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# 1 1 - 2018 AP* PHYSICS 1 FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS QQT 3. (12 points, suggested time 25 minutes) ‘The disk shown above spins about the axle atits center, A’student’s experiments reveal that, while the disk is spinning, friction between the axle and the disk exerts « constant torque on the disk. {@) Attime ¢ — 0 the disk has an initial counterclockwise (positive) angular velocity a. ‘The disk later comes to restat time 1 = i, On the grid at left below, sketch a graph that could represent the disk's angular velocity as a function of time ¢ from ¢ = 0 until the disk comes to rest at time ii, On the grid at right below, sketch the disk's angular acceleration as a function of time ¢ from t = 0 until the disk comes to rest at time ¢ =h. aay 2 ot = 3 ass “i 3 OF 1 3 o. it 3 2 | ‘ cays i 0 ri 0 " (b) The magnitude of the frictional torque exerted on the disk is f). Derive an equation for the rotational inertia of the disk in terms of , 0. 4, and physical constants, as appropriate, Ze _ rFsind _ rFsiné e ws tee Bh © 2018 The Collage Beard, Visit the College Board on the Web: wwrw.collegeboard org GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ie : 2018 AP* PHYSICS 1 FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (©) In another experiment, the disk again has an initial positive angular velocity a}, at time 1 =0. At time th » the student starts dripping oil on the contact surface between the axle and the disk to reduce the friction. As time passes, more and more oil reaches that contact surface, reducing the friction even further. i, On the grid at left below, sketch a graph that could represent the disk’s angular velocity as a function of time from ¢ = 0 to ¢ = fy, which is the time at which the disk came to rest in part (a). 's angular acceleration as a function of time On the grid at right below, sketch the Angular Velocity Angular Acceleration i 4 i 1 (@) The student is trying to mathematically model the magnitude of the torque exerted by the axle on the disk A when the oil is present at times ¢ > de The student writes down the following two equations, each of Which includes a positive constant (C, or C,) with appropriate units, 1 a reG(r- 1) or #> Sn) 20 @ (fort > Ww oa (+39) Which equation better mathematically models this experiment? YX kquation (1) _Equation (2) Briefly explain why the equation you selected is plausible and why the other equation is not plausible. © 2016 The Callege Board. ‘Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegebeard org GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 9. #9 2017 AP* PHYSICS 1 FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Block | a | Tule? | Team | eam 2 4, (7 points, suggested time 13 minutes) A physics class is asked to design a low-friction slide that will launch a block horizontally from the top of a lab table, Teams 1 and 2 assemble the slides shown above and use identical blocks I and 2, respectively. Both slides start at the same height d above the tabletop. However, team 2°s table is lower than team 1's table, To compensate for the lower table, team 2 constructs the right end of the slide to rise above the tabletop so that the block leaves the slide horizontally at the same height h above the floor as does team I's block (see figure above). (@) Both blocks are released from rest at the top of their respective slides, Do block I and block 2 land the sume distance from their respective tables?” —Yes _V_No Justify your answer. As the Hock stdes . Uy becomes corverted mato KE Team \ ‘3 KE is larger thon Team's KE, so tte, seloetty of projectile rmstion wall be lial ger 1 1 a! larger fe Teoma sttel ' The bloc s(t spard BQ4al time én air since the height «€ projectile wolion 1s equs Thus. block (will mue farther than Wieck 2 (© 2017 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Wet: www GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. & 2017 AP* PHYSICS 1 FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS In another experiment, teams | and 2 use tables and low-f slides have different shapes, as shown below. ction slides with the same height, However, the two Block | Block 2 Table 1 fuble team 1 Team 2 (b) Both blocks are released from rest at the top of their respective slides at the same time, i, Which block, if cither, lands farther from its respective table? —Block1 __Block2_\/_The two blocks land the same distance from thei tive tables. a. , / . hear palh blocks ate released ow rest Briefly expan your resoning witout masiulating equations, eh Oe oe ais be be cave Gl the bottom A orp ond Souk of projectile Mrotton The two blocks hit the floor at the same time, Briefly explain your reasoning without manipulating equations, The vertical compmert of Fy i higher fr Teom 4 Since Team | has a larger velocity, Block | vall hit the Move first ii, Which block, if either, hits the floor first? Block! = _Bllock 2 © 2017 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegaboard.or, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2

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