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k 16 lim gsBitrary constant Example 2 : Investigate for what values of 2,11 the simultaneous equations xty+c26, xt2y+32=10, x+2y+dc=p have (i) no solution, (ii) a unique solution (iii) an infinite number of solutions. Solution : The matrix form of the given system of equations is J.R. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS 189/35 BEHIND RAILWAY STATION, VAISH COLLEGE ROAD, ROHTAK PIN-124001 (HARYANA) E-mail us on - jrinstituterohtak@, balwanmudgilS4@ Mob, 607383607, 9802177766 Page 5 x) [6 = 10|"B z] La The augmented matrix is [A: B] = Operating R,—>R,—R,, Ry-R,-R, | 6 ~|oO1 4 oOo. u-6 Operating R,—» R,-R, frag 6 ~|01 2 a4 [o 0 2-3): (@) The system will have no solution if pA: B] # AA) which is possible only if A=3 and ju #10. (ii) The system will have a unique soltition if, p[A: B] = p(A) = number of unknowns =3, which is possible only if 4 # 3 and ge is arbitrary. (iii) The system will have an infinite number of solutions if p[A : B] = p(A) RR, RRR, 4 yaa [aca}- jon 2 036 Operating R,—+ R,—3R; friace -jo12:8 [ooo:o which isthe row echelon form ofthe matrix [4:8]. We have rank of [4:d] = the umber af oo-zeo rows in echelon form = 2. ‘Alo by the same cl mentary transformations, we et it ef a-|o12 000 rankot A=2. Since rank A= rask{A:B]=2- mumber of unknowns therefore’ We given equations me consist and will have an infinite mumber of sohtions ‘We see that the given system of equations ea) AB) =2, yo8-2k, c= i the general solution ofthe given system, where aw a tas eatin ba Exercise 1 1. ( Solve t xt pyres + Bes3y-r-Dwe? , dre Sy43e=7 ‘whether the following system equations is consistent or mot dey s Uroytre6 de-ys2ee7 , rey. 2. Check the consistency ofthe following system of equations and find the solstion if itis consistent: (@ dee3y4220-7 , Pee y—dz (i xe2ys3c44e=0, 2e+3y eared, Sxsdysr, 43. Check the consistency of the following system of equations and solve if it is consistent: 9 .xe2yes drec43e3 wx Des Tyslteeds, dx yo6r=16 , Sx-Sys3e=0 iy 2x-y432=3 , 2429 Tw=5 4. For what values of «and b do the system of equations AtyeSeeQ, x42y+3aab, xe3ysacet he @ m0 solution (8) unique sohtion (a) mingely many solutions, ‘5. Investigate the values of 2 and j1 so that the equations Was3y+Sea9, Tes3y-2ee8, Qesdyedzey ne (20 solution (i) unique solution (i) an infinite umber, jy 3 = Swed, 43yH 6, For what value of 2, the equations x+y+2=1, 442) 44204, x64y-4)02= solution and solve them completely in each case 17. Show that the equations -2r+y+z=a, x-2y+r=b, x+y-2rwe unless a+b+e=0 in which case they have infinitely many arhb=he=-2. fi -2-1 8, For what value of 2, docs the system | 3. — ot () m solation (i) enique soltion ) Solve the system of equations: Ax ¥2y— specially the case when = 2. 10, Determine whether each systems is linear (a) Bendy 2yce® () exs3yen (0) 2x-3yskend Axe dy-2=2, 6x46y+A2 = Sconsidering 11, Consider each of sytem i unknowns «and (@) x-ayat () ant 3y=2 (© xtaye3 ar W2esayad desSyab For, of a does cach system have a unique soltion, and fr which paits of values, b) system have more than oae sokstion ? (a) xt yeteed (©) x42y43203 2x4 3y 462-10 Des3y48ead 3rs6y+10c=17 Se48ys19c011 13. Consider cach of the following systems in unknowns xy, @) x-2y=t (by r42ye2cet (© xtysare! x atay+3e) tare? - Mathematics in Python Hans-Petter Halvorsen Mathematics in Python Python is a powerful tool for mathematical calculations Python Standard Library — math Module — statistics Module NumPy Library Contents * Python Standard Library and Basic Math Functions * NumPy Library * Statistics * Trigonometric Functions * Polynomials * Complex Numbers Calculations in Python We can use variables in a calculation like this: y(x) = 2x +4 >a=2 >b=4 y(3) =? >x=3 >y = atx +b y(x) =ax+b > print(y) (5)=? |>x=5 * > y= atx +b) > print(y) Python Standard Library * Python allows you to split your program into modules that can be reused in other Python programs. It comes with a large collection of standard modules that you can use as the basis of your programs. * The Python Standard Library consists of different modules for handling file 1/O, basic mathematics, etc. * You don't need to install the modules in the Python Standard Library separately, but you need to important them when you want to use some of these modules or some of the functions within these modules. Basic Math Functions Some basic math functions in Some basic Examples: import math as mt Python Standard Library: + math.exp(x) + math. log(x) + math.10g10(x) + math.pow(x,y) + math. sqrt(x) 7 -pythi library/math.htm! Mathematical Expressions Let's create the following mathematical expression in Python: SQey) = 3x2 + fae Hy? + ete f(2,2) =? ‘The answer becomes f(2,2) = 16.83 Mathematical Expressions Let's create a function that calculates the following mathematical expression: f(xy) = 3x? + fxF $y? + eh Python Code: import math as mt def func_ex(x,y)+ a goes Pom a2) + mt.sqrt(mt.pow(x,2) + mt.pow(y,2)) + mt.exp(mt.1og(x)) Python Code: Amport math as mt ef fune_ox(x,y) + rmt.pow(x,2) + mt.aqrt (mt pow(x,2) + mt.pow(y/2)) + mt.exp(at.log (x)) return £ xe2 y=2 f= fune_ex(x,y) print (#) NumPy * The Python Standard Library consists basic Math functions, for fore advanced Math functions, you typically want to use the NumPy Library * If you don’t have Python yet and want the simplest way to get started, you can use the Anaconda Distribution - it includes Python, NumPy, and other commonly used packages for scientific computing and data science. * Oruse “pip install numpy” https://numpy.orj NumPy In this example we use both the math module in the Python Standard Library and the NumPy library: Basic NumPy Example: import numpy as np x=3 {import math as mt import numpy as np y = np.sin(x) print(y) y = mt. sin(x) print(y) ‘As you see, NumPy also have also similar functions | y = ! n(x) (ee. sim), cost), etc.) as those whois part of the | primecy) ‘math library, but they are more powerful Mathematical Expressions {Let's create the following mathematical expression in Python using NumPy: P(xy) = 3x? + LaF y? + cme F(22) =? Python Code: Previously we used math in the Python Standard Library ‘import nuapy a= mp et fune_ex(x.y)¢ £5 JeMp-Power (x2) ¢ mp.sart(np.power(x,2) + np.poverty.2)) + npvexpinp-og(x)) ial f= tune exix.y) peine(e) —— ie aremer become ye Tee | Mathematical Expressions FL.) = 3x? + xt + y% + etme) | MPOFE nemPy 08 np def func_ex(x,y): f£ = 3+np.power(x,2) + np.sqrt(np.power(x,2) + -power(y,2)) + np-exp(ap.1og (x Let's find the values of f(x, y) for ey as iene oe Ox =? p(2) =? ———— 30-32/41 88 import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly Poly : Given the following pl = [1, 1, -1) p2 = [2, 0, 0, 1] polynomials: pi(x) = 14x—x? = e P = poly.polymul(pl, p2) pax) = 2423 Let's find the polynomial p(x) = Px(X) + p2(x) using Python And let's find the roots of the polynomial p(x) =0 Polynomial Fitting |

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