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Text to Speech is a feature of Android platform that can be used to “read” the
words and make the app talking.
The SpeechSynthesizer is the responsible class for carrying out the heavy work of
converting text to speech. It’s capable of initiating, pausing, stopping and
continuing a speech process. However, it doesn’t interact directly with the text. A
voice is an object of theSynthesisVoice class. It always matches to a specific
language, and supports multiple languages.
-Powerful real-time speech recognition:
Automatically transcribe audio from multiple languages in real-time. Rapidly
identify and transcribe what is being discussed, even from lower quality audio,
across a variety of audio formats and programming interfaces.
-Benefits for Content Consumers:
While text to speech has benefits for all users, some of the specific groups that see
a better user experience are:
People with learning disabilities – Some people have difficulty reading large
amounts of text due to some learning disabilities. Offering them an easier option is
a great way to engage them.
People who have literacy difficulties – Some people have basic literary levels.
They often get frustrated trying to browse the internet because so much of it is in
text form. By offering them an option to hear the text instead of reading it, they can
get valuable information in a way that is more comfortable for them.
People who speak the language but do not read it – Having a speech option for
the foreign born will open up your audience to this under-served population.Text to
speech technology allows them to take in the information in a way they are more
comfortable with, making your content easier to comprehend and retain.
People who multitask – A busy life often means that people do not have time to
do all the reading they would like to do online. Having a chance to listen to the
content instead of reading it allows them to do something else at the same
time. With the prevalence of smartphones and tablets, it also provides an option for
content consumption on the go, taking content away from the computer screen and
into any environment that’s convenient for the consumer.
People with visual impairment – Text to speech can be a very useful tool for the
mild or moderately visually impaired. Even for people with the visual capability to
read, the process can often cause too much strain to be of any use or enjoyment.
With text to speech, people with visual impairment can take in all manner of
content in comfort instead of strain.


1. Login Use Case

Use Case ID: 1

Use Case Name: Login

Actor: Users

Pre-conditions: Email Id should exist

Post-conditions: Password should match

Normal Course of Sign-in successful, user can proceed to type text.

2. Offline Usage

Use Case ID: 2

Use Case Name: Offline Usage
Actor: User
Pre-conditions: Main screen
Post-conditions: User can view previous texts used so far and play

3. Sharing
Use Case ID: 3
Use Case Name: Sharing
Actor: User
How to share? Users can share application with their friends through
whatsapp and facebook.
Includes: Login

4.Notification management
Notification: The application will send notifications to user in case of
update like if some new language is added or new audio
quality support etc.

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