2. The list of choices

8. Select the last menu item entitled Restore FULL disk, and confirm the action twice.
9. When the message Clone completed successfully is displayed, select Continue.
10. Click on the Click Here button and select Restart. When the DL restarts, remove the DVD
from the DVD drive.
NOTE: The DL could first restart automatically in DL Service to complete configuration
tasks, then reboots a second time.

11. Log on as DLservice (refer to SW0072 - Log in as DLservice).

2 Verify Disk Drive Configuration

1. Make sure you’re still logged as DLService user.

2. On the Desktop, right-click on My Computer and then select Manage.
3. In the left pane, select Storage > Disk Management.
4. In the right pane, verify each drive is assigned the correct letter:
a. C: System Hard Drive
b. D: Data Hard Drive
c. E: Temp Drive
d. F: DVD Drive
5. Close the window.
6. If drive assignment is not the one mentioned above then go to next section Correction for an
Improper Drive Assignment, else continue the procedure at section Set DL Name, Date and

3 Correction for an Improper Drive Assignment

1. On the Desktop, right-click on My Computer and then select Manage.

2. In the left pane, select Storage > Disk Management.
3. Right-click the drive with the incorrect drive letter in the right pane and select Change drive
letter and paths.

NOTE: If the destination drive letter is in use, please use a temporary drive letter (eg. z:) to
be able to swap 2 drives.

4. Click Change.
5. Select the new drive letter in the drop-down menu and click OK.
6. Click Yes.
7. Repeat Step 3 to Step 6 until you get the proper drive order.
8. Close the Computer Management window.

4 Set DL Name, Date and Time

1. Refer to CNF0132 - Set DL Host Name.

2. Refer to CNF0109 - DL Time Settings.

5 Determine Settings
The network settings are saved during DL backup and restored during SW0251 - System
Restore (System with DL9EM). Execute the two following sections if DL backup is not

5.1 Determine Ethernet Link Settings

After ghost installation, DL is configured for auto negotiation. The hospital network must be
configured for auto negotiation.
1. Choose the Start menu > Settings > Network Connections.

Figure 3.

2. Double click on DICOM Network. The DICOM Network Status window comes up. Click
on Properties.
3. The DICOM Network Properties window comes up. Click on Configure.
4. The INTEL 82574L Gigabit Network Connection Properties window comes up.
Select Advanced tab.
5. Check that the Speed & Duplex is set to Auto.
6. Close all windows by clicking on their OK button.

5.2 Configure the IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS settings

1. Choose the Start menu > Network and Dial-up Connections > DICOM Network menu
2. The DICOM Network Status window comes up. Click on Properties.
3. The DICOM Network Properties window comes up. Select Internet Protocols from the list.
Click on Properties.
4. Internet Protocol Properties window comes up, apply local settings:
a. Select Use the following IP address
b. Enter the IP address depending Firewall mode (default or custom)
i. Firewall Default mode

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

ii. Or Firewall Custom mode

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

5. Close all windows by clicking on their OK button.

Figure 4.
6 DL Software Installation
Refer to SW0261 - DL9EM Application Software Installation..

7 OM Automated Installation

1. Log on as DLService (refer to SW0072 - Log In as DLservice).

2. Insert the OM DVD into the DL DVD drive.
3. When the DVD is detected, a window requests the user to wait for the files to be loaded.
4. Once the OM has been copied on the DL, Mozilla opens and displays the Home page in
English. Click on desired language button in the right window. Ensure that the OM is
displayed in the matching language.

8 SM Automated Installation

1. Log on as DLService (refer to SW0072 - Log In as DLservice) .

2. Insert the SM DVD into the DL DVD drive.
3. When the DVD is detected, a window requests the user to wait for the files to be
loaded: Need to upgrade SM on your DL. This could take several
minutes... SM is now installed. To close the window, press any key to continue.

The load of the SM take around 17 minutes.

4. Now SM DVD is installed on DL. When DL browser will be running, test SM DVD
installation as follow:
a. Click on Service icon in DL browser.
b. In SUIF, click on Service manual in System menu. A Mozilla window opens and displays
SM documentation.
c. You can navigate in SM to consult documentation.

9 Exit Criteria

1. Confirm no error reported during procedure steps.

2. Confirm DL software shall automatically start when the ”DL” user logs in.

10 Finalization

 If DL Backup is available, restore the DL configuration (refer to SW0251 - System Restore

(System with DL9EM), Section 4.2 DL.
 Otherwise, refer to the configuration procedures to finalize the system configuration in
the Installation Calibration Flow.

 T
 V
 D

SW0261 - DL9EM application software installation

This job card is applicable to DL9EM.

Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary requirements Procedure Finalization

1 Not Applicable 15 minutes Not Applicable

1 Complete DL Installation
NOTE: The procedure below includes sample screens for each step. However, the names of
the files and drives on the images do not match the DL names. Please use the text as the

1. Log in as DLService.
2. Place the System Application S/W CD-ROM matching your detector size in the DL DVD
drive and follow system configuration check instructions. When asked by the script, choose to
install DL Software.
3. At the launch of the Installation tool, in the Welcome window, click on Next button

Figure 1.
NOTE: If a popup appears requiring a choice of First install or Update Installation,
select First install.

4. This new window lists all hardware boards detected. Before starting automatic part of
installation, validate this message by clicking on Next button.

NOTE: All other windows must be closed. After validating this information, many windows
will open up but do not move mouse neither touch keyboard during this part of setup.

Figure 2.
5. Wait until the window DLSetup is done is displayed. The Setup Complete status will be
displayed. Click on Finish button to acknowledge the information message.

Figure 3.
6. Remove the System Application Software CD-ROM from the DVD drive.
7. Run sections Copy the Backup Data on the DL Drive and DL from SW0251 – System restore
(System with DL9EM).
8. Reset the DL from the VCIM. Check that the DL application software starts and that the DL
browser is displayed once the application has fully started.
9. From the SUIF, check the version of the DL application software release.

2 Exit Criteria

1. Confirm no error reported during procedure steps.

2. Confirm that the DL software should automatically start when the DL PC is restarted.

3 Finalization
No finalization steps.

SW0260 - RTAC9X Software Installation

Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary Procedure Finalization


1 5 minutes 25 minutes 5 minutes

Table 2. Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part Manufacturer


“System Application Software” 1 - - -


Bootable CD-ROM: RTAC VXOS 1 - - -


Table 3. Required conditions

Condition Reference Effectivity

This procedure needs the C1 Frontal Cabinet to be opened - -

DL DVD–ROM and RTAC DVD-ROM drives are working fine - -

Table 3. Required conditions

Condition Reference Effectivity

Execute a backup of RTAC - -

1 RTAC_VxOS and Application Software Installation

1.1 Prerequisites
o The following procedure includes instructions for installation of frontal

2. Log on the DL as DLService (refer to SW0072 - Log In as DLservice).

3. Insert the VxOS Installation CD-ROM into the RTAC DVD-Rom drive.

1.2 Hyper Terminal Connection

1. On DL computer, launch HyperTerminal window by Start > Programs > Tools > DL
Tools > Connect Frontal

Figure 1.
1.3 RTAC_VXOS installation

1. Reset the RTAC (from its front panel).

2. A serial connection is established after a while (less than 1 minute).
3. Wait a while (about 10 seconds), then you shall get following display :

Figure 2.
4. At command prompt, type prepdisk followed by Enter. This will create two partitions. The
operation may take about 20 minutes, and it will automatically create 2 partitions: a FAT16
type C with size = 2 GB, and a FAT32 type D with size = 20 GB. The following lines should
be displayed:

Figure 3.

5. Wait until the last message above is displayed and press a key to reboot RTAC target.

1.4 Bootrom Installation

1. A serial connection has been established.

2. At command prompt, type frontal followed by Enter. If asking “Proceed with
Unconditional Format <Y/N> ?”, type Y followed by Enter.

Figure 4.
3. When asking, type Y followed by Enter.

Figure 5.

4. When asking again, type only y, then you shall get following display :

Figure 6.

5. When installation process is completed, to check whether target is well installed or not,
type C: followed by Enter then dir and Enter, finally chkdsk C: and Enter. You shall get
following display (sizes and dates displayed may change) :

Figure 7.
6. Remove RTAC_VxOS Installer CD from CD_drive and reboot the target by
pressing RESET button of RTAC.

2 Acceptance Criteria

1. Go to Start > Run and type cmd and launch a Command window :

Figure 8.

2. Type ping (frontal target) :

Figure 9.
3. The target should reply within time-out.
4. Go to Start > Run and type telnet for frontal target.

Figure 10.

5. Type Is to check communication with target operating system.

Figure 11.
6. Target is now installed and ready to work.

3 RTAC Software Installation Procedure

o Inadequate RTAC software install, that does not match detector size, may
damage the detector.

2. Carry out the Prerequisite checks.

a.Open a command prompt & ping is ok for FRONTAL RTAC

b.Make sure you know which type of product you are installing: systems with 21
cm or 31 cm or 41 cm detectors.
c. Make sure you have the System Application S/W CD–ROM matching your
system’s type.
3. Log into the DL as DLservice (refer to SW0072 - Log In as DLservice). DL is up and
4. RTAC is up and running.
5. Place the 'System Application S/W CD–ROM' matching your detector size in the DL internal
DVD reader.

NOTE: The CD you are using corresponds to a MONOPLANE system. It is mandatory to

check that the Software Package you install matches the detector size. Inadequate RTAC
Software install that does not match detector size may damage the detector.

6. Choose the right size of the detector

7. Choose “RTAC Software” (Press 5Enter) to launch installation.

Figure 12.
8. Confirm with y if the package is the one you want to install.
9. Confirm with y to overwrite configuration and calibration data.
10. Wait until the installation completes
11. Ensure the two following erros are not present in installation shell:

o “Warning: Cannot execute MD5 checksum check on target”.

o “MD5 CHECK Error: Listed files do not match with the original version”.

4 Finalization
 Be sure that the RTAC software installed matches detector size.
 Be sure that No error is reported during procedure steps.

2. RTAC software shall automatically start when the system is rebooted.

SW0251 - System Restore (System with DL9EM)

This job card is applicable to DL9EM.
Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required persons Preliminary Procedure Finalization


1 Not Applicable 60 minutes Not Applicable

Table 2. Tools and test equipment

Item Quantity Effectivity Part number Manufacturer

Backup CD, burned during backup 1 - - -


1 Copy the Backup Data on the DL Drive

1. Put the last backup CD-ROM (computer name ”SYS-BACKUP-” last date) in the DL
CD/DVD reader. Refer to SW0250 - System Backup (System with DL9EM).
2. Open the Windows Explorer.
3. Open the \Backup_mmddyyyy\Backup directory.
4. Drag and drop the content of the entire folder into the C:\Backup directory.
5. When transfer is complete remove the CD from the DL CD/DVD reader.

2 DL

2.1 Restore Computer Name

1. Log off and log back in as DLService.

During the log off and the beginning of log in operations, keep the Shift key pressed to access
the log window.

2. Press right click on My computer, Select Properties.

3. Go to Computer name tab, press Change… button.
4. Change computer name.
5. Press OK.
6. Close all dialogs with OK.
7. Restart DL.

2.2 DL Restore

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Check that you have copied all the backup files from the backup CD-ROM to the DL system
drive in C:\backup.
3. Choose the Start > Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > DL menu command.
4. In the dialog box press any key when requested. Press the y key and then press
the ENTER key, when restore confirmation is requested.
5. Upon the pop-up display, select (New + OLD).

The second option means user will loose any changes made on protocols currently in the

Figure 1.

6. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.


Systems upgrading to SP2 may have their protocols names changed. A correspondence table
of the protocols names is accessible below.

Uld Former Protocol Former

Uld SP2 Protocol Names SP2 Categories Names Categories
62 1 Coronaries Dose Cardiology 62 1 Cardiac dose Cardiac &
Limited limited Combo
49 2 Coronaries Cardiology 49 Coronaries Cardiac &
47 Cardiac and Vascular Cardiology 47 Combo 1 Cardiac &
6 Structural Heart Cardiology 6 Aorta-Arch Chest
53 Ventriculogram Cardiology 53 Ventriculogram Cardiac &
75 1 EP Extra Low Dose Electrophysiology 75 DoseSense EXTRA EP DoseSense
71 2 EP Low Dose Electrophysiology 71 DoseSense LOW EP DoseSense
74 3 EP Mapping Electrophysiology 74 DoseSense EP DoseSense
73 Device Implant Electrophysiology 73 DoseSense EP DoseSense
65 1 Cerebral Dose Interv Neuro 65 1 Head dose limited Head
1 2 Cerebral Interv Neuro 1 Cerebral Head
56 Brain Soft Tissues Interv Neuro 56 Soft Tissues Head
2 Carotids Interv Neuro 2 Carotids Head
70 Intracranial Devices Interv Neuro 70 CT High Resolution Head
69 1 Needle Dose Needle Placement 69 Record Dose Limited Abdomen
Limited Needle
43 Bone - Spine Needle Placement 43 Needle Placement Abdomen
5 Soft Tissues Needle Placement 5 Pulmonary Chest
78 Pediatric Abdomen Pediatrics 78 Pedia Abdomen Pediatrics
82 Pediatric Cardiac Pediatrics 82 Pedia Cardiac Pediatrics
81 Pediatric Cardiac Pediatrics 81 Pedia Cardiac Pediatrics
Neonate Neonate
76 Pediatric Cerebral Pediatrics 76 Pedia Cerebral Pediatrics
77 Pediatric Chest Pediatrics 77 Pedia Chest Pediatrics
80 Pediatric Lower Pediatrics 80 Pedia Lower Limbs Pediatrics
79 Pediatric Lower Pediatrics 79 Pedia Upper Limbs Pediatrics
68 1 Endovascular Dose Surgery 68 1 Surgery dose Surgery
Limited limited
57 Endovascular Surgery 57 Abdomen Surgery
63 1 Angio Dose Vascular 63 1 Abdomen dose Abdomen
Limited limited
8 Abdomen Vascular 8 Aorta Abdomen
85 Body Soft Tissues Vascular 85 Body Soft Tissue Abdomen
19 Lower Limbs Vascular 19 Popliteal Lower Limbs
9 Pelvis Vascular 9 Pelvis Abdomen
13 Upper Limbs Vascular 13 Shoulder-Humerus Upper Limbs
48 Cardiac Cust 1 Xray Custom 48 Combo 2 Cardiac &
51 Cardiac Cust 2 Xray Custom 51 Needle Placement Cardiac &
45 Cardiac Cust 3 Xray Custom 45 Cardiac 1 Cardiac &
46 Cardiac Cust 4 Xray Custom 46 Cardiac 2 Cardiac &
72 EP Cust Xray Custom 72 DoseSense EP DoseSense
84 Neuro Cust 1 Xray Custom 84 Cerebral Sharp Head
83 Neuro Cust 2 Xray Custom 83 Single Shot Head
58 Surg Cust 1 Xray Custom 58 Chest Surgery
60 Surg Cust 2 Xray Custom 60 Extremities Surgery
59 Surg Cust 3 Xray Custom 59 Head-Neck Surgery
61 Surg Cust 4 Xray Custom 61 2 Single Shot Surgery
14 Vasc Cust 1 Xray Custom 14 Elbow-Forearm Upper Limbs
18 Vasc Cust 2 Xray Custom 18 Femoral Lower Limbs
21 Vasc Cust 3 Xray Custom 21 Foot Lower Limbs
16 Vasc Cust 4 Xray Custom 16 Hand Upper Limbs
20 Vasc Cust 5 Xray Custom 20 Lower Leg Lower Limbs
42 Quality Assessment Xray Quality Test 42 Quality Assessment Xray Quality
Cardiac Cardiac Test
41 Quality Assessment Xray Quality Test 41 Quality Assessment Xray Quality
23 REMOVED REMOVED 23 Rec 1.0 Focal Spot Vascular
24 REMOVED REMOVED 24 Rec 0.6 Focal Spot Vascular
25 REMOVED REMOVED 25 Rec 2 fps-20 s, Fl 15 Vascular
67 REMOVED REMOVED 67 1 Chest dose limited Chest
64 REMOVED REMOVED 64 1 Lower Limbs dose Lower Limbs
22 REMOVED REMOVED 22 Pelvis Lower Limbs
66 REMOVED REMOVED 66 1 Upper Limbs dose Upper Limbs
26 REMOVED REMOVED 26 DSA 0.3 Focal Spot Vascular
54 REMOVED REMOVED 54 Single Shot Abdomen

3 Restore RTAC
1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.
2. Choose the RTAC restore script in Start > Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore menu.
3. When Prompted, Click on Y to start restore.
4. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.

4 Jedi Restore

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Choose the JEDI restore script in Start > Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore menu.
3. A DOS batch window pops up and a script starts. A message asks you to confirm that you
want to start the Jedi restore. Type Y and press the Enter key. Follow instructions until the
script ends.
4. Make sure JEDI Restore has terminated successfully.

5 IIP Restore

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Open the IlinQ shell from the desktop icon, and execute the command: chmod 777
3. Choose the Start > Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > IIP menu command.
4. A DOS batch window pops up and a script starts. A message asks you to confirm that you
want to start the IIP restore. Type Y and press the Enter key.
5. Make sure IIP Restore has terminated successfully.

6 Positioner Restore
NOTE: For systems with OMEGA table, you will have to restore the gantry database only.
For systems with InnovaIQ Table, you will have to restore gantry database and table database.

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Choose the Start > Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > Positioner menu command.

6.1 Gantry Database Restore (For System with Omega Table)

1. Select Configuration/Load on the main screen of the PST. Follow screen instructions. Select
the saved file under the C:\backup directory (this file shall have the .lc1 extension).
2. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.
3. Reset the system.

6.2 Gantry Database Restore (For System with InnovaIQ Table and
InnovaIQ OR Table)

1. Select Configuration/Load on the main screen of the PST. Follow screen instructions and
select the saved database file for the gantry (for example GantryBackup.lc1) under
the C:\Backup directory and click on Open.
2. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.

6.3 Table Database Restore (For System with InnovaIQ Table and
InnovaIQ OR Table)
1. Click on Table button ( , Figure 2) in the main screen of the PST.

Figure 2.

2. The table window appears.

Figure 3.

3. Click on TableDB >> button then on Load button .

Figure 4.
4. Navigate to C:\Backup directory and select the table database filename (for
example TableDatabase_pp1.lc1) and click on Open.

Figure 5.

5. Confirm that you want to restore the selected database file.

Figure 6.
6. The restore of the table database starts.

Figure 7.

7. Wait for the restore is successful and click on [OK] button.

Figure 8.

8. Reset the system.

7 Large Display Option Restore

Large Display Option restore procedure is divided into three steps:

 ITU Software Configuration Restore, refer to ITU Software Configuration Restore.

 Large Display Processor Restore:
o (For LDP 10 inputs) refer to Large Display Processor 10 inputs Restore.
o (For LDP 27 inputs) refer to Large Display Processor 27 inputs Restore.
 (For LDP 27 inputs) Large Display Monitor Restore, refer to Large Display Monitor

7.1 ITU Software Configuration Restore

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Start ITU service tool from the DL start menu, choose Start > Programs > Tools > DL
Tools > ITU Tools > ITU Service.
3. In the pop-up window, log on as user name “service”, password “service”.
4. Select Configuration and Configuration Backup/Restore in the web browser.
5. Launch the restore procedure by clicking on ITU Configuration Restore.
6. Click on Browse. Navigate to C:\Backup directory and select ITUConfiguration.tar and click
on Open.

Press the Upload button to start the restore the ITU software configuration.

7. Click Home and close HTML browser page.

8. Reset the ITU then navigate through the Large Display Option ITU Tab to ensure Large
Display Option and favorites ITU configuration has been restored on the ITU.

Figure 9.

7.2 Large Display Processor 10 inputs Restore

(For LDP 10 inputs)
NOTE: Large Display Processor Restore shall be done prior to Large Display Monitor
NOTE: The restore doesn’t take in charge the horizontal and vertical shift of VGA port 7.1
and 8.1.

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. From the DL start menu, launch LDM FTP server: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large
Display Monitor > LDM FTP Server.
3. Transfer the Large Display Processor restore file from C:\Backup\ to the
Large Display Processor restore repository D:\LDP\
4. From the DL start menu, launch LDM Setup: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large Display
Monitor > LDM Setup > Single Plane > LDM LMM802 10 inputs > Innova IGS
5x0 > [System Type] menu command with the adequate value for System Type:
o "Singleplane system"
o "Singleplane system with Simultaneous Display"
5. LMM Service is now opened.
6. Log on as SuperUser. Display Base settings sidebar on the right.

Figure 10.
7. Click on “Login” icon ( , Figure 10). Then enter password: super.
8. Click on [Backup/restore] > [Restore User Data], then browse D:\LDP\
9. Select all components to restore then click on OK.

Figure 11.

10. Click on OK.

Restore process may take 1 to 2 minutes. At the end of restore the LDP will reset and the web
browser shows Connecting to LMM. Wait till the LMM Service is completely available
(side bar able to be displayed as shown on Figure 10).

11. Navigate through web browser (IP settings, layouts…) to make sure restore has been correctly
12. Close the LMM Service.

7.3 Large Display Processor 27 inputs Restore

(For LDP 27 inputs)
NOTE: Large Display Processor Restore shall be done prior to Large Display Monitor

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. From the DL start menu, launch “LDM FTP server”: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large
Display Monitor > LDM FTP Server.
3. Transfer the Large Display Processor restore file from C:\Backup\mdm-config.xml to the
Large Display Processor restore repository D:\LDP\mdm-config.xml.
4. From the DL start menu, launch LDM Setup: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large Display
Monitor > LDM Setup > Single Plane > LDM LMM56800 27 inputs > Innova IGS
5x0 > [System Type] menu command with the adequate value for System Type:
o "Singleplane system"
o "Singleplane system with Simultaneous Display"
5. Click on the Configuration menu then Updates and Backup.
6. Do a restore of the processor by clicking on Restore saved configuration from server. Note
that all following will be restored:

Video inputs configuration.

Large Display Processor IP config (IP address, FTP password).
7. Close the MDM service window, switch off the Large Display cabinet, then switch it on
8. Navigate through the Large Display Option Setup application to ensure Large Display
Processor configuration has been restored.

7.4 Large Display Monitor Restore

(For LDP 27 inputs)

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

2. Make sure FTP server is still running. Refer to Step 2.
3. From the DL start menu, launch SMFit: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large Display
Monitor > SMFit.
4. From SMFit, launch the Monitor Restore: Monitor Management > Restore Backup.
5. Load backup files from DL to the processor:
a. Select “Restore Data” .

Browse “C:\Backup\ Radiforce LS560W-XXXXXX.ser” to select the Large Display Monitor

backup file .

b. Click on Upload .
c. If the file is already present on the Large Display Processor, you get an informative
message .
6. Click on Next to proceed with the Large Display Monitor restore.

Figure 12.
7. Click on OK button.
8. Click on Logout button, then close the SMFit window.
9. Switch off the Large Display cabinet power, then switch it on again.
10. Navigate through the SMFit application to ensure Large Display Monitor configuration has
been restored.

8 Finalization
o At the end of the system restore, check the date of the “3D Helix
Calibration” and “3D Augmented Calibration” in the SUIF Calibration
home page. If dates are different and Augmented Calibration is enabled on
the system, you must redo the Augmented Calibration so that both 3D and
Innova Vision applications use a consistent model.

2. Check IQST (refer to Image Quality Check).

SW0334 - System Restore (System with DL9EM, Windows 7)

This job card is applicable to DL9EM installed on Windows 7.

Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required Preliminary Procedure Finalization

persons requirements

1 Not Applicable 60 minutes Not Applicable

Table 2. Tools and test equipment

Table 1. Personnel requirements

Required Preliminary Procedure Finalization

persons requirements

Item Quantity Effectivity Part Manufacturer


(For System with 21 cm 1 - 5495253 -

detector) Pixel calibration files

Backup CD, burned during 1 - - -

backup procedure

Table 3. Safety

 Make sure you set the Anti-Malware back to its original status at the end
of the installation. Refer to SW0322 - Anti-Malware Configuration

Table 4. Required conditions

Condition Reference Effectivity

Check the Anti-Malware status. If it is set SW0322 - Anti-Malware -

to Enabled, set it to Update mode. Configuration Management

1 Copy the Backup Data on the DL Drive

1. Put in DL DVD reader the last backup CD-ROM (<computer name> SYS-BACKUP-<last
date>). Refer to SW0333 - System Backup (System with DL9EM, Windows 7).
2. Open the Windows Explorer.
3. Open the \Backup_mmddyyyy\Backup directory.
4. Drag and drop the content of the entire folder into the C:\Backup directory.
5. When transfer is complete remove the CD from the DL DVD reader.

2 DL

2.1 Restore Computer Name

1. Log in as DLService.
2. Right click on Computer and select Properties.
3. Select Advanced system settings.

The System Properties window appears.

4. Select Computer Name tab then press Change ....

The Computer Name/Domain Changes window appears.

5. Enter the computer name.

6. Click OK.
7. Close all dialogs with OK.
8. Restart DL.

2.2 DL Restore

1. Before starting the restore:

a. Check the date of the backup archive (dl.tar.gz). It shall be consistent with the date of the last
DL backup.
b. Make sure you are using the correct corresponding backup archive.
2. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.
3. Check that you have copied all the backup files from the backup CD-ROM to the DL system
drive in C:\Backup.
4. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > DL.

A dialog box pops up.

5. Press any key, as requested.

6. When the message Do you want to restore the Calibration data?
(Y/N) is displayed, press the Y key, then press the ENTER key when the restore
confirmation is requested
7. Upon the pop-up display, select (New + OLD).

The second option means user will loose any changes made on protocols currently in the

Figure 1.
8. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.

3 Restore RTAC

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > RTAC.
3. When prompted, type Y to start RTAC Restore.
4. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.

4 JEDI Restore

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > JEDI.
3. A DOS batch window pops up and a script starts. A message asks you to confirm that you
want to start JEDI Restore. Type Y and press the Enter key. Follow instructions until the
script ends.
4. Make sure JEDI Restore has terminated successfully.

5 IIP Restore

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Open the IlinQ shell from the desktop icon, and execute the command: chmod 777
3. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > IIP.
4. A DOS batch window pops up and a script starts. A message asks you to confirm that you
want to start the IIP restore. Type Y and press the Enter key.
5. Make sure IIP Restore has terminated successfully.

NOTE: If the IIP restore has been done after a DL OS image re-installation, please restore the
Insite user account password as described in CNF0342 - Checkout Procedure for IGS System,
section Step#2: Change Insite password and do the Pre-Checkout on system.

6 Detector Setting Restore (For Systems with 21 cm detector)

(For For Innova IGS 5)
NOTE: The steps described in this section are only applicable to 20 cm NGB Detectors
supplied with the pixel calibration files CD (PN 5495253).

1. Insert the pixel calibration files CD [5495253 (NGB)] delivered with the Detector in the DL.
2. Browse to /tools directory and launch cdinstaller.bat.
3. Make sure that CARDIAC DETECTOR is displayed on DOS window.
o If CARDIAC DETECTOR is not displayed, then do not continue the installation. Remove
the CD from the DL drive and contact engineering support.
o If CARDIAC DETECTOR is displayed, then continue the installation with the next steps.

Figure 2.
4. Type M for monoplane system, and press Enter.
5. If pixel calibration predefined files already exist, a message asks you to confirm that you want
to replace them. Type Y and press the Enter key.

Figure 3.
NOTE: After a detector change it is important to answer Y in order to make sure that the
proper detector configuration files are loaded on the RTAC.

6. Make sure that the serial number displayed on screen matches the serial number of the
detector installed on the system.
o If the serial number is different, then do not continue the installation. Type N and press Enter.
Remove the CD from the DL drive and contact engineering support.
o If the serial number is identical, then continue the installation with the next steps.

Figure 4.

7. Type Y and press Enter.

8. Remove the CD from the DL.

7 Database Positioner Restore

Database Positioner Restore is dependent of the type of patient table used with your system:

 Omega table: restore the Gantry Database, refer to Gantry Database Restore (For Systems
with Omega Table).
 InnovaIQ table or InnovaIQ OR table, restore:
o Gantry Database, refer to Gantry Database Restore (For Systems with Innova IQ Table and
Innova IQ OR Table),
o Table Database, refer to Table Database Restore (For Systems with Innova IQ Table and
Innova IQ OR Table).
7.1 Gantry Database Restore (For Systems with Omega Table)

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > Positioner.
3. From the main screen of the PST:
a. Click Configuration then Load.
b. Follow screen instructions. Select the saved file under the C:\Backup directory (this file
shall have the .lc1 extension).
4. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.
5. Reset the system.

7.2 Gantry Database Restore (For Systems with Innova IQ Table and
Innova IQ OR Table)

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > Positioner.
3. From the main screen of the PST:
a. Click Configuration then Load.
b. Follow screen instructions. Select gantrybkup.lc1 file under the C:\Backup directory.
c. Click Open.
4. Make sure Restore has terminated successfully.

7.3 Table Database Restore (For Systems with Innova IQ Table and Innova
IQ OR Table)

1. From the main screen of the PST, click Table [1].

Figure 5.
2. The table window appears.

Figure 6.

3. From the Table Window, click TableDB >> [2] then Load [3].

Figure 7.
4. Browse to C:\Backup directory and select the table database filename (for
example TableDatabase_pp1.lc1) and click on Open.

Figure 8.

5. Confirm that you want to restore the selected database file.

Figure 9.

6. The restore of the Table Database starts.

Figure 10.
7. Wait for the restore is successful and click on OK button.

Figure 11.

8. Reset the system.

8 Large Display Option Restore (For systems with Large Display Monitor)
Large Display Option Restore procedure is divided into three steps:

 Large Display ITU Configuration Restore, refer to Large Display ITU Configuration Restore.
 Large Display Processor Restore:
o (For LDP 10 inputs) refer to Large Display Processor 10 inputs Restore.
o (For LDP 27 inputs) refer to Large Display Processor 27 inputs Restore.
 Large Display Monitor Restore, refer to Large Display Monitor Restore.

8.1 Large Display ITU Configuration Restore

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Start ITU service tool from DL start menu, select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL
Tools > ITU Tools > ITU Service.
3. In the pop-up window, login with service as User Name and service as Password.
4. Select Configuration and Configuration Backup/Restore in the web browser.
5. Launch the restore procedure by clicking on ITU Configuration Restore.
6. Click Browse. Navigate to C:\Backup directory, select ITUConfiguration.tar and click
on Open.

Press the Upload button to start to restore ITU software configuration.

7. Click Home and close HTML browser page.

8. Reset ITU [4] then navigate through the Large Display Option ITU Tab to ensure Large
Display Option and favorites ITU configuration has been restored on ITU.

Figure 12.

8.2 Large Display Processor 10 inputs Restore

NOTE: Large Display Processor Restore shall be done prior to Large Display Monitor
NOTE: The restore doesn’t take in charge the horizontal and vertical shift of VGA port 7.1
and 8.1.

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. From the DL start menu, launch LDM FTP server: Start > All Programs > Tools > GE
Large Display Monitor > LDM FTP Server.
3. Transfer the Large Display Processor restore file from C:\Backup\ to the
Large Display Processor restore repository D:\LDP\
4. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > GE Large Display Monitor > LDM Setup > Single
Plane > LDM LMM802 10 inputs > Innova IGS 5x0 > [System Type] with the adequate
value for [System Type]:
o Singleplane system,
o Singleplane system with Simultaneous Display.
5. LMM Service is now opened.
6. Log on as SuperUser. Display Base settings sidebar on the right.

Figure 13.
7. Click on “Login” icon ([1], Figure 13). Then enter password: super.
8. Click on [Backup/Restore] > [Restore User Data], then browse D:\LDP\
9. Select all components to restore then click on OK.

Figure 14.

10. Click OK.

Restore process may take 1 to 2 minutes. At the end of restore the LDP will reset and the web
browser shows Connecting to LMM. Wait till the LMM Service is completely available
(side bar able to be displayed as shown on Figure 13).
11. Navigate through web browser (IP settings, layouts…) to make sure restore has been correctly
12. Close the LMM Service.

8.3 Large Display Processor 27 inputs Restore

NOTE: Large Display Processor Restore shall be done prior to Large Display Monitor

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. From the DL start menu, launch LDM FTP server: Start > All Programs > Tools > GE Large
Display Monitor > LDM FTP Server.
3. Transfer the Large Display Processor restore file from C:\Backup\mdm-config.xml to the
Large Display Processor restore repository D:\LDP\mdm-config.xml.
4. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > GE Large Display Monitor > LDM Setup > Single
Plane > LDM LMM56800 27 inputs > [System] > [System Type] with the adequate value for
[System] and [System Type]:
o System:
 Innova IGS 5x0,
o System Type:
 Singleplane system,
 Singleplane system with Simultaneous Display.
5. Click on Configuration > Updates and Backup.
6. Do a restore of the processor by clicking on Restore saved configuration from server. Note
that all following will be restored:

a. Video inputs configuration.

b. Layouts.
c. Large Display Processor IP config (IP address, FTP password).
7. Close the MDM service window, switch off the Large Display cabinet, then switch it on
8. Navigate through the Large Display Option Setup application to ensure Large Display
Processor configuration has been restored.

8.4 Large Display Monitor Restore

(For LDP 27 ipnuts)

1. Make sure you are still logged in as DLService.

2. Make sure FTP server is still running. Refer to Step 2.
3. From the DL start menu, launch SMFit: Start > Programs > Tools > GE Large Display
Monitor > SMFit.
4. From SMFit, launch the Monitor Restore: Monitor Management > Restore Backup.
5. Load backup files from DL to the processor:
a. Select Restore Data [5].

Browse to C:\Backup\Radiforce LS560W-XXXXXX.ser to select the Large Display Monitor

backup file [6].

b. Click Upload [7].

c. If the file is already present on the Large Display Processor, you get an informative
message [8].
6. Click on Next [9] to proceed with the Large Display Monitor restore.

Figure 15.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Logout, then close the SMFit window.
9. Switch off the Large Display cabinet power, then switch it on again.
10. Navigate through the SMFit application to ensure Large Display Monitor configuration has
been restored.

9 Cisco Firewall Restore

This procedure is only applicable for Cisco ASA5506 Firewall.

1. Make sure you are logged in as DLService.

NOTE: If the firewall restore is done after firewall hardware replacement on site (only
applicable for DL custom IP configuration, the default IP address configuration
of the firewall “inside interface” is set to As the DL IP address
is, you will have to:

a. Temporarily change the DL IP address to Click Start > Tools > Admin
Tools > [Set dicom network ip 192.168].
b. Restore the firewall configuration as described in this section.
c. Set the DL IP address back to Click Start > Tools > Admin Tools > [Set
dicom network ip 172.16].
2. Select Start > All Programs > Tools > DL Tools > Restore > Cisco Firewall.
3. Click Run ASDM.
Figure 16.

4. Click Continue.

Figure 17.
5. Enable I accept the risk and want to run this application checkbox
and click Run.

Figure 18.
6. Click OK. No login or password is required at this stage as the firewall is configured with
factory settings.

NOTE: If Authorization has been configured on the firewall (refer to CNF0339 - Cisco
ASA5506 Firewall Configuration for Advanced Security Level with Windows 7), enter the
username and password provided by the Hospital IT admin manager.

Figure 19.

The following window is displayed. Wait until software loading is complete.

Figure 20.
Once software loading is complete, the ASDM loads the configuration. The following
window is displayed. Wait until configuration loading is complete.

Figure 21.

The ASDM interface is now ready for configuration.

Figure 22.

7. From the ASDM window, click Tools > Restore Configurations.

Figure 23.
8. In the Restore Configurations window, clickBrowse local and
select in the C:\Backup directory.

Figure 24.
9. Click Next.
10. Select the checkboxes as seen in the illustration below and click Restore.

Figure 25.

11. Click Yes in the Device used in failover pair window.

Figure 26.
12. Click Replace in the Running Configuration Restore window.

Figure 27.
13. Wait until the restore process is complete and click Close in the active window.
14. Click File > Save Running Configuration to Flash.

Figure 28.
15. Exit the ASDM application.
16. Exit the SUIF.
17. Follow the steps below after restoring the firewall configuration.
a. Reset the system and enter Service user credentials at the Authentication
login window.
b. In the DL browser, select the Network tab and click Select Host.
c. Select the Image tab, select the first host from the list and click Verify.
d. Check that the DICOM verification is successful.
e. Repeat Step 17.c and Step 17.d for all the other hosts.
f. Select the Dose SR tab (if any Dose SR host is configured), select the first host from the list
and click Verify.
g. Check that the DICOM verification is successful.
h. Repeat Step 17.f and Step 17.g for all the other hosts.
i. Select the MPPS tab (if an MPPS host is configured) and click Verify.
j. Check that the DICOM verification is successful.
k. Select the Worklist tab (if a Worklist host is configured) and click Verify.
l. Check that the DICOM verification is successful.
m. Click Exit.
10 Finalization

1. Set the Anti-Malware to its original status. Refer to SW0322 - Anti-Malware Configuration

o At the end of the system restore, check the date of the “3D Helix
Calibration” and “3D Augmented Calibration” in the SUIF Calibration
home page. If dates are different and Augmented Calibration is enabled on
the system, you must redo the Augmented Calibration so that both 3D and
Innova Vision applications use a consistent model.

2. Check IQST (refer to Image Quality Check).

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