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Writing a thesis, especially on a complex topic like bipolar disorder, can be a daunting task.

requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate ideas coherently. For many
students, balancing the demands of academic life with personal responsibilities can make the process
even more challenging.

Bipolar disorder is a multifaceted mental health condition that requires a thorough understanding of
its various aspects, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and societal implications.
Crafting a well-researched and insightful thesis on this topic demands not only expertise in the
subject matter but also dedication and perseverance.

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Columbia Business School’s students Anything we’ve said about Columbia’s essays in the past will.
A total of 246 patients with BD (196 with BD type I, and 50 with BD type II) were interviewed
using the BISS. Bipolar disorder studies show that the majority of bipolar disorders start in a
person's late teens or early adult years (US Department of Health 2-3) (Kahn 67). From a depressing
state of loneliness and dejection, one can, for no specific evident reason at all, be suddenly happy
and might be experiencing a state of hyperactivity. Lithium has been scientifically proven for
decades to relieve symptoms of mania and depression, and has helped countless patients living with
bipolar disorder to lessen episode relapses. These drugs are useful as antimanic agents, especially in
those patients with mixed states. Medication is the most common treatment for bipolar disorder, and
so it would be reasonable to suggest that a person who has been diagnosed with the affliction would
begin their day by taking a prescribed amount of pharmaceuticals. It is a mental illness caused by a
chemical imbalance in the brain and can be managed with regular, ongoing, counseling and
medication. Women are however slightly more vulnerable to the disorder. These feelings, combined
with the isolation that often comes with such states, raise the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
There are still possibilities for the mood swings to recur again. The new mood can last anywhere from
a few days to a few weeks, or even months see the bipolar cycling section below. Waring (1927)
notes that a majority of people with mood disorder tend to suffer only from depression, also known
as unipolar depression. Many of the questions pertained to how you would react in certain social
situations. Newberg described the seriousness of this disorder as this: “ It can lead to significant
suffering for patients and their families, limit functioning workplace productivity, and with at risk of
increased morbidity and mortality”. (Newberg, 2008) What is bipolar disorder. I am very sorry I have
not been posting anything, Sophomore year has basically dominated every single second of my life
from the ground up. Cade began treating his manic patients with lithium at the Bundoora
Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Note: To protect the privacy and security of your
application, 2015 Columbia University 3022 Broadway. Hippocrates and the Hippocratic school
presented ancient definitions and classifications to understand various mental disorders such as
paranoia, as well as melancholia and mania. In his encylopedia where he discussed both mental and
physical health, he documented mania and melancholia, or a type of bipolar disorder, as a mental
illness and not one that was physical, like Hippocrates and others suggested. Exploratory factor
analysis was performed on the BISS results using the maximum likelihood factor extraction method,
followed by oblique rotation of the extracted factor loadings. The moods created by this disorder are
categorized into two types of mood episodes: mania and depression. Globally, lithium remains the
most used form of treatment for bipolar disorder, though the United States of America has attempted
to steer treatment towards mood stabilizers, which have proven to be less effective (FJ, Baltimore).
Anxiety was significantly correlated with depression and irritabi. It was first noticed as far back as
the second century. A research paper focused on bipolar disorder - UK Essays. When a person is
suffering from this mood disorder, several symptoms and signs will indicate its presence. Along with
gender, there are many variables that may affect the experiences of a person with bipolar disorder.
There is no exact statistics for childhood-onset Bipolar Disorder, as epidemiological studies are still
underway. Having a bipolar disorder can affect the individuals' relationship with others due to their
Using bipolar disorder as an example, we propose that, when diagnostic criteria are revised,
instruments used to measure clinical course and treatment response may need revisiting. Children
who have bipolar disorder go through sudden changes in mood but may not show the other
symptoms that are more normally observed in adults. Essay The phenomenon of bipolar affective
disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century History has shown that this affliction can appear
in almost. This is because an extreme case of Bipolar disorder can even last for close several days or
even weeks. I have however learnt that the disorders are common among people but are managed to
insignificant levels that allow the individuals to lead normal lives. The stigma of being mentally ill
has begun to fall away and people are finally starting to get the help that they need to recover.
Bipolar disorder can have a significant impact on an individual's daily life, as well as their
relationships, work, and overall well-being. It means that she is hearing and seeing things that are not
part of the reality. In 1870, Silas Weir Mitchell spoke on the use of lithium as a hypnotic and anti-
convulsant, and later said that lithium could also be used to treat “general nervousness” (Shorter, 2).
It is very important that Bipolar disorder be treated. For example, research has shown that stress and
trauma may trigger the onset of bipolar disorder, or may exacerbate existing symptoms. Additionally,
research has indicated that social support and a positive social network may help individuals with
bipolar disorder better manage their condition. Increased participation in reckless activities like
unprotected sex, binge eating, and gambling may also occur as a result of manic episodes. For over
15 years he has been helping individuals, athletes, teams, soldiers and businesses improve individual
and collective performance. This paper is focused on the origin of the bipolar disorder. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The selection
process for individual items is discussed in detail, and was based on multiple analyses, including
principal components analysis with varimax rotation. However, since patients respond differently to
mood stabilizers, different medication should be tried in order to come up with the best combination
for a particular patient Sachs, et al. It is important to seek treatment for bipolar disorder, which may
include a combination of medications and therapy, in order to manage the condition and improve
quality of life. Bipolar disorder was previously known as manic depression, many people believe
bipolar disorder is a controversial diagnosis, some labelling it madness rather than a medical
condition. According to the text, mood disorders, such as this, being a quite common mental
disturbance can occur to people of all ages and from all walks of life. The BDSS demonstrated good
psychometric properties in this preliminary investigation. Essay on Psychology Research Paper on
Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder (“manic depression”) is a mental disorder that is characterized by
constantly changing moods between depression and mania The mood. Bipolar disorder (“manic
depression”) is a mental disorder that is characterized by constantly changing moods between
depression and mania The mood. In order to give students a bit of help with this assignment, we
have broken this task down into a few steps that they can follow in to make sure they can turn in a
great research paper. Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the Psychological Disorder 2019-01-14.
Common examples of these would be SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, and cases of severe
depression. Depressive episode The National Institute of Mental Health website described depressive
order as follows: “ When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal
functioning, and cause pain for both the person with disorder and those who care about them”. The
diagnosis of bipolar disorder amongst children has increased four-fold in the United States. Cade
began treating his manic patients with lithium at the Bundoora Repatriation Hospital in Melbourne,
There are other people that are dealing with this disorder, you are not alone. Bipolar disorder
Introduction Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is associated with depression and unusual
excitement, elements that may occur separately or simultaneously. Others may find support in family
and friends, while the less fortunate may end up in shelters or on the street. There are other
alternative ways to help treat this sickness other than medication. Essay on Psychology Research
Paper on Bipolar Disorder. This led the authors to infer that Bipolar Disorder is a reproducible
polygenic disease. The paper dwells on how this kind of disorders can affect and or even destroy
relationships within a family, with friends and other loved ones. Additional complications of
functioning during mania include poor self-control and impaired judgment. This essay have explored
bipolar disorder, its characterization, categories, symptoms, and major indicators. Waring (1927)
notes that a majority of people with mood disorder tend to suffer only from depression, also known
as unipolar depression. On the far end of the spectrum, shifting from depression could be extreme
happiness and exhilaration that can occur in just a matter of an instant for many. It may be achieved
through “physical examination, an interview, or lab tests” (Nimh, 2012, p. 1). Physical examination
for example identifies a person’s abnormal energy and physical activity levels while interviews
identifies significant changes in attitudes and behavior. Hence, As a result, various effects arise from
this disorder. It has a name now I know what it is“ ( gold pg 26 ) Manic depression also know as
bipolar disorder, is classified as a type of disorder ( also called mood disorder ). For example, bipolar
type I features full-blown manic episodes while bipolar type II features a less intense form known as
hypomania. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Emil Kraepelin recorded and documented the
natural cycles mania and depression of patients he had identified as having bipolar disorder. A
research paper focused on bipolar disorder - UK Essays. The moods created by this disorder are
categorized into two types of mood episodes: mania and depression. One of the serious symptoms of
episodes of depression is the abrupt thinking that life is no longer worth living as this can make the
person attempt or even commit suicide in the future. There is a growing body of research on bipolar
disorder, which has led to a better understanding of the condition and the development of more
effective treatments. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is particularly helpful in helping a Bipolar
disorder patient to manage symptoms. It is not easy to recognize the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
These classifications are broadly used in understandings of mental illness, including bipolar disorder,
from then until on. BIPOLAR DISORDER The term “mood,” by mere definition, is described as
what a person feels within, for example, the person’s emotion, whether happy, sad, agitated or
uninterested. Phd dissertation word countPhd dissertation word count term paper proposal outline
math cheater solve my math word problems free. The following five factors were extracted: mania,
depression, irritability, anxiety and psychosis. Bipolar disorder is a major mood disorder and has
significant impact on the person, families and loved ones. Bipolar disorder affects men and women
equally and usually starts between the ages of 15-25 years old. Getting diagnosed with this disorder
can be a very hard thing to deal with. The BDSS demonstrated good psychometric properties in this
preliminary investigation.
The person may think that he is called for a special mission or he is a very especial person on earth.
While the exact cause of bipolar disorder is not fully understood, it is thought to be a combination of
genetic, environmental, and brain chemistry factors. There is a growing body of research on bipolar
disorder, which has led to a better understanding of the condition and the development of more
effective treatments. Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the Psychological Disorder. The key
characteristic of bipolar disorder is the presence of episodes called mania. The use of any parts of the
work without proper citation is forbidden. There are millions of people in the world that are suffering
and going through the bipolar disorder. People with these illnesses often feel very alone and need
support to deal with their illness sufficiently. For instance, it would be abnormal for a person to have
temper outbursts or tantrums for no particular reason at all. It describes how a person suffering from
such a disorder might act around the family, friends and society. In the late 19th and early 20th
centuries Emil Kraepelin recorded and documented the natural cycles mania and depression of
patients he had identified as having bipolar disorder. This paper is focused on the origin of the
bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder appears to be an especially difficult condition from a day-to-day
perspective due to the occurrence of two different types of emotional episodes, along with the
possibility of experiencing a state that combines the two. Bipolar disorder (“manic depression”) is a
mental disorder that is characterized by constantly changing moods between depression and mania
The mood. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is particularly helpful in helping a Bipolar disorder patient
to manage symptoms. It is not easy to recognize the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This often leads
to withdrawal from social groups, hardships with work, and in some situations; drug abuse. In a
manic episode, a person experiences elevated energy levels, cognitive processing, and mood.
Conclusion Life with any mental illness has barriers that need to be overcome on a daily basis. A
person experiencing manic episode wants to do multitasking activities and goal directed activity.
Those suffering from this kind of disorder normally resume their normal move after a short time.
Examples of these include lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotic drugs, calcium channel blockers,
Benzodiazepines, antidepressants, Paxil, Prozac, Luvox, and Zoloft (WebMD, 2010). The flight of
ideas is also a very common symptom of manic episode. Because of excessive shopping, she ran out
of money and started signing bad checks. For a long time, psychologist and mental health
professional believe in the involvement of genes in the development of this illness. According to
Marneros and Goodwin, Hippocrates “thought that the origin of mental diseases lay in the disturbed
interaction of body fluids with the brain. The manic symptoms are so severe that the person requires
hospital care. Essay on Psychology Research Paper on Bipolar Disorder. Page 1 of 50 - About 500
Essays Bipolar Depression And Bipolar Disorder. We cannot say that a person is bipolar if he or she
is only experiencing mania or depression. References Bipolar Disorder Health Information. (n.d.).
The New York Times. Retrieved June 3, 2012.
In 1870, Silas Weir Mitchell spoke on the use of lithium as a hypnotic and anti-convulsant, and later
said that lithium could also be used to treat “general nervousness” (Shorter, 2). While the exact cause
of bipolar disorder is not fully understood, it is thought to be a combination of genetic,
environmental, and brain chemistry factors. The regularity of episode occurrences can vary widely,
with the fastest changes being referred to as rapid cycling. This is your chance to sell yourself to the
admissions committee, so make the most of it. She was always energetic from the time she was born
and a little moody at times. Ego plays a large role - there is a tremendous amount of hubris and
grandiosity among bipolars in the early phases of recovery - such an. For future applicants, the
University of Business School at Columbia University. Sudden episodes of extreme sadness that
usually last for days are a major sign of bipolar disorder. However, the most evident are the mood
swings that recur repeatedly such as extreme happiness and hyperactivity to sudden shift into
depression and tremendous sadness and the feeling of emptiness and worthlessness. John Cade’s
research into lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder was monumental for psychiatry and
pharmacology. Bipolar disorder, depression, symptoms, Treatment, Causes, Information. Bipolar one
is a person will have experienced one manic event taking place over one week. Others may find
support in family and friends, while the less fortunate may end up in shelters or on the street. One
key area of research has been the study of the brain and how it is affected by bipolar disorder. It is
therefore impossible to look only at a mental illness without considering the rest of the person
Grande et al. Studies of families with multiple members who have bipolar disorder have helped
researchers identify some of the genetic factors that may be involved. Free Bipolar papers, essays,
and research papers Diagnosing the Bipolar Disorders - Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive
disorder, is a disorder. Doctors utilized springs whose water contained lithium as treatments for gout,
“brain gout”, and other common ailments at the time. This is because an extreme case of Bipolar
disorder can even last for close several days or even weeks. Free Bipolar papers, essays, and research
papers Diagnosing the Bipolar Disorders - Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, is a
disorder. Bipolar disorder studies show that the majority of bipolar disorders start in a person's late
teens or early adult years (US Department of Health 2-3) (Kahn 67). There are two major categories
or divisions of mood disorders. The most common symptom is the persistent sad, anxious, or empty
feeling. Bipolar Disorder Formerly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is categorized as a
mood disorder, meaning that the primary symptoms are disturbances in emotions. In history, people
believed demonic possessions and other occurrences were the cause of psychiatric disorders, but
modern. The use of any parts of the work without proper citation is forbidden. However, there are
treatments for the disorder, and hence most of the effects can be reversed. They are Bipolar1,
Bipolar2, and Cyclothymic disorder. For teenagers, the bipolar disorder is very common.
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In some cases, depressed person may experiences body aches without medical reason. I am very
sorry I have not been posting anything, Sophomore year has basically dominated every single second
of my life from the ground up. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Methylene blue, also known as methylthioninium chloride, is a
medication and dye. Bipolar disorder majorly develops during a person’s early ages, normally
teenage, and predominantly consists of “depressive and maniac episodes” that alternates or
simultaneously manifest (Brown, n.d., po. 1). It is estimated to affect at least ten million individuals
in America, impairing the victims’ attitudes, physical potential, and ability to work. Selection of the
final items considered the statistical strength and factor loading of items within each of those factors
as well as the need for comprehensive coverage of critical symptoms of bipolar disorder. Even the
best writers make mistakes, and a poorly written essay can detract from your overall message. It is
important to know that people who have bipolar disorder can still live full, productive lives. The
selection process for individual items is discussed in detail, and was based on multiple analyses,
including principal components analysis with varimax rotation. Essay on Psychology Research Paper
on Bipolar Disorder. Some people experience multiple episodes within a single week, or even within
a single day. Sleeping disturbances are extremely damaging to schedule keeping attempts,
concentration and focus problems can interrupt with many job related processes, and the
unpredictable occurrence of extreme mood episodes are all factors that interfere with the possibility
of a person with bipolar disorder obtaining and keeping gainful employment. They would also tend
to eat too much, gain weight, cry and shout. Free Bipolar papers, essays, and research papers
Diagnosing the Bipolar Disorders - Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, is a disorder.
Along with gender, there are many variables that may affect the experiences of a person with bipolar
disorder. The present study reviewed recent research to determine the trends in bipolar disorder to
promote a better understanding of and response to the problem. Prospective multicenter study of
pregnancy outcome after lithium exposure during the first trimester. This disorder may sometimes
stay dormant within an individual and then may be triggered by other external factors.
Biopsychosocial model of analysis of bipolar disorder. The flight of ideas is also a very common
symptom of manic episode. Mood and Behavioral effects of four-week light treatment in winter
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flipping business plan i hate doing homework in french, doctorate dissertation examples. Overall, the
research on bipolar disorder has greatly improved our understanding of the condition and has led to
the development of more effective treatments. For teenagers, the bipolar disorder is very common.
Bipolar Disorder research papers on the psychological disorder and all of its elements and
subcatagories can be custom written for college and university. I am so happy to have had the
experience of starring in an original cast for a world premiere show. Nowadays, more and more
people are getting aware of this disorder and there is a decrease of its stigma in our society. Both of
these medications can be used in combination with lithium or in combination with each other.
Conclusion Bipolar disorder is a serious but manageable. We contend that archetypal measures fail to
give proportionate weighting to activity or energy, undermining their utility in monitoring bipolar
disorder and treatment response in clinical and research practice.Declarations of interestJ.S. and
G.M. are members of mMARCH, (Motor Activity Research Consortiu. It has a name now I know
what it is“ ( gold pg 26 ) Manic depression also know as bipolar disorder, is classified as a type of
disorder ( also called mood disorder ). Bipolar Disorder Research Papers on the Psychological
Disorder. On the other hand, the second major group of mood disorders is known as the bipolar
disorder type, which is also sometimes referred to as manic-depressive disorder, manic depression or
bipolar affective disorder. The lows of this disease include lack of energy, suicidal thoughts,
depression, and lack of interest in daily activities. Age, ethnicity, personality type, and biological
health are just a few examples of categorizations that would need to be taken into consideration in
order to attain a more complete view of a person’s day-to-day experiences with bipolar disorder, or
any other mental illness. Bipolar Disorder is characterized by two extreme mood swings of mania
and depression and also can be noticed in sleep patterns, energy levels, activity, attention and
impulsivity. Keywords: bipolar disorder, manic-depressive illness, anxious, suicidal, therapy.
Epidemiologic Assessment Overview With regards to research, there is a huge of misunderstandings
because the research interest and funding is not adequate enough to have the information available.
This essay have explored bipolar disorder, its characterization, categories, symptoms, and major
indicators. Hurtful or tragic incidents that have happened in one’s life, such as the death of a loved
one, abuse by parents etc., could be the main reason for mood disorders happening to people. In
history, people believed demonic possessions and other occurrences were the cause of psychiatric
disorders, but modern. Hiroshima essay paperHiroshima essay paper how to wright a essay. A Day in
the Life of a Person with Bipolar Disorder For a number of possible reasons, it is likely that a person
with bipolar disorder would have some sort of sleeping issues due to the drain of depressive moods,
the energy expenditure of mania, and the general drain that may be associated with frequent mood
changes. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder amongst children has increased four-fold in the United
States. Bipolar disorder can also be characterised by hypomanic conditions especially when the mania
conditions are less. Edit and proofread: Once you've finished your essay, be sure to carefully edit
and proofread it. There is now evidence to suggest that sometimes rapid cycling may be a transient
manifestation of the bipolar disorder. In Susie's case, her disorder is caused by both natural and
artificial causes. You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration, check out a particular
paper's structure, familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources for research. Bipolar
disorder indeed greatly affects people’s thoughts, actions and feelings. A number of treatment for
managing patients’ symptoms are however available to prevent hospitalization and advancement of
the disorder to more serious stages. Bipolar disorder Introduction Bipolar disorder is a mental illness
that is associated with depression and unusual excitement, elements that may occur separately or
simultaneously. For this reason, someone with the disorder may not be able to wake for the day until
a relatively late hour, or they may not sleep regularly due to associated parasomnias. This paper
explores a small sample of specific experiments and theories from Bipolar disorder is a long-term
psychological condition known to create extreme. Several treatments could be done in order to stop
the existence or the recurrence of bipolar disorders. If you can find publications that have been
written by somebody in your field, that is even better. Personal perception and understanding of
mental disorder My personal opinion on mental disorders has changed to identify positivity in
challenged individuals. Getting diagnosed with this disorder can be a very hard thing to deal with.

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