Research Paper On Antigone by Sophocles

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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on Antigone by Sophocles?

Crafting a well-researched
and articulate thesis can be an incredibly daunting task. Analyzing the complexities of a literary
masterpiece like Antigone requires deep understanding, critical thinking, and impeccable writing
skills. Many students find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of analysis and
interpretation required to produce a high-quality thesis on this timeless work.

From deciphering the intricate themes to dissecting character motivations and examining the cultural
and historical contexts, every aspect of writing a thesis on Antigone demands meticulous attention to
detail. It's not just about summarizing the plot or regurgitating information from secondary sources;
it's about offering fresh insights, presenting original arguments, and engaging in scholarly discourse.

For those feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of crafting a thesis on Antigone, help is available.
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By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Antigone also contains a memorable lesson
readers should take away from the play. Ismene, the only surviving children of Oedipus’ family. In
Antigone we get choral odes on everything from the triumph of man over nature, to the dangers of
pride, to the ha?ards of love. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. W e even
hav e a little bit of con?ict right o? the bat. The various incidences from the book pose a great danger
to the people. Still, Antigone cannot let this deter her from her sacred duty towards her family. I am
always thrilled to see people reading these early Greek epics and dramas. One sees her, as a weak
character without family identification and duties. Waging battles against other people in order to
win leadership was according to him a normal occurrence. The story teaches about following the duty
to secure moral values more than the duties of the polis. Creon tells the people that for a leader to
really be known, they must be tested. The book portrays Socrates in a devilish way as he manipulates
the people around him with his philosophical influence. It was really easy to contact her and respond
very fast as well. ”. I used it mostly for Sophocles background, introduction to Antigone and the
family history etc. To lay more emphasis on Antigone’s courage and decisiveness, it is better to
estimate the words of her toward Ismene, namely: “Fear not for me. T he old men of Thebes also
practically insist that Creon ta!e Te iresias's advice and free Antigone. Antigone believed that Creon’s
law was unjust, and she had the moral right to defy it. The actual word 2parados2 comes from the
name of the corridor or archway through which the Chorus first entered. However, I believe he got
what he deserved in the end. She defies both the king and the position the women have been kept
in- of mere submission to men and does what is unthinkable (Fall, 2002). This paper aims to argue
on a specific philosophical idea,specifically idealism v. Analyzing his command to assess the highest
punishment to Eteocles and Polynices, he wanted to make his power and his position in the city of
Thebes firm. She loses everything, her life, her family and her lover to see that his brother is given a
dignified burial. Ivan knows he is not a German spy, however he has no control over his sentencing
and is forced to serve the 10 years. Berkeley: University of California Press. Lawler, L. B. 1964. The
dance in ancient Greece. Report this Document Download now Save Save Antigone Literary
Techniques For Later 100% (2) 100% found this document useful (2 votes) 537 views 5 pages The
Function and Symbolism of the Chorus in Sophocles' Antigone Uploaded by dlgir AI-enhanced title
and description The Chorus plays an important role in Antigone, commenting on the action,
providing context, and expressing the play's themes. Also, A ntigone's fearless march to her ow n
entombment and tal. Antigone hangs herself with the red and gold cord of her robe.
This approach makes her fearless, she does not see dying necessarily as a bad thing but simply the
price she will pay for burying her brother. I highly recommend the Fagles' translations of any of these
enduring classics. When antigone stood up against Creon for what was right, she was defying
cultural norms as well as her king. Though his errant nephew deserved punishment, the crowd is
surprised by severity of the penalty. The chorus comes in celebrating the recent victory in Thebes.
Finally, this theme offers an explanation for the purpose of the Chorus: another group of parthenoi,
whose religiously sanctioned form of transition stands in contrast with the destructive or damaged
parthenoi of Thebes. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
In Antigone we get choral odes on everything from the triumph of man over nature, to the dangers
of pride, to the ha?ards of love. This harsh order profoundly offends Antigone's sense of family
honor, and it completely runs afoul of the wishes of the gods that all dead are treated with respect
and buried with appropriate honor and dignity. Ivan is making this small decision on his own in a
place that is filled with decisions that are made for you. The time is at daybreak on the morning after
the fall of the two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, and the flight of the defeated Argives. The two
brothers in the book could not agree on who was supposed to be the heir of the kingdom. It is a
complete, comprehensive plan including all necessary resources and materials. Thoughts of authors
could either have positive or negative influences on the people who read their work. Characters and
the plot of The Antigone are highlighted in the play for resolving the problem of morale and pride in
human beings and the counter-reaction of gods in response. Although Haimon pledges his allegiance
to his father and asserts that no woman could come in between their relationship, he begins to resent
him after he realizes that his father does not want to be corrected even when he is wrong. Her
obedience to the divine law gives her heroic status among people. Even with immoral actions by
Creon Sophocles provides a gorgeous message in actions by Antigone. Polyneices. She goes beyond
what is normally expected of women. The new king of Thebes, Creon, is their uncle (their mother,
Jocasta's brother). It was dated to the late third century BC, but contemporary researchers in ancient
literature cannot define a distinct date. It includes terms that are demonstrated throughout the
Discovering Literature textbook. Every Ancient-Greek word is herein hyperlinked to the on-line
classical-works database of the PERSEUS DIGITAL LIBRARY of TUFTS UNIVERSITY.
Alternatively, I have uploaded it as the second document. As is to be expected, each had strengths
and weaknesses. C A P T I O N: O n l y t h e s i s t e r s A n t i g o n e a n d I s m e n e r e m a i n.
First though, it is probably worth just giving a thumbnail sketch of the plot of the play. The tragedy
contains a plot, a tragic hero, theme, diction, a chorus, and spectacles. ISMENE retires into the
palace by one of the two side-doors. Also, they represent in some way the deeply embedded
patriarchal -male dominated.
The piece will examine key characters like Antigone, Creon, and Ismene, and how their actions and
beliefs drive the plot. She falls out with Antigone who perceives her as a Creon supporter. In this
respect, one should not underestimate the role of the chorus. In Antigones case she bury’s her
brother, for she believes that it is her moral responsibility. Democracy, rule by the people (demos),
was a natural way for the Greekpolis to develop, each one being fairly compact and possessing an
autonomous, distinctly constituted, regime or way of life: each with its own law code, political
system, religious observances, socioeconomic structure. However this is not always the case in A day
in the life of Ivan Denisovich written by Alexandr Solzhenistyn, Ivan has little to no free will
because he does not make his own choices, his fate is controlled by others. After Thebes’s army
becomes victorious against an assault from the Argive army, King Creon issues a decree to prevent
proper burial for his nephew, Polyneices who led the assault against the kingdom. But while Ismene
is the typical fairy creature, Antigone is a boyish creature (she reminded me of Joan of Arc), wishing
to go beyond the rights given to her gender. However, his obedience can be attributed to fear and not
for his support for his support for the king. In this respect, both Antigone and Creon agree that law is
meant to secure the well-being of the polis, and that no law can be upheld without acceptance, and
strict enforcement. As is to be expected, each had strengths and weaknesses. He is indifferent to his
father who suffers from chronic hubris, which leads him to believe he is always right and that his
words are final. To lay more emphasis on Antigone’s courage and decisiveness, it is better to estimate
the words of her toward Ismene, namely: “Fear not for me. At the end of the play, Creon is unable to
save Antigone, his son, and his wife. T e iresias goes on to tell Creon that the birds won't tal.
Antigone is very obedient to the divine law and believes God’s law is above all laws of man.
Antigone is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, death, to do what she considers an honorable act
towards her brother. ISMENE retires into the palace by one of the two side-doors. Even the end
reads like a list of lessons learnt: pride can be damaging, wisdom is welcome, obedience to gods
compulsory and most important of all: there is no purpose in violence. Ivan’s free will is to be able to
take his hat off when eating. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. It is defined in
the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as “a binding custom or practice of a community: a rule
of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling
authority; the whole body of such customs, practices and rules”. The play embellishes the opposing
conflicts between Antigone who stands for the values of family, and Creon who stands for the values
of the state. Danae was locked away in a tower by her father when prophecy stated her son would
kill him. However, they each lost their lives in the struggle for power. Her brothers died a vicious
death, trying to kill each other for the throne of Thebes. C A P T I O N: P r o l o g u e I S M E N E:
B u r y h i m. Up to his death, Sophocles never gave up personal participation in the artistic and
social affairs of Greece. Antigone and Creon represent a number of opposing forces: male vs. At
first, I honestly was not interested in the play because I had a difficult time comprehending what
was happening.
Haimon informs his father about the admiration the people of Thebes have for her courage. He
chooses not to pay attention to Antigone’s reasons for having had to bury her brother and goes
ahead to pass judgement on the matter. Upon returning to his palace in Thebes, he finds that his wife,
Eurydice, has killed herself over the suicide of her son, as well as the death of her older son in the
recent battle--both deaths she lays at the feet of her husband, Creon. Theses prisoners have very little
control over their own life, they no longer worry about simple decisions, the concerns of the
prisoners is who will be the one to decide their fate. The Antigone Sophocles made the
instrumentation in his plays more expressive and distinct from other authors due to a reduction of
chorus roles to a limited extent. Thou knowest it now; and thou wilt soon show whether thou art
nobly bred, or the base daughter of a noble line. International Yearbook Of Aesthetics. Volume 13.
Milwaukee: Marquette University, 2009, 120-139. It is clear to the audience that Thebes has just won
a battle. The birds have evidently also pooped all over the a ltars of T hebes. He is indifferent to his
father who suffers from chronic hubris, which leads him to believe he is always right and that his
words are final. T e iresias goes on to tell Creon that the birds won't tal. Antigone refuses to allow
Ismene to accept any blame for the crime she did not commit. Taking heed of the exterior dilemma,
the burial of Polynices, the underlying tension lies in the interpretation of the law and the definition
of law itself. Little does he give characters holding leadership positions an appealing role, which, in
case the political class was to emulate would be disastrous to the people and the world too. That
starting moment in the play illustrates what both sisters felt. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”,
you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Lawler, L. B. 1964. The dance in ancient Greece. The play centers on Antigone's refusal to obey
Kreon's law and Kreon's refusal to allow her brother's burial. The argument could also take the form
of the lifestyles of the people in the jurisdictions of their political leadership. The task? To redraw (in
your own style) some of the most important images in modern history. Unfortunately to Creon,
Antigone was that woman who valued family more than polis. The main antagonist, Creon and
Antigone, the protagonist in the story, are embroiled in a series of rebellious and obedient deeds
involving them and those who are close to them. The actual word 2parados2 comes from the name of
the corridor or archway through which the Chorus first entered. It may also be argued that both
shared power in turns; when it was his turn to relinquish his seat, Etoecles refuses to step aside for his
brother. In this respect, one should not underestimate the role of the chorus. In the case of Ismene,
she betrayed her sister Antigone by being afraid of the death penalty. It includes terms that are
demonstrated throughout the Discovering Literature textbook. Socrates believes that Plato’s
closeness to him made him vulnerable to manipulation. In Antigone the Chorus at times directly
affects the action of the play. Creon accepts this verdict and orders the release of Antigone.
The English translation of the Ancient-Greek text in the compendium and in the pertinent video clips
(with English subtitles) is by Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb (UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE). In
the play, Antigone is pure in the eyes of others. The ideologies and line of thinking of Sophocles
could have far reaching effects to those people who choose to follow them. Antigone is pursuing her
fate by burying her brother. The main heroine is shown in the play, as one who speaks with passion
and moral supremacy (Pedrick and Oberhelman 92). In the camp Ivan is forced to live under very
strict rule and if he disobeys the regulations he can be killed. They will head to the thoughts of an
author and emulate various characters who they find appealing to them from the texts. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. On his forearm,
Eteocles has a tattoo of a sphinx (wings of an eagle, body of a lion, the breasts and face of a
woman). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Clarke, M. 2001. Thrice-ploughed woe
(Sophocles, Antigone 859). Even though Creon holds him in high regards as a hero, he is the culprit
behind the war. But while Ismene is the typical fairy creature, Antigone is a boyish creature (she
reminded me of Joan of Arc), wishing to go beyond the rights given to her gender. Luckily for her,
she is spared by her uncle for her initial obedience. This fearlessness in her makes it so she can
confidently make the decision that she does, excepting the fact that it will result to her death. Nay,
we must remember, first, that we were born women, as who should not strive with men; next, that
we are ruled of the stronger, so that we must obey in these things, and in things yet sorer. In this
respect, Antigone emerges, as “the still small voice”. Markos, Louis. From Achilles to Christ: Why
Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics. Character of Ismene Another feature defining Ismene is
her disgrace of sacred duty to bury the bodies of Eteocles and Polynices. She provides an analytical
introduction and comprehensive notes, and the edition includes an essay by director Karen Libman.
Creon cares not for the opinions of the citizens and does not relent. Polyneices is considered a traitor
by Creon, the new king and Antigone’s uncle. Putting this into consideration, the various characters
in the book reflect a wrong perspective of politics in the current world. Original Description: A great
point of reference if studying Sophocles' 'Antigone'. But if thou wilt, be guilty of dishonouring laws
which the gods have stablished in honour. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. In fact, Polyneices and Eteocles have killed each other
in single combat; with Polyneices fighting on the side of the Argive army attacking Thebes and its
defenders, including his brother Eteocles. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related
email. Here, Antigone foreshadows her own death in a conversation with her sister, Ismene.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. Ley, G. 2006. A short introduction to the ancient Greek
theater. Revised ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Mackay, E. A. 1989. Fugard's The Island
and Sophocles' Antigone within the parameters of South African protest literature.
The main character, antigone and her sister Ismene are introduced in the exposition of the play at the
gates of Thebes. Reply Delete Replies Reply Unknown March 1, 2021 at 5:43 AM My name is Marc
Summerfield. In the play, Antigone is pure in the eyes of others. Original Description: A great point
of reference if studying Sophocles' 'Antigone'. Putting this into consideration, the various characters
in the book reflect a wrong perspective of politics in the current world. Though rules and
punishments are laid out, and wrong and right is painted in black and white, it is still an individual’s
choice whether or not to follow it. Blundell, M. W. 1989. Helping friends and harming enemies: A
study in Sophocles and Greek ethics. The piece will examine key characters like Antigone, Creon,
and Ismene, and how their actions and beliefs drive the plot. Creon is left with nothing, due to his
harsh punishment towards Antigone. The biggest bit of bird symbolism comes from Te iresias.
Therefore burial for all including rogue individuals was highly regarded by the Greeks, but Creon
deliberately ignores this fact which ultimately leads to his downfall. The time is at daybreak on the
morning after the fall of the two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, and the flight of the defeated
Argives. ISMENE retires into the palace by one of the two side-doors. The women of the kingdom
are voiceless, from the author’s line of thinking. On his forearm, Polyneices has a tattoo of a
shepherd and a lamb. The birds have evidently also pooped all over the a ltars of T hebes. The
concept of law is a dilemma itself, it relies on one man’s judgment to know the best for an entire city,
yet how can any man do this. It is the classic example of someone standing up and doing the morally
correct thing, and knowing full well that what they do may cost them their life. I am always thrilled
to see people reading these early Greek epics and dramas. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,
2005. Sophocles. Antigone. Translated by Plumptre E. H. New York: Publishing,
2005. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. The database is updated daily, so
anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Sophocles used these six characteristics when
creating Antigone. Report this Document Download now Save Save Antigone by Sophocles For
Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 130 views 18 pages Antigone by Sophocles
Uploaded by artmis94 Antigone is a daughter of the unwittingly incestuous marriage between King
Oedipus of Thebes and his mother Jocasta. A lso, there's the blind prophet Tiresias who could be
seen as representing the will of the gods. He chooses not to pay attention to Antigone’s reasons for
having had to bury her brother and goes ahead to pass judgement on the matter. I found this to be a
fresh, fast-paced, and a very poetic and lyrical modern translation. Both Antigone and Danae were
summoned to captivity. Up to his death, Sophocles never gave up personal participation in the
artistic and social affairs of Greece. Antigone is one of the great Greek Tragedies remembered today,
and it contains an important message to readers.

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