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byEmilyfacobs Staf Writer atching your child becomea bar/bat mitzvah is one of the most specialexas periences a parent.It is the culmination of months of learning, service projects and planning but most important it is the time when child becomesan adult in the Jewishworld. While this milestone can be one of the happiestmoments for your family, it can be including aciompaniedby huge stressors, the total price tag for the affair, which in todays economycan be a major deciding factor when planning the celebration. the WIW challenged seasoned PartY planner, RachaelFeinbergof Mango P'oductions to'plarf a mitzvah celebrationfor 75 adults and 75 children, with a budget of residentcameup This Reston only $15,000. witir tips to allow you to cut costsbut still havea classyaffair. After the datehasbeensetfor the celebration, the next step is picking out the invitations. This, Feinberg said, is an areawhere staying within the budget and even saving She somemoney is easy. advisedagainstcustom invitations asthey canbe pricey,aswell

Planninga mitzvahon a budget

as add-onsto the invites like bows, sparkles and layersof paper.On that samenote,Feinberg explained that checking out the card stockthe invitations willbe printed on is important becausethe thicker the stoch the higher the price. of "I think out of all the aspects planning a mitzvah,choosingthe invitationsis the easiest place to savemoney. Remember,your parents and grandparentsare probably the only people that are actually going to keep the invitation, so it really doesrfthaveto cost a whole lot. It's definitely possibleto find an invitation that still looks expeninexpensive with." sivethat you will be haPPY Somefamilies are opting out of paper invitations all together and headingto the internet to send electronic invitations. Feinbergexplainedthat using electronic invitations can'take awayfrom traditionl' She added that'starting your event of with an electronic invitation sendsa different mesthan a PaPerinvitation." sage Moving on from invitations' the next step in planning the celebrationis of course,the food. Witn so many options out there, the menu cannot onlybe the hardestto plan,but as the most expensive, well. In lieu of a seateddinner which can cost

Rachael Feinberg ofMango Productions accepted the challenge to "plan' a mitzvah on a $15'000 budget'

tion and Pasta station can give your guestsa varietY of options and keep Your food budgetlow at the sametime. erplainedthat rentFeinberg ing out a hall and hiring a caterer combined can take up your whole budget, instead,she suggestedchecking out local high-end restaurants that are large enoughto holdyour celebration. This way you can work with the in-house chef, kitchen and wait staff, enabling you to still get the food that you want, but for a much lower price. Additionally, in terms of alcohol for the adultsat the event,Feinberg suggestedfinding a venue that allows You to bring in your own alcohol. That way you can save money by going to a wholesaleliquor storeand afterthe party,you canreturn anyunbottles. opened "You have to be creative with the food to be able to cut costs but it's definitely using a possible,especiallY

havFeinbergsuggested over$100per guest" ing different food stationsaround the room. For example,having a sushistation,fish sta-

next BUllGEf, Page See

The perfectplace to celebrate your special occasion. Our space . : # can accommodate uP to 150 and ' o onr Private foom accommodates 50 people. Let us tailor a sPecial

restaurant instead of a hall and catereri Fei n ber gs aid. Once the menu is planned, itt time to f.i"U"tt."pf"i".a booktheentertainment. that using a band will eatup youiuuiget alusing a D| or most instantly.Shesuggested th"y.Jrit"*?fi. n""t MC instead,b..urrr. aboothalias much u, b*d. ;i|{.ffi;;;, " of world

;::"ffi1ltJ?[Tfi;,:::;Ti:'il: is quality photographs well worth the extra

money and that ihe saving can come from creatingyourownalbumfromthephotogra p h e r' s pTof:' ! ..,"Yootiulydo1t-waltlolgokbackonyour eventand have bkay' photos' You want to havethe best photos to commemorateyour it event because only happensoncel'said and Feinberg'"Choosea good.photographer' mottey by purchasingthe minimum sa,re'


said F.i.'[.rgalso th"t i;1;;t''

a sortof P{tY glT"i"c, hybrid between a L" (rllllhen i I mitznah planning andabandhasemerged you need is and is becoming in- a budS6& aU

* and package cieating "]i.HTi'llit'l;


them do itl' while Feinberg cautionedagainst

11.'" .,"asi,,glypopylai ntg;nttt"tit;iht't ;

Dl performsalongside . she added that live singerswho sing to the videography is a good place to save anelectronicbackingtrachgivinggueststhe somecasn' illusion that they arelisteningto live music, you "I think it's okayto usesomeone know watching live entertaii*"nt. "I! tlou while tovideotapetheceleffation'becauseyourereally have your heart set on a band but ally only warch it w!1 you first get it and rf youie on a budget then tie i"Ji""ri"" a so thin like onceevery10years, spending Oi *"Ja U backing track, singers " ""a lot of money on-the video isnt necessaryi' eoodideafor voo;',aa r.l"'UJ,g. ii*tt f"t*


ffi il;

pricesis with reasonable localvideographer it uiU"oofa.g a D) without the dan-ers(or somethingshe them "rnotivatordSwho usually accompany ::qqttt* .^ ^ ca nhelpy ous av em o n e y ..w i th th e i n v i ta ti o n s ,fo od' venue,decor, it's andvideographerplanned, photographer Anotheraspecttotakecareofwhen planil-" ti focus on you-rchild's favoritepart of ning a mitzvah celebrationlstfre decor.Thi, the nighi !h9 party.favors'.. the the includes colorsthatwill be used, cenwall hangings' . tntodayslarandbatmitzvahworid'givchair coverings, terpieces, ing-out party favorsis hugely competitive lights etc. Feinbergcautlonsthat decor is ,5eautifirl but not budget friendlyi' u"i populur.W-hilesomeparentsopt for the Tosavemoney,Feinbergsuggestedusing*.*"u^t"pu'tyfavorssuchasthet-shirtsand which can requireyou to throw sweatshiris balloonsinsteadof freshflowers,or, if your sugFeinberg your budgetout the yld:* heart is set on flowers,then intertwine the gestsgiviirgout a w-holebunch of smaller dollar two. Additionally,going online or to onebigone' itemsinsteadof ,ro.". io prrrchurJudi-ot' for the table "The best resourcefor party favorso-na bubble containers for the such as small you budgetis the internet,because can find y"" guestsor candles.* .."]il;;il "i.t to yo ur budget . a[ I ln d s o fd e a l s o n s m a l l fa v o rs fo r the ..Thr owinballoon s a n d c a n d l e s w h i c h g u e s ts ,,' shesai d...Gi veoutal otofl i ttl e ihingt to that eachlittle thing doesn'tcost can reallybrighten up ,ir.*.""- i" ","t," yooih"t much but the kids still feel like lot,' ful way becauseth"t *lll ,;;; you a

ilr ;;i"r"""aiii. r.*J,rri"g y." * like, g;, would r.t"u.ig .ipi"i""a

having not vour would advocate while she a using with a flip cam, walkaround uncle

In" "Check w

out" the lc Then"check


and Feinberg Racheal io leirn mireabout recommended Feinberg where Onearea visit Productions, www'mangoproducis not cuttingcosts ro."ifri ;il;A;h"" lango the asiheput it, once partyis over' tionsllc'com' because

tea Hotelin the heartof Bethesd'a An Elegant Row& Met*o'fr nearRestaurant m Bredrfast Continental complimentary r"mc andbeautiful service z4 hourconcierge

rrToP WnsHlNGToNr D.C Flve


M A 7 7 4 0Wi s c o n s i n v e n u e ,Be th e sd a D ' i g www.bethesdacourtwashdc'corruF Owned ond OPerotedbY the Berns

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Planner

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