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Week 9 Writing Homework

Ex 5
As far as I am concerned, more culture contacts means higher
risks of countries losing their cultural identities. One reason is
the fact that people can easily overly appreciate other
countries’ culture and traditions, therefore downgrading their
respect of their countries’ custom. To illustrate, Kpop, is known
as Korean’s pop music, is widely considered as one of the best
music because of its energy and synthesis. However, a range of
people in Asian countries, especially students and teenagers,
believed Kpop to be their major music genre, not their
traditional music. Consequently, only a minority of those
countries’ population can fully understand their traditions and
customs. Another reason worth mentioning is the expense to
encourage cultural exchanges. For instance, some cultural
programs or events provide free accommodation and catering,
but others require participants to use their own budget such as
airfare, visa fees and other daily expenses. Also, some programs
include cultural activities and language classes in their fee,
while in others, people have to pay for this separately.
Task 1
The given bar chart provides information about the rate of
adults who visited a historic location in 2009/2010, while the
pie chart describes the proportion of people who have proper
change to visit a site in the following 6 months.
Overall, it is clear from the bar chart that historic cities/towns
and parks are visited by most people, while sports heritage site
is the least visited one. Furthermore, a significant rate of people
said that they are going to visit a location in the next half of a
The chart shows that historic cities and parks are the most
visited spots during 2009/2010, with the percentage of 55% and
42% respectively. In addition, that of historic buildings and
castles, forts, ruins are the similar, which are 37% and 36% in
that order. Meanwhile, the worshipping places is visited by
about a quarter (26%) of the survey people, which is almost half
as that of the most visited one. Finally, the ratio of people who
visited industrial, archaeological and sport locations are
relatively low (20%, 15%, 6%), which means that out of ten
people, there’s a decent chance that only one of them had
visited a sport heritage site.
Additionally, over half of the selected people (55%) stated that
they are going to see a spot in the next 6 months. In order to
contradict, less then one fifth of them (15%) said “No” to
visiting somewhere, while the rest of 30% are unsure about
going to a location.

Task 2
Nowadays, as the population is growing up rapidly, countries
have to spend tons of money on developing every of their
aspects; such as economy, politics and entertainment. This
arises a question: Will there be enough money to sustain art
and culture? Some people believed that the government should
spend more to raise other purposes, and I mostly agree with
this idea.
Despite the fact that culture is the only thing that makes a
country powerful, it is understandable why some people dislike
this view. Culture is perhaps the most important factor of a
country’s identity. One unacceptable fact of some countries is
that young people are adoring other countries’ traditions so
much that we almost felt like they are not from their own
country. For example, Kpop, South Korea’s traditional pop music
have invaded into Vietnam, and a plentiful amount of teenagers
there have no knowledge about Vietnamese traditional music.
As a result, people want to spend on culture programs and
events to encourage everyone about their own customs.
On the other hand, the government should still spend a good
amount of money on other services. First of all, the economy is
what makes our life standard by ensuring that facilities such as
hospitals, schools, restaurants are all available to everyone.
Residents should preserve their cultures only if they are living in
a country that can provide all their needs. In other words,
customs and traditions only is the secondary factor in keeping
people entertained. Another reason to spend more money on
services is to develop the modern and innovative image of the
country. A nation is not only judged by its culture, but also its
ability to lift its economy up and become developed. One of the
most obvious example is Japan, which is highly cultured with
traditions such as eating sushi, samurai festivals and their
people’s kind manner. Other than that, it witnessed an insane
rise in economy after World War II, and is now one of the
world’s most modern and developed countries.
In conclusion, I would agree with spending more on country
services to increase development. However, a budget is also
needed to sustain art and culture, in order to preserve
countries’ identity.

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