S Bansal WHO Day 3

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Disappointment: The Characterization of WHO

- Suyash Bansal

The requirement of painstaking decision-making to construct preparedness protocols for

black swan events, ranging from epidemics to pandemics, is monumental. Hence, the preparation

of the draft resolution seemed even more crucial today. Some delegates were on their toes to

provide solutions, be they moderately progressive or excessively selective, leading to a

resolution afflicted with the same conventional ineffectiveness.

‘Our true fear is our power, not inadequacy. It is our light, not our darkness that most

frightens us.’ The delegates managed to undermine both the power of WHO and the severity of

the agenda. There were negligible concerns raised about the inadequacy of elementary healthcare

facilities or the injudicious allocation of health resources. “We have been trying to discuss the

loopholes in IHR (International Humanitarian Regulations) and focus on solutions” stated the

Swiss vendor. However, their ‘tries’ had no tangibility.

The momentum that was gained yesterday quickly withered as the majority failed to

assess the need to formulate solutions. Alas, 4 billion people globally still suffer due to the (lack

of) competence of the ‘concerned’, rich with god complexes and fragile egos.

While interrogating one another about outbreaks and questioning their accountability for

the previous pandemics, improvements in compliance laws and the introduction of standardized

frameworks dealing with individual and international debt should have been the focus of the

committee. Funnily, everything besides solutions was discussed, and ambiguous remedies

concocted by juveniles ran rampant, like the creation of a pandemic detector, instant vaccines,

and other impossibilities.

The meager seriousness still visible, which should be credited to France, Egypt, and

Spain, was in vain, as they were easily influenced by the moderately charismatic. In conclusion,

the only thing the WHO can hope to recognize is perhaps its purpose, a task that even the USA

and China couldn't fulfill in the face of the crisis.

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