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Review of Literature

Nur Azmi Rohimajayaa and Welliam Hamerb (2020). in their journal with the title ‘An
Analysis of Dilara’s First Language Acquisition: A Three-Year Child ‘ Analyze the
phonological, morphological, and semantic components of a three-year-initial old's language
acquisition. The investigation led the researchers to the conclusion that the object was
capable of acceptable communication. Finally, a child's language development depends on
the parents. To understand how their child is developing linguistically, parents should engage
in conversation with their kids. In addition, the experts advise parents to teach their kids the
correct pronunciation. based on their research, they stated that the purpose of the research
was to analyze the first language acquisition of a three years child. The methodology of this
research was a descriptive qualitative approach. From the results of this research, The
researchers might draw the conclusion that psychological and physiological processes have a
significant impact on how well children learn the language. Articulation works as a result of a
3 year imperfect cut old's articulation, which causes imperfect speech. Then, psychologically,
the infant encounters something definite or substantial, such as the characteristics of objects
or behaviors that would hasten the process of language acquisition, and spoken words lose
their significance. Additionally, parents have a crucial role in the linguistic development of
their children. To understand how their child is developing linguistically, parents should
engage in conversation with their kids. In addition, the experts advise parents to teach their
kids the correct pronunciation.

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