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Urut 3
Religien and Politis

eculari meams diharti4 equality and4

Meutrality 1tb demards fhat he sbafe
Should. nst be biased' fowand3 any uligion
Ccondy Atate 3h8-uld, not haue any
ligtont ks 8w Thindly as or an a a

pAo h Lafe shuld not irtukoo

in y uligious_mgtusLphincigle diotanu
Fouwcthstate Jhuld ullbo te princpla
d ualt tn a mu-neligiou 'Äoucty
lik n did. Secularom hao unders tooo
h r e e e l . first is h individual
State ond soctty Thwe thL
Lompkimmentpry Lach ohen. d a
in divdua we ching Bv ojuwed,
kaith kuligisn As a ouct We tuopt
0hi ralifion Qnd as s t a t e we
L Pet tho pmapla o eqaldu Th
e ling utudlL HPet amon. thoo
n s tungtenH Covorithona Xeguav
b t alb "hwLD a SAnse Leun
ngingreo PFratenity.

Constitutional faovis ionaaheguaxds

(42nd_amndnet 1s 76)
we the ndia
People o
nity the Dathdn
6atrnity all


2 PsLouisio ns ael a t e to citr3enship

Adticle 5

3 Fundamuntal sughts
Right to equality
Rigkt o fveedom
Ruight t freodom o9eligion
Cltural and educatio nal ights

38, 3I, 44

5 Fun damental Autiu

Aitde 5|LE) EH).

6 P a t V and Paxt VI
eRBice e President ands lrime miniiten
Maioit and inoaitdebate/debate

o Hindu
lindutva. moans hindurus 9t is a Aosm
cultore natjonalism, and a potica phulsoph4
hindu suaht WngJt3 houn d is V D
f Htn duuism is
hahr Sayankv He hald hat
nDt mennly one o the uligions oh Jn dia
bu d an ghdia wa o t e
S thgo k , h i 9uq hon: ok i n dus L
Iauus clai'm BJP
ing.tsuly 8ecularism as OPPos e
Ps s eclia oh 0 +hwu poltticab parh's
Date 10:2 7At


din o to Ho m in) , Sha Ba

9n di'a At ch p an
The jtyengt ndutva as 8t org
is hat_is MUslim
deelogy hougeue
Met 9otictels to organioahions 0polihc Contoau
ady'co n d has wc uded in a p i this Vo
tommonSano e OMOhGdUono e undu odina
a Pas8ed
20 o 2
2DO s22 The moj orit mimsily doebate Can ha ughts
dis used w i t h gerahu to thaboloumga
Unigeum ciil cod
to u
a)Shah Bano Case, Ciuil
d 1985 Shah Bano CaA becam the UCC
Casl undex whihBJP Was ablo d b the
awuiu Us Hindutva Agenda: Today hex to be
NamUmaNs a kmbol which BTP legal
inLokes fo estahiish t s taue 32ulan
Cedentials and uts Commitmunt to usemAn Com
ights a s oppoad to tho pseudo Aecuka
Congrs8 Shah BanD a Musltm Usoman_ and
catmed maintenamue omhe hiusbamd becom
und seutioms 125 Ciminal, pio cedusue too
cowt undee 'suprom Coun shich opplie8 agur
to all thcitizens o 4ndia Ho hsbamd the
claimed ha unde MuslimpersOnal lao. alse
t wasn't TOOBZay h i m to Pay begi
tho maint enanu aftel 3month3- o ditorce mole
The, Jugdement 9anted maint enameto implr
clAsSMAte clASSMAte

inD ty Sha Bane The deusion o h e Cout wous ed

h'cal st rcong PLotest om the deaders othe
(S MUstim Commumuly wfeheldhat this.judgment
polihca Co ntaauemes tho Mualim pexsonal aus. gnoaing
fhis voice Rajeeu' gandhi's geut:pass ed. än
Andu ordinanL Overle wfuch wa3 date On
Passed asMusalim wemen(pAAetio n o
ightsupon divouce) ReMOVÄng. Muslim
Bution 125.
owng aEM the prLUieus ob
Tho Shah Bane u i i u
emabled Hhe BTP to PL38Uts geMOHAL
geimnt o appeasiment ot ninoity

to n u uts demand be the nifoem

Ciuil Code: 4h otheo womdsthe demand 6e
UCC LS made in the nam e paoteUng
Hhe the integuty eftho Coumtay, ushith usJeh
to bewhdi thtoat pem a Plwrality e
UcGus SaAARBted On
P legab bysteMUhile. Ho
t h qmoinds e8 the ultural ughts e

Comhumlly eythe mid 1980s the gusuing

0gamised hindutva pelitics
ula üt
Man and the' gemaLal egitimacy ok LOAS
vidant The Shah Bane judgemunt
bamc becomuung
eduse too wa haile by. the media as Victouu
OPplies against the 3slamic obs cLuxantism. Subseqientiy
bamd tho degislation Ovevtwening hejudgemeË ,

lau alse,hor adibherert a t e .inlason8th

the woman's
beginning the uthinking
orce msiemert gou the dernando UCC with uh
to implicit legitimizing om ational1ntegei
agumert bemphabigng. imjh eajuals

e al Communities BTP s abla
to uL
To U &oms aspects Wiberal domocnatic
thinkim4 to uggeat hat an ocognion
o diphuren us necess àuly Conbo as db
thPrincipls o ecularisn Simcet
had aleoadiy been equated -Dith dndian
Htndu Poaice by dokinille9 ca ny
be omony dihexei Paactices un
b) Ayodhya Bab Masjid Ram Janmbho0mi
Sn eady 986faizabad Distalict acousb
doxed H opening_é the Lack ok the
babi masjid pexTmtting the wemship e ido
am msidg it
This meuG was widely
Percived to be am ebhot by th
geut. to xecouex th Wost.qusund
the hindus aten he Muslim S0TmaN at
This developmant houseuen 9nly gaue tho
Impetus he h hinduvaadi demands to a
temple to be. buultt tho bitedn I990,
the Vishuwa Hindu Pasishad tlawmched
he amjaninabhopmi aamdelan oithouut
mh &up povt hstOTM-ha BJR puom tho stat
BTP at that time was SuppoHtinatho Nahonal
fsOnt Cnovt led by p Simgh But Uhan Vp
Smgh decide to implemar tho mandal
Comissian pot the BTP steadily: mawel
tOwaxds hi Vhp (Vishapa hindu POAuhad

camp: SimultamesLsly the BJP dauwnched ut

Kampaign to win hiñdi olidaul on fhe.
immotive Ram andt Janmbhoomi A
puo522 within a Month L k
Adwani launuhed a ath yatoatraualling
10,000 Kms In a toyota vehicle duigrad
to depict an epic Chaust om Somnath
and plannng to
Uujastat xosy
tmplo I
8 Atatesbehoro KAalhingAayodha
to Inaugusaf ehe k adswa to bagin t h
o Kam Mandir
St wa a exta0dinany mobili2ationl
imaginative VisuallyHaiking leading to

exicted ap.d Cowd all clong

h oute: Duing thiufeiod there Wee
plannud attadks. Othe Nuslim a8, a ue3ulE markod
tHe toute o Yatra, was
blood Th blodd o the Kaniyaks
b L i o shed uhle_peuNO. by th alcuRudy
wwn elled, to Ond iolenu agaNJt
uplumalong the Roude t poocsaion
Tha ntixe Lmpaig wa D culmin hat shook
o s lote in_that nning imag6
H RAunlan undaion ndia. The men

top +ho dome_o the Masyid

the Saßon lha and
umatelu- hh mDsquu was Aiduced.
Bble.. AIl hu Jed tb viodeue
alDVe th Subonhrent Kkulling
thowhands peo ple Th 6Jf |e ddpashie

Coninoualy. asstedstha h otual

demo liion had notbeoR poe-ploUhed
and that
jt Was_a: SpontandousAt
had taky
c h pcople 's Cmohon
0V hem Sinte, h eleufiouo wl du
The paMty, had td a00uf ts MD rhe
and Consituhonol chaM ator whilHa
politial gains f fh denolition COld
b h hodnoast b, hu _mmben 6

) ) nodhsua Riots
One e the most impottant mAuLmaNI o
NDAXl wa Afafe 3pomAead, masacche
e Muslims in auanat ^uom feh 2002
Mach 200 2 Un what amUted to
a viztuals ethnic leonlsing exercipe
uwlimwene duinen out dR h n kouy
an u)IA masdctYe in ho touD h
Rthnic luanwing0enjuahjied by he
Hinduo a s Spsftamiguw ition to attatk
byhe uolmo Dn.a train, iii
Cnodkra Station, nuaratCaxrjth h
Kos waks Coming back hDm Ayodhya
i n which aa boa8 th rainwap

o n j t yAultirg in many deafko

A Y i n 20 06 epit o an
inai lo vmmi|e unduw utice v. C
BantafL Cany MLd WhA Seuend
Athi Tnvcheanoho Since 200 2 h ad
LAtel h at a ire had besu

s0M 1oidt bo aMds ut uts

whu he muslim idt
mob w
(olleted hu is nok doubt
P09amm ha beény plannedo in odwan
au awaite &
pretext fo 80t0ing into
mo fion- ho ampcigu Wa KLLssNUI in
tet weauing Godhza- huanat in_ /edple s
mind Len t , Bulaw+Coifics of
Cuia t 310t Aed h teym Codhaa viots
Post oodh ra didts hu leaitimising both
hduPosed poVoCation as u l as h
idea hat t a WengSPemtaMOAN i0t
1iead pYe -plannedviolence
mdeed most oiots io
ndiaa a u Om 3pontamious. and involve
shat paul Brasshas callnd inutitudionalied
oyste D uot pxoduutfion whith a
aivëd dwing. Polihicalb Mobilization 0x
elutionCuoAat was hoh diapenart in
The Violence agaunst mMuA limA am hin
Popety wað mot JImypenpetuate& b
e&penial Poiiticised sechona o th popul otion P0/oton

woo onduted at a alioe

A vpt caoss yution Hinds popul ation
intudir dallt ald adivQ weno in1olved
at h Chtie Mnaiheds ilert
i ho masacCe 0k tho Mw no iIn
u n c t Wu Condute n d fh Umbrels
o t atly. påsior 33P tategovt,
police cLnddhev Sat macirmeDy

Dnlike o ther plaus thot go bauk fo

So mm dcgnee. Onco the
Caisis pakses Chuanat 's 0ne Condidot
and p?ceJpenou MuslimM (ommUmlty n
ived a ghcttbiseand inAius exfstepra
0 Debat e Om
hat US SeculanUam al about2
dspite tha hadt that tha deLada o 1980s
Loitniaed, and
th Comulpt ohtho richly
extuxed**Muansed debate on ulaiim
i l l Aate, nthu scholass Y0_Po Hcal
that &ulanym is ll abot. 4 it
t a wal& dLpanaion betuoen
hu iligton n d h 34ate, ando hewby
dwaluin uligion is it ab4t State
TYeatn oll fUigion 0 e guL and
h u validahing
ueligiouo idehhiu
3s it ab6utbbiding
into thA iConcApt "or praun'c.
Seularis m
d ik Bo do minority iahts hot
Controven b0-th the meaming a Beulanim-
h at b State indikfennuujneutrakhy
owaids ligion nd 0Ymal e4li
a h 0ligidns Above, all.whs trouble.d
andtsoublësanm uohio ns Stalk he
Concv dub ate ewdansm
Comi'dovi n me Pes vasiventss f l g ; ou

Senibili M m dudia
eula ysm afop ade iy tL Count ry
SCUdaniom ao mdta
hrovgh Capabl o 0diha. udtan
s0ity. audo politics ? oes i+ halue the
Capa ut
for Madan though he ambiguty of öullasisro
waa, Ome point (onoidou& its Stsength. 3s
Vaguendss nouw a_fo0Y 00ndaton
leas headedpuble polictuMuch of th

ambigu that att ainb theoe, debates Can be

to ald to the haut tha &cAolans tend to
Rploytwo diKReLent intenpetatio no o
LLiwaliom C a hinge tor thin 7 2pective

Criticsdihrnue.bA the on cept Jhuk tua

Manigs ak eul ansm he depavqtion
t ale_ahd.7eigidn and Sula nsm
Q uality ull eigi oA Th sE
ndASH ndig Aulans m ha lo me
in_pavhicular ho uo_w m U S. dn he
bsnmulahdn Presint Thomas VaeAsn
hata_wal, bfLp avahon_bitulen he
ode and. vlron. Thu Juonds intupYda hio,
t uulavism a nlraded, in Anlhg
ndian. hwnnal expeuen0
Hiotorical ewaluahon o Seula ri'sm in Sndia

Mahatma hanclhu(ooh jor Pm'nuple he-

wAo &ubscnbed
whithCould bi'nd people


dikbout faits gethu: Tu Pinaple

ketoundl i d8ctrh Sa6v dkazam
Sanbhav whichs mant- th aaualiBy of
al elgioes0r A Yeluigibn &sul d
be t t dte e9ually Mahaf ma a u dh
Mohbn Sarv hardmSanb hanW W
as h 0t
PYag maht pinciple, do2ned to
0 ly a
9t W o0 aloo noymatbve
nfCoplo togehn :

h ple hat yeng vuiots tte Valuuw o

etgjo n in pc Plese n s hon
hamd ho Nehru PefmntA nobor 0
LilaSm w a
08 that the not be
tate wsul
MOULA by uiiomo lomsidnatono in
hat the Pubic diSate, on tL
A0sks ha bee jetanseA hetu0LO
hose AoSibshbe to: Nehsuian
Ddrl R Suulerysm nd tiose
Suhsqibeks to thu meanir dHrat
gndhi 2Um fo he Con cept Seuula>im -

The Cisis of Suularism - ntellulval


The inabilit : h e tate to preunt
Commual vios an hu Sole
tate Rnuialo }n_fomening o
hao L t s y Caused the mmunalism
reat de al
ndprauhical 2uuothiiho habte ymerged

wilh eg md Seul an'sm huen h

om Comwunalioathion oSoiefy Cud
Scholars shtt sOndo whtthtu foly
Seuuda Sm
appop a t e 0
hot(989 1992
Thi Situatho f houseue Changed ith 2002) the
Publication 0 AShish Nandy'S. thooorti call
Sophiwticated antir modean cnh'quo , an
bve alteinative to Nehrtbian. Seulonsm and fh
majpmta na
hrough the Seulansm t he
an g Panva: Nandy'S Cntiqu 0a0 Soon
heltowed by TN Madan's inteyveton an
t n aHEY he ood gat e df dsbate, on
SClansm openad
AshishNandy 0 Seculaim

According to Nan dlyt h idcelogsi of deularsm

has exhauated its possibilihie3 and mphasizes
tho nLLssitlyhok a MLU Comceptyal
amus0k. ka aHguLd that Nehsiupian
CutaIiB YMBAPakate koliguO erm t a t e
on the people 3t is
and u8 aimP08ifion
Past oh th estesn patkag 8cientiie
9ko h nathoN, building8Lcdaiy
duelopment hat
He aquld, 8ince+he
modi Rtate &AB to dominate indiiduol
and Collutive uughtsit not ony banwhs
Sm sival 1deslogSuth 03 lion to
he peuphesu it hieauchirs h two
do mairs eligisus aliation as
by ypimg
nhio Ways e e,Accoddins to hum

demandshon MenbeI H
culanuS M
dillusuon e thaith d hat +hRy
a Aodetybut
ntegrated 1n ho ma
9ues Yo guahndes andpoo tetion a
by tho Atate
thar &uskeings oinkicted arth
k t s b u e h t i i c 3lula
m h hamo
idoetogy nanion buldin9
buuling dail ar
motal 1o .Dut etc.
m motal tc. He He Alggest
SLcwitj an ds dEHilopmect D ) Slulo
n alteunative which the UDVeUA
he tradition totoxoMLL_whih

exitS und thOUgh wnaticuwlated but he 8oc

lived duording p Nandy
us m luued t h a aticulatel and dit cu
expLsiOn in H aAtualitiX ef living Mada
no+ i n idistotal thotelogccal
po po Sitioma- But thisthis u halie to
diacoter h ugnak mianing o Confid
tatt and libAtt t mLorid n pa ob
MAANmG ha Modialy hasimpOsed usgeo
pOn ligion hataiolslogy emplo
Vieus INMadan un dinu
He pelLous, he Binmila liTe o Cihql
sNandy H omass that beliene
hat i n h e PrRvalimg nCmstanne4
Auluusm n' &o0th Asta as a 9o all
hannl oncpt of ufe Js mpossAble,_2410522
ad a baiu 0 ta_ation

impratthcal as
abui prnt en

kettabte Autuw impotent ko Uthen Cites
hsLPLasons his belie
peple hying in tho ogion
aihive adktnehts o om uligibus
Some Cas h luligto n hao Leon
dcdatc C a tafe 1lig/0n
in) Suloris m Is n capasle dk Co ntuing
Co untung
Pgdsu umdameit alio m
H guuth eldbenatey hat
h dihhoranLe C &outh Asiao ftomn
8oaet a
uLLten Cotnpants that makit
dicut if noimpess/sle to impose
SUh_a mode Avulasium 0n belietns.
Madaas addeing h tattigueo h at he
s no-+ omiss ea Beula yism sh t he
ha& dons Wa Cawhon agauns he apy
Confiduu 8ulasio egarding
th at WeShauld
sHulasfsm"' H
Seo how gan dhi
emploued tha kLOUUL B Aligiaw
toleaane t o promote inte)- Oligisuus
n distancling 3om tha 0nly ay
hthe uulanbm ma åuuund, is i we Jake
both uligion, andSularism &Uusualy
Ond not j t thubemp aurasiHon
Ond, uduua h attu ad a m ass

26]05 22.
Vieuus sh Achil Vimayak

that Nandy
&uggcotfed Vieus 0 A
Achil Vinayak Tegioun
uppoxt hoxm o
and Madan &lebrafes -ha
Ohich Pilgyamn T
Communi tgianis m dded Aslf.
Tadihonal idea o f h o 'mbe lig
modm jdua o h aloo emp
tathu han the &,
Selk: Accovding o
indi viduate
ual and th pothiu
&omekow leaih'mis Pnnup
him tthoy him e main
identi-tie Fos int
Communaiiim u iligion aCom
th bt3ugglu ogainut li u
itsly and h be kmited olihcal,
omu Cannot imply
td uwlansm 0 giving spltt to all Nehuw
Hhoreligiona-but the,has4 be xkndtd C tho
Lulaisation, Df ciuil 8ociet_According ligusuu
t him the seular State in :9nda mu
maan a
bagic Separahion e 84ate and
Tigion strenatherad by uha S0uulaprisdhon unAut
tate lauw state apparatus and State 9 o n do

foli Tho ehhoot to 3eulanse wil

sodetin dndia mustimuan Strving
redu Hliious influnu in uVl uLMUd
udutoh im p03tn o
28 5122
Pwtsut s uda
atrvrahh uhe ond th Viuss
ncreaig pmyiasate and operqtiainalition
Uigeous Commitmunt According
to h angac
him Keulansm meons thoua thing3 In
m buedoYm ou0osship
Th priyauug ohGtigcnship.
Non- l i odion o- the Btade. to ang religion Wopte-

Vieuu o Akeeb Pilgsam

tho poldical prepeniL
Pilg rami not only eLnu Jndia but he
oh Higcous Commuy hraCommuutio has a
aloo emphaoizes
ol m diaigning t h 2ecula
Seulhnsn. ke &ageots had
pinuple t 8tands in
taoublo becaus
un intd_ 3pau that
a Conptuab andu poltical
Bphene O_Auhstanh vt
tieo utsicle h 0 . t e wosds
otihcak Commidment dn
Nehsuuias Aeulan'sm du not tmegt_
a diologuo btuseei
th produut G
ligioiCommuuniis nstead it w y adopted
omanchi mLdianpaintt and
thio heature that makw i t
preisel4 been
unwtoiniable Had u l a v i s m
n d o tandirg
goun dd i n dabate and H,
AiLteNt Comnmunth it_wguld haue_PJovea
wmptlling, t h thes allHi gjeoups
Tmo Hlaug to uhscike
uLld hoehad h
o å e u i l a i sm
t o t h notib
28 s22
Raie2y Bhaxgala
h angav PABnts a citique OUndanti-8 eulansm.
Nan Nan di 'Madan

the objeution to h o praitice

H addr 233t aited
9t s'wns
eculaysm in.. India )

ht h
to Indi an Gonditioro: becauwe
6 'nsenaihu
WepdeTn Charauten. UD 9+ Ts.

h e pcople wih an eArhial lgiouA

bent D mind. i ) A Seaulay state prednd Seuar
St nict
o be mcutral but is pavhial ei the
mon-belieued0x to ho minonty
CommumitsHe makes a distimchion btwe
butween Case
4hoo Kimds oy 8euulazitm Hypea- Substantive
Seatansm whi chSAs to bing bout a ndia
panafion bctustt tho uligien. and
state in he ham e aockag
uHimafe ubstarti ve valus fov x- gi-
Autommn delopment and PUason -

U l t a rocedsial, Secuaism t sAprate not

Yeligiom suom th 3tate in h naMa C
purey impersonal Valu R uRdio nal wi
HO todd and ulu uh as buxiaucratic h
oind technocxdhG irationality. ij.Contextual thao
Seulanwm e Pruimaipleds ditance nOn Conn
absoutist- epanaion. botuseen &taterand Ax-
Puligcon whexibyLubstantive values an e
pMoAdune aoCombined Contextually
ithout an ommitmntto pioniy Smd
tithan Ho axgus h oti Contextual sedudar im at
hich IS Rnohönods_in the Comohtuh'on and
enoins h Stere to exduda seligiom
mpUOSe Fo ex- Sn tho reasOn to pYC
ex du d epavate TeligisuA ltorate
and, to indud it kobthens
for ex 'jn
acting h peuDna. ass In. umn
316/00 Secularism hor Bhagawai UB a) Aully
Compatibl ith he isgere doherune dk mE
dfterenthafed CiHenship ighti. b) the


Secla4y o ho statc 4htt mot necesaiate
St nct intewntion On- int euhucnu 0equ
distame but any 0 all ob hese as tha
Case may be.
Jho debates 0T eculaus m n
Sndia has alt: alsted, us to he hact that
w Cahnot abafxaut tho prauhce o
SulaiS m 0m tt, hutoncal Context
inwhich it iSmbedded and evaluafe it
musa ted
agai nst Mide al hoat has been oa
0th so ichies dnd Context his docs
not maa th at tho prauticw of eulonsm
in ndia KhOuN d not hal nothing to do
with jelansm as a idla 6 Sutans m is

h Conuptoab and prathcal opposite o

thoretio state, then, ut cawus cestairn
Connotatiors-) edom Puligion to all
(Adticlo 25) _) non- discaiminatior and
equaluty tveatmant (Avhcle 14).
he otusue3 Seulaism m
Euen thoss Ou
Smdiaappeas fauly dose to ho jdeal
at least t h 0ay t has been emboded
in h Seuulais9-Cbnsti+otion dnhaut we do
not hau to we the wosd Seulans m to
Prautice 3eutor politioall that we need to
d is hoithpulhyoow tho rovisiam o
h onsituhdh fo he Pnu'ple
Raualty is kolluea, gau ouoly the
dtede %uld, not Possibl atgn
me i g ion b he 'AeUsmnt c o-hu:

622Dzo oh th basic Premise8 o moderuy U onho
`eparatuA 8 oligion and polti3 Accoding
fho belieh that ieligion
u ok elemnts wf
PLivate lihe faxadoxically,thouse
, ho aduen Co mmnali.
India did no
Celenial modinmiltyin
Ushe un the dypårahon o
eligion and ay. The biost
tn tat the oloniak puod wa
thu sLed, oCommunals mu i n dia, Aimila
CatahullymuwrtuiLd and AncrLasds by_
who ieued Jndia not as
Celonial" sorcus and eco
nation but_ai a Conglo meHaction0 nohon0
eudal pinuipalithi ts and ligioUs Lowie. Pec
Social'and ultural variahohy a t t UserA 20uety
PRejected te pomote political detertion Louauag
Thib plocess o Communalisatiom uoernt up
ALUALOL notchis by h anial e he Th Se
oliticalcnt " Paxtia liko Mualin baliese
ands he hihdu Mahasabha hunA to pat
hMuslim leagueCams with fth tuo ntes
Na tion huouy and th Hinduy COmmuuna i na
ganisahor bXlewnd that h Nation a s
dbminantly Himdu The accontuatiom DAs duimilc
Holi gious derdities and,_iMAing uctio
betihoer ukh idertiti Culminated and
and Tha thiu-
the Paxuhiion ek the Lountay: in 194t and
tHe uchon
mdpendnt ndia Communalium Continu
to bo a &eisus that ojth
Potenti ak to ip afast the Csunty'3 antagon
PLunalishc 6odal Kobic unlw Consciousy

Communalusm Lhincd

According to bipi_chandra, thean the basic

elments uthich Cen idute he Bedrock ch
Co mmunalibm: hise ate also thauaLtvued as
the th pha opCommUnalism
ay Theidst elkmut is hu belieh that the
opl belonging to a paxdiculax, Hligon hai
bimila cula_jnteLsts as usl _ds that
is i t t bimilax Jecial political cuttunal,
and ecmemic intersts This gine rise to he
nohon 6k aligien bascd Communiucs, which
AKe peuceived, &s the basic wnut e tndian
A0ety Lnutead atte,lass_o
Language ibasid rotupe
b)The Second element s Lommunal ideetogy
blcewe hat not 0nly do people pelongung
to _padicula eligion haut Common_bculau
indett but in " mui -uliuou Aoae
like india the halo bg ng
ntULk B peofle helobging
o dibheIANt_XeligipnJ a dayvengent ond

c)Tho hind elomont e Commiunaliam ghest åteP

usdhir and claims that he Sala interez?
peoplo balnging o ditkcHt Hligions asL
Mutualy oPPOSed to_eath oh0% Qnd

Communalism tn dndependant Jndia that i

Nehsu aluays helieued in PLRIUng

Sulax habuc o dndia às the Ceuntaywa Neh
taking the baby steps in the woxld A
A Muslim
Staunch tatuealist and belieeI uNthe
indispensqhuy ck Stulaism ,ho kept. he the 8a
Communal bets oe dipbeunt huLs at, Bay Hata 2at-
because o hich duwung this emile U n AndL
saus eus inudents e communak ublenie toieds
hen he induu mingiies (uexo uW breated a) Pautios
in East fakistan then Shyoma Prasad
Mxhexie wanted, the Lami seatmuut oth bSecon
Mutlifnsin Sndia But Nehau sjected
ard ofp08d db. Secen d , tho mmbers o& nicisse
Hin d outgut plassd an idel in Babui PDltica
Masjid and.the douetees staxted. ueOLshiping
Nehu Jnteruemed, askimg Hestate Comm
te lock the do0X3 G th Masjid farty
Thusthe dominant idiologicab ipolitical
dibouL&e o Nehuu's temudedisckodited lo Congo.
and denied leglumay and kPace o
HinduNationalm th Loush Imair
HouueLL Nehuu Wa Caii=
net without hault Hccoding toi Mushkid teum
Hasan, om LLKALSccALoNs h did impend
net takom hi8 idgeloqucal oying
195 h n UHdm Lost its "plae u UP and Th
Hindi WGE delared CLS Sole 6kALal tend
anguag o6 ho t ate fhan he dud net do Loaing
mu o Pus It Hawan gusher wate

hat i thu wsU Muslm Vo in

n dia it ws ho'o he o ngs Undv
NChu and Rwas because h oihood the
Muslins hofe and Scuuly at tho tim when
Nation was LLDILALnq Dm the Pang 9
fastlisn t was 0nlahtr. hisdomiu hat
thc Seculau PinLipls ztaicd to mak a
setaeat and the Communal hAMLLE iUMged EPUDAhd=
n Andependent Jodia the patties whichh t-haue
toie dto do 0 balb in two Categoris =
) Patties 0gnuled axoUnd untlyCommal
ideslogylik BJP ,Akali dal etc
Bseond Adi paxtits uhich uscd Communalism
Pelitical 3uPpatapd: msbilizattonawith.ouf-
NLCBAHily adping. CommbUnglis m, as thaw
Polihcal ideelog
Communal Moblization. butheCantist
io CongeA3 ate Nehuu he scemd
Lattgeny: indoua gandhi THed to Captur
imajination e wotens hyipepula logana like
Casiibi Hatag but it paled to pay long
teum diujderts 29 kho`DUght tó &urCAMe
ITmfending Cuis auingH Congsc038by
ngingo manipulate kinmdu ltgcauUS ÄLrchmuw
The4iKStmajo% manipstation othis
tren d03 ndukalash Yatra. by. openly,
ing & Suppohng the Yatra Sho taed
tdsnh by beH4 Lolth Hinduium, on JAK

dhSought to ueaken Pauooy Abdullah'3 Co

mationa Conkauen dui ng th June 19 83 elotion
bu using Specipia._hondu +Heme3 n Punyab hw

Sh fLopped, ftofped up a Skh mlitant lbu

Sant Janail hofe o eakentng tho,
ha. Akali
Akali Thi
Sal, th chiehrf olthical Peer niva ek Comgau
in Puniab
chuis tophi Jalkelet ommiring on. MA
e nguss Poiicies Wnda n divaKajs jKoUIvOR
its geneH aL elßete establishmsr o ost A+
Co muiunal idioms in Potiticag di coLL bem
the expena o cular. hemLB Toms
Mans Peints0t that Mta gondhl 4
HTdspted hemu hat tradiionlty belonged 6
tonhsiHimdkuu Hights 4t usa)mtended t dr
undexminu the påscties mainly BTfAhte
ho Aaje Lortimuld oit es stoaategy
GbyappRABUNgi maysty (ommuniignm
dsnplaying buoädos 3.0cLal i a u at
Hhe expehse naULAL
mAHetned te WAn He maraliym)Yyofe
by 0fPO3ing uedickok uprum Coixt
i h Shah Bane Casinhiiedl Ma
POAAd the Musltm 0mAN B ia yhe g0ut 9
ploytd, a kiy KALLas1nallouwingiithe
hildnuiyas oLSAieas & Camfigh fo As
becem hide8Al Commiunalium
Explaun hah Bamot Maajid Coa
p ABai

Communal Mobuliaation by Hindu Right

7ho Ayodhya nuoURNt unduusrt r u ztage
oduelepment whentho VMP dacidad t
Wbuild. atemple at fam'3 Buth Place
his Campaign &chatged tku at mosph
witt Communa pelings uphicho ahuuted the
ALults o 1989 Tho BJP joined Ayodhyn
meuumnt at this Atago RLAlizing ts o i r
fopulaniyamon the"Hindus op No jndia
st A+ f e n.atioial leul, BTP was the huh
bemehiciay o 1TOLABING. ommunalization Ob
folitichs deptomben 193phindu militants
tnedsyrfo tako Babeui Maajid by toym On

demolitingthe Maid The AyOAIy meUMenL

ushich toek 13hope in tho Lontext s
magnitude omPaHOd to usus eth no
Huligiousmokilizackion dziggexed. by undu
cuhionalisAS Tho MuslimaWwLHL he 1at
ictirp o his mebiligation:Heusuee e
woLst_Lots toek Placo agt ex hindu
militants dutoyed Babu Majid on 0ec 6,
92 he By P was keusul Punishid hoz
th2e exCRBAL3 duung the 1993 state
Assembl eloutions The Panty thon shifted fan.
Htategy o ehn-tullgcsus meteiligafion
to a mbi modoral e appooachiin polihu.
AMa th Exanyle Xinda
ught nobiligahion Can un in godhua
Ymidunt whLchOCCULd o 27hFeb 2002,

yain Corying. Hindu Pidpuims
buunt tside the town ak godhxd kulin
59 feople huns c i dernt wau Mn
attaik o n hindus & pastKd. o Masgie
anti Muuslim Hielenie thostate
jaat that laAt ed seALLNA LLLM
The godhua Riofs O2002
oas yet
yt aNothr blou o Ho 3ecular
babic C ndaApially as Hhestte
and gout1 establishmests AH LoRt_ on ha
uuotets Manyin the geut CiAckegod
induding PM ModicalDdiia he
9uLAem Lst ak theia Natusmal
LLOLtiomto godhsua tran inadnt
ncident like loLTrhad, Beep Ban
ruyanuapi mosque+TgioMahalga etc


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