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Writing a Summary based from Steve Jobs’ Commencement Address

at Stanford University in 2005

Steve Jobs gave a memorable and motivational graduating speech at Stanford University
in 2005, and it is still remembered by people around the world. During his speech he shared three
life experiences and lessons, through his personal experiences he delivered three powerful
messages: Connecting the Dots, Love and Loss, and Dead. Steve Jobs speech continues to be a
timeless source of inspiration and insight.

The first story that the speaker shared was about his college life where he experience
being dropped out. Steve Jobs suffered from financial problems and couldn’t see the value of
being a student. And so, he decided to drop out thinking it would work just fine. After dropping
out from high school, he decided to take calligraphy classes which gave away for Steve Jobs to
make beautiful typography in personal computers. He emphasizes that connecting the dots of life
journey is where the magic truly happens and is meant to be the road of success if we follow our

Second, Steve Jobs shared about love and loss. At the age of 20 he began making the
apple company at their garage, and after 10 years his dedication and hard work paid off as his
company had grown into a two-billion-dollar company. After that, he was fired from his
company, and yet that didn’t stop him. He also realized that getting fired from the apple
company was the best thing that happened to him. During the next five years, he started a new
company called PIXAR, and later on he met his beloving wife. Later, the apple company bought
the PIXAR and he returned to apple company. He believed that none of this would’ve happen if
he wasn’t fired from apple. He highlighted that “You’ve got to find what you love”, and the
importance of following one’s passion, and that the obstacle can also be opportunities for us to
grow professionally and personally.

And lastly, the speaker shared about his battle with cancer. He shared that “Remembering
that he’ll be dead soon is the most important tool for him to help make big choices in life.
Because in almost everything, these things just fall away in the face of death. There is no reason
not to follow your heart”. He was diagnosed with pancreas cancer and was expected to live no
longer three to six months. But, a miracle happened, his doctor announced that his pancreatic
cancer curable with surgery. He said that facing death can serve as an inspiration to live truthful
and prioritize to what really matters. It inspired people follow their dreams and take risk do not
be afraid of failure as it is one of the key to success.
Steve Jobs ended his speech with the phrase, “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”. A very short
yet a big impact conclusion that encourages students to be curious, to take risks, and to remain
eager for knowledge. These three stories will serve as an inspiration and a timeless reminder not
just for graduating students but also for all the students out there.

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