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Review of Business Management

ISSN 1806-4892
e-ISSN 1983-0807

Brand crisis management: Received on

the use of information for prevention, 11/08/2016

Approved on

identification and management 06/09/2017

Responsible editor:
Prof. Dr. João Maurício Gama
Alexandre Borba Salvador
Universidade de São Paulo, FEA, Business Management, São Paulo, Brazil Boaventura

Ana Akemi Ikeda Evaluation process:

Universidade de São Paulo, FEA, Business Management, São Paulo, Brazil Double Blind Review

Purpose – To understand, from the management perspective, the use
of information on brand crisis management in moments involving
prevention, identification and management.
Design/methodology/approach – This article is the result of an
exploratory, qualitative study. Primary data was collected through
interviews with marketing executives and crisis management specialists.
Findings – We concluded that managers use information in very
different ways, and, taking possession of information and decision-
making attitudes into account, four groups of crisis managers were
Originality/value – In order to contribute to the expansion of
academic knowledge in the field of marketing administration and
brand crisis management, this study presented the crossing of three
different fields (information systems, brand crisis management and
organizational development) to structure knowledge concerning brand
crisis management. From the managerial perspective, certain crises
could be avoided by monitoring internal and external information,
and by identifying problems in their early stages. From the social
perspective, reducing brand crisis cases positively affects society as a
whole (organizations and individuals).
Keywords – Brand crisis; information; crisis management.

Review of Business


Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

1 Introduction study is to understand, from the managerial

perspective, the use of information on brand crisis
Technological advances inherent to Web management during prevention, identification
2.0 and the two-way communication provided and management moments. It is justified by
by the internet and social networks have boosted the combined importance of brands to current
greater content exchange not only between businesses and increased information available
consumers and brands but also among consumers to managers, of society’s empowerment, of brand
(Kliatchko, 2008). Consumers now have greater exposure and the lack of research investigating the
influence on brand management. Their social use of information by managers in this context.
behavior on the internet allows for increased Recent studies on brand crisis management
engagement with brands, thanks to interaction have focused on the use of social networks as a
and relationships. Ease in message sharing means of monitoring and spreading crises, as
within the network itself and among different well as on their effects on brand images (Hood,
networks multiplies the visibility of objects that 2012; K. Kim, J. Kim, & Reid, 2017; Koerber &
the audience which generates content is most Zabara, 2016; Ngai & Falkheimer, 2017; Pace,
sensitive to. Balboni, & Gistri, 2015; Park, 2016; Roh, 2017;
The rise of the user-generated content Roshan, Warren, & Carr, 2016; Rubel, Naik, &
(Laroche, Habibi, Richard, & Sankaranarayanan, Srinivasan, 2011; Salvador, Strehlau, & Ikeda,
2012) has reduced brands’ control of information. 2015; Salvador, Ikeda, & Crescitelli, 2017)the
Greater disclosure of problems concerning {IKEA} cuddle toy Lufsig was connoted as a
brands would increase the extent of image crises. symbol of the Chief Executive (CE. This paper is
Protecting brands through crisis management has a scientific contribution, since it addresses crises
become increasingly interesting to organizations from decision- makers’ perspective, opening
(Coombs & Holladay, 2002; Dawar & Pillutla, up a new research front at the intersection of
2000; Siomkos, Triantafillidou, Vassilikopoulou, knowledge concerning brand crisis management,
& Tsiamis, 2010). Monitoring companies’ internal information management and organizational
and external information can help in this action development.
(Rosa, 2001). Contemporary managers must be
prepared to make decisions in reduced-control-of- 2 Theoretical references
information (Coombs & Jean, 2014; Rosa, 2001;
This project began with greater
Silva Neto, 2010) and increased speed, variety and
bibliographical research than the focus of this
volume of information scenarios (Biesdorf, Court,
research. Based on that initial analysis, this
& Willmott, 2013; Manyika, Chui, Brown, &
theoretical framework was structured in four
Bughin, 2011).
parts, first approaching the contemporary
If, on the one hand, brands have never
weakening of brands, moving on to crisis
been so sensitive, on the other, managers have management in its early stages – with increasing
never had so much information available to available information – and ending with action
prevent and identify problems that could lead to to tackle the crisis.
crises. Major research on brand crises, based on
experiments, surveys and quantitative analysis 2.1 Brand weakening
of internal reports, has focused on factors that
A brand may be understood as a basis
influence different types of crises, and on their
upon which a story referring to a product’s special
financial consequences for brands, as well as
qualities may be told. It is the main repository
on their financial, psychological and physical
of possible meanings in consumer culture, both
consequences to society. The objective of this
as to location as well as to creation (Sherry,

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

2006). A brand can also structure and organize or controversial attitudes, loss of public support
information about the product, and help estimate or disputes over ownership. In cases involving
the meaning and value of product attributes product defects, although the purpose of a recall
(Erdem, Swait, Broniarczyk, & Kapferer, 1999), campaign is to address a potential safety issue,
indicating a certain level of quality to be expected it also reveals to society flaws in companies’
by consumers (Hakala, Svensson, & Vincze, control processes (Greyser, 2009; Kalaignanam,
2012), and increasing consumer confidence Kushwaha, & Eilert, 2013).
in its promises. Brand design and its value Organizations’ attitudes facing a crisis
creation are the result of understanding all directly influence society’s perceptions and to
brand manifestations, whether planned by its whom it attributes responsibility (Siomkos et
legal owners, whether produced by consumers, al., 2010). Answers can could range from denial
employees or other stakeholders (Semprini, of responsibility to acceptance of responsibility,
2010). Following the evolution of the internet followed, as well as by legal obligations (super
and of social media, consumers began to realize effort), by efforts to compensate society. A
the power of their voices in society and, using new stance perceived as false, careless or irresponsible
formats and means, started to produce contents would strengthen the attribution of blame to the
against and in favor of brands (Kliatchko, 2008; organization. A stance perceived as transparent,
Lovett, Peres, & Shachar, 2013; Pace et al., 2015). fair and careful would increase society’s willingness
Brands have never been so important to believe in the organization’s version and forgive
to their holders, and, at the same time, so it (Rosa, 2001). At a time of crisis, there would
sensitive to public opinion. The transformation be a race between the organization and the media
of a previously passive audience into issuers of for leadership in the communication process.
brand messages (Kliatchko, 2008) represented The speed and credibility of information would
both increased brand fragility facing empowered be crucial (Coombs, 2007b; K. Kim et al., 2017;
consumers as well as the possibility of greater Koerber & Zabara, 2016; Rosa, 2001; Silva Neto,
attention to brand information in a now easily 2010).
monitored environment. In cases involving human failure, clear
standards of governance and accountability as well
2.2 Brand crisis management and the first
as codes of conduct would be required, as well as
moments of a crisis
monitoring of their implementation. Integrated
Crisis is a non-routine, unexpected and computer systems could at the same time train
sudden event that creates uncertainties, threatens and monitor organization representatives, as
organizations’ priority objectives, and that one of the components of a big data use plan
may cause financial losses and erode corporate (Gobble, 2013; Manyika et al., 2011). The main
reputations (Cleeren, Heerde, & Dekimpe, indicators referring to the brand’s controllable
2013; Coombs, 2007b; Siomkos et al., 2010). variables should be constantly monitored and
Crises cannot be solved by routine procedures, analyzed for business management (Biesdorf et al.,
and typically result in negative publicity, which 2013). This information would also be important
may harm corporate images (Rosa, 2001) in defining the parameters of the crisis, such as
and stakeholders – physically, financially or those that refer to the competitive scenario, to
emotionally (Coombs, 2007b; K. Kim et al., price elasticity, to the distribution and quality
2017). Brand crises can happen because of of the product on display, and to the evaluation
product defects, social responsibility problems, of current advertising campaigns (Cleeren et al.,
bad corporate behavior, executive misconduct, 2013; Kalaignanam et al., 2013; Rosa, 2001).
bad business results, spokespeople’s bad behavior Brand and corporate reputation monitoring in

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

different audiences in digital media – by means of making – the more correct and relevant the
digital research tools – could signal the beginning information, the greater the likelihood of success
of movements outside the standards of normality, (Berenson, 1969; Chiusoli, 2005; Cox & Good,
thus enabling anticipation to the crisis (Silva, 1967). The concept of a marketing information
2010). system (MIS) was defined by Cox and Good
Given the increasing trend in the number (1967, p. 145) as a series of procedures and
of crises, organizations should assume that a methods for the planned collection, analysis and
crisis can occur at any time (Dawar & Pillutla, presentation of information on a regular basis
2000; Siomkos et al., 2010). Thus, a company’s for use in the marketing decision-making. To
routine would involve preparing management Chiusoli (2005), a marketing information system
for a crisis. From products’ point of view, this could be structured by its data sources (internal
would mean keeping control of all variables or external data), input subsystems (internal
that could influence its quality, including data database, marketing intelligence and marketing
control inputs and production sensor records, research), data processing (system to support
as well as taking care of products’ traceability marketing decisions), and the information
following distribution and consumer reactions for decision-making (planning, structure,
through a Customer Service Channel and social segmentation, positioning, product, distribution,
networks. From the leadership’s point of view, price and promotion) directed at the decision-
the convening of an already established crisis maker in marketing (Chiusoli, 2005).
committee and the use of a crisis room could raise With the increase in computational
awareness concerning available information, make capacity, the 1990s became known as the
multifunctional analysis easier and favor the speed decade of networked society and transactional
of decision-making (Rosa, 2001; Silva, 2010). data analysis (Chow-White & Green, 2013).
Increased brand crises (Cleeren et al., This moment of change was also marked by
2013; Dawar & Pillutla, 2000; Siomkos et differences in the knowledge and the speed
al., 2010); the empowerment of consumers as with which new technologies were adopted.
generators of brand messages (Gensler, Völckner, Competitive intelligence analysts were ranked
Liu-Thompkins, & Wiertz, 2013; Kaplan & by Rouach and Santi (2001) according to their
Haenlein, 2010); and the increasing speed, expertise in information management and
volume and variety of information (Biesdorf et attitude offensiveness in five profiles: sleeper,
al., 2013; Brown, Chui, & Manyika, 2011) all reactive intelligence analyst, active intelligence
demand greater skills from managers in the use analyst, aggressive and warrior intelligence
of information and in decision-making related to analyst (Rouach & Santi, 2001), highlighting
crisis management. the importance of attitude in the search for and
analysis of available information (Figure 1).
2.3 The increase in available information
A good information system is essential for
obtaining relevant data for marketing decision-

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

Figure 1. Profile of competitive intelligence analysts. Adapted from

Rouach, D., & Santi, P. (2001). Competitive Intelligence Adds Value:
Five Intelligence Attitudes. European Management Journal, 19(5), p.

2.4Actions facing a crisis time is essential to rapid identification of problems

that might generate brand crises.
Decision-making moments and change
generate discomfort in many executives. Exposure Proposition 1: There is a great difference
and fear of making mistakes, hidden private in the level of information valorization
goals, risk aversion, lack of resource vision, for identification and prevention of brand
and problems with incorrect accountability image crises.
are important barriers to the adoption of
change (Keagan & Lahey, 2011; W. C. Kim
The imminence of a brand crisis should
& Mauborgne, 2011; Kotter, 1997, 2012).
create the sense of urgency needed to bring
Technological paradigm shifts as described by
managers to work preventively, in order to
Rouach and Santi (2001) and moments of crisis
minimize its impact (W. C. Kim & Mauborgne,
force change and cause discomfort and anxiety
2011; Kotter, 1997; Schlesinger, 2008). The
(Bridges, 1986; Bridges & Mitchell, 2000;
increase in tools for information monitoring
Kotter, 1997). The current moment is of change
and analysis would enable the identification of
in information technology, that is, the volume of
problems that could evolve into crises in their
critical data and processing capacity has increased
early stages. Rapid detection of problems and
exponentially, leading to a large volume of poorly
causes associated with the management of a senior
structured information that could be analyzed
for obtaining useful information (Dijcks, 2013). autonomous team (a crisis committee) could also
There is technology for monitoring information minimize negative effects. The prior establishment
in different environments (internal and external) of a crisis committee, their training and their
in different formats (spreadsheets, reports, photos, summoning would also influence managers’
publications on social networks, news), generated preparation for a crisis (Bridges, 1986; W. C. Kim
by several stakeholders (employees, competitors, & Mauborgne, 2011; Kotter, 2012; Silva Neto,
consumers, journalists, government agencies). 2010). During a crisis, the pressure for making
This monitoring and information analysis in real the right decision in a timely manner requires an

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

organization’s rapid mobilization. Listed below are content qualitative analysis techniques (Flick,
some of the competences and abilities found in 2004; Mayring, 2014).
leaders who succeed in times of change according Overall content analysis was performed
to Bridges, 1986; Keagan & Lahey, 2011; W. C. to obtain an overview of the thematic spectrum
Kim & Mauborgne, 2011; Kotter, 1997; Sirkin, of the text to be analyzed (Flick, 2004). At the
Keenan, & Jackson, 2011: end of this stage, keywords were established and
a) Ability to see the whole picture and to segments to be analyzed by the qualitative content
define the problem situation, analysis were selected. One of the main aspects
b) Ability to define a perspective for the of the content qualitative analysis is the creation
problem situation, and application of categories obtained a priori.
c) Ability to train the team that will make Categories are brought to the empirical material,
the change, and then contrasted and complemented to
d) Commitment, integrity, resilience and reduce the said material (Flick, 2004). According
communication skills. to Mayring (2014), the objectives of content
qualitative analysis are to keep the benefits of
Proposition 2: Even in possession of systematization and to adapt it to a qualitative-
information, managers react differently on interpretative application.
the verge of a crisis. So as to ensure that the same procedures,
when carried out by other researchers, would lead
In this context of transformation in the to similar results, thus ensuring the reliability of
form of communication and pressure generated qualitative empirical research according to Flick,
2004; Mayring, 2014; Yin, 1998, the following
by a crisis, it is reasonable to question, once again,
whether different behaviors would affect the way
a) Creation of a priori categories based on
marketing executives seek out information, and
the theoretical framework,
whether the former would affect decision-making
b) Use of a semi-structured script,
based on that information in a moment of
c) Systematic analysis,
urgency generated by a crisis. Facing these doubts,
d) Definition of a research protocol based on
three questions arise: What types of information
case study models (Yin, 1998).
are used in a brand crisis? How are they obtained?
For content qualitative analysis, four
How do managers react to a crisis?
categories were defined a priori, based on the
3 Methodological study procedures sequence of events identified in the theoretical
framework: prevention, monitoring, existence of
The objective of this study is to understand a crisis committee and problem detection. Each
the use of the information in brand crisis category was split into subcategories that served
management, from the perspective of managers, as a basis for the interview script.
at moments of prevention, identification and At the end of the analysis, in the conclusion,
management of a crisis. Empirical research can lessons learned will be summarized and presented
be classified as exploratory (Onwuegbuzie & using a conceptual map developed using open
Leech, 2005; Selltiz, 1974), qualitative as to the source software Cmap, from the Florida Institute
paradigm (Flick, 2004), and direct, through the for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC).
use of in-depth interviews, in technique and Conceptual maps are graphic organizers made
procedure (Flick, 2004; Marshall & Rossman, up of concepts and propositions that represent
1995). Analysis was carried out through the knowledge and facilitate the learning process
combination of global analysis techniques and (Aguiar & Correia, 2013).

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

We interviewed six marketing managers of the interviews will be presented (Flick, 2004;
who had a lot of experience in brand image Mayring, 2014).
crisis management (marketing managers and
communication managers), a social networking
4.1 Crisis prevention
monitoring specialist (CEO of a social media A large difference was found in the state
monitoring company), and a public relations of awareness / readiness of managers’ companies
specialist (director of a press office). Managers before the crises, which ranged from no question
with recent experience in crisis management about the possibility of their occurrence to a great
were identified from the brands crisis research state of attention and dedication to prevent their
in newspapers and in the PROCON-SP site, occurrence or development. In the intermediate
and the first contact was made through e-mail. stage, we found a company that had procedures
From this first contact on, recruitment continued for establishing a crisis committee and crisis
using the snowball technique (Godoi & Mattos, management, but that felt its processes were frail,
2006): certain managers indicated others as being because they had faced a small quality problem a
more suitable for the research. Professionals few months before recall. This experience made
from national and multinational companies it clear to the company that the processes were
of different sizes and sectors were interviewed, not as robust as theory had stated. This put the
and, as a condition for participating in this company in a state of attention, enabling a rapid
research, executives requested confidentiality reaction when the new crisis broke out.
concerning their names, as well as the companies It was observed in empirical research that
they represent. When cited, companies will certain multinational organizations already had
be identified with letters A (multinational training and crisis committee processes that had
food sector), B (multinational food sector), C been established by the headquarters. Learning
(multinational, hygiene and beauty sector), D as to crises, obtained in other operations (usually
(multinational, education sector), E (national, in other countries), somehow interfered in the
food sector) and F (multinational, technology local settings. However, knowledge transfer did
sector). The interview script was pretested and not prove sufficient to sensitize and prepare local
later adjusted to ensure a better flow in the executives since, in interviewees’ statements,
interview. The pre-test interview was discarded. training is seen as a bureaucracy required by
Interviews lasted about 40 minutes and were held the parent company. According to the manager
at convenient locations for respondents – offices, of company A, “theoretically, the company was
cafes and restaurants. Data collection took place prepared [for a crisis], and had certain crisis
during the second half of 2014. Interviews were procedures; but far from being enough for a crisis
audio recorded and transcribed in full (Mayring, of this size, however... people were not prepared
2014). for it”.
According to one of the experts, president
4 Presentation of analysis and of a monitoring social networking company, a
conclusions company like his lives the crisis management every
Analyzes and results presentation follow day and the learning from other customers turns
the structure defined by the main subcategories into knowledge to be transferred. In addition,
defined (a priori) before the content qualitative according to him, the current technology
analysis: prevention, monitoring, existence of already enables applications in monitoring and
crisis committee and problem detection. At prevention, unknown to brand managers. Public
the end, results of the joint analysis, that is, relations agencies – managers of the corporate
considering theoretical references, and analysis image of many companies – and their executives

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

are also a source of experience. For another e-mail, directed to an employee whose function
specialist, director of Service and Planning for a was not exclusively this one. In addition to SAC
global public relations agency, some companies and SAC 2.0, other usual tools for preventing and
are already beginning to glimpse that, with the identifying crisis were the internal quality controls
support of consulting and advisory, they can and customer reports.
leverage their expertise and resources and start The manager of the company F presented
working on prevention more effectively. She said: a more active role in crisis prevention, as she
“A good crisis is the one nobody heard about”. For monitored a proprietary discussion forum on
both of them, “a good crisis” is one that has been the internet among consumers, technology
identified in its early stages and treated surgically experts (passionate about the topic, not hired by
so that it does not gain visibility. the company) and technicians of the company.
She also monitored the several service systems
4.2 Crisis monitoring
of her partners (authorized technical assistance),
Variation found in the monitoring and classifying the complaints by type of problem,
prevention forms was very large as well. All the severity and time of the open occurrence.
companies had a customer service channel (SAC), Internal systems with different levels
usually via letter, telephone, e-mail and social of automated integration and accuracy have
networks. The service in digital social networks been found, ranging from controls performed
occurred either passively, when the consumer write in spreadsheets (Excel) and electronic message
his complaint on the company’s digital properties systems (e-mail) to integrated ERP systems.
or on complaint sites (SAC), or actively, when the Monitoring social networking is not yet a
company monitors its brands in the open pages of common and routine practice in companies.
different social networks and proposes to interact Figure 2 illustrates a continuum between the more
with consumers and respond when its brands robust and less robust marketing information
are mentioned (SAC 2.0). The manager of the systems (MIS) and the position of the respondents’
company E declared that the company offers, as organizations identified by letters A to F.
a consumer contact channel, only the option of

Figure 2. Robustness of information system.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

4.3 Existence of a crisis committee entered the theater, distributing the [packaging]
to be opened by the audience. They didn’t open
Half the companies surveyed have already
it... Just a few [people] did”. Even after having
had a crisis committee identified and trained in
problems with product performance in the
the event of a crisis – multinationals that received
launching event for retail, media and opinion-
training for guidance of their headquarters.
makers, the company chose to continue with the
Whether due to a previous recall, or because
commercialization and track consumers reviews
consumers exposed problems with products on
on social networks. Following two months of
social networks, these companies had already a
sales, the increase in complaints led the company
history of crisis. Apparently, this relationship raises
to decide to withdraw the product from the
the assumption that companies start to worry
market, suspending sales and correcting the
about the crisis management at the time they are
packaging problem.
exposed to their impact, either local companies
Managers from two other companies (A
or international ones. Previous experience would
and B) stated that they had a very similar onset
generate the sense of urgency required for the
of crisis. They received from the Sales field the
creation of procedures for crisis prevention and
first complaints about problem in the product.
management, but the distance in time and space
Consumers contacted retailers, which reported
would reduce awareness and give managers a sense
the sales field. The sales field reported the Quality
of security. To the manager of company B, “[the
Department. In one case, when he felt lack of
company] is never structured enough…there is a
mobilization in the Quality field, the regional
crisis committee that is activated; usually people
sales manager contacted the Marketing manager.
are already, you know, trained. Nevertheless,
In both cases, companies did not have full
no one is ever prepared”. In the perception of
confidence in their product traceability system.
respondents, crisis management training does not
There were inconsistencies in the production
prepare managers to adequately deal with crises.
reports, and the companies decided to call the
Although they are trained, managers do not feel
recall spontaneously.
prepared facing a crisis.
Preventively, the manager of company F
4.4Detection of a problem worked with a robust information system where
rarely something is beyond control. When this
The crisis detection was a unique moment happens, processes are reviewed. In certain cases of
for each case; however, one can identify a greater crisis, she admitted her guilt; in others, however,
or lesser control and reliability of the company’s her decision was to deny consumers’ complaints
information and readiness for action. In the most through solid evidence that consumers were
critical case, the company had carried out few trying to defraud the company. The possibility
tests on its product before launching. Although of distinguishing between the two cases results
they found problems in the samples tested, the from consistency of information about customers
managers considered the problem an isolated and the product in different systems. Information
case and followed up with the launch plans: start availability, the information cross-referencing
of the commercialization by the distributors and from different sources and the reliability of the
carrying out of the launching event. According to available information enable the anticipation and
the manager of company E’s report, “launching the decision-making. However, this is insufficient
of the product was at the [name of the theater], if, even in the possession of the information, the
it was very cool... There were a lot of celebrities manager does not carry out the analysis and take
in the audience, there was media, newspapers, the necessary decision to minimize the crisis.
magazines, TVs... several models-promoters Some managers demonstrated and declared higher

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

level of readiness before the first signs of a crisis. and seldom relate information from different
Apparently, this greater readiness resulted from sources. At the other extreme are managers who
an organizational culture focused on prevention, actively seek information to identify the potential
with greater mobilization in face of surprises, with onset of a crisis and act in order to prevent it from
the acceptance of the real possibility of a crisis and occurring. They use their resources to monitor
a clear definition of a management committee, consumers, customers, the media, opinion makers
with defined and structured management, and suppliers (service providers). The information
communication and monitoring processes. from different systems is processed and analyzed
together, even if this processing and analysis
4.5 Joint analysis of the theoretical are not yet automated. The group works in a
framework and interviews
preventive way and manages, in a way, to act in
Considering the availability of information the early stages of a potential crisis in an assertive
and the realities found in interviews with crisis way, minimizing the chance of its growth. In
managers and specialists, we can position the middle of this continuum are managers who
managers in different groups regarding the use have already recognize the need for reliable and
of information at the time of prevention and integrated information, but do not yet work with
identification of brand crises. In the first group are integrated information from different sources, or
positioned managers who make decisions based do not monitor their brands preventively, or do
on experience (feeling) and do not actively seek not access consumers more actively. This group
information for the decision process. At the time of can identify the crisis in its early stages, but not
crisis and identification prevention, they give little in time to prevent its onset. Figure 3 illustrates
importance to brand and consumer monitoring the arrangement of managers in this continuum.

Figure 3. Continuum concerning the attitudes of managers.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

Organizations with vision on crisis have information); however well trained managers
formal procedures and compliance rules that would know how to balance the necessary
should oblige managers to invest in prevention, information with the timing of decisions.
monitoring, and analyzing prevention-related The research results analysis suggests the
indicators. However, the mere existence of acceptance of propositions 1 (there is a great
compliance rules does not ensure that managers difference in the valorization level of the information
are prepared to act properly in a crisis. The for identification and prevention of brand image
existence of monitoring tools and procedures crises) and 2 (even possessing the information,
for the formation of the crisis committee is not managers react differently on the imminence of a
enough per se; it is necessary a stage of attention crisis). Some managers have a policy of active
and recognition of the brand’s fragility in the search for information, while others receive them
contemporary context, as well as of the relevance passively. Managers react differently even with the
of the harmful effects of a brand crisis (Cleeren et ownership of relevant information. Information
al., 2013; Coombs, 2007a; Siomkos et al., 2010). about the imminence of a problem that could
Currently there is technology available to improve cause a crisis does not give some managers the
the monitoring, identification and prevention sense of urgency so much needed for the necessary
of brand crises (Dijcks, 2013; Gobble, 2013; mobilization at a time of crisis.
Manyika et al., 2011). Apparently the barrier is Based on the empirical research analysis
not technological anymore, but human. Even and on the theoretical reference analysis, it was
with the use of appropriate monitoring tools and possible to identify two dimensions that influence
corporate crisis management procedures, analysis the reaction to the crises, the first related to the
and decision depend on the manager (or group of information possession (having information) and
managers). The probably correct decision would the second related to its use (having attitude). At
result from the correct information, with the the intersections of these two dimensions, four
correct processing, and poorly prepared managers profiles of brand crisis managers were identified:
for the use of information would tend to decide the boiled frog, the hyena, the eagle and the
rashly (with insufficient information or superficial ostrich (Figure 4).
analyzes) or belatedly (increasingly seeking more

Figure 4. Profile of managers regarding the possession of information and

regarding attitude.
Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

The “boiled frog” represents the manager generative problems, identification of problems
who does not value information and has no attitude and causes in the early stages, and faster and
in the face of little evidence; it is a reference to the more structured decision making. Failure to
frog which, when placed in a pan of cold water, consider the real possibility of a crisis and budget
does not jump when the water boils and dies constraints lead to trade-offs investment, with
while being cooked, without realizing the change prioritization of investments with financial
in temperature. According to Bridges (1986), the results more easily calculated. The sensitization
pressure for change could lead certain executives of the brands’ fragility, the increased occurrence
to a feeling akin to mourning, and may create the of brand crisis and its effects on business as well
feeling of paralysis due to lack of identification, as the awareness of the possibility of minimizing
disengagement and disenchantment. The “ostrich” problems with new monitoring possibilities of the
represents managers who, even in possession of internal and external environments are important
information, prefer to ignore the imminence of facts that lead further and make progress towards
crisis; it refers to the ostrich, which puts its head increasing the sense of urgency and strengthening
in the earth so as not to have visual contact with of a culture of prevention.
the threat. The “hyena”, a reference to the noise Identified the lack of information or lack
the animal makes when alerting others, represents of action, it is up to the organization’s senior
managers who try to warn the corporation of the leadership to define the action plan, assessing
risks of a crisis, but would have low credibility for the manager’s ability to adapt or the need to
his lack of information. This profile was not found substitute him (W. C. Kim & Mauborgne, 2011;
in this research. However the reasonableness of Kotter, 1997, 2012). The ultimate consequence
its acceptance comes from the confrontation of the identifying action of the managers profile
with the behaviors pointed out in the change is the reduction of both, the financial losses to
management bibliography: managers pressured by the corporations owners of the brands and the
previous failures, culture with errors intolerance financial and psychological losses to the society
and inadequate accountability could lead to and, finally, of the possible physical damages to
behaviors that are exaggeratedly opposed to the the consumers.
lack of urgency sense (Keagan & Lahey, 2011;
W. C. Kim & Mauborgne, 2011; Kotter, 1997). 5 Final considerations
The “eagle”, referring to the animal’s excellent
Based on the objective of understanding the
ability to map the territory in search of prey and
information use in the brand crisis management
threats, represents managers who actively seeks in times of prevention, identification and
information, analyzes it, and takes preventive management by the managerial perspective, this
decisions to avoid crises or control their effects exploratory study identified a major difference
before they grow. He would have motivation, in the information use by the managers.
commitment, sense of urgency, resilience and While some managers act towards prevention
integrity (Keagan & Lahey, 2011; W. C. Kim & and actively seek information for the rapid
Mauborgne, 2011; Sirkin et al., 2011). detection of crisis-generating problems, others
Identifying the style of the person act passively, with little structured information
responsible for crisis management and for the systems, without considering the possibility of
implementation of corrective actions for the a crisis in their brands.
information systems improvement and use of The empirical research also suggests that
information would enable advances in crisis the possession of information about a possible
management. Their results would include problem is not enough to initiate the mobilization
improvement in prevention, lower occurrence of necessary for the crisis management and for the

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Alexandre Borba Salvador / Ana Akemi Ikeda

minimization of its negative effects. The research that influence the rapid identification of a crisis,
highlights the existence of different managers’ generating a sense of urgency and a rapid response
profiles, to whom it is not enough to have in face of the evidence. The existence of well-
information, since it is also necessary to have an structured processes increases the quality, speed,
attitude for the information use. The existence and reliability of information. Figure 5 provides a
of previous experience, a culture that values conceptual map on the brand crisis and its various
prevention and well-structured information influences (Aguiar & Correia, 2013).
and crisis management processes are factors

Guiding question: what does a quick response in an image crisis depend on?






Figure 5. Conceptual map on the influences of the brand crisis, for a quick response in
image crisis.

5.1 Academic, managerial and social management and brand crisis management, this
implications study presented the cross-references of three
different fields (information systems, brand crisis
To date, research on brand crisis
management and organizational development) to
management have investigated the background
structure the knowledge of brand management
of a crisis (Coombs & Jean, 2014; Dawar &
crisis from the managers’ perspective. It is of great
Lei, 2009; Siomkos et al., 2010). They also
importance the information enhancement allied
investigated the effects of crises on the brand
to the action. Previous managerial experience
and business, the communication and the
and an organizational culture of information
monitoring of social networks (Hood, 2012;
enhancement for decision-making can lead to
K. Kim et al., 2017; Koerber & Zabara, 2016;
increased sense of urgency and appreciation of
Ngai & Falkheimer, 2017; Pace et al., 2015;
market and internal data monitoring information,
Park, 2016; Roh, 2017; Roshan et al., 2016;
improving prevention and anticipating the
Rubel et al., 2011; Salvador et al., 2015, 2017)
identification of problems that could evolve
the {IKEA} cuddle toy Lufsig was connoted as a
into brand crises. The research also identified
symbol of the Chief Executive (CE. In addition
four profiles regarding the use of information in
they also investigated the use of information on
brand crisis management. This study highlights
crisis management (Barakat, Shatnawi, & Ismail,
the importance of deepening the academic
2016; Salvador & Ikeda, 2015).
research on the factors that influence the crisis
In order to contribute to the expansion
management, whether systemic or behavioral.
of academic knowledge in the field of marketing

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91
Brand crisis management: the use of information for prevention, identification and management

From the managerial perspective, some and of the employees’ demotivation (W. C. Kim
crises could be avoided by monitoring internal and & Mauborgne, 2011; Kotter, 1997). The study
external information and identifying problems in of the influence of corporate culture in times of
the early stages. Others could have their effects crisis is an important point of intersection for
minimized with a good use of the information and an interdisciplinary research among marketing,
decision-making agreed upon by multifunctional organizational development and strategy.
committees, which increase the likelihood of
leadership of the crisis communication process. References
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In L. Bickman & D. J. Rog (Eds.), The SAGE

Supporting agencies:
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)

About the authors:

1. Alexandre Borba Salvador, Master and Doctorate Student in Business Management, FEA-USP, São
Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:
2. Ana Akemi Ikeda, Doctor in Business Management and Full Professor, FEA-USP, São Paulo, Brazil.

Contribution of each author

Contribution Alexandre Borba Salvador Ana Akemi Ikeda

1. Definition of research problem √
2. Development of hypotheses or research questions (empirical studies) √
3. Development of theoretical propositions (theoretical work) - -
4. Theoretical foundation/ Literature review √
5. Definition of methodological procedures √ √
6. Data collection √
7. Statistical analysis - -
8. Analysis and interpretation of data √
9. Critical revision of the manuscript √ √
10. Manuscript writing √ √
11. General orientation √

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.20 n.1 jan-mar. 2018 p.74-91

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