NASKAH Adegan Finger Puppet

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Adegan 1 ( Red dan Serigala)

Wolf: Hello, little girl, where are you going?

Red: I'm going to my grandma's house to deliver some cake, she's not
feeling well.
Wolf: Oh, I see. Why don't you bring some flowers too? Look over
there, there are plenty of flowers.
Red: What a great idea, I'll pick some.

Adegan 2 ( Serigala dan Nenek)

Wolf: Hello, grandma, may I come inside?
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf: It's me, Little Red.
Grandma: Come in.
Wolf: (mengaum dan menerkam) I'll sleep in the bed and pretend to
be grandma.

Adegan 3 ( Red dan Serigala)

Red: Hello, grandma, I've brought cake and flowers.
Wolf: Come in, my dear.
Red: Why is your body so big, and your face is covered in fur?
Wolf: Ha... ha... ha... I'm going to eat you.

Adegan 4 ( pemburu, serigala, Red dan Nenek)

Hunter: What's going on here? There's a wolf with a big belly
sleeping. He must have eaten the people who live in this house. I'll
cut open his belly.
Grandma: Oh, thank you, Mr. Hunter, you've saved me.
Red: Thank you, Mr. Hunter.
Hunter: It’s my pleasure.


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