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('entral Leaders
1, Ensure that SPC Mceting with full
prescnce takes placc without
sDeeific to SRMU SPC(and every Saturday at 9:30 am spccific to fail on every Friday at 9:30 am
2. Ensure MoM & ATR is preparcd and thc SRMCEM SPC)
ATR is trackcd and monitorcd
3. Address major Placcmcnt issues like major abscncoc from
4. Ensure that Placcment Policics arc placement drive
followcd. In Final ycar off semesters we mandate cvery
studcnt to participate in the placc1nent drives. In Final ycar even
students are cncouragcd to participatc in the drives. The SPC leadcrs scmcsters majorly unplaccd
must cnsurc that all
unplaced students attend the drive mandatorily.
5. Any major training issuc be addresscd like mass bunk in
SDP classcs or low prescnce as SDP
classes arc setup to directly increasc placement percentage.
6 Undertake the activities as assigned to them by Director(Placcment) in timely manner

Placcment Sub-committee

1 All placement related issues to be raised. trackcd and monitorcd till the issues are closed to the
satisfaction of students
2. The placement policies to be followed meticulously. The students must be encouraged to attend
the placement drives in large numbers
3. Kecp a track on placement percentage for cach department
4. Undertake the activities as assigned to them by Director(Placement) in timely manner.
5. Provide placement lcads, if any, to the placement department
6. Ensure that Placement Drive attendance is taken and shared with departments.
7. Welcoming the Recruiters during their arrival at the campus
8. Ensure that proper conduction of drives take placc
Alumni Sub-committee

Ensure that the 100% calling is complete

2. Alumni calling is perpetual proccss and that Alumni calling takes place as per the targets setup
for calling
3 Alumni calling and data update must be ensurcd
4. Ensure data update monitoring, tracking and filling the gaps in Alumni data
5. Kcep in touch with important Alumni and encourage Alumni Conversions like placcment drives
in their companics, sponsorship through thcir company of any events or in any other way like
assistancc to our College/University, Alumni Vaarta, engagemcnt of Alumni in student grooming
scssion in their company's placcment drive
Training Sub-committec

1. Raise, track and monitor any training issue of students, tillthe issue is closed to the satisfaction of
2. Encourage the students to attend the SDP classes in full 100% attendancc
3. Counselling students to attend the SDP classes as it is going to hclp them in securing good
4. Address any mass bunk issue and analyze the root cause of such issues and report to T&P
Department Sub-Committee

1. Raise, track and monitor any Department spccific issuc of studcnts, till the issue is closcd to the
satisfaction of students
2. Ensure full 100% attendance of the Department unplaccd students in
placcment drives
3. Keep a track on Department unplaced students and try to
progressively reduce the unplaccd
student percentage
4. Counselling students to attend the placement drives in large
5. Analyze the root cause of unplaccd students not
numbers especially unplaced students
attending the placemcnt drives and present to the
T&P Dcpartment.

Dirctor (T&P)

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