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1. Which expression shows asking suggestion(meminta saran)?

A. I've got a headache = saya sakit kepala

B. What should I do? = apa yang sebaiknya saya lakukan
C. You should go = kamu sebaiknya pergi
D. I must take a rest = saya harus istirahat

2. Which expression shows giving suggestion(memberi saran)?

A. You should go to a dentist = kamu sebaiknya pergi ke dr gigi

B. Open the door, please!
C. Do you have any ideas? = kamu punya ide
D. Can you tell me what I shoud do?= bisa kasih tau saya apa yang sebaiknya saya lakukan

3. Complete the dialogue!

A. A surgeon = dr bedah
B. A veteranian = dr hewan
C. A dentist = dr gigi
D. A doctor = dr umum

4. Complete the blank!

A. Play
B. Hang out
C. Sleep
D. Study

5. Zahra has got a diarrhea. She should not eat . . . . food.

A. Delicious
B. Hot =pedas
C. Bitter = pahit
D. Tasteless = tawar

6. Complete the dialogue below!

A. Repair = servis/perbaiki
B. Throw = buang/lempar
C. Put = letakan
D. Buy = beli

7. Today is English lesson. What should you bring in your bag?

A. Calculator
B. Money
C. Book
D. Dictionary = kamus

8. Complete the blank!

A.Can clean
B. must make up = harus dandan
C. should wash = sebaiknya cuci
D. would cover

9. Complete the dialogue!

A.Toothache = sakit gigi

B. Headache = sakit kepala
C. Stomachache = sakit perut
D. Soreeye = sakit mata

10. Zahid is sick/sakit now.

A. She should take a rest/istirahat

B. She have to study hard
C. She should play around
D. She must go to school

11. Today is Monday. We will have a flag ceremony. We . . . . wear

complete Osis Uniform.

C.Should not
D.Must not
12. Rearrange the jumbled words below!

A. 4-1-2-3-5
B. 4-5-3-2-1
C. 4-3-2-5-1
D. 4-2-3-5-1

13. Complete the blank!

A. Yes, I should
B. Yes, you should
C. No, I shouldn't
D. No, you should not

14. Complete the dialogue!

A. Pay = membayar
B. Go
C. Ask = meminta
D. Clean

15. Complete the dialogue!

A. Ignore = di biarkan
B. Clean = bersihkan
C. See = lihat
D. Paint = di cat

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