MN-04.07.154 - Eng - PD Pro User Manual - Rev 03

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vation measurement automation development energy innovation measurement automation development energy innovation measurement automation development energ

PD Pro


Software release 2.0.0

MN-04.07.154_eng Rev. 03 – Agust 2021

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The product and the information contained herein may be changed at any time without prior


Neither this manual nor any of its parts shall not be reproduced or transmitted in any form either

electronically or physically, including photocopying and recording, without the express written

consent of Techimp -Altanova Group.

All rights reserved.

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1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 7

2 PRELIMINARY ACTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 9

CONTROL UNIT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 9

SOFTWARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 9

SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 10

3 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 14

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 14

LOGIN .............................................................................................................................................. 14

HOME PAGE .................................................................................................................................... 15

USER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 15

CHOOSE LANGUAGE.......................................................................................................................... 17

LOGOUT ........................................................................................................................................... 18

MANAGE LICENSES ........................................................................................................................... 19

3.7.1 Techimp PD Pro Offline activation procedure............................................................................ 19

3.7.2 Techimp PD Pro online activation procedure ............................................................................ 20

SOFTWARE VERSION DETAIL .............................................................................................................. 21

DATABASE........................................................................................................................................ 22

3.9.1 Create new registry .................................................................................................................... 22

3.9.2 Query: registry............................................................................................................................ 25

3.9.3 Query: acquisition ...................................................................................................................... 29

3.9.4 Query: Test Plan ........................................................................................................................ 32

3.9.5 Test Plan Editor ......................................................................................................................... 34

ACQUISITION .................................................................................................................................... 38
3.10.1 Base mode............................................................................................................................. 41 TF map filters ................................................................................................................................... 43

3.10.2 Advanced mode (PDcheck, pdscope, micro aquila, aquila) .................................................. 45 TF map filters ................................................................................................................................... 52 Calibration window and IEC60270 working modality ....................................................................... 54

3.10.3 Advanced mode (pdbase) ..................................................................................................... 58 PDBase sequential streaming.......................................................................................................... 65 PDBase advanced sync management ............................................................................................. 66

3.10.4 Test plan mode ...................................................................................................................... 68

3.10.5 Operator mode....................................................................................................................... 75 Calibration window and IEC60270 working modality ....................................................................... 82 TF map filters ................................................................................................................................... 82

PROCESSING .................................................................................................................................... 83

3.11.1 Advanced processing: main page ......................................................................................... 86

3.11.2 Advanced processing: homepage ......................................................................................... 86

3.11.3 Advanced processing: separation ......................................................................................... 87

3.11.4 Advanced processing: pattern filter ....................................................................................... 89

3.11.5 Advanced processing: Generic identification ........................................................................ 91 Advanced identification .................................................................................................................... 94

3.11.6 Advanced processing: TDR location ..................................................................................... 94

3.11.7 Advanced processing: pattern movie .................................................................................... 97

3.11.8 Advanced processing: trending ............................................................................................. 98

3.11.9 Advanced processing: report ............................................................................................... 100

4 ANNEX A: PD PATTERN LIBRARY.................................................................................................... 101

INTERNAL PD .............................................................................................................................. 101

SURFACE PD .............................................................................................................................. 105

CORONA PD ................................................................................................................................ 107

5 ANNEX B - TIME-FREQUENCY MAPPING ........................................................................................ 109


The following user’s manual describes the usage of the Techimp PD Pro software in all its features,

highlighting the best practices and the standard usage for correct detection of the signal relevant to

Partial Discharges (PD), the management of such data, and their correct analysis.
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This section describes the preliminary actions to be taken before Techimp PD Pro software first



To optimally run the Techimp PD Pro, it is necessary to have installed on a laptop or a personal

computer the following minimum set of hardware:

- RAM: 8GB

- Hard Disk: 100 GB

- Ethernet connection: 1GB

- Screen resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080)


To correctly install the Techimp PD Pro the following two software constraints must be satisfied:

• Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10;

• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.

Non-complying with the minimum hardware or software requirements listed here above can result in

experiencing errors during the installation, standard operation, or in a loss of performance of the

Techimp PD Pro.

Before starting the Techimp PD Pro installation procedure, make sure to satisfy the hardware and

software requirements listed in sections 2.1 and 2.2.

The installation can be started by running the Techimp PD Pro installer with the administrator

privileges (right-click on the PD Pro icon and select run as administrator).

In the following figures (from Figure 2-1 to Figure 2-10), screenshots of the installation wizard steps

are reported.

Figure 2-1

Figure 2-2

Figure 2-3

Figure 2-4

Figure 2-5
Figure 2-6

Figure 2-7

Figure 2-8

Figure 2-9

Figure 2-10

Completed the installation procedure, the Techimp PD Pro can be run from the shortcut on the

desktop or by searching it from Windows Start.



The following sections will fully describe all the software functionalities – e-g how to perform

acquisitions, how to manage the data, and how to make data elaboration.


By double-clicking the Techimp PD Pro icon on the desktop, the Login window (Figure 3-1) is shown.

The default login credentials are:

• Username: admin

• Password: admin

Figure 3-1 Login window

Once the login procedure has been completed, the software Homepage, Figure 3-2, is presented.


In the Techimp PD Pro Homepage, Figure 3-2, the software modules are represented by hexagonal


Each module is associated with a macro-functionality of the software:

• Start a new acquisition (ACQUISITION icon);

• Manage and organize the data (DATABASE icon);

• Analyze the acquisitions (PROCESSING icon);

• Create a new Test Plan routine (TEST PLAN icon)

Based on the license purchased, some icons may be disabled.

On the upper-right side, additional icons (users, language, license, etc.) can be found., their meaning

will be described in the next paragraphs.

Additional icons



Test Plan Editor


Figure 3-2 Techimp PD Pro navigation window


The user management icons, located on the upper-right side of the Homepage, are shown in Figure

By selecting the Add User icon a new user profile can be created, while with the Users management

icon it is possible to edit or delete the existing users.

Add User

Users management

Figure 3-3 User management icons

By clicking the Add User icon, the window in Figure 3-4 is displayed. To create a new user profile

the username, email, and password fields must be filled in.

When the required information is given the Add user icon in the center-right part of the window will

be enabled and, by clicking it, the new user profile will be created.

Add User icon

Figure 3-4 Add new user wizard

By selecting the Users management icon (Figure 3-3), the window in Figure 3-5 is displayed.

Delete User

Edit User

Figure 3-5 User management

In the User Management window, all the existing users are listed and they can be edit or deleted

through the icons highlighted in Figure 3-5.


By clicking on the Choose language icon, on the upper-right side of the Homepage, a drop-down

menu will appear and the desired Techimp PD Pro language can be selected.

Additional languages may be included in the feature software releases.

Figure 3-6 Select the Techimp PD Pro language


By clicking on the Logout icon, Figure 3-7, the ongoing session will be terminated and the Login

window (Figure 3-1) will be presented again.


Figure 3-7 Logout icon


The Techimp PD Pro software must be activated through the activation key provided by Techimp.

To activate the software, it is first necessary to recall the Manage License window, Figure 3-8, by

clicking on the Manage License icon on the upper-right side of the Homepage.

Offline Activation

License .xml file

Online Activation

Properties .xml file

Upload Icon

Software version
Figure 3-8 Manage licenses window

The Techimp PD Pro can be activated in two different modalities: offline and online. In the following

paragraphs 3.7.1 and 3.7.2, both the procedures are described.


The offline activation procedure is composed of two steps. Follow the list below to complete the first


• Open the Techimp PD Pro software;

• Complete the Log-in procedure (section 3.2);

• Click on the Manage license icon, on the upper-right side of the Techimp PD Pro Homepage;

• Insert the activation key into the dedicated slot;

• Click on the Activation offline icon (represented by the wrench in Figure 3-8).
The software will create a .dat file located in C:/User/«Logged-in user»/Documents which must be

sent to Techimp.

Once Techimp will have received the .dat file, it will send back two other files: QlmLicense.xml and

QlmProductProprieties.xml. Such files are required to finalize the second part of the procedure.

Follow the next steps to finalize the installation:

• Open the Techimp PD Pro software;

• Complete the Log-in procedure (Par. 3.2);

• Click on the Manage license icon, on the upper-right side of the Techimp PD Pro Homepage;

• Insert the activation key into the dedicated slot;

• Use the License and Properties slots to import the two .xml files sent by Techimp;

• Click the Upload icon below the two slots.

The procedure is finished and the Techimp PD Pro is activated.


The online procedure has been designed for those machines (PC, laptop, server, …) that are

connected to the internet.

To activate the Techimp PD Pro, follow the below procedure:

• Open the Techimp PD Pro software;

• Complete the Log-in procedure (Par. 3.2);

• Click on the Manage license icon, on the upper-right side of the Techimp PD Pro Homepage;

• Fill the activation key into the corresponding field;

• Click on the Activation online icon (represented by the network icon, Figure 3-8)

The procedure is finished and the Techimp PD Pro is activated.


As depicted in Figure 3-8 in the bottom part of the Manage Licenses window, the software and the

PDFramework versions are reported.


Techimp PD Pro exploits a database structure to efficiently manage, store and organize the

acquired data. In the following sections, all the features and tools related to data management will

be described.

The database functionalities can be accessed via the dedicated icons on the center-left side of the

Homepage window (Figure 3-9). The database module is composed of four sub-modules: Create

new registry, Query registry, Query test plan, Query acquisition. In sections 3.9.1, 3.9.2, 3.9.3,

and 3.9.4 each sub-modules will be described.

Create New Registry

Query Registry

Query Test Plan Query Acquisition

Figure 3-9 Database management icons


A registry can be considered as a container in which the data and some information of the

measurement campaign (such as the customer name, the asset name, the asset typology, the

location, etc.) are stored and organized

A new registry can be created by clicking on the Create new Registry icon in the Techimp PD Pro

Homepage (Figure 3-9). A specific wizard (see Figure 3-10) will guide the operator in the creation of

the new registry.

Figure 3-10 Create new registry wizard

In step 1 of the wizard the following information is requested:

• Customer name (mandatory field)

• Asset name (mandatory field)

• Location (mandatory field)

• Rated Voltage

• Apparatus Serial Number (mandatory field)

• Manufacturer

• Vintage

• Asset type, where the available asset typology are: cable, GIS, rotating machine, switchgear,

and transformer (mandatory field)

Once the mandatory fields are filled, the Next icon on the bottom-right side is activated and the

operator can proceed. In the second step of the wizard, additional technical information can be

inserted as represented in Figure 3-11.

Confirm and save

Figure 3-11 Cable specific registry data

In the second step, information regarding:

• Number of phases, and their names;

• Detection points number and the identification labels per each detection point;

• Voltage type, i.e. high voltage and medium voltage

are required to the operator, but not mandatory. Such parameters are common for all the asset types

but, per each specific asset, other peculiar information can be inserted – e.g the cable length for

cables, the machine typology for rotating machines, or the bushing type for transformers, etc.

To confirm and save the new registry, click on the Save icon (Figure 3-11). The information window

that appears (Figure 3-11) confirms the operator the correct creation of the Registry.

Figure 3-12 Correctly registry saving


An existing registry can be retrieved by clicking the Query: Registry icon in the Techimp PD Pro

Homepage (Figure 3-9). Figure 3-13 shows the Query Registry window where all the saved registries

are listed.

Filters can be defined to easily find the desired registry (see Figure 3-13).

By clicking on the Plus icon, present on the first column of a Registry row, additional information is

shown (Figure 3-14).


Figure 3-13 Exploded row in Query Registry



Modify Acquisition
Registry additional information

Figure 3-14 Exploded row in Query Registry

The icons on the right side of the window in Figure 3-14 can be used to:

• Copy, to create a new registry starting from an existing one;

• Modify, to edit an existing registry;

• Delete a registry, to remove a registry from the database;

• Acquisition, to start a new acquisition with the selected registry;

• Import acquisitions, to import acquisitions into the PDPro database. It is possible to import

*.pd2 or *.pqd files.

To avoid unintentional losses of data if the Delete icon is selected an additional

confirmation will be requested (Figure 3-15).

Moreover, if the selected Registry contains acquisitions the operator will be not

allowed to delete both the Registry and the data in a single operation (Figure 3-16),

but the software will force to first delete the acquisitions and only then the Registry.

Figure 3-15 registry delete confirmation window

Figure 3-16 Warning: the registry contains acquisitions are you sure you want to delete it?

In the upper part of the Query Registry window (Figure 3-13) the Filters section is present. As shown

in Figure 3-17 there are four pre-defined filters (Registry ID, Customer name, Asset type, and

Location) and one customizable filter.

More filters can be used together and they will be combined with the AND logic condition.

On the right side of the Query Registry window, icons dedicated to apply, reset, or save filters are


The saved filters can be recalled by clicking on the Saved queries icon on the upper-right side of the

window in Figure 3-17.

By clicking on the Queries history icon all the already used filters will be shown in a table.
Filters history
Saved filters

Apply filter

Delete filter

Save filter

Customizable filter

Figure 3-17 Registry filters

Figure 3-18 displays some quantities that can be chosen in the customizable filter. More than a single

customized filter can be combined.

Figure 3-18 Dynamic filters


An acquisition can be retrieved by clicking the Query: Acquisition icon in the Techimp PD Pro

Homepage (Figure 3-9). Figure 3-19 shows the Query Acquisition window where all the saved

acquisitions are listed. Filters can be defined to easily find the desired acquisitions.

By clicking on the Plus icon, present on the first column of an acquisition row the PRPD Pattern and

TF map graphs are shown (Figure 3-20).

Figure 3-19 Query acquisition window

The four icons beside the T-F Map (Figure 3-20) can be used to:

1. Analyze the selected acquisition by sending it to the processing module;

2. Show more acquisition detail;

3. Export the acquisition by creating a .pqd file;

4. Delete the acquisition.

Saved Queries

Queries history

Export acquisition

Delete acquisition

Open in the More acquisition

Processing module detail

Figure 3-20 Detail of an acquisition

More acquisitions can be selected with the checkbox presents in the second column of an acquisition

row. The selected acquisitions can be sent to the Processing module, exported, or deleted through

the dedicated icons present on the bottom-right side of the Acquisition query window (Figure 3-20).

In the upper part of the Query Acquisition window (Figure 3-19) the Filters section is present. As

shown in Figure 3-21 there are five pre-defined filters (Start date, End date, Customer name, Asset

type, and Location) and one customizable filter.

More filters can be used together and they will be combined with the AND logic condition.

On the right side of the Query Acquisition window, icons dedicated to apply, reset, or save filters are


The saved filters can be recalled by clicking on the Saved queries icon on the upper-right side of the

window in Figure 3-21.

By clicking on the Queries history icon all the already used filters will be shown in a table.

Filters history
Saved filters

Apply filter
Delete filter
Save filter

Customizable filter

Figure 3-21 Acquisition query filters section


A Test Plan can be retrieved by clicking the Query: Test Plan icon in the Techimp PD Pro Homepage

(Figure 3-9). Figure 3-22 shows the Query Test Plan window where all the created test plans are

listed. Filters can be defined to easily find the desired test plan.

A Test Plan can be modified or deleted by clicking the dedicated icon (Figure 3-22). By clicking the

play icon the corresponding test process will start.

Queries Queries

Edit Start an
Delete Acquisition

Figure 3-22 Query Test Plan window

In the upper part of the Query Test Plan window (Figure 3-22) is present the Filters section. As

shown in Figure 3-23 there are two predefined filters (Test Plan ID, and Test Plan name) and one

customizable filter.

More filters can be used together and they will be combined with the AND logic condition.

On the right side of the Query Test Plan window, icons dedicated to apply, reset, or save filters are

The saved filters can be recalled by clicking on the Saved queries icon on the upper-right side of the

window in Figure 3-23.

By clicking on the Queries history icon all the already used filters will be shown in a table.

Filters history
Saved filters

Apply filter
Delete filter
Save filter

Customizable filter

Figure 3-23 Query Test Plan Filter section


In this section, the Techimp PD Pro Test Plan Editor module is described.

The Test Plan module is intended to suit as much as possible the factory quality control tests. It

allows defining customized test procedures having each one of them its own measurement steps

defined in terms of supply voltage, warning thresholds (in [V] or [pC]), and acquisition parameters.

To define a new Test Plan click on the Test Plan Editor icon on the Techimp PD Pro Homepage

(Figure 3-24).

Test Plan editor

Figure 3-24 Test Plan Editor

Figure 3-25 shows the Test Plan Editor window. The window has been divided into five areas:

1. The header zone, where the operator can specify:

o the name of the test plan

o if the test plan should be performed according to the IEC60270

o the device that is going to be used

o enable the Consecutive channels feature, through which the software automatically

performs an acquisition with all the channels within a step of the test plan.

o enable the Ask for registry feature, the details of this feature are reported below.
2. Measurement plan, dedicated to create and customize each step of the test procedure;

3. Channel management, allows selecting the PD channels. Per each channel, it is possible to

import an IEC60270 calibration and specify the synchronism settings.

4. Registry fields to be set, allows selecting a reference Registry and choosing what fields shall

be modified from a test session and the other. This feature has been created to speed up,

for example, a test campaign made on many assets all equal to each other but having only

different serial numbers.

The functionality Registry field to be set will be available just if the Ask for registry checkbox

is enabled.

5. Additional Test Plan keys, for adding additional fields, that can be mandatory requested, or

not, at the beginning of new tests.

Measurement plan

Channel Registry fileds to

management be set

Additional Test
Figure 3-25 Test Plan editor window Plan keys
In Table 1 and Table 2 the meaning of each parameter present in the Test Plan Editor window is


Table 1

Measurement plan area

Parameter Description

Applied voltage [V] It indicates the magnitude of the stress voltage

Warning threshold
It indicates, in each step, the maximum admitted PD amplitude.
[V] or [pC]

Time length [s] It indicates the length, in seconds, of each acquired pulse.

It is used to initiate sweep ahead of the transmitted pulse, it is

Pre-trigger [%]
possible to change its value in % of the time length.

An acquisition stops when the max pulse number pulses are
acquired or, in case the set number of pulses is not reached,
when timeout seconds are passed.
Max pulses number

Notes Comments on the step

Table 2

Channel management area

Parameter Description

It indicates the phase shift applied to the acquired pulses with

Phase shift
respect to the sync voltage in input to the acquisition system.

It indicates the signal ratio of the used sync device - e.g. the
ratio 1:1000 of a Capacitive Coupler.
Sync ratio
This parameter is used to obtain and display, from the input sync
signal, the real magnitude of the voltage applied to the
Equipment Under Test.

Parameter editable just when a PDBase is in use.

It allows choosing among six synchronization channels the one

Sync source to be associated with each PD channel. It is also possible to
select an Internal synchronization, which means that the PD
channel will be synchronized with the mains that supply the
Techimp PDBaseII.
It is the full scale (i.e. the max amplitude value) of the
synchronization channel.
Sync full scale [V]
If a too low full scale is selected the saturation of the signal can
determinate difficulties in the correct synchronization

It sets the waveform length of the synchronization signal (it is

Sync time length [s] suggested to have at least one entire sinusoidal, e.g.
timelength=20ms @ 50Hz).

It allows filtering, via software, the synchronization signal.

Sync bandwidth It is a low pass filter with the value of the cut frequency
selectable through the drop-down menu.

In the following section, the Techimp PD Pro Acquisition module is described.


Figure 3-26 Acquisition icon in the Techimp PD Pro main page

To start a new acquisition, it is necessary to click on the Acquisition icon on the Techimp PD Pro

Homepage (Figure 3-26). The window depicted in Figure 3-27 will appear and permit the operator to

select an existing registry (by clicking on the Query: Registry button) or to create a new one (by

clicking on the Create new Registry button).

If the Skip acquisition association checkbox is selected then the acquisitions, that

will be performed, will not be linked to a registry and thus not saved in the database

(this function can be useful when a fast test has to be performed without storing the


Detail of the
Create a new
Skip Registry
Query an association
(the data will not be
existing Registry saved)


Figure 3-27 Wizard for starting a new acquisition (step 1)

By clicking the Next button (Figure 3-27) the window shown in Figure 3-28 is displayed and allows

the operator to choose one of the acquisition modalities (Base mode, Test Plan, Advanced mode,

Operator mode) and the instrument (PDCheck, PDScope, Aquila, Micro Aquila, and PDBase).

PD Instruments


Figure 3-28 Wizard for starting a new acquisition (step 2)

Based on the license purchased, some acquisitions modalities or instruments may

be not available.

In the following paragraphs, the four acquisition modalities (Base mode, Test Plan, Advanced mode,

Operator mode) are presented and explained.

3.10.1 BASE MODE

The Base mode is a simplified acquisition modality in which the software automatically chooses the

better acquisition settings and autonomously performs the acquisition.

Figure 3-29 reports the base mode acquisition window.

IP address Port number



Acquisition log


Figure 3-29 Acquisition: Base mode

To start a new acquisition follow the below procedure:

• Insert the instrument IP address and the Port number.

• Click on the Connect icon (on the upper-left side of the window).

• Select Channel 1.

• Insert the requested acquisition information in the appeared wizard (Figure 3-30). It is

possible to specify which phase is under test, what is the detection point, and indicate the

PD and sync sensors.

Phase ref

Detection point
in use PD sensor in use

Sync sensor in use

PD Test type

Figure 3-30 Set acquisition information wizard

• Specify, if it is needed, the Phase shift (it indicates the phase shift applied to the acquired

pulses with respect to the sync voltage in input to the acquisition system.

• Click on the Play button (on the bottom-left side, Figure 3-29) to start the automatic

acquisition process. The software iteratively defines the optimal values of Full Scale and

Trigger and performs the acquisition.

• The Play button can be clicked again to start a new acquisition.

In Figure 3-31 an example of acquisitions done in Base mode is reported. The performed acquisitions

are listed in the Acquisition log. The acquisitions can be selected and, using the dedicated icons

(see Figure 3-31), it is possible to add a comment, delete the acquisition, change the association

between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, sensors, etc. or it can be sent to the

processing module for deeper analysis

It is possible to create a summary report of the measurement campaign by clicking on the Report

icon on the bottom right side of the window.

The Reset button (on the bottom-right side of the window) can be used to start a new acquisition


Change acquisition

Recall the
Acquisition log Processing module


Add a comment

Figure 3-31 Examples of acquisitions done in base mode TF map filters

With a right-click on the TF map graph (Figure 3-31) a context menu allows choosing Show T-F Map

filters. Figure 3-33 shows the window dedicated to the definition of TF map filters.

By clicking and dragging the mouse on the map it is possible to select the areas in the TF map that

have to be filtered. If more filters have a common area overlapped, the total area will be discarded

as the union of the different areas.

A filter can be selected with a double left click on its area or by selecting it through the Area drop-

down menu. When a filter is selected it can be resized (through the mouse pointer or by changing

its coordinates Tmin, Tmax, Fmin, and Fmax on the central-right side of the window), moved ( using

the mouse pointer positioned internally to the filter area), or deleted.

To confirm the defined filters click on the apply icon.

Filters list

Filter coordinates


Figure 3-32 TF map filters window


The Advanced mode has been specially designed for the PD skilled operator. In this acquisition

modality, all the acquisition and streaming parameters can be manually modified.

In this paragraph, the Techimp PDPro advanced working modality for the PDCheck, PDScope,

Micro Aquila, and Aquila will be presented.

The Advanced mode interface is 3-phases oriented that can work with up to three PD channels

simultaneously (Figure 3-33).

To establish a connection with the instrument insert the IP address, the port number, and click on

the Connect button (see Figure 3-33).

Connect Port number

IP address

Figure 3-33 Advanced acquisition window

Once the instrument has been reached and the connection has been established, the interface will

result enabled as shown in Figure 3-34.

Start streaming

Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3

Figure 3-34 Advanced acquisition: instrument connection stabilized

Clicking on the play button on the upper-left part of the window the three channels start streaming

simultaneously (Figure 3-35).

Start/Stop Simultaneous Sync detail Monitoring Sync Connection

streaming Acquisitions Status Status Status

Connect/ Waveforms
Disconnect Graph

Three Acquisition
streaming Settings


Figure 3-35 Advanced acquisition: three phases streaming

In the header of the window in Figure 3-35 a status bar (Figure 3-36) is present, starting from the left

the function of each element is described here below.

• The first three icons are dedicated to the Instrument connection, to Start/ Stop the streaming,

and to perform Simultaneous acquisitions (Figure 3-36). In particular, by clicking the latter

icon three simultaneous acquisitions start on the three streaming channels.

• IP address and port number fields are required for the software-instrument connection.

• Sync details: indication of the sync frequency (in [Hz]) and the amplitude of the sync signal

(in [V]).

• Finally, three led status indicators: the enable/disable monitoring indicator, the indicator for

the correct synchronization status, and finally the instrument connection status.

Figure 3-36 Advanced acquisitions: status bar

On the right side, of the advanced acquisition window (Figure 3-35) there are three different areas.

From the top to the bottom:

1. The waveforms of the signals get from the PD sensors are represented together in the

Waveform chart (Figure 3-37). Exploiting the channel selector (“All”, “1”, “2”, or “3”) an

operator can choose which waveforms he wants to point out.

The desired value of the pretrigger can be chosen through the selector below the waveform

graph (see. Figure 3-37).



Figure 3-37 Advanced acquisition: waveforms streaming

2. In the second section (Figure 3-38) a skilled operator can find and tune all the settings related

to the acquisition and the streaming. Table 3 reports the meaning of each parameter.

Figure 3-38 Advanced acquisition: acquisition parameters

Table 3

Parameter Description

The short time after a Trigger event when a detector cannot

Dead Time
process another event

It is the total length of the displayed and acquired waveform for

Time length
each pulse

Acquisition time out An acquisition stops when the Max pulse number pulses are
and acquired or, in case the set number of pulses is not reached
Max pulse number when timeout seconds are passed.

The pattern and the T-F Map will be reset when the number of
Buffer dimension
collected pulses reaches the buffer dimension.

3. The third section is the acquisition log (Figure 3-39), where all the acquisitions that have

been done are organized in a table. Each acquisition can be selected and, using the

dedicated icons, it is possible to add a comment, delete the acquisition, change the

association between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, sensors, etc. or it can

be sent to the processing module for deeper analysis

Add comment Delete Change acquisition


Send to

Figure 3-39 Advanced acquisition: acquisition log

The central part of the Advanced acquisition window (Figure 3-35) is dedicated to the streaming of

the PRPD Patterns and TF Maps (Figure 3-40).

Figure 3-40 Advanced acquisition: PRPD Patterns and TF maps streaming

Focusing on one single channel hereinafter a brief description of each tool shown in the screenshot

in Figure 3-41 is explained.

Acquisition circuit Acquire APTWTi and Acquire Wfms Change acquisition

Full Scale channel
Enable IEC60270
Phase Shift

Pulse counter

Saturation Figure 3-41 Advanced acquisition: channel 1 Pattern and TF Map

PRPD Pattern graph shows a large amount of acquired pulses relating their amplitude to the phase

of the synchronization signal (sinusoidal waveform). When the amount of data (shown through the

pulse counter) reaches the maximum pulses number, the software will reset the Pattern and the TF

map automatically (refer to Table 3 for managing the maximum pulses number).

TF Map graph shows the acquired pulses classified by Equivalent Timelength [ns] and the

Equivalent Frequency [MHz], two parameters relevant to the pulses waveforms. Each point in the

TF map is related to a single point in the PRPD Pattern graph. By right-clicking on the TF map graph

it is possible to reset both the PRPD pattern and TF map graphs.

Autoset button to start the automatic selection of the better values of Full Scale and Trigger


Full scale sets the maximum value (positive and negative) displayed in the graphs (PRPD Pattern

and waveform graph), it is possible to change its value by writing the desired one in the

correspondent text box, by clicking the relevant up-down arrows buttons, or to scroll with the mouse


Trigger threshold sets the minimum amplitude value above which pulses are displayed and

acquired. Pulses that do not reach the trigger value will be neither displayed nor acquired. It is

possible to change the trigger value by writing the desired value in the trigger text box, by clicking

on the relevant up-down arrows buttons, by scrolling with the mouse wheel, or by moving the trigger

cursor on the right side of the PRPD Pattern.

Phase shift indicates the phase shift applied to the acquired pulses with respect to the sync voltage

in input to the acquisition system.

Pulse counter shows the amount of data (i.e. pulses) displayed in the PRPD Pattern and TF map


Saturation is a led indicator that shows when a pulse exceeds the PRPD Pattern Full Scale.

The Circuit type in use, since the PD identification algorithm uses also pulse polarity for an

enhanced automatic diagnosis, it is necessary to set the right kind of measurement circuit used for

the selected channel. It can be Direct (e.g. a high-frequency current transformer wrapped around

the ground connection of the Equipment Under Test) or Indirect (e.g. a coupling capacitor connected

in parallel to the EUT).

APTWTi acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, and the TF map.

Waveform acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, the TF map, and all the

pulse waveforms.
Change the acquisition information button to recall the window in Figure 3-42 for changing the

association between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, the PD and sync sensors, etc.

Figure 3-42 Set acquisition information wizard

IEC60270 button enables the amplitude value conversion from [mV] to [pC] in the PRPD Pattern

graph (according to the IEC60270). To obtain a correct conversion a calibration will be necessary

(see Par.

Enable/Disable channel streaming to stop or restart the streaming of the PRPD Pattern and TF

Map graphs of a channel

When the IEC60270 modality is enabled only one single channel can stream at a

time. Thus the Enable/Disable channel streaming control must be used to select

on which channel the streaming has to be activated. TF map filters

With a right-click on the TF map graph (Figure 3-43) a context menu allows choosing between:

• Reset buffer; to reset both the PRPD pattern and TF map graphs.

• Show T-F Map filters, to set software filters recalling the TF map filter window (see Figure


• Reset filters, to delete all the defined TF map filters.

• Disable/Enable TF map filters, to disable or enable the TF map filters without deleting them.

Figure 3-43 TF map context menu

If the Show TF Map filter is selected the window in Figure 3-44 is shown and, by clicking and dragging

the mouse on the graph, it is possible to select the areas that have to be filtered. If more filters have

a common area overlapped, the total area will be discarded as the union of the different areas.

A filter can be selected with a double left click on its area or by selecting it through the Area drop-

down menu. When a filter is selected it can be resized (through the mouse pointer or by changing

its coordinates Tmin, Tmax, Fmin, and Fmax on the central-right side of the window), moved ( using

the mouse pointer positioned internally to the filter area), or deleted.

To confirm the defined filters click on the apply icon. To remove all the filters click on the Reset icon.
Filters list


Apply Delete


Figure 3-44 TF map filters window Calibration window and IEC60270 working modality

Once the IEC60270 icon is clicked, the Calibration wizard, in Figure 3-45 and Figure 3-46, is

displayed. This procedure allows the operator to set the calibration pulse in order to obtain the PD

amplitude in pC values, in compliance with the International Standard IEC 60270.


Figure 3-45

Trigger selector file name

Full scale

Injected pC
Waveform Apply
Save and apply

Figure 3-46 Advanced acquisition: IEC60270 Calibration wizard

After having connected the calibrator to the equipment under test, change the value of Full Scale to

avoid a saturated pulse displayed in the waveform graph and select a Trigger threshold higher

enough to trigger just on the injected pulse and not on the noise. Alternatively, by clicking the Autoset

button the Full Scale and Trigger values are autonomously defined by the software.

Once the PD pulse is properly visualized insert the value of the injected pC in Injected pC box.

To apply and save the calibration click on the save icon. The calibration will be saved in the database

with the name written in the Calibration Name box and so recallable for future acquisitions. To load

a saved calibration click on the Load icon in the first window of the calibration wizard (Figure 3-45).

If the check icon (Figure 3-46) is clicked the calibration will be applied only on the ongoing

measurement session but not saved: the calibration will be lost as soon as the connection with the

Techimp instrument is terminated.

When the IEC60270 modality is enabled only one single channel can stream at a

time. Thus the Enable/Disable channel streaming control (Figure 3-41) must be

used to select on which channel the streaming has to be activated.

In the second step of the Calibration wizard, the warning message shown on the bottom side of the

window in Figure 3-47 could be exposed.


Figure 3-47 Advanced acquisition: IEC 60270

The warning informs the operator that the ongoing calibration can not be saved because the

association between the channel, the phase under test, and the detection point has not been done

yet. Hence, it is required to previously click on the Change acquisition information icon (see Figure

3-41) and make the association. In this way, the software can uniquely correlate the Calibration with

the phase, the detection point, and the PD sensor.

When the Calibration is completed the Techimp PD Pro starts working according to the international

standard IEC60270.

Figure 3-48 shows an example of the Advanced window when the Calibration procedure has been

completed on channel 1 and channel 2, and the streaming is enabled on channel 1.

Analyzing the Figure 3-48:

• The IEC buttons colored in blue highlight the channels in which the Calibration has been


• The Full scale and Trigger threshold commands are removed from the usual position and

are positioned beside the waveform graph. This location facilitates the selection of the best

acquisition settings by looking at the waveform of the signals and not at the PRPD Pattern.

• The y axis of the PRPD Pattern is now displaying the data in [pC] instead of in [V].

Channels calibrated to
work according to the Full scale



Channel not calibrated

Figure 3-48 Advance modality working according to the IEC60270

As shown in Figure 3-48 more channels can be calibrated to show the data in pC, but only a channel

can be enabled to stream the data at a time.

The IEC60270 calibration can be disabled by clicking again on the blue IEC button or can be deleted

(e.g. to perform a new calibration) by right-clicking on the blue IEC button and then selecting reset.

The Advanced mode has been specially designed for the PD skilled operator. In this acquisition

modality, all the acquisition and streaming parameters can be manually modified.

In this paragraph, the Techimp PDPro advanced working modality for the PDBase will be presented.

To establish a connection with the instrument insert the IP address and the port number and click

on the Connect button (see Figure 3-47).

Figure 3-49 Advanced acquisition window for the PDBase

Once the instrument has been reached and the connection has been established, the interface will

be enabled as shown in Figure 3-50.

Start streaming

Channel selector

Figure 3-50 PDBase advanced acquisition window in streaming

Clicking on the play button on the upper-left part of the window the selected channel will start

streaming (Figure 3-35).

With the PDBase only one single channel can stream at a time. Thus the Channel

selector control (Figure 3-50) must be used to choose on which channel the

streaming has to be activated.

Taking Figure 3-50 as reference hereinafter all the PDBase Advanced acquisition functionalities will

be analyzed.

On the top of the window in Figure 3-50 a status bar (Figure 3-51) is present, starting from the left

the function of each element is described here below.

• The first three icons are dedicated to the Instrument connection, to Start/ Stop the streaming,

and to perform Simultaneous acquisitions (Figure 3-36). In particular, by clicking the latter

icon three simultaneous acquisitions start on the three streaming channels.

• IP address and port number fields are required for the software-instrument connection.

• Sync details: indication of the sync frequency (in Hz) and the amplitude of the sync signal

(in Volt).

• Finally, four led status indicators: the sequential streaming indicator (see Par., the

enable/disable monitoring indicator, the indicator for the correct synchronization status

(see Par., and finally the instrument connection status.

Connect/ Start/stop IP address Sync Sequential Sync

disconnect streaming and Port details streaming management

Figure 3-51 PDBase advanced acquisitions: status bar

On the right side, of the advanced acquisition window (Figure 3-50) there are three different areas.

From the top to the bottom:

4. The waveforms of the signals get from the PD sensors are represented in the Waveform

chart (Figure 3-52). Exploiting the channel selector (“1”, “2”, or “3”) an operator can choose

which waveforms he wants to point out.

The desired value of the pretrigger can be chosen through the selector below the waveform

graph (see. Figure 3-52).



Figure 3-52 Advanced acquisition: waveforms streaming

5. In the second section (Figure 3-53) a skilled operator can find and tune all the settings related

to the acquisition and the streaming. Table 4 reports the meaning of each parameter.

Figure 3-53 Advanced acquisition: acquisition parameters

Table 4

Parameter Description

The short time after a Trigger event when a detector cannot

Dead Time
process another event

It is the total length of the displayed and acquired waveform for

Time length
each pulse

Acquisition time out An acquisition stops when the Max pulse number pulses are
and acquired or, in case the set number of pulses is not reached
Max pulse number when timeout seconds are passed.

The pattern and the T-F Map will be reset when the number of
Buffer dimension
collected pulses reaches the buffer dimension.

6. The third section is the acquisition log (Figure 3-50), where all the acquisitions that have

been done are organized in a table. Each acquisition can be selected and, using the

dedicated icons, it is possible to add a comment, delete the acquisition, change the

association between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, sensors, etc. or it can

be sent to the processing module for deeper analysis

Add comment Delete Change acquisition

Send to

Figure 3-54 Advanced acquisition: acquisition log

The central part of the PDBase Advanced acquisition window is dedicated to the streaming of the

PRPD Patterns and TF Maps (Figure 3-55).

Figure 3-55 Advanced acquisition: PRPD Patterns and TF maps streaming

Focusing on one single channel hereinafter a brief description of each tool shown in the screenshot

in Figure 3-56 is explained.

Acquisition circuit Acquire APTWTi and Acquire Wfms Change acquisition

Full Scale selector

Enable IEC60270
Phase Shift

Pulse counter

Saturation Figure 3-56 PDBase advanced acquisition: channel 1 Pattern and TF Map

PRPD Pattern graph shows a large amount of acquired pulses relating their amplitude to the phase

of the synchronization signal (sinusoidal waveform). When the amount of data (shown through the

pulse counter) reaches the maximum pulses number, the software will reset the Pattern and the TF

map automatically (refer to Table 3 for managing the maximum pulses number).

TF Map graph shows the acquired pulses classified by Equivalent Timelength [ns] and the

Equivalent Frequency [MHz], two parameters relevant to the pulses waveforms. Each point in the

TF map is related to a single point in the PRPD Pattern graph. By right-clicking on the TF map graph

it is possible to reset both the PRPD pattern and TF map graphs.

Autoset button to start the automatic selection of the better values of Full Scale and Trigger


Full scale sets the maximum value (positive and negative) displayed in the graphs (PRPD Pattern

and waveform graph), it is possible to change its value by writing the desired one in the

correspondent text box, by clicking the relevant up-down arrows buttons, or to scroll with the mouse

Trigger threshold sets the minimum amplitude value above which pulses are displayed and

acquired. Pulses that do not reach the trigger value will be neither displayed nor acquired. It is

possible to change the trigger value by writing the desired value in the trigger text box, by clicking

on the relevant up-down arrows buttons, by scrolling with the mouse wheel, or by moving the trigger

cursor on the right side of the PRPD Pattern.

Phase shift indicates the phase shift applied to the acquired pulses with respect to the sync voltage

in input to the acquisition system.

Pulse counter shows the amount of data (i.e. pulses) displayed in the PRPD Pattern and TF map


Saturation is a led indicator that shows when a pulse exceeds the PRPD Pattern Full Scale.

The Circuit type in use, since the PD identification algorithm uses also pulse polarity for an

enhanced automatic diagnosis, it is necessary to set the right kind of measurement circuit used for

the selected channel. It can be Direct (e.g. a high-frequency current transformer wrapped around

the ground connection of the Equipment Under Test) or Indirect (e.g. a coupling capacitor connected

in parallel to the EUT).

APTWTi acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, and the TF map.

Waveform acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, the TF map, and all the

pulse waveforms.

Change the acquisition information button to recall the window in Figure 3-42 for changing the

association between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, the PD and sync sensors, etc.

Figure 3-57 Set acquisition information wizard

IEC60270 button enables the amplitude value conversion from [mV] to [pC] in the PRPD Pattern

graph (according to the IEC60270). To obtain a correct conversion a calibration will be necessary

(see Par.

Channel selector to choose in which channel the streaming is enabled. PDBase sequential streaming

By clicking on the Sequential streaming label (on the top status bar, Figure 3-51) the window in

Figure 3-58 is shown. Once the streaming interval [s] and the channels have been defined, the

Techimp PDPro will start streaming on the selected channels for the defined period of time and then

will automatically switch to the following channel.

Figure 3-58 PDBase sequential streaming window

When the Sequential streaming feature is enabled the relevant led indicator will be colored in green

(as displayed in Figure 3-58). By clicking on the led indicator such functionality is enabled/disabled.

Figure 3-59 Sequential streaming functionality enabled PDBase advanced sync management

By clicking on the Sync management indicator on the right side of the top bar (Figure 3-51) the

interface in Figure 3-60 is presented. In the Synchronization management window, the waveform of

the sync signal is displayed together with some sync settings that could be modified.

Channel selector

Full Scale

Time length

Filter bandwidth

Applied voltage

Figure 3-60 PDBase advanced acquisition: sync management window

It is possible to select each one of the six different channels on the top of the window in order to

visualize the relevant waveform.

Select the Internal synchronization means that the PD channel is synchronized with

the mains that supply the Techimp PDBaseII

Time Length sets the waveform length of the synchronization signal. It can be changed using the

drop-down menu or moving the related cursor (it is suggested to visualize at least one waveform

period – e.g. at least 20ms @ 50Hz);

Filter Band [Hz] allows filtering, via software, the synchronization signal. It is a low pass filter, and

the value of the cut frequency can be selected by the drop-down menu;

Full Scale is the full scale of synchronization graph;

Applied Voltage is possible to set the voltage applied to the asset under test.

The Test Plan mode is the Techimp PD Pro acquisition modality focused on the quality controls and

end-off line tests or, in general, on those applications in which the same test procedure has to be


In this acquisition modality the software, based on the ongoing PD activity, automatically chooses

the better acquisition parameters (i.e. the Full Scale and the Trigger threshold) and autonomously

performs the acquisitions.

A Test Plan is composed of different steps, channels configuration, warning thresholds, and other

settings that are fully customizable through the Test Plan Editor (see section 3.9.5).

In Figure 3-61 the Test Plan acquisition window is shown.

IP address Port number


Figure 3-61 Test Plan window

To establish a connection with the instrument insert the IP address, the port number, and click on

the Connect button (Figure 3-61).

Once the instrument has been reached the interface will be enabled as shown in Figure 3-62. First

of all, concerning the example reported in Figure 3-62, the information about the Customer and

Location need to be specified.

The information requested in the Registry fields to be set (Figure 3-62) depends on

the specification given in the Test Plan Editor. When the ask for registry function (see

Par. 3.9.5) is enabled, the Test Plan execution will request to insert the chosen

Registry fields.

When the apply icon is pressed an information window (Figure 3-63) advises the operator that a new

Registry, based on the reference Registry (specified in the Editor) and the details given in the

Registry fields to be set, will be created.

The acquisitions performed during the execution of the Test Plan will be linked to the new Registry

and stored together in the database.

Registry fields to
be set
Figure 3-62 Test Plan window, connection established

Figure 3-63 New registry information window

To start the execution of the Test Plan follow the below steps:

• Select the channel to be used (upper-left side of the window, in the Select channel section).

• Insert the requested acquisition information in the appeared wizard (Figure 3-64). It is

possible to specify which phase is under test, what is the detection point, and indicate the

PD and sync sensors.

Phase analyzed

Detection point
in use PD sensor
in use


PD Test type


Figure 3-64 Set acquisition information wizard

• If the Test Plan has been defined to work according to the IEC60270, the calibration wizard

will appear. Refer to Par. for all the details.

• Click on the Play button on the bottom-left side of the window in Figure 3-65. The software

will automatically perform the acquisition. If more acquisitions are desired they can be done

by simply pressing again the play button.

• If more channels are in use, change the selected channel and press the play button to start

a new acquisition.

If in the Test Plan Editor the consecutive channels feature (see 3.9.5) has been

enabled then, during the execution of the tests, the acquisitions and the channels

selection are automatically performed by the software.

• When all the acquisitions in a step are completed, press the Next icon on the bottom-left side

of the window in Figure 3-65.

• When all the steps have been completed it is possible to:

o generate a summary report by clicking on the Report icon

o start a new test by clicking the Reset icon

o close the Test Plan window.

Sync Status Connection Status

Step details


Phase Shift Channel details

Acquisition log


Step number Stop stream

Next step

Acquire Figure 3-65 Test plan acquisition

At the end of each Test Plan step the software, based on the results of the acquisitions, proposes

the results of the step (Figure 3-66).

Figure 3-66 Test plan Step result

The software will consider Passed the Test Plan step if all the acquisitions in that

step have a Qmax lower than the warning threshold. Anyway, the Test Plan result

can always be modified by the operator.

Figure 3-67 shows how the Test Plan window appears when all steps have been completed.


Reset Report
button button


Figure 3-67 Test plan acquisition: all steps tested

In the central part of the window (Figure 3-67) the performed acquisitions are listed in the Acquisition

log. By clicking on a row of the Acquisition log the related PRPD Pattern and TF Map are shown in

the dedicated graphs.

An operator can select one or more acquisitions by checking the box in the first column and:

• Add a comment to the acquisitions

• Delete the acquisitions

• Change the Set Acquisition data

• Open the acquisitions in the Processing module

these operations can be easily done by exploiting the icons in the upper-right side of the Acquisition

log (Figure 3-68).


Open the
Add a Processing
Acquisition comment

Figure 3-68 Test plan acquisition: acquisition log

On the right side of the Test Plan Acquisition window the Step parameters and Channel parameters

sections report the settings defined in the Test Plan editor.


The Operator mode has been specially designed for the PD skilled operator. In this acquisition

modality, all the acquisition and streaming parameters can be manually modified.

To establish a connection with the instrument insert the IP address, the port number, and click on

the Connect button (see Figure 3-69).

Port number
IP address

Figure 3-69 Operator mode window

Once the instrument has been reached the interface results to be enabled as shown in Figure 3-70.

To start streaming click on the Play icon on the upper left side of the window.

The Operator window can be considered composed of two areas:

• The streaming part, on the upper side, in which the PRPD Pattern, TF map, and the

Waveform graph stream the data coming from the instrument;

• The pre-processing part, on the bottom side, in which the reported charts are the screenshot

of the upper Pattern and TF map and on which some pre-elaboration can be done.


Figure 3-70 Operator mode window

Hereinafter a brief description of each tool shown in Figure 3-71 is explained.

Acquisition circuit Acquire APTWTi and Acquire Wfms

Channel selector

Full Scale


Phase Shift

Pulse counter

Screenshot Pattern
and TF Map
Enable IEC60270

Autoset Change acquisition

Figure 3-71 Operator mode tools

The PRPD Pattern graph (Figure 3-72) shows a large amount of acquired pulses relating their

maximum amplitude with the phase of the synchronization signal (sinusoidal waveform). When the

amount of data reaches the stream buffer dimension the software resets the pattern automatically.

The value of the stream buffer dimension can be modified through the related drop-down menu

on the right side of the Operator window.

Figure 3-72 PRPD Pattern graph

The points on the TF Map (Figure 3-73) correspond to the equivalent time length and the equivalent

frequency of the detected pulses. Each point in the Pattern corresponds to a point in the TF map.

Figure 3-73 TF map graph

The waveform graph (Figure 3-74) displays the pulse waveform.

Figure 3-74 Waveform graph

Autoset button to start the automatic selection of the better values of Full Scale and Trigger


The Channel selector drop-down menu allows choosing the channel in use.

Trigger threshold sets the minimum amplitude value above which pulses are displayed and

acquired. Pulses that do not reach the trigger value will be neither displayed nor acquired. It is

possible to change the trigger value by writing the desired value in the trigger text box, by clicking

on the relevant up-down arrows buttons, by scrolling with the mouse wheel, or by moving the trigger

cursor on the right side of the PRPD Pattern.

Full scale sets the maximum value (positive and negative) displayed in the graphs (PRPD Pattern

and waveform graph), it is possible to change its value by writing the desired one in the

correspondent text box, by clicking the relevant up-down arrows buttons, or to scroll with the mouse


Phase shift indicates the phase shift applied to the acquired pulses with respect to the sync voltage

in input to the acquisition system.

Pulse counter shows the amount of data (i.e. pulses) displayed in the PRPD Pattern and TF map


Saturation is a led indicator that shows when a pulse exceeds the PRPD Pattern Full Scale.

The Circuit type in use, since the PD identification algorithm uses also pulse polarity for an

enhanced automatic diagnosis, it is necessary to set the right kind of measurement circuit used for

the selected channel. It can be Direct (e.g. a high-frequency current transformer wrapped around

the ground connection of the Equipment Under Test) or Indirect (e.g. a coupling capacitor connected

in parallel to the EUT).

APTWTi acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, and the TF map.

Waveform acquisition button to start the acquisition of the PRPD Pattern, the TF map, and all the

pulse waveforms.

Change the acquisition information button to recall the window in Figure 3-42 for changing the

association between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, the PD and sync sensors, etc.

Figure 3-75 Set acquisition information wizard

IEC60270 button enables the amplitude value conversion from [mV] to [pC] in the PRPD Pattern

graph (according to the IEC60270). To obtain a correct conversion a calibration will be necessary

(see Par.

The screenshot button allows taking a screenshot of the PRPD Pattern and TF map in streaming

and to report the results in the below charts for fast analysis.

On the right side of the Operator window, in the trigger and streaming parameters section (Figure

3-76), it is possible to tune all the settings related to the acquisition and the streaming. Table 5

reports the meaning of each parameter.

Figure 3-76 Acquisition parameters section

Table 5

Parameter Description

The short time after a Trigger event when a detector cannot

Dead Time
process another event

It is the total length of the displayed and acquired waveform for

Time length
each pulse

Acquisition time out An acquisition stops when the Max pulse number pulses are
and acquired or, in case the set number of pulses is not reached
Max pulse number when timeout seconds are passed.

The pattern and the T-F Map will be reset when the number of
Buffer dimension
collected pulses reaches the buffer dimension.

On the right side of the Operator window in the acquisition log section (Figure 3-77), all the

performed acquisitions are organized in a table. Each acquisition can be selected and, using the

dedicated icons, it is possible to add a comment, delete the acquisition, change the association

between the acquisition and the detection point, phase, sensors, etc. or it can be sent to the

processing module for deeper analysis

Add comment Delete Change acquisition


Send to

Figure 3-77 Acquisition log section

Figure 3-78 highlights the pre-processing tools and a brief description of them is given here below.


Save Patter and TF map sent

into the preprocessing

Previous/next zoom
Apply a TF map filter

Reset zoom

Figure 3-78 Pre-processing section

When the screenshot icon is clicked the PRPD Pattern and the TF Map currently shown are sent to

below the pre-processing charts.

By dragging the mouse cursor (with a right-click) on the TF map it is possible to zoom on a region

in order, for example, to select only a cluster of pulses. As a consequence, the beside Pattern is

rebuilt showing only the pulses belonging to the selected area.

The apply TF map filter button (Figure 3-78) allows defining a TF map software filter that excludes

the entire area visualized in the TF map graph.

The save current acquisition button saves the dataset visualized in the pre-processing charts.

The buttons reset zoom, previous zoom, and next zoom can be used respectively to delete all the

performed zooms or to recall the previous/next zoom. Calibration window and IEC60270 working modality

The Operator mode can work according to the IEC60270, this functionality can be recalled by clicking

on the IEC icon (Figure 3-71).

For the details about the IEC60270 working modality refer to Par. TF map filters

For the details about the TF map filtering tool refer to Par.


This paragraph describes the Techimp PD Pro Processing module and how to use it. The

Processing allows acquired data to be analyzed and all the related information to be managed.

On the Processing home page (Figure 3-79) the opened acquisitions are listed in the left area.

The green font in the acquisition list highlights the waveform acquisitions.

In the center of the Processing homepage window the PRPD Pattern and the TF map are shown

together with the values of the Full Scale and Phase Shift.

Finally, on the right side of the window in Figure 3-79, some acquisition details are reported.

Acquisitions Pattern and Acquisition

list TF map details

Figure 3-79 Processing homepage

Taking the window in Figure 3-80 as reference the below list briefly describes the main


Add acquisitions button allows adding additional acquisitions to those already opened.

Load New Acquisition button can be used to open the desired acquisitions (if some acquisitions

had been already loaded they will be replaced).

Advanced Processing: by clicking on the mechanical gear icon the Advanced Processing sub-

module is recalled (see Par. 3.11.1).

The opened acquisitions can be navigated through the acquisition selectors.

Add Advanced
acquisitions Processing
Full Scale

Load new
acquisitions Phase shift


Figure 3-80 Processing homepage

On the Processing homepage, the operator can change the Full Scale value by writing the value in

its box or by clicking on the arrows buttons as well as change the Phase Shift value by writing the

desired value or using the arrow buttons. These parameter changes are not permanent (i.e. the PD

file is not modified), but only temporarily applied to the PD Pattern to have a better visualization of


With a right-click on the Pattern or the TF Map, the exposed data can be copied or exported, the first

allows the operator to make a print screen, while the latter one will save the data in a .csv file.

The Techimp PD Pro Advanced Processing sub-module (Figure 3-81) allows performing a deeper

analysis of PD data.

Class list


slide bar Pointer cursor

Figure 3-81 Advanced processing: homepage

The Advanced Processing window is composed of multiple PD tools - i.e. the Cluster separation,

the Pattern Filter, the PD Identification, the TDR location, the Pattern Movie, the Trending, and

the Report. Each one of these tools can be recalled by clicking on the related icon on the upper-left

side of the Advanced Processing window (Figure 3-81).


The Homepage of the Advanced Processing window shows the PD Pattern, the TF map, and, only

for the waveform acquisitions, the Waveform and Pulse Spectrum graphs (Figure 3-81). Moving the

waveform slide bar it is possible to plot all the waveforms and pulse spectra of the loaded


The Cluster list allows selecting and thus displaying the Pattern of one of the Cluster defined

through the Separation tool (see 3.11.3 for more details on the cluster definition).

When the pointer cursor is enabled it shows the values of the Amplitude, the Phase, the

Equivalent Timelength, and the Equivalent Frequency of the selected dot on the Pattern or the TF

map. If the opened acquisition is a waveform acquisition, the Waveform and Pulse Spectrum

graphs will show the data relevant to the selected dot on the Pattern or the TF Map.

The Full Scale and Phase Shift controls, in Figure 3-81, allow changing the Full Scale and phase

shift values, in order to get a better visualization of the pattern. It is possible to change these values

either by clicking the up and down arrows or writing the value in the box. It is important to set the

proper Full Scale and Phase Shift because the automatic identification algorithm relies on this


On the Pulse Spectrum and Waveform graphs, zooming can be performed by clicking with the left

mouse button on the pulse spectrum graph and dragging the cursor (or using the mouse scroll

wheel). To reset the visualization, right-click the mouse button and select reset zoom.


Thanks to the Separation tool it is possible to select different clusters in the TF Map to separate

different PD phenomena and analyze the generated sub-patterns. To exploit the Separation tool

select the Separation icon in the upper part of the window in Figure 3-82.
Separation Area
icon list


Apply, reset and

delete icons

Sub Patterns

Figure 3-82 Advanced processing: separation page

On the separation page (Figure 3-82), the Separation Map, the sub-patterns, the class list, and the

area list are shown.

To perform the separation drag the mouse cursor on the Separation Map graph to define a

rectangular area that includes the desired portion of the TF Map. After the mouse button has been

released a class is created and the software is ready for the definition of a new class.

If an area needs to be added in an existing Class it is sufficient to select the class with the Class

selector and create a new area on the Separation Map.

To apply the separation click the check icon in the center part of the window. After the cluster

separation has been applied the generated sub-patterns appear in the lower part of the window.

Each class created by the Separation procedure is indicated by a letter in the Area list.

A rectangular in the Separation Map can be selected by a double click (or through the Area list) and

can be modified or moved directly using the mouse cursor.

When a rectangular area has been selected it can be deleted with the dedicated icon (Figure 3-82)

or by the Canc keyboard button.

The reset icon will delete all the created rectangles.

Class #0 includes all the pulses which do not belong to any other class, i.e. the dots that have not

been included in any rectangular area. If a certain area of the Map is selected for different classes,

then the pulses located in this area belong to the last defined class.

When all the desired classes are defined, it is possible to go back to the main page by clicking on

the house icon on the upper side of the window. As indicated in Figure 3-83 the sub-pattern relevant

to the class chosen with the class selector will be shown.


Figure 3-83 Advanced processing: main page after separation


With the Pattern Filter tool, it is possible to perform manual filtering of PD Pattern. To activate the

Pattern filter tool click on the Pattern Filter icon as shown in see Figure 3-84. This function is very

important to get the correct phenomenon identification.

Pattern Automatic Acquisition

Filter icon filtering circuit



Figure 3-84 Advanced processing: pattern filter

First of all, the right setting of the Acquisition circuit (in the upper part of this window) must be

checked. On top of the window, there is a PD Pattern with colored lines that allow defining amplitude

and phase ranges, for positive and negative pulses. It is possible to move those lines using the

relevant cursors.

Red lines define a region for positive pulses, while blue lines define a region for negative pulses. It

is noteworthy that the dots corresponding to positive pulses are plotted above the horizontal axis of

the PD Pattern if the Direct measurement circuit is selected. On the contrary, positive pulses are

plotted below the horizontal axis of the PD Pattern, if the Indirect measurement circuit is selected.

Once the filtering cursors have been set it is possible to view, on the low part of the window, a

preview PD Pattern, that shows only pulses inside regions defined through colored lines. To apply

this filter click on the check icon.

If a separation has been done it is possible to perform a different pattern filtering for each class. To

do this select a class through the Class selector, then define the filtering for that class.

To support unskilled operators, an automatic filtering function is available in Techimp PD Pro

software (Figure 3-84). First of all the right setting of the Acquisition circuit (in the upper part of this

window) must be checked then the output of the automatic filter algorithm could be modified by

moving the cursors in the PD Pattern.

It is possible to restore automatic filtering results by disabling and enabling the auto filtering

again(see Figure 3-84).

The chosen automatic filtering status (enabled/disabled) will be saved and

maintained at the restart of the Techimp PD Pro.


By clicking on the Identification icon as shown in Figure 3-85, the operator can get a final response

in terms of PD Identification.


Figure 3-85 Advanced processing: identification

The system takes advantage of an architecture that evaluates the behavior of the PD phenomena

concerning the amplitude and phase distribution

As a first level, PD can be recognized within 6 classes:

1. Corona Discharges: the PD’s are recognized as discharges generated in open air or gas

between sharply shaped electrodes (needle-needle, needle-plate,…);

2. Surface Discharges: the PD’s are recognized as discharges that develop on the surface of

solid insulation materials, due to the cut component of the electric field to the surface;

3. Internal Discharges: the PD’s are recognized as discharges occurring in an air gap

completely surrounded by a solid dielectric, otherwise between the solid dielectric and a

metallic electrode; these discharges are generated by the normal component of the electric

field to the surface of the electrodes;

4. Noise: data acquired are recognized as noise.

5. Not identified as PD in the asset: data have been wrongly acquired, so it’s impossible to

do any inference because of a large amount of unclassifiable data acquired; in this case, try

to filter again the pattern and retry to run the identification procedure;

6. Likelihood: express the grade of the likelihood of the given identification;

On the lower-right side of the Identification window, a table of Diagnostic Indexes is given.

The red and the blue columns display respectively the parameter values for positive and negative

PDs. Table 6 for further information about the parameters calculated.

Table 6

Parameter Description

Qmax [V] The highest value of the recorded PDs;

The highest value of the recorded PDs evaluated with

QMax95% [V]
95% interval of confidence;

QMean [V] The mean amplitude of the recorded PDs;

QMin [V] The lowest PD amplitude detected;

The scale parameter of the best fitting Weibull

Alfa [V]
The shape parameter of the best fitting Weibull

N The number of pulses acquired;

N/s [1/s] The repetition frequency of the acquired PD;

The repetition rate as pulses per period of the applied


Phi Max [°] The highest value of the measured phases;

Phi Mean [°] The mean value of the measured phases;

Phi Min [°] The lowest value of the measured phases; Advanced identification

By expanding the drop-down menu in Figure 3-85 an operator can select what kind of asset the

analyzed data are referred to. Thus providing the input needed from the fuzzy logic to fully identify

the PD source.

Figure 3-86 Advanced processing: advanced identification

Based on the license purchased, the PD identification based on a specific asset may

be disabled.


Through the TDR location tool (if the bought license includes this feature) it is possible to locate the

PD source along a cable circuit affected by PD activity using the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)

technique. The distance between the measuring point and the PD source is obtained from the time

delay among the PD pulse and its reflections generated at cable terminations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This tool is available only for waveform acquisitions.

To activate the TDR Location select the TDR Location icon as shown in Figure 3-87.

First part
TDR location

Slide bar


Figure 3-87 Advanced processing: TDR location

PD Localization window (Figure 3-87) is divided into four sections:

• In the upper part of the window, the waveform of each acquired pulse is reported. Moving the

horizontal slide bar below the upper waveform graph it is possible to plot all the waveforms

of the loaded acquisition file.

• The second section (on the central left) shows the plot of the average pulse of the acquisition.

Use the average pulse for location purposes is useful because background noise amplitude

is reduced.

• If the average pulse waveform is still affected by background noise it is possible to modify

low and high cut-off frequency through the Waveform Filtering (third section on the right part

of Figure 3-87).

• The fourth section (on the bottom side) shows the location of the PD source with respect to

the measuring point after the cursor positions and the cable data have been properly

provided, as described in the following.

In the single and average pulse waveform there are three vertical cursors, the blue one represents

the PD pulse (t1), the red one indicates the first reflection (t2), and the grey represents the second

reflection (t3). Using the mouse scroll wheel a zoom of the waveforms can be made to easily adjust

the three cursors.

To adequately perform the location the cursors must be carefully positioned: the

blue one on the PD pulse, the red one on the first reflection, and the green one on

the second reflection. This operation must be done manually. It is suggested to

place the cursors on the rising point of the pulse not on the peak point as shown in

Figure 3-88.

Figure 3-88 Advanced processing: TDR location with proper positioning of the cursors

Once the three cursors have been placed, the user can proceed to the PD source location. In the

left part of the fourth section, the propagation speed of the pulse and total cable length are indicated

(input by the user) while on the right there is the difference between t3 and t1 and between t2 and

t1. These parameters, as well as L1 and L2, are calculated automatically according to propagation

speed and total cable length.

Inserting one of the two values (propagation speed or total cable length), the other

is automatically determined by the cursor positions.


The Pattern movie tool allows visualizing the real-time sequence of detected pulses that occurred

during the measurement. To activate the Pattern movie tool select the pattern movie icon as shown

in Figure 3-89.



Speed cursor

Figure 3-89 Advanced processing: pattern movie

On the PD Pattern, it is possible to follow the movement of a black cursor that constantly spots the

position of the last pulse that occurred during the acquisition time sequence, like a movie. A vertical

cursor is reported on the right side of the pattern by which the refresh speed of the pattern may be


On the bottom of the PD Pattern there is a progress bar that indicates the movie progress.
With a right-click on the PD Pattern an operator can choose:

• Trigger: to show the Trigger level set during the file acquisition.

• Copy data: it allows performing a print screen of the PD Pattern picture on your clipboard.

• Export data: it allows us to export the PD Pattern data in a .csv file.

While with a right-click on the TF Map an operator can choose:

• Copy data: takes a snapshot of the T-F Map and saves it in the clipboard.


Thanks to the trending tool it is possible to plot the evolution of PD phenomena over time. To activate

the Trending tool select the trending icon as shown in Figure 3-90.



Figure 3-90 Advanced processing: trending

To get a correct trending of PD parameters, before opening the Advanced Processing window, the

acquisitions, that we would like to add in the trend, must be opened in the same row of the Processing

Homepage (Figure 3-80).

It is possible to choose what variables to plot by selecting the desired ones in the bottom part of the

window. The selectable quantities are:

• Qmax 95%: 95% percentile of the PD amplitude distribution;

• Nw: the repetition rate as pulses per period of the applied voltage;

• N: the number of acquired pulses;

• V Synch: the amplitude of synchronization voltage signal, RMS;

• Applied voltage: the amplitude of applied voltage, RMS;

• Synchronization frequency: the frequency of the synchronization voltage signal;

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each class corresponds to a specific region of TF Map;

when we look after the trend of a specific class the program looks only after the

trend of this specific region in the TF Map. This logic of calculation may lead to

unexpected results of the trend because Classification maps may be quite

different among files acquired at different times.

By clicking on each point of the trend, it is possible to visualize the relevant PD Pattern and TF Map.

Using the mouse scroll wheel a zoom of the graph can be made.

With a right-click on the PD Pattern an operator can choose:

• Copy image to clipboard: to perform a print screen of the PD Pattern picture on the

computer clipboard.

With a right-click on the TF Map graph it can be chosen:

• Copy image to clipboard: to perform a print screen of the TF Map picture on the computer


Thanks to the Report tool it is possible to automatically generate a summary report in which all the

analyses results are inserted. An operator can click on the report icon to lunch the generation of the

document, as shown in Figure 3-91.

Report Available file

icon extensions

Report forwarding
through mail

Figure 3-91 Advanced processing: report

In the first part of the document general information about the measurement campaign and the asset

are reported while, in the following parts, the entire PD Pattern and TF Map together with the results

of the separation and PD identification.

4 ANNEX A: PD Pattern Library

NOTE: all patterns represented in the following pictures are acquired in indirect polarity.


Spherical void in epoxy (low overvoltage) Spherical void in epoxy (low overvoltage)

Spherical void in epoxy (low overvoltage) Spherical void in epoxy (large overvoltage)
Spherical void in epoxy, sharp electrodes Internal PD with strongly divergent field

Metallic protrusion with tree Treeing in epoxy

Multiple voids Multiple voids

Flat cavity Internal PD in MV capacitor

Slot discharges in rotating machine Distributed microvoids

Embedded delamination in a rotating machine Conductor-side delamination in a rotating

winding machine winding

PD within oil-impregnated pressboard


Insulated HV conductor on grounded metallic Insulated HV conductor on grounded metallic

plane (low overvoltage) plane (large overvoltage)

Insulated HV conductor on grounded metallic Insulated HV conductor on grounded metallic

plane (large overvoltage) plane (large overvoltage)

Surface PD on cable termination Surface PD on cable termination

PD on stress grading system of a VPI rotating PD on stress grading system of a resin-rich

machine with taped grading system rotating machine with painted grading system

External PD on a rotating machine HV PD on ceramic insulators associated with salt

connection fog pollution


Needle on high voltage electrode (low Needle on high voltage electrode (low

overvoltage) overvoltage)

Needle on high voltage electrode (large Needle on high voltage electrode (large

overvoltage) overvoltage)

Needle on high voltage electrode (large Needle on high voltage electrode (large

overvoltage) overvoltage)
Needle on ground voltage electrode (low Needle on ground voltage electrode (low

overvoltage) overvoltage)

Needle on high voltage electrode (discharges

from both HV and ground electrode)

5 ANNEX B - Time-Frequency mapping

This measurement approach allows the signals detected, sampled and acquired to be gathered into

homogeneous clusters based on the shapes of the signals. Signals coming from the same sources

are characterized by similar shape parameters. Such shape parameters are the equivalent time

length (T) and the equivalent frequency (F) and they are calculated according to the following

equations (1) to (4).

s (t ) = s (t ) ∫ s(τ ) dτ (1)

being s(t) the normalized PD signal,

t0 = ∫ ts (t ) 2 d t (2)

being t 0 the “gravity center” of the normalized signal,

= ∫ (t − t ) s(t ) (3)
2 2
T 0 dt

being T the equivalent time length, and

F= ∫f S ( f ) d f (4)

being F the equivalent frequency.

The decomposed PD signals are then plotted in an XY graph, the T-F map. By means of this graph,

it is possible to separate the different phenomena and relate them to the sources that can be noise,

other typologies of disturbances or to real defects.

Figure 5-1 shows an example of a separation of the detected signals of a PD acquisition into three

clusters, each one belonging to a different signal source relevant to the color of the cluster. The

resulting PRPD sub-patterns are built according to the separation carried out in the T-F map and are

relevant to different phenomena. Such separation (that can be automatic or manual) allows an easier

identification of the source, focusing on the characteristic patterns.

Figure 5-1: an example of separation of signals by means of the T-F map clusters.

Moreover, the T-F map separation allows tracking the time behavior of each single phenomenon,

avoiding the raising of false alarms caused by the superposition of contributions from different























































measurement automation development energy innovation measurement automation development energy innovation measurement automation development

Via Toscana, 11/C

Techimp – Altanova Group S.r.l.

40069 Zola Predosa BO – ITALY

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