Research Paper On Prison System

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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on the prison system? You're not alone.

Crafting a well-
researched and comprehensive thesis on such a complex and multifaceted topic can be incredibly
challenging. From gathering relevant data to analyzing various perspectives and presenting your
findings coherently, the process can be overwhelming.

Exploring the intricacies of the prison system requires a deep understanding of sociology,
criminology, law, and psychology, among other disciplines. It involves delving into historical
contexts, examining current policies and practices, and considering the impact on individuals and
society as a whole. Moreover, navigating through the vast array of scholarly articles, reports, and case
studies can be daunting, especially for those with limited time or resources.

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It is presumed that crime can only be controlled if prison system gets bigger and severe punishments
are levied to forbid people from indulging in criminal activities. The most overarching change is that
these prisons need to be more accountable, as much as they are privately owned they deal with
delicate sectors such that accountability will earn trust from the public. According to research, the
profit motives of these prisons often end up resulting in inadequate services and unsafe conditions.
The recognition of the existence of human rights does not necessarily guarantee that they will be
extended to persons charged or convicted of crime. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our cookie policy. The guards did eventually let him out and he was then quite distressed.
Further, classification of imprisoned people is race dependant in many states and federal corrections.
Moreover, sick prisoners are not provided with their needed medicine by the prison authorities. The
US criminal justice system is also influenced by democracy; primarily, courts judges, prosecutors are
elected, and hence they are subject to public scrutiny. Those guilty of recidivism were beaten to
death or exposed to ants for 1 day. They also progress the local growth through procurement of
goods and services needed to run the facility while in public prisons most of the procurements are
controlled by the centralized state procurement. These prisons are taxpaying entities, public owned
prisons are not entitled to most of the resident taxes, and a private one is normally subjected to all of
them. Tim Newbury (2009) argues that prison practices isolation and offenders tend to be studied as
individuals how prisoners are seen in the eyes of the law, he suggests that offenders should be seen
as no different from anyone else in society. This is made worse by law enforcement officers who
tend to encourage use racial profiling in their investigations. As described in the background of the
organization, APO has 11 staffs which are participated in the management of the prison office. And
of those who are convicted of crimes, only 20% ever return to prison. In this staff the prisoners will
get professional training according to their pleasure. 2 4. Development clustering staff: - this stuff
works on clustering the prisoners to work and creating opportunity of work to the prisoners. What is
the significance of race and gender in the criminal justice system. Maltreatment of the prisoners was
prohibited and so was the extorting of money from them as well as his use of their services by
employers of the prison for personal benefits. Nevertheless, violence in jails has dire consequences as
it leads to severe harm, death, and suicide. In comparison, 18% of the general population age 18 or
older had not finished the 12th grade (Harlow, 2003). The idea is to improve the overall system of
economy, social and political systems which will automatically lead to improvement in prison
systems as they are all inter related. The Growth and Use of Privatization in Australia and Abroad
Australia has more people in prison now that it had at any point in history, according to 2015
national statistics the rates stood at 196 prisoners per 100000 people. If you only had some
compassion! -grafitti written 011 the wall of American State Prison I. They barricaded the guards out
by placing their beds against the doors. In American criminal justice system, arrests, pretrial and the
sentencing are influenced by race. For this offenders, the federal government has set up an elaborate
system of prisons across the country divided into six different regions. These private companies
slowly but gradually attained the operational contract from the local, states and federal level. When
the prisoners come to this prison they will feel a stress, in order to help these prisoners to free form
this stress this staff will give them psychological advice. 3. Education and training staff: - this staff is
responsible for performing teaching and learning process academically. Which means the
management system works manually in all management process.
Similarly, the public demand tougher actions from the criminal justice system. We follow the
classical school of penology that justifies imprisonment to punish the offenders. Different approaches
have been evolved in other countries. In addition, CCA would insure that the prisons it operated
would meet the criterion establish by the same federal judge who had earlier determined that the
state's prison system violated of the U. All positions in the staff including that of driver, and janitor
require corresponding eligibilities. Like its kind which afflicts the body, crime has its causes, its
history; it can lead to complications more serious, more malignant; it can be fatal. They had
apparently forgotten they could request to leave the experiment at any time. The inmates were
forced to wear hats made from panty hose to simulate shaved heads (Zimbardo, 1999). Private jails
rely heavily on high imprisonment rates to create revenue. It outlines that the purposes of prisons are
to deter crime, punish offenders, and rehabilitate prisoners. When you add in the fact that they
already have no education or job history, and now they have a criminal record, you can see how a
normal life might seem like a hopeless endeavor. We need to shift our focus away from punishing the
poor and disadvantaged, to rehabilitating those who have been led toward bad decisions through
poor circumstances, and opening the doors for them through education, training, and mental health
services. The government provides the prison buildings, the administration, the staff and they
oversee all of the prisoners and everything that goes on in prison. The concept of privatization
became a topic of public discussion in the mid-1980s, when the newly formed Corrections
Corporation of America (CCA) proposed to the State of Tennessee's to operate its entire prison
system. Let’s take a look at Norway’s criminal justice system. Proceeds from these go to the
institution which in turn may be spent fo r its maintenance. In the form it includes background of the
prisoner, holdings of the prisoner when entering to prison, crime data, physical appearance and health
status of the prisoner, name of the police officer that registers the prisoner. The reports made by these
guards were vital in the diagnosis and classification of each prisoners. About 44% of black State
prison inmates and 53% of Hispanic inmates had not graduated from high school or received a GED
compared to 27% of whites in State prisons. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Moreover, respondents
thought that some guards are mentally insane. Prisoners, especially those new to the system can be
easily coerced into doing things such as allowing themselves to be raped or committing violent acts
against others out of fear. They build friendships with the guards, have immersive vocational
programs and have no bars on their windows. The author hopes to set up the principles and methods
of architectural design of prison and provide theoretical suggestions for the design and research of
prison buildings in the future. Gerstner A discussion of Human Rights in the realm of education,
rather than education as a human right. Anton and his wife are able to choose the characteristics of
their second son, they were able to modify the child's physical abilities, his appearance and essay
even help extend his life by reform eliminating any inherent disorders. The author makes the reader
think of the reform paper, stones as being non-harmful by Topic For A, referring to the stones as
smooth and round. Prisons occupy a special place in our society because they limit or deprive one of
their liberty and places limits on self-determination. She'd probably be backward enough to cry for
help essay, put them to everyday use ? (Walker 70). Use case ends Alternative course A: Blank field
or incorrect input A1.
Research shows that crime rate, number of inmates and offenders increase tremendously in time of
economic crisis and unemployment. Anton is who killed ramsey happy for prison paper, some of free
professional cv cover letter it to be by reform paper chance but the doctor insisted that the child was
simply the best of the parents. This is due the notion that, after long imprisonment, inmates are
unable to reintegrate in the local community. Jun 2010 You can read the winning (and excellent)
essays here is chronically underfunded and ultimately useless in a system which is often referred. The
Flawed Prison System of America - But, the same is not necessarily true about petty drug dealers
whose incarceration creates a vacancy for someone. For instance, German continued to in control of
detention when the country got their first private company in 2004. For instance, never was there a
psychiatrist in the center. It can be said that the inadequate education and vocational training devices
employed by our present prison system do not at all help in rehabilitating our prisoners. According to
Conrad (2005, p.223), “72 percent of incarcerated persons are people of color, with blacks
constituting 46 percent of all incarcerated people”. Hence, it is provided in the Standard Minimum
Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners that recreational and cultural activities shall be provided in all
institutions for the benefit of the mental and physical health of the prisoners. Correctional staff
needs to be provided with training and workshops and government needs to allocate more resources
for their training development and upgrade pays in order to build an effective system. After all
attempts to get the new inmate to eat failed, he was placed in solitary for a longer period of time
than anyone was supposed to be in it. However, during this period the number of prisons population
increased by 57 percent and that of publicly owned prisons increased by 50 percent. This would
mean that in fact only society can decide whether or not prisons actually work in terms of
punishment Joyce, 2006). How much money is spent on prison rehabilitation UK. Brief History of
Philippine Prison System One of the most important facets of our criminal justice system is the
institution of prisons. The Civil Rights Act allowed the inmates regardless of race and gender to file
a suit against any mistreatment, violence, medical ignorance or any such unethical practice. Today,
our government as well as society seeks ways to rehabilitate offenders (Gil, 2009). This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. About a fifth
of jail inmates and two-fifths of the general population gave economic reasons for leaving school,
primarily going to work, joining the military, or needing money (Harlow, 2003).” The problem goes
even deeper when we look at the effects of race and socio-economic factors. Gaining weight is
caused when individuals consume more energy than the body has to geography questions, burn.
Specifically, the American culture has branded people of color as troublemakers or criminals, hence
leading to massive indiscriminate detention and imprisonment of African-American youths. Around 1
in 6 inmates in Federal prisons did not complete high school because they were convicted of a crime
or served time in correctional facilities (Harlow, 2003). As a matter of fact, imprisonment as a
penalty for law-violations was unheard of. He has to be further classified into maximum, medium or
minimum prisoner. It is often believed in America that the prison and criminal justice systems
promote economic and social inequalities and it has an unequal and unfair effect on poor, the
American minorities and less privileged class of the society. The government has to come up with
new ways to punish the guilty, and still manage to keep American citizens satisfied that our prison
system is still effective. Discussion Ethically the experiment would never be allowed in current
society. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. The existing condition of confinement in American prisons includes
presence of violence, poor healthcare, inappropriate segregation, oversight and accountability and
knowledge and data.
In order to set the stage for the prison to look realistic, three rooms in the basement of one of the
Stanford buildings were sectioned off and the doors were replaced with doors containing bars and
cell numbers. When you add in the fact that they already have no education or job history, and now
they have a criminal record, you can see how a normal life might seem like a hopeless endeavor. The
respondents said that these weapons were brought in by the guards themselves and sold to them for
exorbitant prices. Below given is an outstanding essay example on the prison systems The second
phase or the reconstruction era took place after the American Civil War. Insular (National) b. Local
c. Correctional Institution City Prisoners a. ale b. female Minors a. male b. female Total No. 336 12
24 o 1 o o 10 o o o 393 33 b. Immigrant detention is the most targeted sector for private prisons
primarily in the United States. Some of the non-compliant prisoners were placed in solitary
confinement and others were forced to go without food for a period of time. Also, without the
knowledge and higher order thinking skills that are developed in school, people do not have the
means to problem solve and understand potential consequences for their actions. Security is also
affecting the way the rehabilitation programmer are run. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that,
or find out how to manage cookies. The Staff Interview Finally, after a period of about two months,
the individual is called to a staff interview, where with his individual participation, the program
directed toward his rehabilitation is laid out and set on record. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown
disapproval of prison system by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of
what prisons are in general, during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America. They
also progress the local growth through procurement of goods and services needed to run the facility
while in public prisons most of the procurements are controlled by the centralized state procurement.
Field work ranges from planting different kinds of vegetables to raising hogs and other domestic
animals. Personnel-Inmate Relationship Interview of 10 inmates was undertaken in order to
determine the inmate’s impression of the prison’s personnel. Our architectural design and
construction of prison are advancing in the dark. It outlines that the purposes of prisons are to deter
crime, punish offenders, and rehabilitate prisoners. The trend exploded when the government was
tight with the budget due to the explosion of prison overcrowding and promised low-cost, detention
and quality services. The US now has the distinction of holding more citizens in prison than any
other country in the world. In the case of the united states, for much of the countrys history, the
important institutions were dominated by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) community.
These universal core principles are a reflection of the human rights; so the common skeleton of
framework, philosophy and concept of human rights should be worldwide or universal. The
recognition of the existence of human rights does not necessarily guarantee that they will be
extended to persons charged or convicted of crime. Name of advisor signature Examining committee
members’ signature Date 1. Incarceration is the detention of a person in jail, typically as punishment
for a crime. The Flawed Prison System of America - But, the same is not necessarily true about petty
drug dealers whose incarceration creates a vacancy for someone. Now the prison is registered after
these steps. ? Updating prisoners data Updating prisoner data occurs when there is change in the
order of imprisonment. However, a reasonable and just compensation under the present
circumstances will alleviate the miseries of these prisoners, who, even though they are segregated
from society for crimes done against it, should nevertheless be made to feel that they are still human
beings. The treatment and life accorded to prisoners reflects the society’s views and priorities.
Adequate beddings contrary to the provision of the law, are not provided. Without a proper
education, people cannot obtain work, and without work people often resort to crime.
All the business that goes onto running a prison, the government only supplies the prisoners and
oversees the prison. Our architectural design and construction of prison are advancing in the dark.
One would note immediately that there is no major department with the single purpose of taking care
of the rehabilitative aspect of the prison. The Senate committee on Justice of the Fourth Session of
the Sixth Congress investigated the condition of he penitentiaries in 1968-69, and findings revealed
the sub-human conditions inside the prisons. The prison of today is a clinic where the afflicted
member is segregated, diagnosed, treated and rehabilitated with the view of returning him to the fold
of the normal community, equipped with a healthier sense of values and prepared to accept the
responsibilities of community life. The Civil Rights Act allowed the inmates regardless of race and
gender to file a suit against any mistreatment, violence, medical ignorance or any such unethical
practice. Some of the non-compliant prisoners were placed in solitary confinement and others were
forced to go without food for a period of time. The education of illiterates and young prisoners shall
be compulsory and special attention shall be paid to it by the institution. Tercihlerini Etkileyen
Faktorler: Birlesik Krall?k ve Turkiye Uzerine Kars?last?rmal. Below given is an outstanding essay
example on the prison systems The second phase or the reconstruction era took place after the
American Civil War. These were the jails or prisons chiefly used for the detention of those accused of
crime pending their trials. The United States leads other industrialized nations in mass incarceration
level due to high numbers of violent crimes, porous borders with Mexico, which inflates drugs
trafficking, racial turmoil, criminal justice policies, and degradation of social safety net. At some time
interval it can be monthly, quarterly. One of them was John Harvard, reputed to be the greatest
English prison reformer. Besides having similar activities, Davao has some manufacturing activities
and industrial shops. Now the prison is registered after these steps. ? Updating prisoners data
Updating prisoner data occurs when there is change in the order of imprisonment. The committee
found out that the prisoners were subjected to cruel and excessive punishment. I.? They singled out
the bartolina which constitutes ot close confinement in irons with the prisoner’s hands chained to a
post or wall at about the height of liis shoulder. Nevertheless, violence in jails has dire consequences
as it leads to severe harm, death, and suicide. The severe the punishment the lower the crime rate will
get. Worse still, ex-convicts find themselves overlooked by the society, as they are usually unable to
easily reintegrate in the society; thus increasing chances of recidivism. Additional materials, such as
the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered
here. The five staffs are Prisoner’s administration staff, HRM, Central manager, Guard officer staff
and Education and training staff. 1.7.2 Limitation ? The system doesn’t support local language. If
the prison system wants to make any real progress in decreasing recidivism rates and having a
positive effect on the people subject to its environment, a serious analysis of prison architecture and
its shortcomings must be conducted, and revisions to the prison design model are to be carried out in
order to rework the psychological impact these structures have on the human mind once inside. The
other inmates were given the choice of leaving him in solitary all night and for some special
privileges, they chose to leave him in all night. So, if a problem is encountered it would immediately
fixed. Therefore for the prisons to be more active, they should make sure necessary reforms are made
that ensures the safety of the work for and the effectiveness of the whole system. The existing
condition of confinement in American prisons includes presence of violence, poor healthcare,
inappropriate segregation, oversight and accountability and knowledge and data. What are the
cultural implications of our use of mass imprisonment on local communities. Prisoner’s rights should
be protected and they should be provided with the same facilities as that of a free citizen except
where there are security concerns. In the form it includes background of the prisoner, holdings of the
prisoner when entering to prison, crime data, physical appearance and health status of the prisoner,
name of the police officer that registers the prisoner.
Besides, other behavior in jails also facilitates deterioration of health of incarcerated persons, for
example, drug, and substance abuse, unprotected sex, tattooing among others. And, the data that is
stored will be accessed with the authorized police officer. When the police officers of prisoner
administration staff need the data (profile) of the prisoner they can retrieve prisoners file and view
it. ? Human resource management staff (HRM): - the main functionality of this staff is related to the
data of employees (workers) of APO. The people all started out to be considered relatively equal, but
once they became involved in their roles personality differences became more apparent. So, if a
problem is encountered it would immediately fixed. It will plan how the budget will be in use and
assigns a budget to a specified task. Oct 2015 Fourth City: Essays from the Prison in America is
therefore an important issued calls for submissions throughout America s prison system. Several
variables affect the implementation among which are the enforcing officers, the classification of
prisoners, the treatment of officers, specially their living conditions and day to day activities.
Particular states in Brazil have also been using this system of privatization since 1999, and
approximately 1.5% of all of their prisoners are held in partially privatized facilities as of 2009. The
trend exploded when the government was tight with the budget due to the explosion of prison
overcrowding and promised low-cost, detention and quality services. The inmates were forced to
wear hats made from panty hose to simulate shaved heads (Zimbardo, 1999). It includes a variety of
elements that attempts to define the functionality require by the customer to satisfy their different
users. 3.2.1 Use case diagram Use cases are textual descriptions which can be augmented by UML
use case diagrams. Use cases take the point of view of the user or users of the system. Hispanics too
are over-represented in the criminal justice system. It seems to run counter to another constitutional
provision which provides that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent
until the contrary is proved. 3o There were many instances when a person pronounced not guilty had
stayed within the four walls of a prison cell for a longer period of time than if proved guilty. Below
given is an outstanding essay example on the prison systems The second phase or the reconstruction
era took place after the American Civil War. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The government has to come
up with new ways to punish the guilty, and still manage to keep American citizens satisfied that our
prison system is still effective. Sample is in your inbox Avoid editing or writing from scratch.
Incarceration is the detention of a person in jail, typically as punishment for a crime. The updating
can be also done when the prisoner is released. 16 ? Viewing prisoners data The officer’s prisoner’s
administration staff can see prisoner’s data when they need it. By focusing on rehabilitation, we can
reduce prison costs and decrease the rate of recidivism. In current Adigrat prison, the prison office is
using the manual management system. The prison of today is a clinic where the afflicted member is
segregated, diagnosed, treated and rehabilitated with the view of returning him to the fold of the
normal community, equipped with a healthier sense of values and prepared to accept the
responsibilities of community life. Prisoners enter the prison system from a county jail for the most
part. UML allows a software engineer to express an analysis model using a modelling notation that is
governed by a set of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic rules. 3.2 System Requirement Specification
(SRS) A System Requirement Specification (SRS) is a document or a set of documentation that
describes the features and behavior of a system or software application. Besides having similar
activities, Davao has some manufacturing activities and industrial shops. The other inmates were
given the choice of leaving him in solitary all night and for some special privileges, they chose to
leave him in all night. The increasing population of the world has caused an increase in crime rates
leading to large correctional staff, severe punishments and expansion in prison and jail systems.
United States of America being one of the largest countries of the world faces the same problem.
That equates to 15 to 20 percent of inmates with mental illnesses. The term ?disease' has three
medically identified criteria for it to be defined which can be simplified into resume format lecturers
three questions; Does it change the physiological mechanism of the research body.
Certainly, a number of African-Americans have been victimized due to their color. The existing
manual based prison management system takes a lot of time in order to complete a task. Ten
maximum-security prisoners, six medium security-prisoners and five miniJ11um-security. prisoners.
were informally interviewed. The rest could represent “five star” penal institutions with all amenities,
conveniences, and facilities of tennis court, horse riding or swimming in the sea. This system was
characterized by the establishment of reformation with cellular confinement and the use of hard
labor as disciplinary and reformative measures. 3 Criminal Science also evolved during this period.
Australian has enthusiastically adopted this trend, and it has a higher proportion of inmates in
privately owned prisons than any other country. The men were all interviewed to get their views on
how they were treated and what they thought had happened. In Bilibid, the group found out that
aspirin is the most popular and the most versatile medicine, it is prescribed to prisoners with catarrh
or “gastro enteritis. ” Doctors are inadequate, one of the two psychiatrists of the RDC or the
Reception and Diagnostic Center is even utilized as a regular doctor of the prison hospital. But up to
now, the Philippine penal system neglects the rehabilitative aspect of penology. 74 PHILIPPINE
LAW JOURNAL VOL. 52 Personnel Qualification and Training Like other Bureaus in the
government, the Director of the Bureau of Prisons is a presidential appointee and all others are
appointed in accordance with Pres. Decree No. 807. On the other hand, the jails are manned by the
members of the Integrated National Police. The registration will be performed by Expert of storing
information of human power. ? The Expert of storing information of human power officer checks if
the order is valid, then it registers the police officer in the system. For A ! Grocery stores however,
are being stacked up with junk food and processed foods. Even probation and parole programs have
not helped in the rehabilitation process due to inadequate resources, poor facilities and lack of
appropriate decision making. The report will be given to central manager. 11. Central manager: - this
staff is controls the overall work of the prison office. Hence, within the limited framework of staff
and facilities, every effort is made to determine the individual inmate’s physical inadequacies, his
character disorders, his educational, social and vocational needs, his moral weaknesses as well as his
strength. A use case is a task that an actor needs the system to carry out. It was also noted that the
center lacks sufficient technical personnel. Following this the guards used other methods to create
mistrust among the inmates to keep them from grouping together. When the researchers discovered
how far out of control the experiment had become, they decided to end it after just six days out of
the planned two week experiment. Spanish Regime Upon the in1position of the Spanish control, the
European Criminal system was introduced in the Philippines. In the provincial, city and municipal
jails, medical services is a little bit better. If legislators don't take action, prisoners will continue to be
killed in correctional facilities by acts of violence before finishing their time. The set of use cases
represents all of the possible interactions that will be described in the system requirements. Indeed,
prison labor, in its present-day context, should be helping the prisoners in reforming their lives inside
in preparation for their eventual release. This is because these factors such as media, corporations,
and politicians develop methods that turn crimes into forms of capital and therefore the government
should be more vigilant in controlling the influence of these sectors on private prisons. The prison
officials are aware of such accommodations but would rather attribute it to “lack of funds” rather
than mismanagement. b. Personal hygiene, dothing and bedding Section 1, Article XII of the Rules
for Treatment of Prisoners (1960) provides that a prisoner must be “clean and orderly, everywhere
and at all times, in his prison, clothes, bedding and dormitory. For-profit prison privatization has
existed since the 16th century, however; this initiative began to enjoy modern incarceration in the
1980s. Similarly, changes in the sentencing policies have contributed to 88 percent of prison
expansion in the United States. These crimes range from blue-collar crimes up to murder. The age of
Justinian brought about a new legal principle. This staff also controls court appointment of a prisoner.
2. Counseling staff: - this staff is responsible for giving psychological counseling to the prisoners
when they are entering the prison.

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