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Writing a thesis is a daunting task that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and effective

communication skills. One of the challenging aspects of crafting a thesis is choosing a topic that is
both relevant and interesting. When it comes to researching and writing about complex subjects like
cigarette taxes, the process can be particularly arduous.

Cigarette taxes are a contentious issue with far-reaching implications for public health, economics,
and government policy. Analyzing the impact of cigarette taxes involves delving into various
disciplines such as economics, public health, sociology, and political science. Gathering and
synthesizing data from diverse sources, understanding complex statistical models, and interpreting
findings require a high level of proficiency and expertise.

Moreover, crafting a coherent argument and presenting compelling evidence to support a thesis on
cigarette taxes demands careful attention to detail and rigorous analytical thinking. Researchers must
navigate through a multitude of conflicting viewpoints, empirical studies, and policy debates to
formulate a well-informed and persuasive argument.

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It has also been shown that mothers are more likely to have hyperactive children if they smoke
during the pregnancy. Every policy has negative implications on the community members. Instead,
TCS 2017 is more purposively designed to replicate VITA 2012 in such a way that the results from
the two surveys could be compared. Gum disease and tooth loss are also common among smokers.
What this paper adds Global evidence suggests that raising taxes on tobacco is the most effective and
cost-effective way of reducing tobacco consumption, even after taking the threat of illicit cigarette
trade into account. Although sin taxes only amount to a small percentage in the. Approximately
438,000 lives are taken by smoking each year. Less than 16% of the 633 teen smokers in a study
were able to stop smoking. To reduce second hand smoking, local governments have banned smoking
from many public areas. Smoking is also associated with osteoporosis (thining of the bones due to
loss of bone minerals) in women, and with spinal disk disease in both sexes. Smoking is considered
as one of the most preventable causes of premature death worldwide. Other sources report finding
insect eggs, dead flies, mold, and human feces in counterfeit cigarettes. Between 2010 and 2019, ten
states and two large counties adopted ENDS taxes. Due to resource constraint, we select three
provinces in each of three spatial and socioeconomic regions (North, Central and South) while VITA
2012 selected four provinces in each region. With the passage of each annual budget (Finance Act),
we could expect the tax on cigarettes to increase. This decline almost equals the observed change in
the illicit consumption rate (six percentage points). The table also shows that the majority of the new
revenue would come during the first five years of the program (2014-2018). They are used to
examine the patterns and identify the likely determinants of the illicit consumption. In addition,
smoking may also be responsible to the malignancies of the body. The same perception can be
applied to buying the illicit cigarettes, as all the illicit cigarettes recorded in our survey are foreign
brands. One of the proposals is to increase the tax on the cigarettes. Furthermore, attempts to
educate the public on the hazards of smoking seem to fail and render gradual effects in the
prevention of smoking among people. Objectives The present paper attempts to generate new
estimates of the illicit consumption and compare them to a prior study to ascertain the changes in the
levels of the illicit trade after a tobacco excise tax increase. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of
preventable death and it’s responsible for 500,000 deaths per year. Tobacco excise taxes also fail the
test of providing for sustainable revenues, as their revenue declines year over, making budgeting
more difficult than it already is. Moreover, smoking is believed to kill hundreds of lives each year
due to its direct effects. Growing cigarette tax differentials have made cigarette smuggling both a
national problem and a lucrative criminal enterprise. The legalization of marijuana from the non-
smokers perspective. In this way, the number of people using cigarettes and suffering from health
problems brought by cigarettes would decrease (Scott, 2002). Unfortunately, most of the currently
available local estimates are either directly funded by, or related to, the tobacco industry.
If excessive cholesterol is absorbed, the artery could get clogged. When the carbon monoxide enters
the blood, it sticks to the haemoglobin, competing with the oxygen. The body consciously or
unconsciously does what it can to maintain a certain blood saturation level due to the reduced
nicotine the person can only take. The smuggled SE555 is over 70% more expensive than the local
SE555. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. If you stay on our website, it means
that you agree to our. Over twenty of the U.S. federal states and a few cities are trying to raise the
excise tax of th. It has also been shown that mothers are more likely to have hyperactive children if
they smoke during the pregnancy. Upon imposing the increase in tax for cigarettes, people will be
discouraged to purchase cigarettes due to high price because the tobacco companies will eventually
pass the burdens to the consumers (Kazalia, 2008). As suggested by economic models, the higher
relative price of the illicit cigarettes might cause a number of smokers to reduce their consumption,
switch to cheaper, licit cigarettes, or even to quit smoking (in the best case) due to budget
constraints. In the final stage, at each selected village we performed screening activities and
constructed a sampling frame of households in which a smoker could be identified. Pregnant women
are also at great risk due to smoking. The infant may have birth defects due to maternal smoking
(“Harmful Effects of Smoking,” 2007). This is due to it contributing to a number of diseases such as
coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease and many
types of cancer. The consumption is aggregated by summing individual consumption, which is
annualised by multiplying quantity consumed daily by 365 days. A stricter law must be implemented
to prevent the public in breaking the law. Orignial topic - adopting a positive or negative viewpoint.
If this blood clot moves to the brain, you could get a stroke. There will be significant decrease on
the taxes collected by the state in sin taxes (Mitchell, 2008). Smoking is considered as one of the
most preventable causes of premature death worldwide. In the 77 years since our founding in 1937,
the Tax A tax is a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments
from individuals or businesses to cover the costs of general government services, goods, and
activities. Moreover, the price increase will not be shouldered by the whole population but by only
those who chose to smoke (Scott, 2002). The imposition of the policy will render both positive and
negative implication on the federal state. These effects may emerge after five years of smoking and
are largely irreversible, except through costly and traumatic facial surgery. In addition to the
consumption, we collect data on brand choices, cigarette prices, the types of stores that the smokers
bought their cigarettes, as well as their socioeconomic characteristics. Recent important facts
pertaining to smoking are made known to the public to further discourage people who smoke.
Individuals who are directly exposed to second-hand smoke are more at risk than the people who
smoke in terms of the health problems that can be acquired in relation to smoking (Johnson, 2007).
These substitution effects are particularly large for frequent cigarette smoking. The excise tax was
increased to 70% of ex-factory prices starting in January 2016, and to 75% in January 2019. Less
than 16% of the 633 teen smokers in a study were able to stop smoking.
There are two varieties of SE555, one manufactured locally and the other sourced illegally from
abroad. As tar and nicotine make their way into your body, they destroy regular lung cells and when
the cells re-grow they become carcinogenic. Issues with modern intangible assets and the matrimonal
clauses act. Moreover, smoking is believed to kill hundreds of lives each year due to its direct
effects. I believe that this has to be considered as a huge cost of smoking because the smoker is not
only killing herself slowly, but has also given her child a disadvantage before they could do anything
to help themselves. Women who use both cigarettes and oral contraceptives increase their risk of
developing CHD tenfold. Furthermore, the illicit trade is heavily concentrated in two specific brands,
namely Jet and Hero, and in the South, where these two most popular illicit brands are smuggled into
the country from Cambodia. Such price increase would be anywhere upto 10%- 20% based on
category. (Refer Illustration). Geneva, 2017. ? Tobacconomics. Vietnam country Factsheet: tobacco
Tax structures. It increases the person’s risk to a variety of cancers such as lung, bladder, and
cervical cancer. The illicit cigarettes account for only about 13.72% of the country’s total cigarette
consumption in 2017, which is six percentage points lower than in 2012, the year when the increase
of tobacco tax had not been implemented. These irregular cells multiply very quickly, destroying
other normal cells. It renders various health problems to people and its threat is growing, affecting
even the non-smokers through the exposure to the second-hand smoke. Quitting reduces, but does
not eliminate, this risk. The questionnaire is adapted from VITA 2012 with only a few modifications
to take into account policy changes during the last few years, especially the National Law on
Tobacco Control in 2012 with the requirement that a pictorial health warning label be printed on all
cigarette packs. When we talk about harmful cigarette smoking in the air, we are really talking about
two kinds of smoke. Consequently, the government will eventually spend more money in healthcare
services. The country is ranked among those with the highest smoking prevalence worldwide. About
15.6 million adults smoke tobacco, and among them, 12.6 million adults smoke cigarettes,
accounting for approximately 22.5% and 18.2% of the adult population in Vietnam in 2015,
respectively. 1 Furthermore, about 40 000 people are dying in Vietnam each year due to tobacco-
related illnesses, and without proper measures, this is estimated to reach 70 000 deaths per year by
2030. 2. Over twenty of the U.S. federal states and a few cities are trying to raise the excise tax of
th. Smoke from an idling cigarette contains almost twice as much tar and nicotine and up to four
times as much carbon monoxide as smoke inhaled while puffing a cigarette. When the carbon
monoxide enters the blood, it sticks to the haemoglobin, competing with the oxygen. This legislative
branch agency works exclusively for Members of Congress, their committees and their staff. Under
this scheme, however, the excise tax can be manipulated by undervaluing the ex-factory prices,
which is exactly what is happening in Vietnam. 5 Consequently, the current total tobacco tax
accounts for only about 36% of the retail price of the most popular cigarette brand in Vietnam. 4. For
example, in Texas, sin taxes are applied to pollution due to the prevalence of smokers in the states.
Given the highly prevalent nature of the grocery stores, these findings imply that the illicit cigarettes
remain locally accessible to the smokers, particularly in the North where most of the illicit
consumption is found. However, the positive claim states that, it is the poor people who will most
likely benefit from the additional revenues that will get from the tobacco excise tax. The body
consciously or unconsciously does what it can to maintain a certain blood saturation level due to the
reduced nicotine the person can only take. The prevention of further detrimental effects mainly lies
on the interest of the public health to castigate people in smoking and inhaling noxious second-hand
smoke (Kazalia, 2008). The main purpose of the government in raising the taxes for the cigarettes is
to also increase the revenue of the government obtained from taxes. The option primarily aims to
reduce significantly the number of smokers and reduce the health risks of the population in relation
to smoking.

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