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Writing a thesis can be an arduous task, often regarded as one of the most challenging academic

endeavors. From conducting extensive research to synthesizing complex information, the journey to
completing a thesis requires dedication, time management, and critical thinking skills. One of the
crucial sections of a thesis is the discussion section, where researchers analyze and interpret their
findings in the context of existing literature and the broader implications of their study.

Crafting a compelling discussion section demands a deep understanding of the research topic,
meticulous attention to detail, and the ability to articulate complex ideas effectively. Researchers
must not only summarize their results but also offer insights into the significance of their findings
and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge in their field.

Navigating through the intricacies of the discussion section can be daunting, especially for those new
to academic writing or facing time constraints. In such cases, seeking professional assistance can be
invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support to students and researchers
grappling with the challenges of writing a thesis.

With a team of experienced academic writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔
provides tailored assistance to meet the unique needs of each client. Whether you require assistance
with crafting a discussion section that effectively communicates your research findings or need help
with other aspects of your thesis, ⇒ ⇔ is here to help.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and pressure
associated with academic writing while ensuring that your work meets the highest standards of
quality and professionalism. With our proven track record of delivering exceptional results, you can
confidently rely on ⇒ ⇔ to help you achieve your academic goals.

Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis hold you back. Visit ⇒ ⇔ today and
take the first step towards academic success.
Discussion This section might be called Discussion or it might be called Summary of Findings.
Overall, the sections of a research paper are designed to present the research in a clear and concise
manner, with each section serving a specific purpose in the overall presentation of the research. Why?
This is the most predominant, but also the hardest, part of the introduction. A third preliminary issue
is the reliability of the measures. It should also be informative, interesting, and relevant to the
research question being addressed. It adopts a tone that is appropriate for communicating with
professional colleagues—other researchers and practitioners—who share an interest in the topic.
State any questions or issues that you could not address and provide an explanation of how these
limitations may have affected your research study results. Your statement should be supported with
examples or reference other profound research and academical works. Our experts can write both
APA style research paper format and MLA style research paper format. The research paper discussion
section is considered by most scholars to be the most important part of a paper. To begin composing
your Abstract, take whole sentences or key phrases from each section and put them in a sequence
which summarizes the paper. At a minimum, it consists of a participants subsection and a design and
procedure subsection. State your viewpoint on the main idea of your research paper. Read on and
find out everything you need to know about this difficult part of the essay. Mention only those
limitations directly relate to your research questions, and explain what impact these limitations had
on how your study was conducted and the validity of any interpretations. Five patients were
eliminated from the study; 1 was lost to follow up, 2 patients exceeded the surgical time limit of 4
hours, 1 patient did not receive general anesthesia, and 1 patient did not receive the general
anesthesia protocol as described. Dartmouth, Debate. Participating in my high school's debate
program has been my most m. The mode was 2, which occurred twice as often as any other score.
The presenter stands near the poster and interacts with other researchers who are interested in the
research.. A poster is typically presented during a one- to two-hour poster session A one- or two-
hour session at a professional conference in which several researchers present their posters, often on
related topics. The economics and politics in asia ba double degree research question. It can generally
be found in the record for the item on an electronic database (e.g., PsycINFO) and is usually
displayed on the first page of the published article. Introduction to Writing in Computer Science
Overview The Writing Landscape in Computer Science Project Lifecycles in Computer Science
Requirements Documents Requirements Gathering Approach Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) Project Proposal Documents Conclusion References V. Focus Group Discussion Report
Template (7 from Great tips for write research papers but my teachers show very
strictness in research paper writing. As mentioned in the previous section, your goal should be to if
you were to lookup an example of discussion in research paper you will find that this approach is
standard. Pick just the important ones, so you don’t talk about irrelevant results. Mla (modern
language association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal
arts and humanities. However, there are also many good websites on APA style, which do an
excellent job of presenting the basics for beginning researchers. In a short report with a single study,
this might require no more than a sentence. Browse Demography Research Paper Examples
Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. This includes the name
of the paper, a running head, a list of authors, and the institutional affiliation of the authors.
Source: What goes in the discussion section of a research paper. Rather, limitations help provide a
more detailed picture of what can or cannot be concluded from your findings. Project Planning
Mission Statement and Objectives Identify Deliverable(s) and Outcomes Team Member
Responsibilities Having Effective Meetings Project Calendar Work Plan Acknowledgements. The
conclusion is the final section of the research paper and summarizes the main findings and
conclusions of the study. This should be no more than one paragraph, apa paper discussion section.
At larger conferences, talks are typically grouped into sessions lasting an hour or two in which all
the talks are on the same general topic. Preparing to Write Academic Writing Style Choosing a Title
Making an Outline Paragraph Development 3. You can use a research proposal example who should
use a research proposal. There is often overlap between the discussion and conclusion, and in some
dissertations these two sections are included in a single chapter. The information should be
organized into sections with clear headings, and text should be blocked into sentences or bulleted
points rather than paragraphs. Research papers are similar to educational essays, but they are usually
longer and more detailed, designed to evaluate not only your writing skills but also your skills in
educational research. Do you just need to do more of the same kind of work. Download file pdf
discussion examples for research paper. The economics and politics in asia ba double degree research
question. These types of documents are mostly required and demanded by their teachers and
professors in various courses and programs. How to finalize your research paper. Everybody in
Nigeria knows that schools need more materials and teachers need higher salaries Draw conclusions
and make recommendations that are meaningful, unique, and relate to the results of the study. This is
an abbreviation for the Latin term et alia, which means “and others.” In APA style, if an article or a
book chapter has more than two authors, you should include all their names when you first cite that
work. If you are a student in the university, your first stop in the quest for research paper examples
will be the campus library where you can get to view the research sample papers of. What goes in the
results section of a research paper. No matter what your theories are going into the research project,
you should keep in mind that your discoveries should encourage further research. How to Write a
Discussion Section: Final Thoughts Today we have covered how to write a discussion section. A
good rule of thumb is that the section should not exceed the number of words or pages of the other
sections combined (e.g., introduction, methods, and results). Although you do not have to provide a
definitive explanation or detailed theory for your results, you at least need to outline one or more
possible explanations. In some cases, the Author Note also contains an acceptance of any financial
support and of any individuals that helped with the research project. For example, if the purpose of
your research was to measure the impact of foreign aid on increasing access to education among the
poor in Bangladesh, sample discussion section of a research paper would not be appropriate to
speculate about how your findings might apply to populations in other countries without drawing
from existing studies to support your claim or if analysis of other countries was not a part of your
original research design. When writing the abstract, take a just-the-facts approach, and encapsulate
your research question and your findings in a few sentences. Home Knowledge Base Dissertation
How to write a discussion section. Here are some of the events we've hosted to show you how much
we appreciate our customers and show you some of the fun new products coming out on the market.
How to select research paper topics to impress a teacher. Although researchers attending a
professional conference are likely to discuss their work with each other informally, there are two
more formal types of presentation: oral presentations (“talks”) and posters.
The discussion section is not always about what you found, but what you did not find, and how you
deal with that. Perhaps there are problems with its internal or external validity. In this article, we’ll
provide tips on how to write a strong Discussion section that best portrays the significance of your
research contributions. To explain this contribution, many Discussions end with a forward-looking
statement that tries to place the paper in an expected future of research in that field. The research
paper commencement or start should address these three questions: What, how, and why. State any
questions or issues that you could not address and provide an explanation of how these limitations
may have affected your research study results. Great tips for write research papers but my teachers
show very strictness in research paper writing. Finally, the experimental situation should allow for
the assessment of the speed and frequency of the subjects’ reaction to the emergency. This sample
informal guardianship research paper is published for educational and also check our tips on how to
write a research paper, see the lists of criminal justice research paper topics, and browse research
paper examples. Source: Firstly, a typical research paper may include definitive.
This is especially true if the information is vital to the argument or research presented in your paper.
You can utilize the references for showing the investigations which already have been conducted
earlier on the same topic in the discussion section. Shows that demographic and prognostic variables
were evenly balanced in the process of random allocation of subjects to experimental and control
groups. If you are writing a paper for an independent study or you are writing a dissertation in
college, you will need. Pdf American Movie Audiences From The Turn Of The Century To from According to research, the research topic must. For example, the title and author
information, the abstract, and the beginning of the introduction generally appear on the same page
rather than on separate pages. A research paper is a kind of essay in which you have to explain what
you have learned after understanding and exploring your topic in depth. A good research paper has
both qualities of good studies and good writing (bordage, 2001). Compare your work to the previous
studies to make sure there are no. It should also include the details of the consenting procedure and
inclusion and exclusion criteria. So i also find sociology research paper example i have various
sources. I hope it useful for someone who search those guidelines. Presenting a talk or poster at a
conference usually requires submitting an abstract of the research to the conference organizers in
advance and having it accepted for presentation—although the peer review process is typically not
as rigorous as it is for manuscripts submitted to a professional journal. Learn how to add and discuss
everything by going through the following downloadable pdf. A paper that describes a particular
study clearly states the query, procedure, discoveries, and other relevant information. Most articles
and book chapters contain a mixture of the two. Source: Research papers are
not limited to a specific field. Source: This is an introduction to writing a discussion
section for a research paper or thesis, suitable for people undertaking a masters and phd, or writing
up a. Keep these sections distinct by making sure that you do not repeat the findings without
providing an interpretation. Only the first word of the article title is capitalized. The very laws
overturned by the civil rights legislation illustrate how law can impede social change.
The participants subsection indicates how many participants there were, the number of women and
men, some indication of their age, other demographics that may be relevant to the study, and how
they were recruited, including any incentives given for participation. You can find more information
on this in an article discussing research methods. This paper argues that countries with an abundance
of natural resources tend to have less democracy if they have week institutions. It should provide a
clear overview of the research question, the methods used, the main findings, and the conclusions
drawn. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. He opened his article with the
following humorous anecdote (Jacoby, 1999). If you want to have an effective research paper follow
these step by step guide in research paper writing which. Preparing to Write Academic Writing Style
Choosing a Title Making an Outline Paragraph Development 3. Limitations might be due to your
overall research design, specific methodological choicesor unanticipated obstacles that emerged apa
paper discussion section the research process. You can organize your discussion around key themes,
hypotheses or research questions, following compare your paper with over 60 billion web pages and
30 million publications. Firstly, a typical research paper may include definitive. However, there are
other kinds of manuscripts that are written in APA style, many of which will not be submitted for
publication elsewhere. It might include following: A quick summary of all of the major facts stated in
the body Recapitulate the thesis statement Ending remark or idea. And after completing your draft,
don’t forget to submit your work to a professional proofreading and English editing service like
Wordvice, including our manuscript editing service for paper editing, cover letter editing, SOP
editing, and personal statement proofreading services. If you want to have an effective research
paper follow these step by step guide in research paper writing which. Each word whose removal will
not change the meaning should be taken out from the text. A good abstract is short — about one
hundred sixty to two hundred forty words — and is written in an unbiased, neutral style. In a longer
report with multiple studies, it might require a paragraph or even two. You can organize your
discussion around key themes, hypotheses or research questions, following the examples. Being
repetitive is something you should avoid at all costs. The discussions in a research paper aims at
interpreting and evaluating the results of the collected data. Scope and limitations the scopes of this
research are the students here in xavier university of any year level. For example, the term sexual
orientation should be used instead of sexual preference because people do not generally experience
their orientation as a “preference,” nor is it as easily changeable as this term suggests (Committee on
Lesbian and Gay Concerns, APA, 1991). This works well when both the design and the procedure
are relatively complicated and each requires multiple paragraphs. This means that it communicates
ideas as simply and clearly as possible, putting the focus on the ideas themselves and not on how
they are communicated. In general, however, the first approach works well when you want to
emphasize the person who conducted the research—for example, if you were comparing the theories
of two prominent researchers. Typically it begins with certain preliminary issues. Be certain that you
clearly identify your comments as speculation or as a suggestion for where further research is
needed. How do you structure the discussion section of a research paper. You can give some
suggestions or advice for improving situations.
The slides should not be the focus of the presentation; they should act as visual aids. Systematically
explain the underlying meaning of your findings and state why you believe they are significant.
Overall Objectives. The objectives of your discussion section should include the following: I.
Structure of the Research Paper Methods Section The research paper methods section should be well
organized to ensure that it fulfills its purpose. How do the limitations of your study leave open the
bigger questions. The numbers should be sequential, in the same order as the tables or figures are
presented in the text. While partly based on original research, they place the analysis in the wider
context of the literature on the topic and also explicitly consider the policy perspective. The Content
The content of the discussion section of your paper most often includes: Explanation of results:
Comment on whether or not the results were expected for each set of findings; go into greater depth
to explain findings that were unexpected or especially profound. For example, if your sample size
was small or limited to a specific group of people, note that this limits its generalizability. Herein
your findings rather than those of the other researchers are discussed. Shona McCombes Shona has a
bachelor's and two master's degrees, so she's an expert at writing a great thesis. There is no hierarchy
between independent disciplines, so you need a structure which will highlight the relations between
facts that belong to different fields. It may seem obvious to you, but simply looking at the figures in
the Results section will not necessarily convey to readers the importance of the findings in answering
your research questions. Most children are defenseless against abuse, are dependent on their
caretakers, and are unable to protect themselves from these acts. Begin a discussion paper by
selecting a topic that you are personally interested in and for which you have access to enough good
research that supports the topic. Be sure to include the hypotheses you tested, controls, treatments,
variables measured, how many replicates you had, what you actually measured, what form the data
take, etc. How to write a research methodology The methodology lets readers assess the reliability of
your research. We recommend you to edit and proofread the discussion section at least twice to make
sure it doesn’t happen to you. A research paper proposal template breaks down all the necessary
sections of the proposal into segments. Home Knowledge Base Dissertation How to write a
discussion section. A paper that describes a particular study clearly states the query, procedure,
discoveries, and other relevant information. It should provide an analysis of the results, explaining
what they mean in relation to the research question and objectives. Your interpretations will be
shaped by the kind of research you conducted (qualitative approach or quantitative approach). The
results and discussion section of your research paper should include the following Discover ways to
cite excellent research paper ideas correctly. First, be sensitive to labels by avoiding terms that are
offensive or have negative connotations. Discussion papers differ from standard working papers in
that they are more broadly accessible and offer a more balanced perspective. In the second approach,
the participants section is followed by separate design and procedure subsections. It is often just
referred to as the Publication Manual. (APA, 2006). American Psychological Association. (2006).
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association. Nowadays, ragging activities end in serious fights. Based on information
in this chapter, what are the main strengths and main weaknesses of each poster.
Here are just some of the reasons why the discussion part is very important (and why you should pay
attention to how you write it). Our experts specialize in research paper editing, so let us finalize your
paper or have us write it for you. Pick just the important ones, so you don’t talk about irrelevant
results. The second is that a talk is generally structured like an APA-style research report. This might
mean multiple questionnaires, written vignettes that participants read and respond to, perceptual
stimuli, and so on. The first method is to use the authors’ last names in the sentence (with no first
names or initials) followed immediately by the year of publication in parentheses. You need to
review the sources from where you have gathered the information for writing the literature review in
research paper. Do we have to get a pre-peer review about the written manuscript. If relevant, I have
considered alternative explanations of the results. Source: Check out these
example research paper. Scope and limitations the scopes of this research are the students here in
xavier university of any year level. The Writing Process Step 1: Preparation Step 1 Continued:
Planning with Purpose Step 1 Continued: Planning based on your Audience Step 1 Continued:
Planning based on Context Step 1 Continued: Planning with a Project Calendar Step 2: Research
Step 2 Research Continued: Evaluating Your Research Step 3: Organizing with Outlines Step 4:
Drafting and Designing Step 5: Revising (or Editing) Step 6: Proofreading 1. You should also try to
write the discussion within 6 to 8 paragraphs addressing each of the points listed above. University
College Sample discussion section of a research paper Centre. Begin by discussing the research
question and talking about whether it was answered in the research paper based on the In the
Discussion section of a research paper, you should evaluate and interpret the implications of study
results with respect to your original hypotheses. Figures are numbered the same way (“Figure 1,”
“Figure 2,” and so on). This book is aimed at researchers in any discipline who wish to write a
research paper in english. Discussion is a section of a research paper where scientists review the
information in the introduction part, evaluate gained results, or compare it with past studies. For
example, it might begin by describing a phenomenon in a general way along with several studies that
demonstrate it, then describing two or more competing theories of the phenomenon, and finally
presenting a hypothesis to test one or more of the theories. It is the opening section of the research
paper, and we can call this paragraph the face of the entire document. She has also worked as an
editor and teacher, working with students at all different levels to improve their academic writing. Do
you just need to do more of the same kind of work. Note that any significant or unanticipated
finding is often because there was no prior research to indicate the finding could occur. Our experts
know how to write ad discussion section that makes it easier for researchers and professors can use
to conduct their studies. The researchers expect that through this study, the xavier university will
develop strategic solutions regarding study habits if we found out that most of the students have
poor study habits discussion in research example. For this reason, it could be argued that unless you
make your research public in some form, you are not really engaged in science at all. It is often just
referred to as the Publication Manual. (APA, 2006). American Psychological Association. (2006).
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association. The results chapter or section simply and objectively reports what you
found, without speculating on why you apa paper discussion section these results. Apa paper
discussion section The discussion section is the place to leave your mark. When writing the
discussion section, you should carefully consider all possible explanations for the study results, rather
than just those that fit your hypothesis or prior assumptions and biases.
Do the results provide support for any existing theories. The introduction is the next section of the
research paper and provides background information on the research question being addressed. The
Conclusion Appendices Proofreading Your Paper Common Grammar Mistakes Writing Concisely
Citing Sources Avoiding Plagiarism Footnotes or Endnotes. Besides, a large part of what makes a
research question interesting is uncertainty about its answer. A research paper outline might be
formal or informal. At the end of the meeting, the friend’s mother was asked whether she had any
questions. If you are a student in the university, your first stop in the quest for research paper
examples will be the campus library where you can get to view the research sample papers of. You
can use a research proposal example who should use a research proposal. How to Cite a Colleague in
a Discussion Post Walden. Example of an outline for a research paper: For example, if results differ
from. Everything in the reference list is double-spaced both within and between references. The
reference list begins on its own page, with the heading “References,” centered in upper and lower
case. Your statement should be supported with examples or reference other profound research and
academical works. At the beginning of your Discussion section, you stated why this particular study
was needed to fill the gap you noticed and why that gap needed filling in the first place. In this
situation, a conclusion depends on the opening one. Writing a research paper requires you to
demonstrate a strong awareness of your topic, take part in a variety of sources, and make an original
contribution. This is the overall main point or points that you want your readers to remember. A
second preliminary issue is how multiple responses were combined to produce the primary variables
in the analyses. The results section presents the findings of the research in a clear and concise
manner. First, it is extremely important to start with an outline of the main points that you want to
make, organized in the order that you want to make them. The summary is often followed by a
discussion of the theoretical implications of the research. This can include putting tables and figures
close to where they are discussed so that the reader does not have to flip to the back of the
manuscript to see them. I have discussed and interpreted the results in relation to my research
questions. Your writing voice will not be as plain here as in the body of your research paper.
Presenting a talk or poster at a conference usually requires submitting an abstract of the research to
the conference organizers in advance and having it accepted for presentation—although the peer
review process is typically not as rigorous as it is for manuscripts submitted to a professional journal.
A good rule of thumb is that the section should not exceed the number of words or pages of the
other sections combined (e.g., introduction, methods, and results). The sequencing of this
information is important: 1 state the answer, 2 show the relevant results and 3 cite the work of
credible sources. The Content. The content of the discussion section of your paper most often
includes. An important principle for writing a method section is that it should be clear and detailed
enough that other researchers could replicate the study by following your “recipe.” This means that it
must describe all the important elements of the study—basic demographic characteristics of the
participants, how they were recruited, whether they were randomly assigned, how the variables were
manipulated or measured, how counterbalancing was accomplished, and so on. But whatever they
are, they should help organize the manuscript and make the argument clear.

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