Adobe Scan 01 Dec 2022

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can ated hy
Som sehion Ihe &ouety
aseted Juuton tibuld sfand
Policy Thiu
th Wau impleunenta/1on
eMablus Ao
thu efhet
agnd Fo adopt 7medial
mlememhina. behouhand
audagthetts kisatcgiu
RaunL deuids the Cnttua
Tho cy Conckned.
agen tho impumuntafi
and iosMA to be hellound 0
th polig-
Role sh dagislature un poliy mplomntation
The ol e lgislatuxo is houseuwx ndid
A he legislatut exeue, Comtool and
SuLlWamce, _oLL h execuhue haou a
T- m eaime8. Thoug ho WegeolatuLR
ALkeaateu fak o_poluy hormul afion
toh xe utie he exetutiu has to
Lenulate and1malemmt ho Peli cies Oithn ii
hu limik Set by ho jo3 mU
The de latu RXRHcis Contzs, 0u
executive hough
a)MationS Adjeuwnment monon hahsWH
dis(uuon hodt_dunadhon
duuwsLe no wnkidenca Mofion tc
bThcough axlimurcty quHions:
cThough sheugil&i Commiteas
Public LAUnts_Comundtee tatimate
Commite Comite on Pülic n detakirgs
Ponliameitany Commite, ef inyutigation
Thi CoMAitHeos Can asK ly
ALmLts eguxed in _eden to acc wlt

beitg dono and. exeuLU
Contaol lhe legülalwe
.Thsoogh hinancial naation egading
checko admi
is "complcte what has
mplonntafion okJho polies
to be done h
mot becn done hoo it is
the budaet
1S eqiocd hos doing it, thxough
unde 'disLssion.
audif epot opublio
This &yotem emaUHR8 tha tho kund 3aucioned
p a t iculas
toJagwlatune ho a
programm a tiküed, in a'paope dpAnt by
peumaneru exe cfiue This p out
h ta diy cus4ion ahd
s laced in ho house 06
mLans wurg
his us quute an heuti
l e g u l a t u 3 a l and p dignihicanca n
icy implsmentation. t 4APALEL

)Role a Judiciasuy
tnekmally happems_uehon he
is not dloasly 0Hded and
1nteepretation"of pslics made n 3Uch
Casu he Cowt3 giu thin woidict
hatu deLdod bytHe Cot is
n0umally (onaidirsd and aCCepted, _as final
duision wlss he degulatwd jwthu
ugiolatu On he lauts_diwlön . Tho Cgucts
Kaue uny Hight to Leeh_into the noitutiondl
U y kihd e public p'etiy tht u
mado m to fnme_

folicy yaluatuon the pouY makn

Eveuation us a mcans o geth ng
an Kmouslsdae
th HuleNant imemathom
andi T folic fp blim.
Ldhy Euauation? polic
1:asCtaun h imnpaut o the poliy
seqLisied hevdback to He
and fo fpLLde
amirs ard
LmfHouemerts ún the peticy allady made
6 uts exeuufiue me hanum.
To duteumin tho 3uccess 0 f a i w e o
To enAw thaf th implemantation
machinuy hunchoris adequatey.
Agencu eopl , iNshtutions involved
in_/t a CoSuPt 0 mot,- LASASUS nieded
E CaHHYing 0ut th piogamae
Lugiuently awailablo an intelligently
iperd and dutation. tagets aKA mt with
whsthe th bemehits as aching tauget

Tyre ot tvaluation

i Pro eNaluafion
htha peilic POlicy hos been implemunted
1TL accordancu i t h policy uider guudelines,
U L d at ho time
epolicy hosmulaction
0 TOot

) Sopaut fualuafion
To cualuatc ho hangcs both Positrve, and ngalfive
foums sb the joal attained ov not ob
ho Poliitsi the Ysevailing Condition behoa t
1mplomentafion ok the poliy and ahlest fhar
uiuded m 0odo 4 know Ihe impact
lo detoUmine uts eghiciemcy wth
C POly:
JCgdndto time and Co8t inuswed
in úits

t) ualit aive J mpact evaluation

To diteUmLnU
a) whdhi the polity. is benehicial o tho pecpl
at ange
b)whthe the 0bjective poamulated a s pLope and
1T Con30nanco with he Changing SCcnaio0
he long un
út wll be uiable in meet
hithoo úf w l be ablo to
thu people ér nOt
B I g expectations G
The 3tated objectiue o the
be deuelopment oüented but 8omitimis
Poliy might domand: fox
t h l gt dveitedd against pCopte's
NlSAWation policy,
eX Tehi Dama pojet etc: a examp lis et
ningtetthng pelicy Naumada
ucpsliu U&ually 0 nly a Small 0 e
people ai able too d r w t benchtsAsLO
uch a many
policy. s 10 3 u l t un
poliis hau 1êo d
1NCLa8e eonomic
,rand, 20tab unequall ie8 ThoheA. a
pei h as lo batish fho iutiust Gthe
a l h 8etion3 h¬ lommuly . No

matt o 0 what outeua. üt ha3 boen ewaluatg
feticis (an be ebheutive ú ThocÚs
COnsenas and a9?eMent on O UBAU
who waluates?

D CLoveXnmuntal eppect
t i s done by policy 6oxmulatocs,Plonhing
(ommiuion_NiIt Aog Cabint dipatrtt,
admiistaafive _agenci taaudiimg Hrqtttttt4
inquiy Comüitee, acCDunts Gfice
Valuaion e coM council iuotes)
he heada 0f VaLBLBdepantmLN3 Can
osk 6eG ROPeAB KOgakding PoliuYlafed
o tfu
and, ptefetk g{om to oh8iOK
depatmkrts._0n the bais t h e
infemahion, ieciued thuy àdopt not inly.
Lnidial nhods but_maht Contaol mose
A nct
6)Adninistaatiue depautmnt
dopasutment pkepauw ut annual tepot
the basis u t paliy'
yaluati dn Thuy Ualudte s u s "u ke
WACh h mplitc_vmonuy has b
ApRt 6 Lot okLfhOL he psLOjuf h
oplute d 0vn ime ynet w and
he Mwch dilay has faktn Pla ett The
udgtdbuisio n _wAne diyuands

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