Spanish American War Research Paper

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Are you struggling with writing your Spanish American War research paper? If so, you're not alone.

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However, McKinley still wanted to avoid war hoping that the explosion might be accidental. This
war would cause major changes in the realm of American foreign policy in its wake. With this flurry
of volunteerism, the governor Ellerbe ordered Captains to fill their regiments with required number
of volunteers. But, the consequences of that war were broad spectrum and felt worldwide. Many
African Americans had responded to the call for volunteers, and roughly one-fourth of the American
troops fighting in Cuba were African American. America’s Manifest Destiny was accomplished to a
large extent with the capture of Guam, Philippines and Puerto Rico. These members were furious at
McKinley for not declaring war. Nearly 7,000 clergy were killed, and at least 55,000 people perished
in the Republican zone. Treaties that have been created since that time included policies that
protected the assets of those areas, and would be considered effective even now in the freedom of
areas like the Philippines, now considered a separate country from the United States. After the
explosion of Maine, volunteers began to apply for military participation. On August 12, 1898, Spain
and the United States agreed to a cease-fire. With the end of the Civil War, America’s main concern
was expanding its borders. As the European nations spread their power over the Asians and
Africans, the US had its eye on Latin America. Offner, John L. “McKinley and the Spanish-
American War”, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 34.1 (March, 2004), 50-61. While there is some
anecdotal evidence that the semiautomatic rifle existed as early as 1664, the first documented
evidence of a semiautomatic rifle was in the 1880s. To what extent was the Spanish American War of
1898 a turning point in the. Analyzing a political cartoon about the war is also included. Its main goal
was to sell newspapers and create drama, not to report the truth. The reason why the united states
went to war against Spain in 1898 was that from its early days, policymakers in the country believed
that Cuba's geographic location was of monumental significance to the United States. He turned in
favor of the war ending and Spanish control of the island. When Ellerbe refused to use troops from
the National Guard, the blacks felt left out from the war. Moreover, the canal became another means
of profit to the US as they charged other nations fares in order to use it; deeming it a great
investment. The Cuban civilians, including women and children, were in near death conditions. In
1898, Spain was trying to hold onto its remaining colonial interests around the world, including
Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico (Trask, 320). He initially was in diplomatic favour of
the Cubans but changed his attitude once the latter started destroying American property. This after
the start of what is termed as Yellow Journalism brought on by Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst,
both very powerful newspaper publishing magnates. Aided by the sensational headlines in New York
newspapers by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer (thus, the famous phrase, “Remember
the Maine!”), America had her excuse to begin hostilities, and she declared war on Spain on April
21, 1898 (Beede, 120). As a result of these acquisitions in places so far from the continental United
States, our advancement as a formidable world power was first inevitable and second, as a result of
the Spanish-American War of 1898 undeniably a fact. On one hand, he was suspicious of Spain’s
intentions, and on the other hand, he was under pressure to end the Cuban war so that the Democrats
could not make it an issue to win votes.
Moreover, the united states gained protectorate over Cuba and gave it overseas possession
dominance. Total Pages 2 pages Answer Key Not Included Teaching Duration 40 minutes Report this
resource to TPT Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Subsequent foreign policy adaptation and adoption could be seen after the
last of the battles of the Spanish-American War, though by this time it was considered the Philippine
Uprising in 1899. Foreign policy was continuously changed from that point in the fact that with
Guam and the Philippines now out of the hands of the Spanish and the treaty that ended the war in
1898, there were still contentions to be held between the dominant world powers and the United
States in its emergence as a world power. The long-held U.S. interest in ridding the Western
Hemisphere of European colonial powers and American public outrage over brutal Spanish tactics
created much sympathy for the Cuban revolutionaries. McKinley then made public the deplorable
conditions of Cuba, hoping that it would justify America’s military intervention in Cuban matter.
This war would cause major changes in the realm of American foreign policy in its wake. America
gained almost all of Spain’s colonial entities, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
(which led to the Philippine-American War a few months later) (Dolan, 102). The U.S. had
jurisdiction over Cuba, and allowed Cuba to form its own government, supported by the U.S.
Government (the U.S. Executed a perpetual lease for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which still plays a
large role in world events today). When any kind of compromise seemed futile and Spain refused to
give up control over Cuba, the war became inevitable. Traduzione e scrittura nel Medioevo europeo
'TranScript. He allowed the Cubans to prepare a new constitution for their country, but he attached
conditions. All articles are regularly reviewed and updated by the team. Articles with
the “ Editors” byline have been written or edited by the editors,
including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan, Matt Mullen and Christian Zapata. Weyler tried to crush
the rebellion by herding the entire rural population of central and western Cuba into barbed-wire
concentration camps. However, before things to could change for the better, America’s battleship
USS Maine, which was sent to Havana in an effort to protect US citizens in Cuba, blew up due to a
detonation of mines under it. Although the Cubans rejected the Platt Amend ment at first, they
quickly realized that unless they accepted it, the United States would maintain its military
government of the island. The United States profited from businesses invested in sugar and mining
operations within Cuba, which seemed to be the more probable reason for its intervention.
Additionally, it gave the US the right to intervene whenever it felt necessary and, most importantly,
gave US the rights to a naval base at Guantanamo Bay. The war took place in the Spanish imperial
possessions of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and Cuba. The United States faced a diffi cult
choice—remain true to its republican ideals or become an imperial power. The white volunteers of
South Carolina, to get themselves enrolled, found ingenious ways to pass the medical examination
and disobey the age limitation, which was ranged from eighteen to forty-five. The United States
Navy was ready for war with Spain. The emergence of the United States as a formidable world
power resulted from the Spanish-American War in that even with our few resources and our lack of
organization and determination by the government in this endeavor, we managed to fight and win
more than one battle with the Spanish. General Weyler, sent to Cuba by Spain, was establishing
concentration camps for the captured rebels, which soon came to be known in America. In addition
to exploring the effects of the Great Depression on american society, we will explore the affects of
this event on global trade, politics, the development of Nazism in Germany, and its effects on the
Soviet Union. But, the consequences of that war were broad spectrum and felt worldwide. The
Philippine-American War began in February of 1899 and lasted until 1902. Carnegie argued that the
cost of an empire far outweighed the economic benefits it provided. Shortly, Philippines declared war
against the United States on July 04, 1902 which was known as the Philippine war of Independence
with former Katipunan fighters extending their fight against the Americans from their former
colonizers, the Spaniards (Lee, 2012). They considered the Spanish as tyrannical rulers and hence
supported the Cuban’s rebellion against the Spanish.
The Spanish-American war was a glorious event in American history because of its tremendous
success. They supported the ruling government and were mostly workers, and the educated middle
class. The resulting freedom from tyranny and oppression for the areas of the Philippines, Cuba,
Puerto Rico and other small islands surrounding that area caused upheaval in the ranks of those
countries considered world powers, and gave the United States a place in that group that has only
managed to gain strength over the years since the Spanish-American War of 1898. When Ellerbe
refused to use troops from the National Guard, the blacks felt left out from the war. Spain owned the
Philippines at the time and the American government wanted to take down the Spanish from all sides
and the Filipino government was all too eager to help them. President McKinley finally had no
choices in the matter as a result of the sinking of the USS Maine. Around this time, the Cubans were
seeking independence from Spain due to the atrocities of Spanish rule. In February 15 1898 the ship
blow up in harbor of havana and men killed more than 260. They agreed that the city of Manila, was
to only be surrendered to the American forces under the false pretenses of a mock battle and that no
Filipinos would be allowed to enter the city. Spai. Throughout America, people began using the
slogan “Remember the Maine!” as a rallying cry for war. When the plebiscite concluded, it did not
favor statehood, but there was concern of an invalid count of the votes Colon 1. Cuba was involved
in conflicts and was ruled by the Spanish for decades, which was closely observed by the US. Their
“help” led to the development of the Hay-Buneau Treaty, in which the US guaranteed independence
of Panama in return for a permanent lease on a strip for the canal. This gesture was supported by
McKinley as he believed it to be the first step towards Cuban independence. An investigation took
place by both sides and the U.S. Concluded the explosion came from underneath the ship. But
studying the case of U.S. aid for Spanish Republican refugees also brings into focus some of the
tensions and contradictions associated with the concept of humanitarianism, including the role
played by documentary images. The Tragedy of Spanish Republicans and French Policy after the
Civil War (1936-1945) Jean-Francois Berdah Among the many human tragedies Europe endured
during the 20th century, the Spanish Civil War ranks high among the events that most strongly
affected our collective future. Barely three months after the acquisition of the Philippines, the
conflict between the United States and the Philippines began on February 04, 1899 which quickly
escalated into a full war with the Battle of Manila in 1899 (Philippine History. He strongly criticized
the military aggression in Cuba and instead favored economic control over the island. Did you
know? The term yellow journalism was coined in the 19th century to describe journalism that relies
on eye-catching headlines, exaggeration and sensationalism to increase sales. A pro-German judge
sentenced him to a year in the county jail. Articles and photographs dispatched by Hearst and
Pulitzer were non-existent, yet they caught the attention of ingenuous Americans. Download Free
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unavailable. We tend not to realize that President McKinley started the process with the policies that
provided the framework for our first becoming a world power and then acting upon that stature.
Mobilization process was prolonged because white volunteers were not prepared as they were
rejected during medical examinations, and also they were having shortages of sleeping materials like
cots and blankets aw well as eating utensils. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. A short time after midnight, on May 1, 1898,
Commodore George Dewey led his squadron into Manila Bay in the Philippines. These different
intentions caused separations between colonies regionally. America gained almost all of Spain’s
colonial entities, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (which led to the Philippine-
American War a few months later) (Dolan, 102). The U.S. had jurisdiction over Cuba, and allowed
Cuba to form its own government, supported by the U.S. Government (the U.S. Executed a
perpetual lease for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which still plays a large role in world events today).
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