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Unit 1: "Family and stages of life"

Name: Florencia Mamani Colque.

Teacher: Lucia Ronconi.

Subject: English.

Grade: 3°.

Activity 1:
-Match these words to the photos.

A. Child.
B. Senior Citizen.
C. Teenager.
D. Middle Aged.
E. Baby.
F. Young Adult.

Activity 2:
-Put the stages of life in order. Begin with birth.

Adolescence – Birth - Childhood - Death- Middle Age - Old Age.

1. Birth.
2. Childhood.
3. Adolescence.
4. Middle Age.
5. Old Age.
6. Death.

Activity 3:
-Write the meaning of the following words.

①. Aunt: Tia.
②. Brother-in-law: Cuñado.
③. Cousin: Prima.
④. Daughter: Hija.
⑤. Grandfather: Abuelo.
⑥. Grandson: Nieto.
⑦. Husband: Esposo.
⑧. Nephew: Sobrino.
⑨. Niece: Sobrina.
⑩. Stepfather: Padrastro.
⑪. Uncle: Tio.
⑫. Wife: Esposa.


①. Born: Nacer.
②. Divorced: Divorciado.
③. One- parent: Un pariente( Una madre ; Un padre).
④. Only child: Hijo unico.
⑤. Partner: Pareja.
⑥. Single: Soltero.

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