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San Jose Community College

San Jose, Malilipot, Albay




The different learning theories include behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, social

learning, connectivism, and motivational theories.

Behaviorism was founded by John B. Watson and widely associated with Thorndike,
Ivan Pavlov and B.F Skinner. It is the idea that children learn by interaction or observing
the behavior of others, whether adults and authority figures or friends and peers on their
own age. In behaviorism the learners mind is blank and ready to absorb knowledge by
the use of repetition and reinforcement. There are two types of conditioning that were
defined by Pavlov and Skinner. Classical conditioning refers to when two unrelated
stimuli are paired together through association. Operant conditioning means the
modulation of behavior. It involves changing the behavior of a subject and it is done by
either reinforcement or punishment. Its contribution to the learning process is that it is
one way in understanding how to motivate and help the learners. Teachers use
behaviorism to show students how they should react and respond to certain things.
Positive and negative reinforcement can be a motivator to the learning process of the
students, for example, student may receive praise for getting good grades on a test and
with that reinforcement the student will more likely to study hard for the next subject.

Cognitivism is about the internal mental processes that are responsible for the learning
taking place, such as receiving, organizing, storing, and retrieval of information. It is a
style that focuses on more effective use of the brain. It also aims to chart the learning
process for thinking, understanding, and retention of what the person or learners learn.
Its contribution to the development of the learning process is that it can help students to
improve their comprehension and thinking skills when doing new task and became life-
long learners. It also makes easier for the students to connect new information with
current understanding.

Constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the active role of learners in building
their own understanding rather than passively receiving information, learners reflect on
their experiences and incorporate new knowledge into their minds. Constructivism is
divided into major schools of thought the cognitive and social constructivism. Cognitive is
based on the work of Dewey, Bruner, and Piaget. According to them this theory revolves
around the concept that learners construct their knowledge through individual
experiences. Social constructivism was grounded in the work of Vygotsky which a major
theme of this is that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of
learning. Its contribution in the learning process is that it makes the learning more
student-centered approach where the students are the active participant in their learning
and can construct knowledge through their experiences. Students learn through
interaction and collaboration with other peers.

Connectivism is based on the work of Siemens and the theory that define learning as
more than an internal and individual process. This theory accepts that technology is a
major part of the learning process and that the constant connectedness gives
opportunities to make choices about the learning. It promotes learning that happens
outside of an individual such as through social media, online network, blogs, or
information databases. Its contribution in the learning process is that technology was
widely integrated in the classroom that provides opportunities, makes connections, and
makes the learning convenient such as to make further research about a topic and to
connect with other people even in the long distance.
Social learning theory is an approach to learning that highlights the importance of
interaction with both individuals and the environment. The social learning theories
include social cognitive theory, collaborative theory, and cooperative theory. Social
cognitive theory is based upon the work of Bandura that people construct knowledge
from observing and learning from other’s experiences. Collaborative theory involves
working together to construct new knowledge. Cooperative theory groups are needs to
interact, depend on one another, monitor their progress, responsible for their work, and
able to work together. Its contribution in the learning process is that it helps the learner
to finish the task easily and can learn with the help of other learners. Working with others
can help the other learner specifically the slow learner to view how to deal with the task.
Students are able to share their ideas, opinions, and information with other students that
would help in their learning process.

Motivational theories have three motivational theories which are the self-determination,
hierarchy of needs, ARCS, and one engagement theory which is the flow. Self-
determination posits two types of motivation that affects the person- intrinsic and the
extrinsic. Intrinsic can enhance self-determination while extrinsic can hinder self-
determination. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states the five categories of human needs
such as physiological, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-
actualization. Furthermore, ARCS model are models that provide guidance to assist
designers in planning to ensure learners motivation. Its contribution in the learning
process is that it motivates the learners and when the students are motivated they are
willing to learn and most likely to be engage in the learning process.
EXPLAIN BLOOM’S TAXONOMY (revised by Anderson)

The revised Bloom’ Taxonomy emphasizes student’s learning outcomes through the use
of improve terms. The terminology or noun in the original Bloom Taxonomy was
changed and relies on the use of action verbs to ensure that learning outcomes are
measurable. The revised taxonomy focuses on six levels: remember, understand, apply,
analyze, evaluate, and create.

The six levels of revised Bloom’s Taxonomy start from basic or lowest level up to
complex or highest level. The remember is the lowest level as it about recalling or rote
memorization and create as the highest level as students are able to build and combine
ideas and facts to create work or formulate solution. The remember level is the stage of
learning where students memorize or recall basic facts, events, concepts, etc. The
associated cognitive process in remember are recognizing w/c means locating
knowledge in long-term memory and recalling or retrieving knowledge. The second level
is ‘‘understand’’ it is the stage which involves showing comprehension of a concept such
as explaining, describing, classifying, and summarizing. The third level is ‘’apply’’ it is
using learned materials or implementing materials in new situations. It is where students
can use/apply information in a new way. Furthermore, the fourth level is ‘’analyze’’ it is
the stage of learning where students are supposed to break down concepts and
examine the relationship. The three associated with this stage are differentiating,
organizing, and attributing. The fifth level is the “evaluate’’ it is the stage in which the
learners are expected to use their knowledge and skills to justify a stand or decision. It is
making judgment and drawing conclusions from ideas or information. Assess, justify,
argue are the common associated cognitive process in this level. Lastly, the six level is
‘’create’’ it is the most complex stage of learning in which involves putting elements
together to form a product, answer, and solution.

Revised Bloom’s taxonomy is an important tool to help develop the learning outcomes
because it explains the process of learning in such a way of before we can understand a
concept we have to remember it; before we can apply the concept we must understand
it; before we analyze it we must be able to apply it; before we can evaluate its impact we
must have analyzed it; and before we can create, we must have remembered,
understood, applied, analyzed, and evaluated. (Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy-ACM

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