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My goal is to be a doctor. When I was little, my

parents often bought me doctor toys. Since then, I
started wanting to become a doctor. I like to see on
social media how a doctor treats a patient. And I
thought that if I became a doctor, then I would help
people who were sick and needed help. Doctors also
treat patients and make them well. And when my
father heard that I wanted to become a doctor, he
supported my goal to become a doctor. He also told
me that he would be very proud if I became a doctor,
and that he would provide everything I needed if I
wanted to become a doctor. When I came to the
hospital, I was checked by a doctor. I came to the
doctor's room, and doctor's room had a lot of
equipment that was interesting to me. To achieve my
goal, I have to study harder. My grades must be
high. Therefore, I chose Brighton to gain the
knowledge to reach my goal of becoming a doctor.

By : Keisha Tamma

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