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Ru = Daya Dukung Ultimate Tiang Pancang

eh 2 Wr Hr Wr + n2 Wp. 1 eh = Faktor efisiensi dari Hammer (0.85 - 1.00) diambil 1

Ru = ----------------- . ------------------ -----
S+K Wr + Wp. SF Wr. = Berat Ramp, (ton)
Wp. = Berat Tiang Pancang, (ton)
SF = Safety faktor / Angka Keamanan diambil 3 - 4
S = Penurunan Terakhir perpukulan
K = Safety faktor / Angka Keamanan diambil 2.5

Date of Production Date Tot. Pile Penetration Total Wr Ram Stroke (Hr) Final Set Wp Ru Ru PDA Remark
No. Code Pile SF
Bottom Modle Upper Driving Length (m) Depth (m) Blows (ton) (cm) S (cm) K (cm) (ton) (ton) (ton) Keterangan

1 87 87 / (IP.1) 30-8-07 28-09-07 3/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 550 3.5 C 196.0 0.05 1.50 7.1676 2.5 116.02
2 218 218 / (IP.2) 4/6/2010 12/12/12/12 48.00 1087 3.5 C 196.0 1.47 0.00 9.5568 2.5 99.98
3 185 100 / (IP.3) 1/12/2010 8/5/2010 18/5/2010 5/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 558 3.5 B 176.0 2.00 0.00 7.1676 2.5 80.84

4 13 1/2/2010 18/05/2010 18/05/2010 13/6/2010 12/12/12 26.00 571 3.5 B 176.0 1.30 0.50 7.1676 2.5 89.83 157

5 87 20/05/2010 19/05/2010 19/05/2010 16/6/2010 12/12/12 26.00 501 3.5 B 176.0 1.92 0.00 7.1676 2.5 84.11 157

6 83 20/05/2010 20/05/2010 20/05/2010 17/6/2010 12/12/12 31.50 386 3.5 7.1676 2.5 #DIV/0! PECAH KEPALA
7 84 19/05/2010 19/05/2010 20/05/2010 17/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 649 3.5 B 176.0 2.34 0.00 7.1676 2.5 69.17
8 85 2/6/2010 19/05/2010 17/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 535 3.5 B 176.0 1.70 0.00 7.1676 2.5 95.11
9 86 19/05/2010 20/05/2010 19/05/2010 17/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 753 3.5 B 176.0 2.31 0.00 7.1676 2.5 69.92

10 1 1/6/2010 1/6/2010 1/5/2010 18/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 705 3.5 B 176.0 2.11 0.50 7.1676 2.5 61.92 PECAH KEPALA
11 2 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 18/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 668 3.5 B 176.0 1.26 0.00 7.1676 2.5 128.61
12 81 4/6/2010 4/6/2010 4/6/2010 18/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 610 3.5 B 176.0 2.58 0.00 7.1676 2.5 62.79
13 82 2/6/2010 4/6/2010 2/6/2010 18/6/2010 12/12/12 32.00 610 3.5 7.1676 2.5 #DIV/0! PECAH KEPALA

14 3 1/6/2010 1/6/2010 1/6/2010 19/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 654 3.5 B 176.0 1.90 0.00 7.1676 2.5 85.10
15 4 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 19/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 875 3.5 C 196.0 1.56 0.70 7.1676 2.5 79.83
16 5 1/6/2010 13/5/2010 1/6/2010 19/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 698 3.5 C 196.0 2.38 0.80 7.1676 2.5 56.71
17 6 1/6/2010 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 19/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 767 3.5 C 196.0 1.76 0.00 7.1676 2.5 102.16
18 8 1/6/2010 1/6/2010 2/6/2010 19/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 564 3.5 B 176.0 1.39 0.00 7.1676 2.5 116.53

19 7 1/6/2010 2/6/2010 1/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 530 3.5 C 196.0 1.61 0.60 7.1676 2.5 81.43

Date of Production Date Tot. Pile Penetration Total Wr Ram Stroke (Hr) Final Set Wp Ru Ru PDA Remark
No. Code Pile SF
Bottom Modle Upper Driving Length (m) Depth (m) Blows (ton) (cm) S (cm) K (cm) (ton) (ton) (ton) Keterangan

20 9 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 1/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 615 3.5 B 176.0 0.50 0.50 7.1676 2.5 161.69
21 10 4/6/2010 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 599 3.5 C 196.0 1.95 1.00 7.1676 2.5 61.04
22 11 1/6/2010 2/6/2010 1/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 615 3.5 B 176.0 1.40 1.40 7.1676 2.5 57.74
22 12 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 2/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 722 3.5 B 176.0 2.33 0.40 7.1676 2.5 59.33
23 13 4/6/2010 1/6/2010 6/6/2010 20/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 566 3.5 B 176.0 1.48 1.50 7.1676 2.5 54.35

24 14 1/6/2010 7/6/2010 7/6/2010 21/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 581 3.5 B 176.0 1.63 0.50 7.1676 2.5 76.09
25 15 7/6/2010 2/6/2010 7/6/2010 21/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 555 3.5 B 176.0 2.63 0.50 7.1676 2.5 51.60
26 16 7/6/2010 7/6/2010 7/6/2010 21/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 599 3.5 B 176.0 1.41 1.20 7.1676 2.5 61.89
27 17 1/6/2010 8/6/2010 7/6/2010 21/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 555 3.5 B 176.0 2.27 0.00 7.1676 2.5 71.33
28 18 2/6/2010 7/6/2010 8/6/2010 21/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 618 3.5 B 176.0 0.97 0.40 7.1676 2.5 118.02

29 19 7/6/2010 2/6/2010 8/6/2010 22/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 693 3.5 C 196.0 2.40 0.25 7.1676 2.5 67.95
30 20 2/6/2010 8/6/2010 8/6/2010 22/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 713 3.5 C 196.0 3.33 0.00 7.1676 2.5 54.02
31 22 8/6/2010 8/6/2010 8/6/2010 22/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 689 3.5 B 176.0 1.49 1.20 7.1676 2.5 60.13

32 21 1/6/2010 8/6/2010 23/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 838 3.5 C 196.0 1.53 0.70 7.1676 2.5 80.93

33 219 9/6/2010 14/5/2010 14/5/2010 26/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 739 3.5 B 176.0 2.21 0.00 7.1676 2.5 73.02
34 88 2/6/2010 14/5/2010 6/6/2010 26/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 355 3.5 B 176.0 3.03 0.00 7.1676 2.5 53.30
35 89 7/5/2010 14/5/2010 6/6/2010 26/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 368 3.5 B 176.0 2.92 0.00 7.1676 2.5 55.44
36 90 8/6/2010 11/6/2010 10/6/2010 26/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 346 3.5 B 176.0 2.99 0.00 7.1676 2.5 54.15
37 91 14/5/2010 10/6/2010 25/5/2010 26/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 341 3.5 B 176.0 2.72 0.00 7.1676 2.5 59.52

38 92 25/5/2010 25/5/2010 25/5/2010 28/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 455 3.5 B 176.0 1.58 0.60 7.1676 2.5 74.34
39 94 14/5/2010 14/5/2010 8/6/2010 28/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 488 3.5 B 176.0 2.93 0.00 7.1676 2.5 55.12
40 95 25/5/2010 10/6/2010 10/6/2010 28/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 417 3.5 B 176.0 2.17 0.00 7.1676 2.5 74.46
41 96 10/6/2010 11/6/2010 8/6/2010 28/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 383 3.5 B 176.0 2.75 0.00 7.1676 2.5 58.79
42 97 10/6/2010 8/6/2010 1/6/2010 28/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 366 3.5 B 176.0 1.71 0.00 7.1676 2.5 94.32

43 93 10/6/2010 8/6/2010 10/6/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 689 3.5 B 176.0 3.31 0.00 7.1676 2.5 48.81
44 103 10/6/2010 3/6/2010 4/6/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 461 3.5 B 176.0 2.12 0.15 7.1676 2.5 71.33
45 104 10/6/2010 12/6/2010 25/5/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 453 3.5 B 176.0 3.19 0.00 7.1676 2.5 50.72
46 105 10/6/2010 11/6/2010 10/6/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 317 3.5 B 176.0 2.93 0.00 7.1676 2.5 55.28
47 106 10/6/2010 9/6/2010 11/6/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 390 3.5 B 176.0 3.14 0.00 7.1676 2.5 51.45
48 109 10/6/2010 2/6/2010 8/6/2010 29/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 462 3.5 B 176.0 1.90 0.10 7.1676 2.5 80.84

Date of Production Date Tot. Pile Penetration Total Wr Ram Stroke (Hr) Final Set Wp Ru Ru PDA Remark
No. Code Pile SF
Bottom Modle Upper Driving Length (m) Depth (m) Blows (ton) (cm) S (cm) K (cm) (ton) (ton) (ton) Keterangan

49 107 14/6/2010 14/06/2010 3/6/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 378 3.5 B 176.0 2.44 0.00 7.1676 2.5 66.14
50 108 8/6/2010 1/6/2010 10/6/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 392 3.5 B 176.0 2.44 0.00 7.1676 2.5 66.14
51 110 1/6/2010 1/6/2010 9/6/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 383 3.5 B 176.0 2.50 0.00 7.1676 2.5 64.67
52 111 9/6/2010 18/06/2010 14/6/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 378 3.5 B 176.0 3.27 0.00 7.1676 2.5 49.50
53 112 14/6/2010 9/6/2010 11/6/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 431 3.5 B 176.0 2.51 0.50 7.1676 2.5 53.64
54 113 8/6/2010 17/06/2010 17/06/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 436 3.5 B 176.0 2.23 0.50 7.1676 2.5 59.15
55 114 3/6/2010 17/06/2010 17/06/2010 30/6/2010 12/12/12 36.00 380 3.5 B 176.0 3.22 0.00 7.1676 2.5 50.18


Date No. Pol SPUN PILE STOCK LENGTH (meter) Use of Pile Length (meter)
Delivery Truck Date Product. Bottom 12 m Midle 12 m Used Date No. No. Piles Bottom 12 m Midle 12 m

Stoc of Files (Pc)

0 0


0 0
Panjang total Delivery 0 0


Dimonitoring oleh : Mengetahui, Disetujui,

( ) ( ) ( )
Monitor Lapangan Koperasi Semudun Jaya Berkah CV. INDO TEKNOTAMA LESTARI

Date No. Pol SQUARE PILE STOCK LENGTH (meter) Use of Pile Length (meter)
Delivery Truck Date Product. Bottom 25 m Midle 25 m Used Date No. No. Piles Bottom 25 m Midle 25 m

Stoc of Files (Pc)

0 0


0 0
Panjang total Delivery 0 0


Dimonitoring oleh : Mengetahui, Disetujui,

( ) ( ) ( )
Monitor Lapangan Koperasi Semudun Jaya Berkah CV. INDO TEKNOTAMA LESTARI

Date No. Pol SQUARE PILE STOCK LENGTH (meter) Use of Pile Length (meter)
Delivery Truck Date Product. Bottom 6 m Midle 6 m Used Date No. No. Piles Bottom 6 m Midle 6 m

Stoc of Files (Pc)

0 0


0 0
Panjang total Delivery 0 0


Dimonitoring oleh : Mengetahui, Disetujui,

( ) ( ) ( )
Monitor Lapangan Koperasi Semudun Jaya Berkah CV. INDO TEKNOTAMA LESTARI

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